Log book frida stockhaus semester8

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Transcript of Log book frida stockhaus semester8


Practical Training Place:

Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin

www.sauerbruchhutton.comContact person: Mareike Lamm

Practical Training Period: 12/08/2013 - 31/01/2014

Supervisor/Project leader SNM: Jonas Luther, jlu@sauerbruchhutton.com

Trainee: Frida StockhausSemester: 8Civil reg. (CPR) 180278-3686 or 780218-1482 (SWE)Study Number: 2012746

Main Project - Stockholm One,

New Mårtensdal, SNM

In May, the office won an architectural competition to build a new landmark in Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm. The location is next to the bridge between Skanstull and Gullmarsplan, by the southwest entrance to Ham-marby Sjöstad. The project is a Highrise Office build-ing that consists of two buildings. The120 meter high tower that houses offices, a restaurant at the top and shops at street level. The second building, the lowrise building, is built into the hill and connects the different ground levels with a corridor that houses shops and restaurants. Other features of the lowrise building are offices and parking garage. The idea is that the building should promote a better link between the travel center at Gullmarsplan and Hammarby Sjöstad. By creating a urban park that surrounds the lowrise and with a stair/vertical park as it´s main focus point thit project aim is to really connected Gullmarsplan and Hammarby sjöstad. A connectiont that is missing today. The buildings are a total of 66,000 sqm.

The project is done in collaboration with the Swedish architectural firm Scheiwiller Svensson Architects, and the client is Skanska AB.

Hammarby sjöstad. A connectiont that is missing today. The buildings are a total of 66,000 sqm.

The project is done in collaboration with the Swedish architectural firm Scheiwiller Svensson Architects, and the client is Skanska AB.

Description of the planned activities during the practical training:

- Development of design alternatives - Model making - 3D visualisation - Working drawings - Colour concept

Office Profile

Sauerbruch Hutton is an international agency for architecture, urbanism and design, founded in 1989. Presently there are about 60 Architects, Designers, Engineers, Modelmakers and administrative staff work-ing in our office in Berlin. The team is led by Matthias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton, Juan Lucas Young as well as Jürgen Bartenschlag, Andrew Kiel, Tom Geister and David Wegener.

Sauerbruch Hutton realise individual and sustainable so-lutions to a wide range of programmes. The enjoyment of the sensuality of space and material, as well as the mastery of up-to-date technology and the intelligent use of existing resources of every kind are the focus of our work.

Built works range from the much-noted Brandhorst Mu-seum in Munich to the Federal Environmental Agency in Dessau, which presents a benchmark building for the sustainable design of offices. A whole series of projects for private and public clients are currently under way in Germany and Europe

tional prizes.

Our projects are always inspired by and tailored to the specifics of their site, their brief and their client. Since we consider architecture to be a process of dialogue we intimately involve selected experts and consultants in every stage of the design process. Sauerbruch Hutton have been awarded numerous national and interna-tional prizes.


Mathias SauerbruchPartner

Louisa HuttonPartner

Juan Lucas YoungManaging Director


I also learned that I can work extremely hard, which also means that I probably can work myself to death.

I am very grateful to SH see their trainees and stu-dents who should grow into the architect role. You really get the time to learn different programs to find things that you are curious to learn more about, and space to create your own identity in the office and to find your own specialist area. My main role was to create atmospheric images and all other work to be done in Photoshop. I have always enjoyed working with images but during the last six months, I’ve really gotten the chance be developed in that area.

After the time at SH I realize that the repetition of the same work you do (building a house in 2D, then in Rhino, and after that in some bad 3D version of the 2D program and so on. ) it makes me very frustrated. I only intend to put in some extra energy and become good at a 3D program. 2D is extremely frustrating and time consuming and I really don´t see the point of learnig it really good. I think that you need to. I believe you have to choose your software as an Archi-tect. You can not be the best in all of them.


What I mainly learned in my internship is how to work smarter, -in different programs, how to better plan the work and that everything takes 3x as long as you think it does.

It is very important to have good leadership in the working process , particularly when working with architect competitions, because the work is often un-der high pressure and you work with tight deadlines. The City planning Competition (BKM ) that I worked with is an example of good leadership, Marieke was direct, well organized and extremely calm which affected the team positively. I almost didn´t experi-ence that we were working with a competition. So if I were to compare my BKM experience with ETB and APA , I would say that leadership is crucial to how the workflow is working, which is the same as how the staff are feeling mentally.

I have learned that the creative work process is im-portant, one should not forget how to work with your hands, how to build and draw. It is inspiring to work with interesting projects and a luxury to be able to choose which projects the office would like to work with, like Sauerbruch Hutton. BUT I do not want to become an architect who only work without having any life outside the office, as so many do in this SH. It’s not worth it even if it is very fun and rewarding.


1-138 WEEK 1 - 23

Monday 12/08/2013

First day at the office and almost my first day in Berlin. Nice. The day begins with a tour together with my supervisor Jonas Luther and information about the project that I will work with the next few months. The project known as the Stockholm new Mårtensdal (SNM) is run by a working group consisting of three people. It´s led by Jonas Luther, and besides me an-other intern is also included in the group.

After I completed all the formalities, familiar-ized myself with my new workplace, man-aged all new logins, and read my welcome email, I felt ready to take on my first task-learning MicroStation V8i. The rest of the day is spent in front of different tutorials in Microstation. How come all Architect office are working in different programs?Feels good that I have time to learn the sofware.



Tursday 13/08/2013

09.30-18-30Working in Microstation.Bring headphones!


Wednesday 14/08/2013

The unfolded elevation. Today’s task will be to make an unfolded elevation of the low-rise building which then can be used to test different options for facades on a physical model. It turned out to be harder than I thought because I was not fully aware of how the house looks on all its sides. One difficulty is that the house is part of the terrain where the parking garage is underground from one side, (the east side) and the building thus has more floors on the west side. Have managed to learn the essential tools and immediately realize that I have worked unwise when I made the plan the day before. Well, now I know better.



Thursday 15/08/2013

Documentary filming at the office. Continuing with the elevation and adds an elevation showing floor levels and stairs. Are interrupted in my work and pulled into a documentary filming when Matthias Sauerbruch comes by and introduces him-self. Will later hear that there apparently will be a film about green architecture, I hope that I’ll be cut off from the film. Just my luck.

I manage to finish my elevations during the afternoon, I get the task to find a smart system for facad modules. The facade is a low bearing facade. The idea is to design a facade which can be assembled from modules that can be combined in different ways. I get three different types of facad as a starting point but I`m also encouraged to make suggestions and new ideas for the facade.


Friday 16/08/2013

Continuing with the facades, and I can really see that I probably will work on the same task for a while.




Monday 19/08/2013

Monday, proceeds with the facades of the low-rise building. I’ll start with the color scheme for the facade to test different layouts. Facade modules should probably be 2.40 m wide, to give a uniform expression.



Tuesday 20/08/2013

Still working in Microstation with the facade modules. Having huge problem to make the facades work without special solutions on every side of the building. Working until 9 pm.


Wednesday 21/08/2013

Starting my day by finishing the unfolded section, the moduels are still everything but perfect but overall it looks ok for now. Print-ing my work in scale 1:500 for the meeting with Matthias Sauerbruch.

12:00-13:15Process meeting with Project managers Jo-nas Luther and Juan Lucas Young, the other intern, Mari Paz Agunndez and Matthias Sauerbruch. It´s like having a review for a project back in school with posters, a booklet and a model in scale 1:200. Mattias Sauer-bruch is critical towards everything. Almost. Things that needs to be addressed according to Matthias:

Lowrise building-How to make it more interesting from all it´s sides, how can we change so that the build-ing don´t have a backside that is just flat and straight forward?

Bridge discussion-The client have reasintly demaned a bridge between the Tower and the lowrise builing, couse they belive that it will be easier to find a buyer if they could sell the wole project as one building. How do you connect the build-ingings? How would the connection look like, volume, facade treatment-as a separate thing or as a contination of lowrise building?

Public stair-To connect the green park from Gull-marsplan and the lower part on Hammarby sjöstad side they made a stair/green area/vertical garden. According to Matthis there will be a vindtunnel on the upper side of the stair created by the buildings so they/we need to come up with a solution, maybe a glass wall? And make wind studies over the stair/ the gap.



Small tower, lowrise-building-Change the shape of it, make it go out more on the back side in order to create a more interesting facade? Introduce the same stair like facade that exists on the Tower on the smaller towers (lowrise-building) facade that is facing the road cross.

Facades-How to make the whole volume more to come to gether? Seems like it is a vertical gap between the elements in the facade, how do we deal with that? - Work with col-louring vertical element with similar colour- Change the grid for the parking in order to get another grid system, sise and/or change conrer angels. And think at the project as a whole, dont focus on the details!

Back to the drawing board. We need to add the bridge and solve the new connection between the lowrise and the tower, change the shape for the backside of the lowrise and

change the shape og it´s tower. So, my unfolded facade wont work anymore. The rest of the day is spent by testing new colors for facade modules-in general this time.

14:00-15:00Planing meeting with all interns, dividing the to do list for Sauerbruch Hutton Summer Party that will take place on the back yard this friday.

Thursday 22/08/2013

Working hours 10.30-21.30

Working with the facade on low-rise build-ing in Microstation again.


Friday 23/08/2013

Working hours, 09.45-19.00

09.45-13.15Client meeting at the office with a group of five persons from Skanska, Sweden. Jonas and Juan Lucas made a Powerpoint presen-tation-showing the new connection between the Tower and the low-rise. Discussion con-tinues at the physical model, how should the bridge look like, do we have to have a bridge, how should the facade look like etc.Really interesting to be a part in the meeting.

14.00-19.00All interns prepares the Summer party that will start at 7pm.



Saturday 24/08/2013

Working hours, 10.00-14.00Cleaning up after the party.


Monday 26/08/2013

Working hours, 9.40-21.00

Change the layout for floorplans in the low rise building. Working in Microstation, still not a fan of this program.



Tuesday 27/08/2013

Working hours, 09.30-21.30

Doning new outlines for every floorplan due to canges in the main grid baset on the grid system for the parking space on floor 1-4. The new grid system is 2,4m wide. Everything is being done in Micro-station.


Wednesday 28/08/2013

Working hours, 09.30-21.30 and 23.00-03.00

Keep on working with outlines, starting to define the new conection between low rise and tower. Putting in furnitures in plan for the bridge plan and learn how to use pat-terns in Microstation. Finnished by lunch time. Starting to work with images showing different view points from the site with the project. Working in Photoshop with rendered images from Rhino as a base. My first view point is from The bridge ( Skanstullsbron) Looking towards the site with the Tower in the foreground. I think that working with images is one of the most fun things to do,

so far.

Sauerbruch Hutton normaly use a external firm for all ther images, Bloom Images. This triggered me to make better images than them, and luckely I succeded to do that. Feels good to work with a program that I do know for a change. And it´s also fun to have some time to actually lern more tips and tricks in a program and feel that I´m getting better.

Left the offive at 21.30 and kept working from home, too ecited to stop when having some ide´s that needed to be tested



Thursday 29/08/2013

Working hours 10.30-23.30


Working with the Bridge view in Photo-shop.


My boss like the final result and gives me a new image to work with, a street view showing stores, the restaurant and so on.


Friday 30/08/2013

Working hours, 10.30-20.00

We are suposed to hand in all atmospheric images from the project to Skanska at 3pm today. I´m already done with my task so I start on a new view showing the bridge/stair and the lower part of the low rise and the base of the Tower. My aim om this one was to try to make a night render with rain. Watch-ing a lot of different tutorials on youtube for how to do nght renderings, light renderings, rain and rainy streets. Learning a lot and I really like the result even though we prob-ably can´t use ithis image for the exebition. People in general seams to prefere sunny im-ages with happy people without a soul and showing a place that is nothing like Sweden. Maybe that makes sense.

Total work in August: 133h




Monday 02/09/2013

Work hours, 11.00-19.30

Monday, proceeds with the Photoshop and the street view-day rendering with sun, summer and a lot of peo-ple eating ice-cream.



Tuesday 03/09/2013

Work hours, 12.00-20.30

Jonas ( my boss ) is in Stockholm for a project meet-ing with the client. Not so much to do at the office today. Working on my night rendering in order to learn more tips in Photoshop and to try some cool



Wednesday 04/09/2013

Work hours, 10.00-20.00

Doing the night render and finishing the day render from the street view that appearently had some small

mistakes, l made one road too much.



Thursday 05/09/2013

Work hours, 10.00-19.00

Working with some smaller changes in the facade, elevation- Microstation. Start to learn Rhino by watching tutorials on line.

11.00-13.00Introduction to Microstartion- Microstation lesson no.1 by Konrad at the office.


Friday 06/09/2013

Work hours 10.00-19.00

Continue to work with the lowrise facade, elevation in Microstation. Rhino tutorials combined with working in the program, creating a window just to try it out.




Monday 09/09/2013

Work hours, 10.40-21.00

Scaling all facades for the lowrise in Illustrator in order to print them and then glue them on to the model that is in scale 1:200. The problem was that the physical model and the Rhino model had different measurments. What to do, measure the model and then change all facades in Illustrator. A lot of extra work. Just like in School.



Tuesday 10/09/2013

Work hours, 10.00-19.00

10.00-15.00Being the only Swede in our office and working in a project with a Swedish client, my task is to translate everything from all meetings and, a lot of other things regarding the work that is going on in Swe-den. Everything, like meeting protocol etc. is written in Swedish. Makes no sense. The positive thing for me is that i can follow everything that is going on in the project, and see what they discuss on meetings. I feel up to date. The bad part is that it is really hard to actually understand what they are refuring to in there protocol when they ( men that work at Skanska) cant even wright proper Swedish and talk in a verry internal language.

15.00-19.00Scaling facades for print in Illustrator.


Wednesday 11/09/2013

Work hours, 10.20-20.30

Scaling facades for print in Illustrator. This job takes for ever. Everytime we think that we are done, we need to

change something that was wrong when printed.



1 part2 new

Thursday 12/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-18.30

10.30-11.00Illustrator-facades, final changes!

11.00-12.40Introdiction to Microstartion- Microstation lesson no.2 by Konrad at the office.

14.00-18.30Watching more tutorials in Rhino, doing some work on facade modules in Microstation.


Friday 13/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-00.30

I was looking forward to a short day at the office, becous we were done with almost everything we needed to to for the moment. Never do that. Instead of a short and calm friday they put me on the competition team that had a deadline next monday. The Project is Montage du Parc (BNP) a Bank in Brussels, Belgium. My part was do make some different diagrams based upon plans from Microstation- putting them in to Illustrator and then create nice diagrams showing the grid system of floorplans and the parking garage. I need to be better in Illustrator. This really is Friday 13th.




Monday 16/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-18.30

10.30-15.30Translating Meeting Protocol from Swedish to some broken inglish.

15.30-18.30Tutorials online for Microstation and Photoshop. Curious how to make moving carlight in Photoshop for a night/dusk rendering.



Tuesday 17/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-22.30

10.30-15.00Working in Rhino, basic training in order to get to know the program better.


Wednesday 18/09/2013

Working hours, 10.30-19.00

Investigation/translatiom, my work for this day is to compile and write a report on Parallel Assignments.Investigate what it means to be a part in a Parallel As-signment. Commitments, rights and obligations-who does what, and how it works.



Thursday 19/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-20.00

Making detail drawings of facades, lowrise and Tower facade in Microstation. Doing elevations/sec-tions/plans showing different alternativ for window solutions.


Friday 20/09/2013

Work hours, 11.00-16.00

Jonas is in Stockholm for a meeting with the client so we dont have so much to do at work today. Will end early.


Detail drawings in Microstation.




Monday 23/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-19.50

Making a new facade detail in section and plan and 2x elevations in Microstation- A detail from the Tower facade showing a new window type.



Tuesday 24/09/2013

Work hours, 10.40-20.00

10.40-12.30Working with facades in Microstation - simplified facade modules i plan view.

12.30-13.00Placing facade modules in plan on all level for lowrise building. Module sizes are 2,40m, 4,80m and some special corner solutions.

14.00-15.00Translating some email conversation and notes that are on plan drawings about changes that needs to be done.

15.00-20.00Keep on placing facade modules on all levels into plan drawings in Microstation.


Wednesday 25/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-18.50

10.30-16.00Facade modules - plan

16.00-18.50Translation of meeting protocol from the Stockholm meeting 20th of september.



Thursday 26/09/2013

Work hours, 10.40-20.00

Placing facades into plan view, Microstation


Friday 27/09/2013

Work hours, 10.30-19.30

Changing layouts for all plans with facade modules. Saving plans as Pdf for next meeting in Stockholm 2/10/2013.




Monday 30/09/2013

Work hours, 10.40-21.40

Making modules for street levels (level 4-5) - glass walls, and placing them into the plan in Microstation.

Total work in September: 183h



Tuesday 01/10/2013

Work hours, 10.15-19.30 (8h)

10.15-15.00Working on the Tower, placing facade modules in plan/3D model in Rhino.

15.00-16.30Make some changes in the layout for a detail of a facade module (Tower) in Microstation for the Presentaion 2/10. Create 4 options for facade alterna-tives (elevation) in Photoshop. Showing different window types, with facade colours and reflections in the facade from the surrounding.

16.30-19.30Continues to work with the Tower in Rhino.


Wednesday 02/10/2013

Work hours, 11.00-19.30 (7,5h)

Working with the Tower in Rhino.



Thursday 03/10/2013



Friday 04/10/2013

Work hours, 10.00-15.00 (4h)

A Swedish Architectural firm (Wester+Elsner) is visiting our office today. They say that they are feeling inspried after walking around in the building and after a visit to the model workshop. I know the feeling. Major problems with my computor- my log in dont work, so I cant work on anything regarding the project. Doing some tutorials in Illustrator. Jonas is late, and almost the whole office is on vacation. Jonas tells me to go home early. Love this Friday.




Monday 07/10/2013

Work hours, 10.20 - 20.20 (9h)

10.20-16.00, Translating meeting protocol 13 from a meeting with Skanska in Stockholm 2th of October. New things to be studied further after this meeting: New entrance solutions in the lowrise, mirror the stair-ways due to evacuations, High part retraction- of the corner of the lowrise, levels for terraces and levels for floor hights on Hammarby backen, Placement of ventila-tion rooms in the lowrise.

16.00-20.20, working in Microstation with the file 130724.lowrise_facade. Update the plan towards a new grid system, place all the functions such as cours ( stairs, elevators ) and functions.



Tuesday 08/10/2013

Work hours, 10.40-20.10 (8,5h)

SNM_2D_131027_plan_7.dgn. Working with adjusting the plans in Microstation so that they will correspond to the new grid system that is 2,4 m wide

- based upon the parking grid.


Wednesday 09/10/2013

Work hours, 10.40-19.45 (8h)

SNM_2D_131009_facade_plans.dgn. Making facade modules and placing them on all plans in the Tower, 31 floors. A basic facade module are 2.40m whide then there are special ones in the center of the Tower and the corners. Starting with adjusting everything in an unfolded elevation of the Tower in 2D then making changes in plan on every floor.

The system is that after every 8th floor the modulas are repeated again wich makes the job a bit less timecon-

suming. I hope.



Thursday 10/10/2013

Work hours, 10.30-20.00 (8,5h)

Keep on working with placing facade modules on all floor plans in the Tower.


Friday 11/10/2013

Work hours, 10.40-19.40 (8h)

Keep on working with placing facade modules on all floor plans in the Tower.




Monday 14/10/2013

Work hours, 10.10-19.10 (8h)

Making some changes for corner solutions in plan for the Tower in Mocrostation. Having some trubble to make the whole facede come together in a good way.



Tuesday 15/10/2013

Work hours, 10.00-19.00 (8h)

10.00-12.00Making some smaller changes for the Tower plans in Microstation.

12.00-19.00Saving all plans as a PDF and inporting them to Rhino. My new task is to make all the same changes for the facade modules but this time in the 3D-model in Rhino so it will be updated. Hate Rhino, and I guess this is more a way for me to learn the program than to actually do something good and to contribue to the project.


Wednesday 16/10/2013

Work hours, 10.15-20.10 (9h)

10.15-11.00Keep trying to learn how to work in Rhino, still not convinced that I ever gonna use this program after my internship. Why work in 2D and then do the exact same thing in another 3D program insted of working in just Revit from the beginning?

11.00-20.10I just got the opportunity to be working temporary with a really short Competition. Feeling exited, this can be interesting and fun! The Competition is a conseptual task called Appassio-nata Park (APA). We need to create a Arena and a sur-rounding Park for Appassionata horse show in Munich, a Arena for 2000 visitors. The budget is 18million Euro, so the arena need to be kind of easy to build and in a cheap material. Everything need to be presented in a A3 broshyre at 12am on the 28th of October. What to show in the broshyre? The main concept shown as a program for the site, a site plan in scale 1:1000, floor plan of theArena in scale 1:200, one section, elevations, Images showing one inside/outside perspectivs, details of the construction and cost calculations. Tom Geister, one of the assosiates at sauerbruch hutton start by introduc-ing the site for the APA project and telling me about his main ideas regarding the program for the site.

Im going to start by making 3 proposuals for the park in models in scala 1:1000. I should also make sevaral differ-ent volumetrical options for the arena in the same scale based upon fast sketches made by Tom. This models shuld be done before monday when we will have our start up meeting for this Competition. Architects who will be working on this project are: Tom Geister, Marina Stoynova, Bettina Magistretti, and me. This project will be supervised by Matthias Sauerbruch.

After printing 3 options for the site layout I head down to the work shop in order to start producing models. Love this work shop, all this materials, the smell of crea-tivity..you could make everything here. Ok, but this site models are just supposed to work as working models so I´m doing them in foam material. Firts step is to spray gluing my printed sites on to thick carboards as a base, then starting to cutting foam buildings and trying to figure out what kind of material to use for making the arena shape. It is kind of hard to make a good shape for a Arena in scale 1:1000, the arena will be something between 2-3 cm high in this scale.








B ackstageAbreiten

S tage








300 PKW 16.950m2

300 PKW 27.000 m2


Thursday 17/10/2013

Work hours, 09.40-21.30 (11h)

It is relly hard to make this small Arena models with a tent like construction in foam. Im test other materials such as clay but finding that gipson bandades are the best ones to use combined with steel thread for mak-ing the frame of the building. I´m down in the work shop building several models the whole day.


Opt. 01












Opt. 02






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Opt. 03











Friday 18/10/2013

Work hours, 09.40-20.20 (10h)

09.40-11.00, Finnishing my models. Made 8 different options for the arena and 3 proposuals for the park. Tom looks happy. 11.00-20.20, I´m responsible for making the site plan in Microstation. Starting my new task by taking a Tutorial lesson called Microstation 2D for Competi-tions. Learning the basics about how to start a roject.




Monday 21/10/2013

Work hours, 10.10-21.10 (10h)

11.00-11.30APA meeting. This is going to be a long week, our APA group has been reeduced and we are now me, Marina Stoynova-working in Rhino and doing everything in 3D and Bettina Magistretti -doing plans for the arena in 2D. And well yes, Falco will still do all the calculations, Juan Lucas will do the text and Matthis will still supervise the project. The good thing is that the deadline is moved from the 28th of October to the 30th! So 3 persons (me included) doing a kind of big arena project in 9 days. What to do? Main focus on the Arena and its roof con-struction made of wood covered with a PVC membrane .The client wants an Icon Building-like a theater that need to be dark inside, have a foayer, a stage for horses, seatings for 2000 persons, a black box for tecnical equipment, and a backstage. Program for the site-Beer garden, bathrooms, office, stables, hages, one Building for a mini Show, parking and a public park/garden.I kept on working on the site plan in Microstation after the meeting.



Tuesday 22/10/2013

Work hours, 09.30-20.45 (10,5h)My Big task for this day is to do some test printings of the site plan in different scales and paper in order to see which scale is best suited for the presentation.Site plan printed in scale 1:1000 (A3), scale 1:2000 (A3), scale 1:500 (A1), scale 1:500 (A0). The site fitts on a A3 paper in scale 1:1000 but you cant see the connections to the site, like the train connection with s-bahn and how the main roads are connecting to the car park. But my guess is that that´s not that interesting due to the fact that the client knows the area and gave us a conceptual layout for the site and what he wanted. After printing I start with collecting material for making perspectivs in Photoshop. Goog-leing horses, Appasionata Horse Show, and lights.


Wednesday 23/10/2013

Work hours, 09.30-20.20 (10h)Marina have made som kind of interior roof in Rhino so that I can start working with the Interior perspectiv in Photoshop. Creating a dark room with a bright spec-tacular horse show. Well that is what I´m going for. Need to test different tecniques for how to create some good and realistic spot lights for the show in the Arena.



Thursday 24/10/2013

Work hours, 10.10-22.00 (11h)Keep on working with the Interior perspective. I´m also making an conceptual exterior perspectiv in Photoshop of the site based upon a fast sketch of the Arena made by Tom. Starting to put everyting in and organizing the layout for the booklet in InDesign - making a package so it will be ready when we need to print it on wednesday.


Friday 25/10/2013

Work hours, 10.10-20.00 (9h)Printing everyting we have for now-Meeting with Juan Carlos, Matthias, Bettina and Marina. According to Matthias and Juan Carlos- We need to lower the roof for the Arena and make some smaller changes in the shape of the roof and cover the “box” on the sides, place it closertoward the entrance from the train and make a separation made by hills from the public park and stables in order to turn the site in to a interesting park. Bettina also made some changes for the layout of the inside of the Arena, the seatings are only on one side of the stage-for a better viewing of the big screen and in order to make the roof smaller and to create a better curved shape. After the meeting I keep on working in Photoshop with the Interior perspective, making this new changes for the audience seatings.



Sunday 27/10/2013

Work hours, 15.15-00.15 (9h)Working with the elevations and also on the layout for the Booklet in InDesign.


Saturday 26/10/2013

Work hours, 14.30-03.15 (12,5h)Starting with making a elevation of the Arena in scale 1:500 and 1:1000, putting in peoples, trees and horses. This elevations will have a lot of information in them so that they also can work as a outside image insted of a perspective if needed.

Monday 28/10/2013

Work hours, 10.30-01.30 (14,5h)

Crating the rest of the elevations in scale 1:500, updat-ing them with the new Arena using rendered im-ages made in Rhino by Marina. I start making outline peoples/horses in Illustration so that they can be used later in the section. Working some on the Booklet in InDesign-updating it with the new material.



Tuesday 29/10/2013

Work hours, 10.30- Wednesday 13.00 (26 h)

Bettina wants to put in some diagram showing how to use the site, flows and so on. I start making some diagram in Illustration based upon some fast sketches from Bettina. We have a meeting with a Ingenear about the roof and a landscape architect regarding the park and how to program the sur-rounding aroud the Arena. After the meetig Marina need to make some new roof changes and she also need to change tha shape by the entrance. Another change is the shape of the mini show, and the Beer garden. This means that we need to change every-thing again exept from my interior perspective. The good thing is that the landscape architect is doing a nice looking site plan that will be done tomorrow morning at 10.00.

20.00-Matthias calls and let us know that we should do a night/dawn image-showing the outside per-spective of the park and looking toward the Arena, the mini show and the Beer garden. I start with the Image in Photoshop right away, knowing that this image probably will take me the whole night to do in order to make it look good. So this arena is suposed to “glow” in the dark, and Matthias would like it to be green..the whole arena look like an gowing insect so I decide to make it torquois/white instead.


Wednesday 30/10/2013

Deadline for APA Copmetition at 12:00.

The outside perspective is done at 07.00.

Making some final changes in all diagrams in Illustration.

At 11.10-Juan Lucas sends an email telling us that he want us to change the pavement for one of the paths in the park in the outside perspective, and to make the gloving Arena a bit whiter..starting to feel some stress and I make the decission that I still have time to make a fast change of the colour of the Arena but no time to change the pavement. We need to print everything at 11.30 in order to make it on time.

We manage to hand it in on time and I can finally go home and have some sleep. My first Competition at this office is over, leaving the office at 13.00.



Thursday 31/10/2013

Total work in October: 211h

Resting day!


Friday 01/11/2013

Resting day!




Monday 04/11/2013

Work hours, 09.45-18.45 (8h)

Back to my regular project SNM. Jonas and Lina are in Stockholm for a meeting with Skanska. I´m doing some Microstation tutorials, trying to get better on using lay-ers and patterns.

APA Presentation -ArupBettina, Juan Lucas and Falco had the Personal presenta-tion for the client Arup, and presented our proposual for the APA arena. Sauerbruch Hutton where the first ones to expose, and the client really liked our design and the approach with the park around the main arena accod-ing to Juan Lucas. They also had a model made by our brilliant model maker, Jörg Albeke. The client will decide who to work furter with next week.



Tuesday 05/11/2013

Work hours, 09.45-19.00 (8h)

Working on a new version of an unfolded elevation for the lowrise in Microstation. They made some changes in tha layout for the plan which means that I need to correct the facade elements so that they are accurate. Next step is to put in all the colours on the facade modules and arrange them in separate layers. After working on correcting facade elements for a while I notice that nothing is perfect in this elevation-when zooming in. This means that I need to redo everything. This will take me a week or more...this is really time consuming and kind of frustrating.


Wednesday 06/11/2013

Work hours, 09.50-20.50 (10h)

Doing exactly the same as yesterday-changing facade modules in Microstation so that they have the same

hight and fits perfectly together.



Thursday 07/11/2013

Work hours, 09.50-19.00 ( 8h)

09.50-12.00Working on the unfolded elevation in Microstation..never ending work task.12.00-19.00I have a new task, don´t reallt know what to think about it. Translating and writing text in Swedish for a Competition in Göteborg with a deadline next Tuesday.


Friday 08/11/2013

Work hours, 09.30-19.00 ( 8,5h )

09.30-17.00Translating/writing discriptive project texts about tree reference projects that we think are relevant for this competition brief and at least one of which nust have been realised. I´m also writing a Programme statement, i. e. a brief account of how our office propose to address the task. Everything needs to be in the application for this Prequalification for the Project Competition.

Competition-The bries involves:Designing a dynamic, densely developed and vibrant mixed township of high density which will unify and inaugurate furter development of the City (Göteborg) as a whole.Proposing the design and positioning of a 60-storey sky-scraper some 201 metres high, as an integral part of the precinct structure. Construction of the skyscraper must be feasible in a rational manner and with cost awarness.Proposing principles of design adding symbolic value to the City of Göteborg.Presenting proposuals for contemporary, space-efficient housing.

The proposal shall be based upon social, ecological and economical sustainability.

Our reference projects are, Lo2No in Helsinki, ADAC Headquarter in Munich and the kfw Westarkade in Frankfurt.

Deadlines and results for the Competition:Prequalification part- 2013/11/13 - Result- 2013/12/20Competition start- 2014/01/20 to 2014/05/12 - Final reult - 2014/06/18

17.00-19.00- Working in Microstation with the unfolded elevation.




Monday 11/11/2013

Work hours, 10.00-19.00 (8h)

10.00-16.30 - Translating and writing a document from English into Swedish, putting all the information for the application together (Discription of organisation and resouces for a further assignment, project discription and other information about Sauerbruch Hutton) The hand in is at 17.00 today.

16.30-19.00 - Working on the unfolded elevation in Microstation.



Tuesday 12/11/2013

Work hours, 09.45-20.00 (9h15m)

New task from Juan Lucas- I´m gonna join the Copetition team and work with Mareike, Marina and Caroline. My main task will be to produce images for the Bayern Kasserne project. This project is a competition, the hand in is 26 of November and the assignment is to create and develop a new Cityplan in an old military area in Munich.

I just need to finish up the unfolded elevation for the SNM project before joining my new team. Working in Microstation the whole day. Starting to hate this elevation- it has to many problems and it´s impossi-ble to make it perfect in this program. Sound strange but it´s true, even Lina agree with me when I showd her my problems with this elevation.


Wednesday 13/11/2013

Work hours, 09.45-20.00 (9h15m)

09.45-10.30 - Finnishing up my work on the elevation until it makes sence and it´s good enough to hand over to someone else.

10.30-20.00 - Collecting materials for making Photoshop images. I´m going to make some perspectives showing the atmosphere in this new area. Starting with a per-spectiv from a park.



Thursday 14/11/2013

Work hours, 09.45-20.00 (9h15m)

Working with photoshop, starting to craate the first perspective - the park view.10.30-11.30 - Meeting with Mathias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton, Marieke, Marina, Caroline and Amaya. The meeting is about the perspectivs, what to show and what style we should make them in. The problem is the we are not suppose to design the buildings just the layout of the area and the environment in it. So Mathias want some scetshy and vage buildings. So how to design without designing?11.30-12.30 - We all have a Skype meeting with a landscape architect, Andrea that lives in Munich. The meeting is in german so I don´t follow but i get that they are talking about how they sholut think about what to show in this perspectivs. We sholud make before and after images, showing the area today and with our project.The thing is that we only have really bad photos from the park, taken in october or something and showing a forest in bad condition. So Mathias woud like me to create a image showing this new area in summer time, keeping the old trees from the photo and just putting in the new project. Really trickey task and I don´t think that he really knows what he is asking me to do. But let´s try to make it. Why not. Starting to work on the before and after image of the park view in Photoshop.


Friday 15/11/2013

Work hours, 10.00-21.00 (10h)

Working with the before and after image, making them in different versions with ditails on the houses in the background, without details, houses as a linedrawing and in black and white. Printing everything for a meet-ing at 19.00 with Mathias and Marina to talk about how to proceed with the perspectives. After the meeting Mathias decides that we should design the buildings and just make 3 perspectives insted of 7, and then use Bloom images for doing some fancy renderings due to the short time we have before deadline.




Monday 18/11/2013

Work hours, 10.15-21.00 (10h)

Making sections showing the functions of the build-ings, the typology and the diffenrent living situations in the Bayern Kasserne area. Working in Microstation-BKM/3DCAD/drawing/131118_schnitte.dgn. It´s a mixed area with Townhouses, kindergarden, apartments for elderly care, small apartments, artist/loft and work-living spaces. Im making 4 sections showing 4 different typologies. The work is made in Microstation.



Tuesday 19/11/2013

Work hours, 09.45-19.00 (8h45min)

Keep on working with sections and make them ( the plans of the buildings ) as diagrams.


Wednesday 20/11/2013

Work hours, 10.00-21.30 (10h30min)

Show 2 different cluster of buildings from the project and it´s functions- Heating systems, local heating/dis-trict heating. Calculate facade areas ( south sides and north sides )and put them in an exel file in order to kow how much energi loss the different clusters have. Working in Photoshop with the site layout for diagrams showing the site today, with our city plan, the green grid system , road grid, main street, sport areas and build-ings. Making all in separate layers to add on and see the change-the main concept.



Thursday 21/11/2013

Work hours, 10.00-21.30 (10h30min)

Starting the day with making some changes in some of the typologie sections, moving a stair, flipping another stair and putting in a roof terrace in another one. Then I keept on putting in the last numbers in the exel file in order to send the file to our climate experts ( Transsolar )so that they can add the rest of the information that is needed. Making some final adjustments in the diagrams showing the grid system of the project. The work in done in Photoshop.


Friday 22/11/2013

Work hours, 10.00-20.30 (9h30min)

Starting making some diagrams showing the desity of housing and program around main street. Making an axonometric diagram based upon a drawing from Microstation 3D, the diagram is made in Illustrator.



Saturday 23/11/2013

Work hours, 15.00-24.00 (9h)

Working with 8 sundiagrams that we got from Trans-solar showing the suns movement during one day over the site with our buildings in it. The problem with this renderings is that they all have different col-our, different backgroung colour and they are really dark so i´ts hard to read them. I need to work with all of them in Photoshop.

Making an axonometric diargam in Illustrator show-ing a house in Hydermansstrasse-this builing has pri-vate Townhauses, big apartments, green roof gardens and underground parking. The diagram is showing differnt functions such as elevators, connections, entrances, living, roof gardens and parking.


Laubengangerschließung Penthäuser

Treppenhaus EG - 6.OG

Zugang zu Verteilerebene


Erschließung Townhäuser

Zugang zu Treppenhäusern

Treppenhaus EG - 8.OG


Große Wohnungen

Kleine Wohnung



Monday 25/11/2013

Work hours, 10.00-02.15 (15h15min)

Working with diagrams- functions, Hydermansstrasse and one diagram comparing 2 street spaces ( one in Munich ) with our main street. Making colour canges for layout in sections and diagrams so that they all have the same colour language.



Tuesday 26/11/2013

Work hours, 10.00-22.30 (11h30min)

The day is here, time to hand in the project. At 10: pm a delivery firm will come and pic up our 6 rolled A0 posters printed on good paper, 6 folded A0 posters, and a site moden in scale 1:10 000. Make some minor colour changes in some of the diagrams- changing the green and brown colours for park and gardening areas. Correct and so some changes in the axonomet-ric diagram of Hydermansstrasse. 19.00-21.30- Print 12xA0 posters, fold six of them and roll the rest. We manage to finnish before the time is up, even after some minor printing issues.


Wednesday 27/11/2013

Work Free day!



Thursday 28/11/2013

Off from work!


Friday 29/11/2013

Total work in November: 167,5h (4 days off in total for working in 2 competitions, APA and BKM ).

Off from work!




Monday 02/12/2013

Work hours, 10.15-19.30 (8h15min)

10.15-15.30 - Reading a Report from Skanska about the project work on SNM. My task is to read it, correct it and see that the text descriptions correspond to our project. When I´m done I discuss with Lina about the text and fill here in on what is missing and not.

15.30-19.30 - I´m back in Competitions again. This time I will be working with Tom as project leader and then the team is me and Carolin Franke another Intern. The Project is called Estrell Tower Berlin, ETB. So the task is to make Berlins tallest buliding- a 176m high skyscraper of 50 floors and around 700 hotel rooms over its existing 33,000 sq.m convention hall, parking garages and with an underground connection under a road to the existing Estrell hotel in Berlin, Neuköln. I start with google maps in order to get a feeling of the site and to see the loca-tion. Preparing some maps and images over the site in order to make a sitemodel.



Tuesday 03/12/2013

Work hours, 10.00-23.00 (12h)

I´m going to start with making 5 versions of the tow-er and it´s surrounding buildings in scale 1:500. I will make everything as volumes in green stereofoam. My first problem is that we don´t have material enough so i need to start with gluing pieces together in order to be able to make 5 towers. This will take a while.


Wednesday 04/12/2013

Work hours, 10.15-21.00 (10h15min)

Keep on working with some of the towers. I´m done with all versions of the lower buildings. Start making the existing Estrell Hotel and some of the main important buildings on the site, making them in white stereofoam.



Thursday 05/12/2013

Work hours, 10.15-22.15(11h)

Today is all about volume-now it´s time to make the site pop and start to build it up and create the topography. Starting by printing the siteplan from Microstation in scale 1:500 in order to use it as a guide and save some time. Making the topography in white cardboard. After creating a base for the site model I´m placing the 5 versions who now are done on the site model and taking some quick photos with my Iphone. Organizing my photos and adding a black background in Photoshop before sending them to Tom so that he can see how the different versions look like in model on site.


Friday 06/12/2013

Work hours, 10.15-00.30 (13h15min)

Keep on working with the site model. The hard thing is that I only have a not so perfect 3D model to use for messuring the hights and the whole site is surrounded by infrastructure, a river and sloaps. Well nothing is perfect.

11.30-12.00 - Bettina is stressed as always and she asked me if I could help her to rebuild a box for her models. The issue was that Mathias is presenting them to the Client at lunch time and he refused to go in a cab with 2 differnt boxes for the models. So I need to make them all fit in the same box. Sounds fair. Cutting some of the corners in the big box and addig an extra layer then fix-ing some models on top of that layer so that he just can take the whole layer out and place it on a table. Problem solved in 30 minutes.

Keep on working with the site model, adding infrastruc-ture such as bridges and roads. Tom ask me if I think it´s possible to make a presentation model for the client meeting if he give me the new version of the Tower on monday morning. The meeting is at 2pm. I told him NO, It´s reaaly hard to make a nice looking model based upon triangels in 4 hours!




Monday 09/12/2013

Work hours, 10.00-19.00 (8h)

So when I arrived to the workshop at 10 I got a message that I should call Tom. I knew it! Tom comes down to the workshop and tell me that we need to make this new version og the tower in 4 hours, so Tom is taking some mesurments from the Microstation 3D model. Carolin me and Jörg is cutting, running and gluing parts together. Stressful but nothing is impossible. We finnish the model 2 minutes before the Taxi arrives and Tom,Mathias, Bettina and Carolin is off to have the second client meeting and to see the site.

15.00-16.00 - cleaning the workshop

16.00-19.00 - The team is back from the client meeting and Tom is informing us about it and explain the project in a powerpoint presentation. Then he show us how to work in Microstation 3D, just the basics. Microstation 3D look like a really old and bad version of SketchUp.



Tuesday 10/12/2013

Work hours, 10.00-23.00 (12h)

I´m going to make sections of the site with our building in it and show how it connects to the exist-ing Estrell hotel. I also need to put in hights on the siteplan. Working in Microstation 2D.


Wednesday 11/12/2013

Work hours, 10.00-19.30 (9h)

Working with my sections in Microstation.



Thursday 12/12/2013

Work hours, 10.15-18.15 (7h30min)

Working with my sections.


Friday 13/12/2013

Work hours, 10.30-18.30 (7h30min)

12.00-13.30 - meeting with Tom, Bettina, Carolin and Erik. We have one new team member, Erik is doing all the images in Rhino for our perspectives. I need to print my sections in scale 1:200...soo then I need to print it on A0? I`m printing parts of my sections on A3 instead. Works out fine. Tom will have a meeting with a traffic ingenier and a landscape architect on the 18th to talk about how to solve the connection from the existing road to the new site and the bus square infront of the Hotel complex. Some of the problem are:- Shared spaces- pedestrians/busses/cars/bikes.- Entrance to the Hotel- Bus dropoff/ Taxi dropoff- Entrance to parking garage x2- Taxi in waiting position- How to fit 60-80 busesTower- Need to have a inner square where you can see all the functions- A inner city street in order to make it easy to orientate yourself in the building- 55 meters span for the roof- 4 m high ventilation floors/ technical floors x 3. Located on ground floor, in the middle and at the top of the Tower.- Lowbearing facade ( construction in the facade )- Preefabricated bathrooms

- 2 elevators in the same shaft- Entrance hall will have between 2,5-4m seling high- The shape of the Tower can shrink up to 10 meter

Keep the core as it is.

15.00-17.00 - Christmas Party preparation! Decorating the office and setting tables.The Party starts at 19.00, Christmas dinner for about 80 people from the staff at the office top floor.




Monday 16/12/2013

Work hours, 10.00-19.00 (8h)

Last week before Christmas! I really need a break. Work-ing with sections and elevations and trying to solve the connection under the tunnel to Estrell. Working on the site model for about 2 hours, making it movable by clue-ing everything.



Tuesday 17/12/2013

Work hours, 10.00-20.30 (10h)

Working with sections and elevations, using a new reference - Etb_masterplan. Version 7, making my sections and elevations correspond to the changes made in plan and the new section of the Tower.


Wednesday 18/12/2013

Work hours, 10.15-20.30 (9h15min)

Start preparing the layout in a Indesign document. I´m not a fan of Indesign and I´m not good in making layout, hoping for some help later on. I think Carolin would love to do it instead of me. Making 8 x A0 and putting in 2 elevations and 2 sections as a starter, they all are in scale 1:200 and bearly fit a A0 in portret position. Keep on working with my sections in Microstation.



Thursday 19/12/2013

Work hours, 10.30-20.00 (9h)

Working with the layout, adding more material such as 3 perspectivs from Erik, floorplans from Tom and traffic solutions from Carolin.

14.30-17.00 - Shopping Goodbye present at Dussmanh, Friedrichstrasse from Team SNM to Mari Paz, a intern from Madrid that have worked on the Stockholm project for about 5 months. I´m going to by some books about Stockholm for her. She loves to read so why not.

17.00-20 - Back from my shopping I find thet Bettina need my help with some Photoshop work for the MWH project (Mikrowohnen Wilhelmsburg, Ham-burg). The assignment is to fit some new buildings in a photo over the site and make it look good-but kind of sketchy. The buildings are taken from a model and they need to fit in a real photo of the site. Starting with scaling the buildings in photoshop- then mak-ing a line drawing in Illustrator -putting the line draw-ing in Photoshop and making the building volumes white with black outlines.


Friday 20/12/2013

Work hours, 10.00-18.00 (7h)

Working with the layout in Indesign. Start working with the site plan in Photoshop, adding the Microstation rooftop plan from our building into a flight photo from Google maps.

12.00-13.00 - Finnishing up my Photoshop work for Bettina.

18.00 - Goodbye party for Mari Paz, Dana and Pattric. Christmas vacation! Back at the office on the 6th of January.

Total work in December 138/15 days




Monday 06/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-19.00 (8h)

Building a new version of Estrel in model, white card-board. Downloading some radio documentaries in order to get in the right working mode. It´s hard to work when you are all by your self down in the workshop for a whole day. It takes for ever to build everything in card-board when the whole building is based up on triangles.

20.00 - 24.00 -Student CompetitionAs a little side activity, I and Carolin decided to also make a student competition after working hours, with the submission on Friday morning. Maybe it’s taking on a little too much but I take it for granted that it will be a long week.



Tuesday 07/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-20.00 (9h)

I continue to build the model and begins by making the base plate for the tower

21.00 - 03.30 - Student Competition


Wednesday 08/01/2014

Work hours, 10.15-19.15 (8h)

Working with the model throughout the day, complet-ing it before I go home.

21.00 - 06.30 - Student Competition.



Thursday 09/01/2014

Work hours, 10.30-18.30 (7h)

10.20-11.30 Make a new base plate to the tower which is a little lower and fit in into the site model.Take photos of all the versions of the Tower in the site model.

11.30-12.00 Group meeting with Tom, Remi, Amelie, Carolin and Erik. At the meeting we will go over how to set up and distribute the work and we also discuss what we think about the different models of the tower.

12.00-18.30 Printing indesign layout in A4 to all in the working group so that everyone knows what to do. Printing facades at scale and attach them to the physical models of the tower. Prepare a new folder layout in Indesign CS2.Go through my sections / elevations with Tom.

18.30 - 02.30 - Student Competition


Friday 10/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-20.00 (9h)

Printing 7 x A0 posters which I’ll put up in the meeting room on the competition department. I get commis-sioned to build yet another new version of Estrel in a physical model.




Monday 13/01/2014

Work hours, 08.00-19.00 (10h)

08.00-09.00Tom wants us to start early with a morning meeting to go over what we have and how we should move on.

09.00-12.00Working with layout in Indesign and printing posters for the meeting at 2pm with Matthias.

14.30-16.30Pin-up meeting with Matthias - “everything” is en ger-man.

16.30-19.00 Printing a basis for building a new model. Have realized that if I have all the sides, bottom and roofs then it is possible to produce more models in less time.



Tuesday 14/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-120.00 (9h)

Build a new model. The model goes under the name version 12 but I do not know anymore if it is true. Have lost count a long time ago.

A architekt at the office, Maria comes and asks if I can help her to build a model that Matthias will be presenting to the client the same week. I say yes, of course, This project is also additionally made by Tom so he would know if I have time to help him in another project or not.


Wednesday 15/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-20.00 (9h)

Continuing to build on version 12. Photographing the finished model, put the images on the server and sends

them to Tom.



Thursday 16/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-20.15 (9h15min)

Back up in the office again. Feels good to sit among people, although I really enjoy building models. Works in photoshop with the air view image over the site. Trying to place a future highway, deleting build-ings and add new parks so that the image reflects the future construction plans of the area. Updating the layout in InDesign.


Friday 17/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-20.30 (9h30min)

Proceeds with the layout and the site view and then be able to print all the posters and put them up in the meeting room. We have now been given permission to have 9 posters instead of 8 as it was before.

18.00-20.30 Start buildning a model-version 12b.



Sunday 19/01/2014

Work hours, 14.00-23.00 (9h)

Proceed with the model and also doing some Photo-shop work on the site view.


Monday 20/01/2014

Work hours, 10.15-21.00 (10h)

One week left until the submission of the Estrel Hotel.

10.15-12.30 Completing the model. This one must really be the final version. I hope so at least.

14.00-21.00Working with the elevation from the canal in Microsta-tion.



Tuesday 21/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-21.30 (10h30min)

Working with elevations in Microstation-then to Illustrator for adding the facade- then I need to open it in Photoshop in order to make som changes in the colours- the last thing is to put the elevation in the Indesign document. It takes som time when working with big files.


Wednesday 22/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-22.00 (11h)

Morning meeting- Pin Up.

Working with the Roof Top view - landscape plan, work-ing in Illustrator and Photoshop.

Working with street elevation and the elevation from the canal in Microstation/Photoshop/Illustrator.

Updating the Layout.



Thursday 23/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-23.00 (12h)

Stair height and landscape height was changed after a mistake which had previously been made when they built everything in 3D. That means I have to change my elevations. Hopefully, I will finish it today.


Friday 24/01/2014

Work hours, 10.00-24.30 (13h30min)

Test printing everything on good paper in order to see what we need to change in colour and so on. Continues to work with my elevations.



Sunday 26/01/2014

Work hours, 14.00-05.00 (15h)

Working on my tasks from yesterday.


Saturday 25/01/2014

Work hours, 15.00-24.00 (9h)

I feel really hungover from all the work. It can not be good. Everything is “almost “finished, so now it only remains to polish the final things on everything so I’m working with my two elevations, one from the canal and the other one from the street, roof plan and site plan. Carolin has taken over the layout and I am very pleased about that.

Monday 27/01/2014

Work hours, 11.00-23.00 (11h)

Last day for the Estrel Competition and also for me in the office. I will be off the remaining days of this week. And sleep. The submission is at midnight so I guess it still will be a long day. Today’s tasks are:

To fix the last thing on my elevations-making the facade darker and make the windows lighter-test printing them on good paper to see how the colors are.

Change the colors of the roof plan, looking at examples from our landscape architect-make the colors softer.

Print 9xA0 posters on normal paper-rolle them and pack them.Print 9xA0 posters on good paper-then cutting, rolling and packing them.The material is collected by a delivery man at. 10pm.Ending the night with some Pizza at the office.



Tuesday 28/01/2014



Wednesday 29/01/2014

Off from work



Thursday 30/01/2014

Off from work


Friday 31/01/2014


As a tradition, you have to hold a farewell party for the staff in the office. Cinnamon rolls from IKEA, Swedish candy and a typical drink of the day feels like a good ending to an inspiring internship period.

Total work in January: 190h/19 days