Load testing with Behat

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Load testing with Behat

Load testing with Behat


Behat. Logs

Logstash Forwarder

Logstash on ELK

Logstash on ELK

Behat. Logs

Logstash on ELK


Run Tests with shell script

Supervisor to keep Tests running(disabled by default)

Start Digital Ocean Workers

Stop Digital Ocean Workers

Get IP Addresses of Workers

Ansible Startansible mountvernon -u root -m shell -a 'cd mvtp/tests && git pull'

ansible mountvernon -u root -m shell -a 'cd mvtp/tests && ./restart-selenium.sh'

ansible mountvernon -u root -m shell -a './supervisor start'


ansible mountvernon -u root -m shell -a './supervisor stop


Yuriy Gerasimov
