Locate your R&D and Innovation activities here!. Finland is number one according to Global...

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Locate your R&D and Innovation activities here!

Finland is number one according to Global Information Technology Report 2013

Finland is the best place in the world to benefit from new information and communication technologies

Finland no. 2 for dynamic businesses to flourish

The Grant Thornton Global Dynamism Index (GDI) 2012

business operating environment

economics & growth

science & technology

labour & human capital

financing environment

Singapore 72,1Finland 70,5Sweden 69,6Israel 69,3Austria 66,1Australia 65,6Switzerland 65,1Korea 64,9Germany 64,8United States 64,1

EUR 134 million in investments for Finnish start-ups in Q1 2013

Finnish start-up companies received EUR 134 million in investments during January through March 2013

Finnish companies generated more investments than German ones during Q1 and were only surpassed by British and French businesses

The mobile clusterMobile patents and world’s strongest


Source: IPRI 2012

Leading-edge cluster: The mobile industry

Finland has invested in education and it has fostered Europe’s largest cluster for mobile professionals: a unique pool of talent, innovation and successful companies. Prevailing talent includes:

Development of advanced mobile technologies OS development Strong app development community for all major platforms

Supported by a thriving peer community acting nationally and regionally

Europe’s hottest start-up event Slush every November in Helsinki

Over 400 Nokia spin-offs with new entrepreneurs refreshing the mobile cluster

Finland has but also:

Mobile cluster: World class collaboration & research

R&D results are well protected: Finland ranked no. 2, Quality of IPR Protection (WEF 2011)

Drives European leadership in ICT innovation for economic growth and quality of life.

Strategic Center for Science, Technology and Innovation

A non-profit association aiming to improve the operational efficiency of companies using RFID technology.

Utilizes unused ideas and innovations from Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Kemira, Metso, Rautaruukki, Wärtsilä, converting them into new products and services.

Centre of Internet Excellence in Oulu

Helsinki Institute of Information Technology

Centre for Wireless Communication in Oulu

The internet of things– Getting hyperconnected

Leading-edge cluster:The internet of things

The Finnish Intelligent Machines cluster includes regional centres of expertise, all pitching in to enable the best surroundings for innovation

develops all aspects of the intelligent machines field, from product design to development of the flexible production needed for manufacturing the machines, and of the necessary logistics and business expertise.

engages a significant number of machine-building companies in creating strategies for the industry’s future and, in co-operation with the research institutions, in starting and financing research and development projects.

Cloud computing– For the future rocket scientists in business

Leading-edge cluster:Security in cloud services

By 2016, 40% of enterprises demand proof of independent security testing a precondition for using a cloud service (Gartner)

Finland is home to secure country-wide data and wireless networks and pioneering cyber-security companies

Finnish success stories :Investors success:

Finnish bedrock is ideal for stable and secure data centres

Google’s data centre in Hamina is one of the company’s most efficient and advanced ones

2012 TelecityGroup acquired two data centre operators in Finland to get a fast gateway to Russian markets

A visionary in enterprise network firewalls (Gartner).Acquired by McAfee 05/13

A leading anti-malware company for over 20 years.

Emerging clusters:Big data and analytics

Finland is an ideal test bed for Big Data analytics with access to open data sources such as population, economy, environment, transport, urban structure, well-being (biobanks, genonbanks, vaccination records, etc.)

Finnish success stories M-Brain Big Data Scoring Big Data Scoring Oy CGI (Logica) Comptel Data Rangers Oy Datactica Oy Gisforest Ineo Analyse Solutions Finland

Collaboration & research: Forum Virium Helsinki,

Helsinki info sharing Open knowledge

summer festival Data mining, signal

processing, search algorithms

Mirasys Ltd. Mobisoft Music.Info QPR Software Riskpointer Super Analytics Tieto Valuemotive Vidamin

Bring your R&D&I to Finland!

Sources and further information:

Centre's for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment www.ely-keskus.fi

Ministry of Employment and the Economy www.tem.fi

Enterprise Finland www.enterprisefinland.fi

Finnvera www.finnvera.fi

Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation www.tekes.fi

Finnish Tax Administration www.vero.fi

Entry to the East

Creative solutions

Stable Society Competent professionals

Why Finland?

Invest in Finland services for international companies

Data collection & analysis Opportunity analysis Guidance on entry alternatives Networking Location management Setting up a business
