Local Government Association Webinar Zoom September 2020...Local Government Association Webinar...

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Transcript of Local Government Association Webinar Zoom September 2020...Local Government Association Webinar...

Local Government Association Webinar – Diversity and Inclusion Training Workshop Zoom

23rd September 2020

Welcome and Introduction

• Dr Kul Verma

Why are we here?

‘What am I going to do as a councillor to make I improve Diversity and Inclusion?’

• Develop personal knowledge and understanding of Diversity and Inclusion

• Understand the value of having good communications with diverse groups

• Explore and list a personal ‘how to’ guide for difference and inclusion

Self Reflection

Describe three inclusive actions you have personally delivered

Design Flow

Generating ideasOpening

Experimenting with the ideas, finding patterns and differencesExploring

Evaluating, deciding and listing actions Closing

What is Difference What is Inclusion

Why do we need Inclusion

What does inclusion mean to:

• Individual

• Team

• Organisation

Try and define a sentence that would be immediately understood

Why are inclusive identities useful in the workplace



• Racist to white people

• Portrayed Police in a negative fashion

• Unsuitable for a family audience

• Expressed support for a political organisation BLM

Q: What would be the response of your staff if they saw this video?

Respectful conversations

Cultural Change and Leadership

What is a preference?

How to: Leadership Questions

Does the leadership in the organisation reflect the talent pool in the market?

Are BAME and women being promoted at the same rates as white men?

Does recruitment reflect a diverse talent?

Do you have pay equity?

Do all employees feel they are treated fairly?

Does you organisation commit to difference and inclusion – policy/strategy?

If your local Authority had an improved culture of Inclusion

What would we:




Q & A

Committing to Action

Deep Insight Inclusion Conversation Mat

Deep Insight Inclusion Tools

• Personal Development Action Learning Sets (PeDALs)

• Developing Diverse Leaders

• Team Inclusion Conversation Mat

• Early Intervention Inclusion Conversational Mat

• Facilitation of Inclusion workshops to develop strategy and inclusion plans


Thank you




