Livraria Lello

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Livraria Lello

O edifício da chamada Livraria

Chardron ou Livraria Lello &

Irmão fica situado na Rua das Carmelitas,

n.º. 144, Porto, e foi mandado

construir propositadament

e para esta finalidade, sendo inaugurado a 13

de Janeiro de 1906, devendo-se este projeto a Xavier Esteves,

um distinto engenheiro da


Opened in 1906, Livraria Lello is one

of the most beautiful bookstores

in Porto and the world. It is the

flagship store for one of the most

important Portuguese

publishing houses.

Designed by Xavier Esteves, the bookstore's

architecture and interior design are

stunning. The facade is an

excellent neo-gothic design. Once inside,

there is the curvaceous red

stairway connecting the two levels


Thanks to great photographers:

Joana .ATiago Cabral

Francisco OliveiraLinus

ZwigmarManuela Vaz

Music Fado by Carlos do CarmoPlease respect
