Llama to Ram How to think like a perl weenie Rob Napier 3/18/99.

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Transcript of Llama to Ram How to think like a perl weenie Rob Napier 3/18/99.

Llama to RamHow to think like a perl weenie

Rob Napier


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In this talk we will move from the basics of perl syntax and grammar (Llama) to the philosophy behind perl and the tools of the trade (Ram).

This talk will not cover many advanced perl topics, and in particular won't cover performance issues or advanced data structures

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Topics of Discussion

Background and philosophy Perl basics Tools of the trade Pitfalls Perl rules Gotchas

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Background and Philosophy

Quotes Influences O’Reilly Bestiary

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Practical Extraction and Report Language Perl is a language for getting things done. There’s more than one way to do it

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Major Influences

C sh regex unix LISP and COBOL

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O’Reilly Bestiary

Learning - Llama Programming - Camel Cookbook - Ram Advanced - Leopard/Panther Also Perl/Tk, Nutshell, Win32, and others

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Perl Basics

Auto-conversion (coercion) The search for Truth Safety nets Data types

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Auto-conversion (coercion)

Strings <=> Numbers References => Strings undef => Strings

Scalars => Lists Lists => Scalar

The dreaded 1’s

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The Search for Truth

False: “”, “0”

False = 0, undef, () True = 1, ref, “0 but true”, and most anything else

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Safety Nets

-w use strict

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Data types

Scalars Lists Hashes Filehandles References

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Numbers Strings References undef Typeglob Filehandle

$foo = “bar”;

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Heterogeneous Both list-like and array-like, but usually list-like

@foo = qw(bar baz bang);

$bing = @foo[4];

@bang = @foo[4, 6];

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Associate arrays keys, values, each, delete, exists

%foo = (apple => “red”, orange => “orange”, foo => 2);

$foo{apple} = “orange”;

@foo{apple, orange};

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open (FOO, “foo”); while (<FOO>) { while (<>) {

Includes predefined STDOUT, STDIN, STDERR

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Entries in the symbols table Not used very often except for references to


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Hard Symbolic

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Hard References

Similar to C-style pointers.

$scalarref = \$foo;

$arrayref = \@ARGV;

$hashref = \%ENV;

$coderef = \&handler;

$globref = \*foo;

$scalarref = \1;

$arrayref = [1, 2, [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]];

$hashref = {‘Adam’ => ‘Eve’, ‘Clyde’ => Bonnie’ };

$coderef = sub {print “Boink!\n” };

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Symbolic References

Indirect references to variable These can be very dangerous (and aren’t allowed

under ‘use strict’)

$$scalarref; @$arrayref; %$hashref

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Tools of the trade

Lists Hashes Regex Subs Modules

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Usually used as lists, instead of arrays qw() Sets Slurping

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Lists, seldom arrays

Usually use foreach, rather than subscripting into arrays. Instead of:

for ($i =0; $i <= $#list; $i++) {



Do this:

foreach $elem (@list) {



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Very good way to set lists of quoted words:

@foo = qw(this is a test);

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@isect = @diff = @union = ();

foreach $e (@a, @b) { $count{$e}++ }

foreach $e (keys %count) {

push(@union, $e);

push @{ $count{$e} == 2 ? \@isect : \@diff }, $e;


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Often it’s handy to just slurp a whole file and work on it in memory:

open(FOO, “foo”);

@foo = <FOO>;

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Swiss-army knife of perl Associative arrays Records “In list” applications

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Associate Arrays

%foo = (apple => “red”,

orange => “orange”);

print $foo{apple};

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The hard way

@entry = getpwuid($<);

%user = (name => $entry[0],

passwd => $entry[1],

uid => $entry[2],

gid => $entry[3],

quota => $entry[4],

comment => $entry[5],


expire => $entry[9]);

print “name is $user{name}\n”;

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Records cont

The easy way (i.e. the perl way)

@fields = qw(name passwd uid gid quota comment gcos dir shell expire);

@user{@fields} = getpwuid $<;

print “name is $user{name}\n”;

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“In list” applications

Maintaining list ordersub unique {

my (@list) = (@_);

my %seen = (); # Hash to keep track of what we've seen

my $item; # Current item

my @uniq; # Unique list

foreach $item (@list) {

push (@uniq, $item) unless $seen{$item}++;


return @uniq;


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“In list” applications cont

Trashing list order

sub unique {

my (@list) = (@_)

my %uniq;

@uniq{@list} = ();

return keys @uniq;


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Very useful for getting a lot of things done fast.

Rob Napier: 9408 Erinsbrook Drive, Raleigh, NC 27613 (919)848-9523


$name = $1;

$address = $2;

$city = $3;

$state = $4;

$zip = $5;

$phone = $6;

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Passing non-scalars Returning non-scalars Named parameters

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Passing non-scalars

Try to move non-scalar to the end If you can’t, pass a reference

sub foo {

my @a = @{shift()};

my @b = @{shift()};

print “@a\n”;

print “@b\n”;


foo(\@bar, \@baz);

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Returning non-scalars

If you can return it as a flat list (or hash), then just return it.

If you have multiple, distinct return values, return a list of references

sub foo {

my @a = qw(this is a test);

my @b = qw(this is a test);

return (\@a, \@b);


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Named parameters

sub thefunc {

my %args = (

INCREMENT => '10s',

FINISH => 0,

START => 0,

@_, # argument pair list goes here


if ($args{INCREMENT} =~ /m$/ ) { ..... }


thefunc(INCREMENT => "20s", START => "+5m", FINISH => "+30m");

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File::Path File::Find File::Copy Exporter getop sendmail CGI Cwd

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perl4 pitfalls

use strict! (and debatably also use -w) local => my chop => chomp require => use Avoid globals Avoid typeglobs Investigate complex data structures

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sh pitfalls

use strict! << instead of multiple prints 0=false, 1=true except on system calls Don’t over-fork. Most of what you want is in perl:

rm/rm -rf, find, ls, echo, grep, awk, sed, pwd, mkdir, mkdir -p, chown, chgrp, cp, ln

Avoid globals

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sh pitfalls (cont)

Don’t store lists as strings Avoid temp files Avoid excessive chdir()

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C pitfalls

Avoid subscripting lists that you’re iterating over printf -> print Don’t fear labels, especially for using ‘last’ and

‘next’ Don’t try to split a string character by character.

Use regex. Don’t overlook POSIX

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General perl pitfalls

Generally you don’t need to add .pl onto script names.

Often readdir() is a better tool than glob() tr/a-z/A-Z/ -> uc()

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Perl rules

Always return() Always check your system return codes and close()

returns use strict $# => scalar (or scalar context)

Some people may debate this one, but I find it helps a lot.

Before writing anything complex, always check CPAN (www.cpan.com)

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BEGIN { use strict; } There is no real function prototype mechanism

(perl prototypes aren’t what you think) << EOF

Watch out for spaces before the EOF != vs ne, == vs eq, + vs .

number vs. string

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Gotchas cont

&&, ||, and, or && and || bind tightly. “and” and “or” bind loosely Generally, you use && and || in boolean logic, while

“and” and “or” are used for “or die” type error checking.

print “@foo” vs print @foo “@foo” adds spaces. This includes inside a HERE-


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Gotchas cont

`foo` or warn This only warns if `foo` returns no output (even if

that output is an error) split (‘ ‘, ...)

Splits on whitespace /[ \n\t]+/, not just ‘ ‘.

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Thinking like a perl weenie means working with the language instead of against it. Even though “there’s more than one way to do it,” many of those ways fail to make good use of the power that perl offers.

The best way to learn to think in perl is to keep trying to make working scripts more perl-like. The best solution is usually the shortest solution that is still readable.