Living in an area of Justice, Freedom and Security European CommissionDirectorate General Justice,...

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Living in an area of Justice, Freedom and


European Commission Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Overview of EMN Study onRETURN

Stephen DAVIES, EMN Desk Officer, Immigration and Asylum unit, DG Justice, Freedom and Security

European Commission

ContentEuropean Migration Network

Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

and Securit


Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security


EU Policy context

National Debates

Voluntary Return

Forced Return


Concluding Remarks

European Commission

FrameworkEuropean Migration Network

Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

and Securit


Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Within framework of EMN’s Work Programme, undertook this Research Study.

Aim of the study was to contribute to policy development by presenting an overview of the different approaches to Return in the MS.

Primarily for policy-makers, at national and EU-levels, plus relevant administrative bodies, specialists.

11 EMN NCPs (AT, BE, DE, EE, GR, IE, IT, LV, NL, SE, UK) participated, each producing comprehensive Country Study.

European Commission

European Migration Network

Topics addressed

Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

and Securit


Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Current status of available data

Definitions used

Political & Legal Framework

Voluntary and Forced Return Actions

Provision of Assistance & Counselling

Bi- and Multi-lateral Co-operation

European Commission

European Migration Network

EU Policy context

Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Council Directive 2001/40/EC (mutual recognition of decisions).

Transposed AT, BE, FIN, FR, DE, GR, IT, PT, NL, ES, SE, UK. Opted out DK, IE. EU-10 (& EU-2) upon Schengen Acquis.

Council Directive 2003/110/EC (assistance in removal by air).

Transposed AT, CZ, FIN, HU, LV, LT, PL, NL, SE. Partially BE, EE, not yet BG, CY, FR, DE, GR, IT, LU, MT, PT, RO, SK, SI, ES. Opted out DK, IE, UK.

European Commission

European Migration Network

EU Policy context

Living in an

area of Freedo

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Council Decision 2004/191/EC (compensation of financial imbalances from Directive 2001/40/EC).

Council Decision 2004/573/EC (on organisation of joint flights).

Proposed directive (COM2005)391final) on common return procedures for illegally resident third country nationals.

European Return Fund (2008-2013), budget €676M.

European Commission

European Migration Network

Re-admission Agreements

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Following Treaty of Amsterdam (May 1999), negotiation mandate conferred to Commission.

Concluded: Albania, Hong Kong, Macao, Russia (to be ratified), Sri Lanka, Ukraine (upon Council Decision)

Ongoing: Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey, FYROM, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Moldova.

Yet to start: Algeria, China

European Commission

European Migration Network


Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Much discussion on understanding of (Assisted) Voluntary Return in particular.

In order to strive towards a degree of comparability, IOM definitions used for report:

Forced Return - the compulsory return of an individual to the country of origin, transit or third country, on the basis of an administrative or juridical act.

Voluntary Return - the assisted or independent return to the country of origin, transit or third country, based on the free will of the returnee.

European Commission

European Migration Network

National Debates

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Widespread criticism of Forced Return in respect to detention (BE, IT); removal procedures in individual cases (AT, DE, IE, NL); specific migrant groups (NL) and/or countries of return (UK).

Notable review of procedures was Vermeersch Commissions I & II (Belgium).

In The Netherlands, a Return Supervisory Committee was set-up following discussions in media and its House of Representatives.

European Commission

European Migration Network

Voluntary Return

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Regulated by legal acts in AT, BE, EE, NL, UK. Primarily undertaken by the IOM (not EE, LV) in

co-operation with national authorities (funding) and sometimes NGOs.

Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) preferred option: more dignified, much less expensive, more sustainable.

Example: AVR in UK in 2003/2004 were approx. 10-15% of Forced Return costs, costing in 2004/2005, £8.768.000 (€13M).

Evaluations of Voluntary Return actions undertaken in AT, NL, UK (+/- positive).

European Commission

European Migration Network


Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Assistance provided in terms of a financial incentive, travel documents/costs, reintegration assistance (EE, IE, IT, NL, UK).

Reintegration assistance in particular considered to contribute to sustainability (plus education opportunities in MS and CofR).

Not, however, considered as main motivation for return, instead facilitates.

European Commission

European Migration Network


Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Motives:Poor economic and household conditionsImproved political situation in country of returnPersonal reasonsInsecurity in resident Member StateLength of asylum procedure

Obstacles:Lack of financial resourcesDifficulty in obtaining proper travel documentsBad conditions in country of originLength of time spent in the resident Member State

European Commission

European Migration Network

Forced Return

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Main steps: Return Decision; Removal Order; poss. Detention; Expulsion; Re-entry ban (although different terminology used).

BE, EE, IE, LV, NL, UK first offer the possibility for Voluntary Return.

Withdrawal/suspension occurs for humanitarian reasons; non-refoulement; lack of travel documents; poor health of returnee; absconding.

Difficulties in identification of returnee common (also costly and time consuming). Lack of co-operation with some countries of origin.

European Commission

European Migration Network


Living in an

area of Freedo

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Mainly for Voluntary Return and primarily by IOM (also conduct information campaigns).

Other actors include Fedasil (BE), Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers/Migration Institute (NL); Citizenship and Migration Board (EE), plus NGOs (in AT, EE, IE, NL, UK).

As well as financial assistance, includes free advice and information on CofR, (legal) counselling.

Besides travel arrangements; potential prospects; reintegration assistance.

European Commission

European Migration Network

Concluding Remarks

Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

and Securit


Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Return increasingly important component of comprehensive (national/EU) migration policy, also for Country of Return.

The differing definitions/understandings in MS, and lack of comprehensive data for all, makes direct comparisons difficult.

Forced Return (by state authorities) has legal basis in all MS, whilst for Voluntary Return (by IOM plus NGOs), this exists only in some.

Voluntary Return with (reintegration) assistance considered more humane, cost-effective and sustainable.

European Commission

European Migration Network

Living in an

area of Freedo

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security


European Commission

European Migration Network

Responsible authorities

Living in an

area of Freedo

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security

Expulsion undertaken by, e.g. Immigration Service (BE), Citizenship and Migration Board (EE), Aliens Authority (EE), Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (LV), Migration Board (SE).

As well as the Border Guard and the National Police (private contractors in UK).

These authorities also take decision whether to use detain returnees (e.g. illegal border-crossing; violating immigration and residence procedures; unknown identity; threat to national security or public order; ensuring return actually occurs; from 'non-suspensive appeal’ country)

European Commission

European Migration Network

Synthesis Report - Topics

Living in an

area of Freedo

m, Justice

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Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security