local pilot activity expression therapy claudia lilla kovacs hu

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local pilot activity done in Budapest, hungary, 2015 in the frame of the strategic partner ship "the artist within"

Transcript of local pilot activity expression therapy claudia lilla kovacs hu



Budapest, 28th MARCH 2015, led by Claudia Lilla Kovacs Follow up – local pilot activity

What: Local pilot workshop When: 28th March 2015, 4:30 pm-7:30-8pm How: Personally organized around the festive, invitational Where: In my home

Name and contact: Claudia Lilla Kovacs, Budapest, Hungary Email: kovacs.claudia.lilla@gmail.com, Phone: +36-30-336-1919

Target group: Children of family and friends, any ages, this occasion: 2kids of 2,5 y.o., a 3,5 y.o., a 5,5 y.o., one almost 8 y.o., and one 9 y.o.

Aim of the activity: As a preparation for Easter, children can try different techniques of egg painting, as it is an important Hungarian tradition. Aims are to pass tradition, to play and have fun, to free themselves in home environment, to try new things, to meet with each other. The activity also offers an opportunity for parents to create, communicate, and talk in relaxed environment, without constant over-watching the little ones. Eating together: pancakes, I make before, children can choose the filling and roll it.

Description of the activity: Free play as everybody is arriving. This takes about half an hour, catching up, meeting, small interactions. The long table is prepared with eggs, paint, pencils and other creative material for decoration. With a little suggestion all the kids were sitting around the table (even the little ones (age 2,5), next to one another. Anything they need they pass around between each other. Throughout the whole time they always have the freedom to do something else as they like, naturally within the possibilities


my home can offer. I have limited toys for example. Some of them asked for paper to draw on while the eggs were drying. The warm eggs in paint - with or without pre-applied patterns waxed or with a sticker - while they catch colour are a source of excitement, curiosity and patience. The kids watching them attentively. I suggest to paint but if they want to play somewhere else that is ok also. The painting 30-40 minutes. (hand wash, drinks break)

Small plays for about 10-15 minutes, while I prepare the table for pancakes. As the parents continue with the eggs, the children can eat in the lounge around a round table. They love it so much, it is not normal, and it is different. This time the parents are worried about having chocolate everywhere. Thankfully they give up on it, as I ensure them. And no chocolate on furniture. They eat really well together, without parents (20-30min). They left the table in twos. After eating there is a short period of time, a break, something new to play, the little ones need to re-meet the parents, to check on them. Adults are left to paint, eat, talk, as they like. In the break children are quite, digesting and resting a short time (10-15 min). The next process I prepared with was singing songs about spring and Easter, songs they would choose, and hopefully they choose, or I suggest “Tavaszi szél” (Wind of Spring) and do a movement series with the song, a little dancing choreography we make together. After which I was willing to bring in the instruments and jam a little. As a winding down closure I prepared a big piece of paper for a common drawing, asking the parents to join if they like. As we got back together as a group the little ones asked for Music. The youngest with only a few words to talk said “Zene, zene zene” (Music, music music!) “Gyors gyors” (Fast, fast). I put on children music. I had no need to say a word, in seconds all the kids started dancing, singing, jumping, clapping and for my biggest surprise they alone created a path in a circle: L shaped sofa - and a complimentary puff I put there before for sitting, making the structure U shape - to walk on singing, few pillows they put at the end to jump on and than on the other side climb back again. I was in the process with them singing, but not walked the circle. This went on for 20-30 minutes. To make it more of a challenge the shorter ones as a variation started to climb from different side of the sofa, that was higher and for them a real physical exercise. I was stunned by the whole action and the energy level. I felt there is no need for anything else. They created everything for themselves. It was amazing. We were dancing a little more on the ground. I was more exhausted than the kids in the end, asking me for some acrobatic lifting, turning, and spinning also during the dancing. (20 min) And I slowly turned the volume a bit down I suggested to play something on the rug. Lego or other play, without jumping. They chose hide-and seek. They meant we all play in a group, choosing who hides who seeks, counting together like reciting a rime than with excitement we all look for the others and joyfully clap or hug each other when we find them.


In the meantime the parents were in the kitchen talking quietly. During the hide and seek they came out of their space and started to prepare the going home project. The children were very tired. They did not want leave. One kid asked about the rabbit, when is coming, meaning the chocolate that it brings. I explained that we painted the eggs as an awaiting on Easter, which would be the following weekend. Also I suggested to look around just to make sure. In the bathroom for their surprise there were the chocolate rabbits, I aligned them previously when no one was watching. They did not take all the eggs they painted, they gave me a few ( I did not paint) and took the chocolate.

Results: Very positive. They all asked when they can come again. Since I got to know, how proudly the kids told others about painting eggs, about having a party for them. The parents also told me that on Sunday the children were more calm, more cheerful, playing together with sisters and brothers for longer time than usual. Children talked about the afternoon a lot. The parents had a great time also, talking relaxing, without worries.

Pros and contras concerning the used methodology: My flexibility is important, so I do not force anything especially in case of kids. I always prepare with more options, but always let freedom; especially in this case, that is in home environment. It is more a mediation than teaching. I find it important that I am a company also and leading with ideas and not as a teacher. Timing is not so strictly followed, as I would in an adult group situation, especially with such a diverse age group. Allowing is important within the frame.

Recommendations on the methodology: To pass knowledge through creative exercises, process is great. During these hours we talk a little about the occasion also. To make celebrations, festive memorable, creating rituals I find really working with kids. My presence was very important, with energies exchanging. The presence was more intentional and continuous. Last year’s “Santa” occasion I brought a new activity, which was story-telling: animal tale about waiting for Santa, with the usual singing for Santa. In February for the Carneval event brought in instruments and jamming with dance and singing. (in Hungary Santa comes on 6th of December and brings chocolate, for the Carneval kids dress-up, face painted, parents also). The interchange of movement, music, and static arts I felt very important. I could clearly see the need of variety. A little surprise, or a small thing to take home makes the occasion special as well.

Personal and professional reflections : How did the training in Hungary support/challenged/altered my professional approach?


What did I get from the training that I can use in my work based on the pilot activity? I have more confidence to work with children. Now I have the confidence to work in an orphanage.

Copyright Recipients are free to use all or parts of this document for personal use however are requested to inform the author. Recipients are requested to acknowledge The artist within – Applied eMOTION consortium and the author in any reference to the content of this document. In the event of any further queries please consult the author. Acknowledgements This project was possible with the financial support from the Erasmus+ program. The methodological resources and inspiration came from the The artist within – Applied eMOTION long-term adult education project (www.theartistwithin.eu). The generosity from the fund and these organisations is much appreciated.