Living with KP PDF, eBook by Jennifer Richards

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Discover the truth and the facts about Living with KP™ PDF, eBook by Jennifer Richards. Happy reading :) ~~~ Click "SHARE" ➽ "DOWNLOAD" to read the document offline.

Transcript of Living with KP PDF, eBook by Jennifer Richards

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Chapter 1: What Is Keratosis Pilaris? 6

Chapter 2: Keratosis Pilaris Treatment 9

Chapter 3: Keratosis Pilaris Treatment Summary 35

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally



I first of all want to thank you for purchasing this guide.

A lot of time and effort has gone into the creation of this book, and my hope for you is that you experience the same results that I and countless

other people have from using this remedy.

If you are like me and the millions of other people out there that suffer from keratosis pilaris, I'm sure that you have extensively researched and searched for treatments, only to have been frustrated by the fact that there is no legitimate "cure” found in the medical world. Like me, you have probably made numerous appointments with your dermatologist only to have creams prescribed that irritated and caused redness with minimal effects on your skin. There are so many side effects from using such products, such as severe dryness and flaking, as well as having to avoid the sun altogether.

I can tell you from personal experience that I spent years using different creams, and nothing ever gave me the results that I was looking for.

My dermatologist would always tell me that there is no cure for keratosis pilaris, and it can only be managed through medication. I was so frustrated and embarrassed that I started to do extensive research, and I was sure that there were other people out there like me. I was fortunate enough to find online communities of people struggling with the same issue.

You are not alone!

There were people out there who were frustrated with not being able to wear short sleeves, who were frustrated with wasting their money on products that didn't work, and most of all, irritated with the red bumps on their arms that wouldn't go away. These people turned to all kinds of crazy remedies, some offering minimal results while others did not. Other people

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally


found treatments that seemed to work for them but were not sure why they were seeing results. I also happened to find unrelated information at the time, which I thought had nothing to do with keratosis pilaris. However, the more that I started to research, things started to click into place. I started emailing dermatologists and different skin care experts with my questions and my thoughts were confirmed! I put together all of the information that I had and the research I had done on keratosis pilaris, and I came up with my own customized treatment with the best information from my extensive study on the topic.

My plan was simple: Attack keratosis pilaris on all levels at the same time.

I immediately started to try the plan myself, and I saw almost instant results. The best part of all was that there were no prescription creams or over-the-counter medications that I had to use! Everything was all-natural and could be purchased at the grocery store, which meant that I was saving serious money overall. I can't even tell you how much money I have spent the past several years on numerous products and treatments, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the $1000s. That’s how determined I was to beat this.

You may have spent even more $$ on your search for a cure!

Even better, my technique offers the unexpected side effect that your skin in all areas will start to improve in its appearance. I began to share my technique with other people suffering from keratosis pilaris, and they saw the same success!

With that being said, I wish you the best and hope you receive the same results that I did with smooth and clear skin due to my proven keratosis pilaris remedy.

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally


Note: Please keep in mind that keratosis pilaris is something that needs to be managed on a daily basis. You must integrate this simple system into your daily routine. If you stop using these techniques, the keratosis pilaris will return. Keratosis pilaris, or KP, may begin to clear up on its own as you get older, but for the time being, you must work to treat this skin issue.

With that out of the way, let's get started!

I will try to make this as enjoyable of a reading experience as I can for you. Although I know some of the material may be in-depth regarding the topic of keratosis pilaris, it is important for you to understand the root of this skin issue and the techniques that you must use to remedy it.

For a quick guide, I have also included the treatment breakdown on page 35

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally


**Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be a medical

professional. Although the methods within this guide are gentle and

natural without the use of harsh chemical medications, if you have any

type of reaction to the techniques whatsoever, please discontinue right

away and consult with your doctor or dermatologist. If you do have an allergy or reaction, I am not qualified to diagnose those issues. I am

just a normal sufferer of keratosis pilaris like yourself who is happy to

share my treatment with you after months and months of research and

testing to find something that really works.

Chapter 1: What Is Keratosis Pilaris?

Let's start out by taking a look at what keratosis pilaris is since it is important to know your enemy if you plan to beat it. From this point forward, I will refer to keratosis pilaris as KP.

Keratosis pilaris is also called KP and follicular keratosis. This is a common follicular condition that is genetic, and it manifests as rough bumps on the surface of the skin. It is most often found on the back and outer upper arms, and the lower arms can also be plagued by this condition. You may find KP on the tops of the legs, thighs, hands, flanks, buttocks, and any other area than the palms or soles of the feet. In less common cases, these bumps will appear on the face, and many people mistake them for acne.

KP affects 40% of the adult population worldwide and up to 50- 80% of adolescents. It is more common for women than for men, and there are different types of keratosis pilaris to classify:

• Keratosis Pilaris Rubra: Red and inflamed bumps on the head, arms, and legs.

• Keratosis Pilaris Alba: Rough and bumpy skin without irritation.

• Keratosis Pilaris Runra Faceii: A red rash on the cheeks.

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally


Keratosis pilaris will often look like goosebumps, and it appears as small rough bumps on the surface of the skin. For this reason, many people who suffer from KP have no idea that they have this condition so that it will be commonly confused with acne.

What Causes KP?

KP is simply caused because the human body produces too much keratin, which is a protein found in the skin. This excess keratin production is cream colored, and it starts to surround and clog the hair follicle in the skin. This creates hard plugs due to the process of hyperkeratinization. This condition only causes an outer issue in the appearance of the skin, and it will appear to be hard bumps that look similar to acne, although they are not itchy or painful.

Most people commonly suffer from keratosis pilaris throughout the year, but when the weather becomes colder, the problem can become worse simply because there is less moisture in the air. This will make the KP look more obvious in its texture and color. Many of these KP bumps on the skin will contain an ingrown hair. This is due to the keratin from the skin plugging the hair follicle so that the hair cannot exit from the skin.

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally


How Do I Know If I Have KP?

Good question! You will know you have KP if:

• You have small bumps on your arms, legs, torso, or face on a consistent basis.

• You exfoliate regularly, but the small bumps don't go away.

• You feel that you may suffer from constant acne on your face and body.

• The small red bumps on your skin look similar to goosebumps.

• When you pop the small red bumps on your skin, a hard, white substance will come out. This is the keratin protein that has clogged the hair follicle.

• You may experience itchiness in the bumpy patches on your skin.

• The bumpy patches are dry and rough in texture.

If you have any or all of the above symptoms, the odds are that you are suffering from KP. Again, I am not a medical doctor capable of a diagnosis, so you may want to make an appointment with your dermatologist to determine and confirm that you have KP.

Now you have an understanding of what KP is and what causes it. This will help you to better grasp why the treatment I have

developed is so effective.

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally


Now on to the reason that you are reading this report in the first place...

For the Full 40 page Version of the Living With KP Treatment Guide, Please go to

I wish you the best of luck and look forward to hearing about your success with smooth, clear, and youthful skin.

You have suffered long enough: You deserve it!

Your Friend and Fellow KP Sufferer,

Jennifer Richards

Living With KP - How To Treat & Manage Keratosis Pilaris Naturally