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Version 0.72

CY 613

October 23, 2013

Creation & Design:

Anthony Antonich

Allen Davis

Dave Guerrieri

Anthony Keller

Dave Peterson


Welcome to Greyhawk Reborn! 1

The Guiding Principles of the Greyhawk Reborn Campaign 1

Post-LG Greyhawk 1

Greyhawk Reborn!! It is time!! 1

Greyhawk Reborn Overview 2

Living Campaigns 2

Greyhawk 2

Central Campaign Rules 2

Other Campaign Rules 2

Ethical Play Guidelines 3

Tell Us What You Think 3

Character Creation 4

Starting Ability Scores 4

Races 4

Languages 4

Classes: 4

Backgrounds & Lores 4

Alignment 4

Hit Points: 5

Equipment 5

Home Region 5

Player Expectations 5

Adventures 5

Adventure Tiers 5

Adventure Types 6

Adventure Category 6

Adventure Setting 6

Adventure Play & House Rules 7

Purpose 7

Challenge Level 7

Playing Outside of Character Level 7

Bloodied 7

Ability Checks 7

Short Rest Duration 7

Masterwork Weapons 7

Combat 7

Critical Hits 7

Two-Weapon Fighting 8

Scroll Levels 8

Selling Items 8

Trading Items 8

House Rule - Spells 8

Cure Wounds 8

Character Death 8

Purchasing a Raise Dead 8

Reducing Cost with Adventuring Units (AU) 8

Reducing Cost with Favors 8

Using the Dead Character’s Equipment 8

Character Advancement 9

Adventure Records 9

Favors and Influence 9

Favor Worth 9

Out Of Region Favors 9

Adventuring Units (AUs) 9

Home Region 9

Travel Between Regions 9

Changing Regions 9

Lifestyle & Upkeep 9

Treasure & Rewards 10

Adventuring Companies 11

Description 11

Sponsorship 11

Petition for Sponsorship 11

Benefits 11

Constraints 11

Organizations 11

Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods A-1

Baklunish Pantheon A-1

Dwarven Pantheon A-1

Elven Pantheon A-2

Flan Pantheon A-2

Gnome Pantheon A-3

Halfling Pantheon A-3

Oeridian Pantheon A-4

Suloise Pantheon A-5

Common or Unknown Origins A-5

Appendix B - Greyhawk Reborn Campaign Staff, Guiding Principles & Organizational Chart B-1

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook




The Regulators welcome you to our Greyhawk Reborn (GHR) organized play campaign. Our primary goal is entertainment for everyone involved, players and DMs alike, while advocating for the gaming community.

Greyhawk Reborn is a new type of living campaign, one in which adventures are created and judged by each individual DM. At the same time, the campaign staff manages the campaign documents and oversees the campaign story lines. We will be using the D&D Next playtest rules as a basis for our Greyhawk Reborn campaign. However, where there a differences between the D&D Next playtest rules and GHR campaign, the rules in this document have precedence.

One of the main goals of the Greyhawk Reborn campaign is to bring gamers together. As such, it will primarily be offered at conventions and game days. We believe that the more often gamers get together, and the greater numbers of gamers that get together, the greater the benefits to the gaming community overall.

Please keep in mind that the Greyhawk Reborn campaign is in its infancy, and that we expect to grow, adapt, and mature as the campaign grows. Understand that the rules in this document, and other Greyhawk Reborn documents to follow, may always be changed or tweaked, whether to adjust to playtest rule changes, allow for better game balance, or simply to create more player enjoyment.

The Guiding Principles of the Greyhawk Reborn Campaign

Have fun. Everyone at the table should be a part of the enjoyment of everyone else.

Story is king. PCs actions should have consequences in the

campaign. Players should feel invested in the campaign. Role-playing and roll-playing are not mutually

exclusive. To involve as many people in the creative

process as possible.

Post-LG Greyhawk

It is no longer safe to be out at night. It is dangerous to travel from town to town, except in groups. The night somehow seems darker, more sinister. Only the very powerful travel alone or after dark. Or the very foolish.

What was once thriving farming hamlets are now walled villages. Towns are heavily fortified. Only the desperate are outside the safety of town walls at night; even the farmers travel to the fields to mind their crops during the day, returning to the protection of civilization at dusk.

Goblin, kobolds and their ilk fill the vast spaces between towns now, bullied by hobgoblins, and gnolls, and orcs. It is said that their evil grows stronger each day. There are likely fouler, more evil masters above them, such as trolls, and giants, and drow, with even more hideous evil creatures above them. It is even rumored that great fiends and other abyssal creatures now sit at the top rung of the ladder, with the strong ruling the weak.

What were once powerful, unified empires have now become small city-states, barely controlling the territory with a day’s ride of their walls. Kings, lords and nobles now clash against one another, trying to become the one who is able to unite the various small political entities. Some want to do it for the benefit of all, others only to feed their own egos and power.

No, it is not a safe world anymore, not since The Breaking.

Greyhawk Reborn!! It is time!!

Once again explore one of the oldest, most beloved campaign worlds of all time. The world of Greyhawk will come alive again as your characters, your HEROES, wander upon the lands of Oerth, pushing the darkness back.

Venture forth anew in the realm that brought you classics such as The Village of Hommlet, White Plume Mountain, Against the Giants, Slavers, and the Living Greyhawk campaign. Revisit places such as Saltmarsh, Greyhawk City, the Vast Swamp and the Amedio Jungle.

Create new player characters in your favorite world, with classic races and classes. Create mighty warriors, powerful wizards, saintly clerics and dubious rogues. Your characters have a place in the world and their actions will help shape the world.

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook



Living Campaigns

A “living” campaign comes from the idea that more than one table, at more than one time, can exist and help shape a campaign. A living campaign springs from the idea that a home-style roleplaying campaign can be expanded to include tens, hundreds, or even thousands of different players and characters. In essence, when you play an adventure, other players with other characters can experience the same adventure, and maybe have a completely different experience than you. So many players (and many characters) can share the same world, and have some shared experiences, and some not-so-shared experiences.

One of the main principles of our living campaign is that your characters actions mean something within the campaign, and can have a lasting impression. For instance, during a royal wedding festival, the local rogues guild has a contest in which a Quall’s Tree Token is to be placed in the most outrageous or inappropriate location. If you place the Tree Token in the reflection pool in the royal palace, it may show up there in future adventures. You (and your characters) actions have meaning!!


Greyhawk is one of the first, and therefore one of the oldest, published campaign settings. Originally published by TSR, and now owned by Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro, the Greyhawk setting is one of the most loved and deepest detailed settings in the history of roleplaying.

Central Campaign Rules

No matter the specific game or campaign, there are always certain rules to follow. These are those rules.

Rule One: Fun & Entertainment Everyone seated at the table is sacrificing time and/or money to be able to play this particular game, including the DM. Let’s all have fun together, and respect other people’s play styles and our DMs.

Rule Two: It’s About The Story The campaign staff strongly believes that Greyhawk Reborn is a shared storytelling campaign. We have tales we’d like to share with you and have you become a part of. You, and your player character, likely wish to become part of stuff of legends. Together, we strive for fun, interactive play opportunities for all involved in the Greyhawk Reborn campaign.

Rule Three: Things Are Handled At The Table Since the DM is judging their own adventure, the DM has final say over all rules decisions at their table. Story awards, certificates and the like will not be emailed or

mailed to players, so please make sure when you are done at the table that you have everything you need.

As with any game, sometimes people at a table will have different interpretations of a given rule. We don't want interpretation of the rules to grind the gaming session to a halt. One of the DM's tasks is to listen to all sides and then make a decision. Whenever there is any confusion or contradiction about a rule, the table DM is the final arbiter, using the current version of the rules being used in GHR.

The campaign staff also believes strongly in both the letter of the rules and the spirit of the rules, balancing between fair and fun, game balance and individual play styles.

Other Campaign Rules

Table Size Table size for all normal Greyhawk Reborn adventures at a convention or game day event is 4-6 players and 1 DM. This gives an optimal game experience for the players and DM alike.

Player Characters All player characters will begin play at level 1. Your character will advance a level about every 3 adventures. Play a character that you will enjoy playing, and that other players at the table enjoy interacting with.

Playing Again Most adventures can be played again by the same player. A character can never play the same adventure again. If playing the adventure again, please don’t ruin the fun or surprises for anyone else that may be playing the adventure for the first time.

As the DM is the author, and only the author may DM adventures, the author/DM may not play their own adventure. We are currently considering how to best reward DMs for creating and DM’ing missions.

Rules Updates and Changes We want everyone to enjoy themselves; players and DM alike. In any shared world campaign, we need a semblance of structure, organization and rules to keep a level playing field.

We will be using the D&D Next playtest rules, with some changes for our campaign. As new options become available, the campaign staff will examine them carefully, and adjust the campaign rules accordingly. The campaign staff will be weighing fun and enjoyment for all, as well as campaign balance.

The current version of the rules being used in the GHR campaign is the:

October 14, 2013.

If it is not addressed in this document, or other official campaign record, the rules as written in the version of the rules above should be used to arbitrate any issues.

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook


Please keep in mind that you must have signed up and agreed to the Wizards of the Coast D&D Next Playtest Online Agreement to participate in the Greyhawk Reborn living campaign. You may verify your playtest participation by:

bringing along a copy of the Wizards of the Coast D&D Playtest verification email;

showing us on a computer that you can log in to the Wizards of the Coast D&D Next Playtest Material site on a computer;

signing a legal document stating you are legally signed up for the Wizards of the Coast D&D Next Playtest Program.

The Greyhawk Reborn campaign will not be distributing any D&D Next playtest materials at any time.

We expect there to be significant changes at times especially through the playtest phase of the D&D Next rules. As changes occur, there will be instances where the changes in the rules significantly change the way characters play. When changes occur, the campaign staff will allow characters to be tweaked so that they can remain within the rules of the game, and so that they are true to your original character concept. Guidance for those changes will be provided when needed, usually with a window of opportunity to make those changes.

ETHICAL PLAY GUIDELINES In the Greyhawk Reborn living campaign, we expect all of our players, DM's, and staff to conduct themselves with integrity and in a manner compatible with group cooperation and everyone's enjoyment of the game, including the DM.


Be considerate of the fun of everyone at the table, and be understanding of all variety of play styles.

Remember it is a game of heroes, and requires group cooperation to be successful, both in-character and out-of-character.

Play fair and honestly, and stay away from "Shadyville" in rules interpretations.

Follow both the spirit and the letter of the rules.

You cannot intentionally damage or hinder other player characters without their permission.

Respect the authority and decisions of your DM.

Play adventures for the story and challenges, not for specific rewards.

Please stay focused on the game. We understand that smart phones and tablets are often part of a gamer’s arsenal today, but be polite to everyone around the table. Please be conscious that continuous texting and web surfing pulls your attention away from the game at hand.

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK Please visit the Greyhawk Reborn campaign Yahoo Group and let us know what you think. The campaign staff is always eager to hear what your enjoyed, what you didn't enjoy, and, most importantly, why. You may ask questions of the campaign staff, ask for rules clarification, and offer suggestions on the message boards. As the campaign grows and matures, we expect in the future to have a fully featured website for the Greyhawk Reborn campaign.

You may contact us at:

You may also visit us at our Facebook page at:

All Greyhawk Reborn campaign announcements will be made on the above places.

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook


CHARACTER CREATION Before you can play, you need a player character. To create a Greyhawk Reborn character, you will need the following:

D&D Next Playtest materials A character sheet of some sort Some type of writing and marking device Dice A miniature to represent your PC is suggested

The following rules are for character creation and advancement. All GHR PCs must conform to the following rules

All PCs start at 1st level with zero XP.


You may use either the standard set of scores (16, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8), or the 30 point buy ability score system.


All standard demi-human races and sub-races are allowed for play. Greyhawk has traditionally had several human sub-races, such as Baklunish, Flannae, Oeridian and Suloise. Greyhawk Reborn human PCs may be either a standard human as described in the playtest packet, or one of the following sub-races as listed in the races sidebar. A standard human is considered to be a mix of several races, with no discernible dominant race. Each of the human sub-races have distinguishing physical features, and PCs will have physical traits denoting their main heritage. Other human sub-races, as well as other races, may become available in the campaign at a later date.

In addition, half-orcs also have a minor modification as indicated in the GHR Racial Modifications sidebar.


The following are languages that can be learned in the GHR campaign: Ancient Baklunish, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Flan, Giant, Gnomish, Gnoll, Goblin, Halfling, Keolandish, Old Oeridian, Olman, Orc, Suloise, Sylvan, and Undercommon. Other languages may become available later in the campaign.


All of the classes in the current playtest packet are available for play in the Greyhawk Reborn campaign. You may choose the suggested background, suggested specialty, or suggested equipment listed in each classes description, or you may make your own choices.


You may choose any of the sample backgrounds listed in the Backgrounds and Lores section of the rules. If you choose a background, you may choose the suggested equipment for that background as a part of your starting equipment. Other backgrounds may be developed in the future.


You may choose any non-evil alignment for your PC. You are not required to choose a deity, however any PC that casts a divine spell must have a deity and the PC’s alignment must be within one step of that deity's alignment.

Deities worshipped in the campaign, as well as other information regarding deities, their clerics, and their worshippers, maybe found in Appendix A. Deities may be added as the campaign matures.


Baklunish: +1 Str, +1 to two other abilities; gain advantage on checks to gather rumors and ride; gain advantage on saving throws vs. charms; proficient with katana, scimitar and short bow.

Flannae: +1 Con, +1 to two other abilities; gain advantage on lore-nature and handle animal checks; proficient with the bola, hand axe and longbow; +5 bonus to speed.

Oeridians: +1 Wis, +1 to two other abilities; gain advantage on checks to intimidate; gain advantage on saving throws vs. frightened; proficiency with flail, long sword and heavy crossbow; +1 HP bonus when regaining hit points.

Suloise: +1 Int, +1 to two other abilities; gain advantage on lore-forbidden checks; gain advantage on saving throws vs. necrotic damage; gain one additional language; you know the read magic cantrip.

Greyhawk Reborn Half-Orc Modifications

The only change from the half-orc as listed in the June 2013 playtest packet is that the starting Strength score for a half-orc only increases by one, and they get a +1 to two other ability scores. All other traits stay the same.

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook



At first level, a PC receives maximum hit points for its class. For each additional level, they receive half the maximum value for its new class + 1 + CON modifier. For example, when a fighter gains a level, it will gain 6+CON modifier to its current hit point maximum.


You may choose the suggested equipment listed in class and/or background descriptions, or you may choose your own equipment. To begin play a PC starts with 175 total gold pieces and subtracts the value of all equipment purchased from this number.

Only armor, weapons and adventuring gear of 75 gold pieces or less will be available for purchase during normal game play. Other items may be available at other times with campaign documentation.


Every player character hails from somewhere, whether it is a specific village or town or simply a country. Every PC must choose a home region from the areas listed on a Greyhawk map. It could be a hamlet or large city, a country, or even a mountain range or forest. This may have an impact upon your use of Adventuring Days or it could help or hinder you during and adventure.

PLAYER EXPECTATIONS Each Greyhawk Reborn player will have a different play style, and that is a part of what make a living campaign interesting to play. In a shared-world campaign, we all need to agree on some ground rules. The following are some general guidelines that in which our campaign staff strongly believe:

We are all here to have fun! This is the most fundamental rule; after all, it is called a game. Please try not to take things personally, or become antagonistic or abusive. Have a hearty rules discussion, but don't let it slow the game down. Try to find compromises so that all can enjoy themselves, including the DM. When the DM makes a final decision, respect the decision and move on.

Remember that it is a team game. Even the gloomy outsider character should be able to function well in the team environment. D&D has always been about shared storytelling and overcoming obstacles as a team. Role-play how you wish, but support your fellow heroes.

You cannot intentionally hurt, damage or hamper other PCs without that player's permission. Obviously, sometimes PCs can be forced to attack other PCs, such as when dominated. In that case, those attacks are chosen

by the DM, not by the player of the dominated character.

When the rules are updated, use the latest version. D&D next is an evolving game at this time, so be aware of changes when they occur. Also make sure your characters meet the current rules guidelines

ADVENTURES Each time you sit down at a Greyhawk Reborn adventure it will be a unique experience, one created by the particular combination of players around the table as well as the individual DM. Some adventures may be a classic dungeon crawl; others may require you to solve a mystery. Some will be combat intensive; others will focus upon character interactions with NPCs. Many more will be some combination of the above.

You could be hired as guards for a caravan carrying something vitally important or you could be sent to investigate why an ore shipment is overdue from a silver mine. You could be sent to rescue a princess, a merchant, or another adventurer. Or you could be sent to deal with a group of bandits, eliminating the threat once and for all.

Most adventures will be planned to play in about a three to four hour time frame, from the time everyone sits down at the table to the time everyone leaves after the adventure is wrapped up and paperwork completed. This would be considered a one-round adventure and most of our adventures will fall into this category. It may be possible that some adventures will be longer, and become two-round or three-round adventures, but these would be rarer.

It is possible that there may be encounters in adventures that you are not meant to fight. Not all encounters are meant to be solved by battle. There may even be some encounters that retreat is the best option for survival.

As the campaign grows, it is possible other types of adventures and events could be created.

Adventure Tiers

In Greyhawk Reborn, your heroes will begin their adventuring careers on the local level, helping out towns and villages. They are not yet well known, and are not very powerful. As they continue to adventure, they will become more well known, and more powerful.

The adventure tiers for Greyhawk Reborn will reflect that concept. Characters will at first influence Greyhawk at the local level, and as they increase in power, so will their influence. The PCs will progress through the local level to where they are now dealing with nobles that rule a city or province. From there, they will deal with the problems of kingdoms, and eventually the PCs will

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook


be involved with Oerth-shattering events. Our tiering system is as follows:

Local tier adventures are the lowest level in GHR, and will involve the PCs in events at the town and village level. These adventures will be of levels 1 through 5.

Regional tier adventures will bring the heroes into conflicts that involved provinces and baronies, and possibly even kingdoms. These adventures will be of levels 6-10.

Multi-Regional tier adventures will concern the PCs in the events of kingdoms and empires. These adventures will be of levels 11-15.

Global tier adventures will engage the heroes in struggles against threats to all of the Flanaess, the Oerth and planar menaces. These adventures will be of levels 16-20.

Each adventure would be written for a specific tier, for instance, local (1-5) or Regional (6-10). Each adventure would have 2 sets of monsters, one for low level and one for high level. As an example, a Local Tier mod would have monsters for levels 2 and 4, allowing for an easy adjustment to any level. This will allow us to keep the challenges faced by the PCs appropriate, and will make adventure creation much easier to the DM/author.

Adventures will be noted as follows: Local – low, Local – high, Regional –low, Regional – high, etc. Certain adventures may be playable in more than one tier, though each adventure is playable only once by a player character.

Every PC playing at the table must be playing at the same tier and level. So a Local-low table would have all PCs at levels 1, 2 or 3. We would add the total levels of the PCs at the table, divide by the number of players at the table, and that would be our level of play for the adventure. In the event of a fractional level, the players at the table may choose up or down.

Adventure Types

Adventures will be designated as either stand-alone adventures or story arc adventures. What type of adventure it is will be noted in the adventure blurb.

A stand-alone is a separate adventure all unto itself, to be played completely in one session. The story will have a beginning, middle, and an end. No other adventures will directly relate to a stand-alone adventure.

Story arc adventures will be a connected series of adventures that will be told over time through several adventures. It may be composed of as little as two adventures, or a series of six or more, depending upon the author/DM. It will likely be beneficial for you to play a story arc adventure with the same character for each as well as to play them in the intended order. The story arc, and each adventure’s place in it, will be noted in each adventure’s blurb.

Adventure Category

We realized our players come in all shapes, sizes, and style. As such, we plan to let them know what each adventure is about so that they may make intelligent choices as to which adventures to play and with which character.

Adventures will fall under one of three categories: tactical, social, or universal. A tactical adventure will have more of an emphasis on combat and tactical situations. The use of combat and brute force is likely necessary to be successful in this type of adventure. It could include scenarios such as a classic dungeon crawls, mass combat scenarios, and the like.

A social adventure will have more of an emphasis on roleplaying. It will be more focused on character interaction and the use of social skills to be successful. Samples would be a classic murder investigation, negotiating diplomatic relations, and so forth.

A universal adventure would be one somewhere in the middle. It may have alternate paths to success or it may have some combat and some role-playing necessary to be successful. Or the DM may create a more freeform adventure and allow the heroes to find their way through it.

Adventure Setting

Adventures will also be noted as set in urban, dungeon, wilderness, or planar settings. As play numbers and interest dictates, it is possible that other types of adventures and events could be offered.

An urban adventure will take place in a city or large town, and the majority (or all) of the adventure will take place within that setting.

A dungeon adventure will take place in a smaller space, likely in a series of connected or interconnected rooms, such as a dungeon or a mine. It would likely be underground, though adventuring through a wizard’s tower or evil temple would also fall under this category.

A wilderness adventure would take place in the great outdoors. You could be trying to find ancient ruins or acting as caravan guards for a long trek. Or you could be sent on a discovery and exploration mission to a sparsely populated area.

A planar adventure would take place on other planes of existence. It would likely involved strange beings and surviving adverse condition. It could involve aspects of other adventures, but in a landscape foreign to your characters.

We currently have five regions in which adventures will be occurring: Geoff, Gran March, the Hold of the Sea Princes, Keoland, and the Yeomanry. All adventures at this time will be occurring in one of those regions. As play increases, and more people wish to become involved in the campaign, it is likely that adventures will be created for other countries and areas.

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook





The purpose of house rules is to tailor a specific subset of rules released by Wizards of the Coast to best meet the intended play experience for the Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign.

While the administration recognizes there are many additional rules that could benefit from tailoring for the Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign, it is the position of the campaign administration that the Campaign House Rules remain limited to the minimal number of required house rules.

Limitations have been applied on the number of published house rules to avoid establishing a cumbersome reference guide or to introduce additional campaign paperwork that players are required to stay current with.

The campaign intends to draft and release a more complete and comprehensive set of house rules upon the completion of the D&D Next Playtest and Wizards of the Coast releases a formal set of rules.

When a group of characters participate in an adventure, a difficulty level must be selected for play in the module.

Challenge Level

The Challenge Level for an adventure is established by determining the average character level of the characters at the table. (Sum each character’s level and divide by the total number of characters participating in the adventure.)

Playing Outside of Character Level

A character may play in an adventure with a Challenge Level set to up to two (2) levels higher or lower than the character’s level without penalty.

A character may play in an adventure with a difficulty level set to up to four (4) levels higher or lower than the character’s level, however the character will only gain half experience points and gold for the adventure. In addition, the character will not receive access to any found magical items during the adventure.

A character may not play in an adventure with a difficulty level set to five (5) or more levels higher or lower than the character’s level.


You have a bloodied value equal to half your hit point maximum. When your hit points are equal to or less than your bloodied value, you are bloodied. We find this a good house rule to represent damage levels in the game without using hit point numbers.

Ability Checks

Take 10: When your character is not beings threatened or distracted, you may choose to Take 10. Instead of 0rolling an ability check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 10. Once you decide to Take 10, you must abide by the results. You may not Take 10 on ability checks that carry a penalty for failure. You may not Take 10 on ability checks for Fields of Lore.

Take 20: When you have plenty of time and you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the ability check carries no penalties for failure, you may Take 20. Instead of rolling an ability check, calculate your result as if you had rolled a 20. Taking 20 takes two (2) minutes of game time. You may not Take 10 on ability checks that carry a penalty for failure. You may not Take 10 on ability checks for Fields of Lore.

Short Rest Duration

Change the duration required for a Short Rest from “1 hour” to “10 minutes.”

Concentration for spells ends upon the start of a short rest.

Masterwork Weapons

A masterwork weapon is a superbly constructed version of a normal weapon, which provides a +1 bonus on attack rolls only. A weapon cannot be upgraded to masterwork quality after it is created; it must be crafted as a masterwork weapon. Creating a masterwork weapon costs 100 gold pieces plus the cost of a normal weapon of the same type. A weapon must be masterwork quality before it can become a magic weapon, but the +1 bonus to attack rolls does not stack with the magic bonus. Masterwork weapons are only available for purchase with Adventure Record documentation.



Replace the current Critical Hit rules with the following:

When a character rolls a “natural 20” on an attack roll, the weapon damage is maximized, and the character adds one additional die of the weapon damage type.

Note: Only weapon damage is maximized on a critical hit, unless a specific class feature (i.e., the Rogue style feature Assassinate) allows.

Example: An Orc with a Greataxe attacks a PC. Normal damage for this Orc is 1d12+2 (avg 8). The Orc rolls a “natural 20” on its attack roll which becomes a critical strike. The damage becomes maximum damage (14) plus an additional die of the weapon damage type (+1d12).

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook



When Two-weapon Fighting, whether you have the feat Dual Wielder or not, a PC will always get an off-hand weapon attack without any ability modifier damage to this attack. This attack is in addition to their normal number of attacks based upon level and class.


All scrolls found during an adventure are of the lowest level that the spell can be cast, unless otherwise stated on the Adventure Record.


Players may sell any items from the following tables for ½ the full cost of the item:

Armor Table Weapons Table Adventuring Gear Table

No other items may be sold at this time.


Items may not be traded to another PC. During adventure play you may loan items and coin to other PCs for the duration of the adventure, but loaned items and anything purchased with borrowed GP reverts back to your PC at the end of the game. If a loaned item is destroyed, its loss is reflected on your AR and coin totals at the end of the game. You may not loan money to a friend to buy an item you cannot normally buy for yourself.

House Rule - Spells


The Cure Wounds spell functions as normal, with the following text treated as an addendum.

The positive energy from the Cure Wounds spell may be targeted on an Undead creature, inflicting radiant damage.

Effect: Choose an undead creature within range that you can see. It must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 3d8 radiant damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each level above 1st.

Character Death


In the event that a character dies during an adventure, the party has the option to purchase a Raise Dead spell. Purchasing the casting of a Raise Dead spell costs 500gp and may include contributions from other characters participating in the adventure.

At least one character in the party must survive the adventure in order to have the Raise Dead option available.


Characters participating in the adventure may contribute Time In Service to pay off the 500gp cost required for the Raise Dead spell casting. The exchange rate available to the characters is 1 Adventuring Unit (AU) yields 2gp.


Characters may expend Favors to reduce the cost of a Raise Dead spell casting.

The Raise Dead spell casting may be reduced by the following amounts:

Type A – contributes 500gp Type B – contributes 375gp Type C – contributes 250gp Type D – contributes 125gp

Note: In the event that characters contribute enough favors to exceed the cost of the Raise Dead spell casting, the characters do not receive “change” or any gp in excess of the cost of the Raise Dead spell casting.


The equipment of a dead PC may only be used by other PCs until the end of the adventure. If the dead PC is not raised or resurrected, all of their items are considered buried/destroyed with the body. The only exception allowed, at the DM's discretion, is if the dead PC was carrying an item vital to the plot of the adventure story arc.

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook


Character Advancement


Adventure records will be provided to track experience and access to found items and influences gained through play.

Favors and Influence


Characters may gain the favor of NPCs through play. Favors are tiered by grade and worth.

Type A – Royalty Type B – Major Noble Type C – Lesser Noble / Notable Organization Type D – Other


When expending a favor from another region, a favor is treated as one grade lower.

Example: When using the Favor of the Longbowmen (Type C, Region: Geoff) in the region of Keoland, the Favor is treated as a Type D.

Adventuring Units (AUs)

The campaign staff feels strongly that time should play a factor in the campaign. Each character should have a fixed amount of time to adventure and explore our world each year, and that will be represented in Adventuring Units (AU). At the beginning of each calendar year your PC will have 364 AUs to use, unless something from the previous year reduces this total. This represents one AU for each day in the Greyhawk calendar.

The most common way of spending AUs is by adventuring, but you might also spend them other ways. Each time you sit at a table, your character will take a certain amount of game time to play each adventure. Each actual day of adventure time counts as one AU. So, each play session could take a different amount of time, depending upon how many days the adventure takes, how often you take a long rest, how fast you travel, and where you call home.

Your character might also spend AUs by joining organizations, or being imprisoned or captured, or volunteering to help NPCs or those less fortunate.

When a PC is out of AUs for the year, you cannot play them until the start of the next calendar year.


Each PC must choose a home realm for each of their characters. Different PCs of the same player may have different home realms. Currently, we have five countries as active play realms: the Geoff, Gran March, the Hold of

the Sea Princes, Keoland, and the Yeomanry. Characters may be from any country of Greyhawk as their home region, but playing within their home region will reduce the number of AUs necessary for each adventure, as well as possibly provide other benefits.

A PC playing an adventure in their home region will use as many AUs as days during the actual adventure. If you are playing an adventure in which you are out of region, you will add 5 AUs to your use for the adventure, representing travel time to get there.


When determining the total Adventuring Units (AU) for an adventure, a player should compare the Adventure Record of the prior adventure to the current adventure.

If the region for the prior adventure record matches the current record, there is no additional Adventuring Unit (AU) cost to the character.

If the region for the prior adventure record does not match the current record, the character must pay an additional five (5) Adventuring Units (AU) to reflect the time traveling between regions.


A character who wishes to change regions must expend thirty (30) Adventuring Units (AU) to reflect the time moving his or her residence.

Lifestyle & Upkeep

Players will also need to choose a lifestyle for their character at the beginning of each adventure. This is called upkeep, as it defines their standard of living. You must declare your desired upkeep to the DM before play starts, and may not change upkeep during the adventure. The following lifestyles are available:

Common lifestyle: This will pay for common room and board, replenishes rations, arrows, bolts and the like, and refills healing and other kits. After the adventure, it heals all damage, restores all hit dice, and heals all temporary ability damage. This will provide for lodging and food of average quality, and provides clothes of ordinary dress in most realms. Most characters with normal lifestyle will not stand out in a crowd of commoners, except for their weapons and armor. Common lifestyle costs 1 SP X Character Level X AU for each adventure.

Rich lifestyle: This will do everything a common lifestyle does, and provides a +1 bonus on all social skills checks when your DM determines that your increased social status should grant a benefit. This provides lodging and food of a good quality, and provides clothing of good fabric with some adornment. A character with a rich lifestyle will stand out in a crowd of commoners, but would fit in with minor nobles, merchants, and the like, except for the weapons and armor. They will be approached somewhat

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook


regularly by beggars, orphans and the like. Rich lifestyle costs 3 SP x Character Level X AU for each adventure.

Luxury lifestyle: This works as rich lifestyle, but it increases the social skill bonus to +2. You would be staying at the finest inn in town, and consuming the best food and drink. Your clothes would be of fancy and expensive cloth, with silver, gold and jewels as decorations. A character with luxury lifestyle would stand out almost anywhere, and may be considered a noble or very wealthy person. They would be approached often by those less fortunate, looking for a handout. A luxury lifestyle costs 5 SP x Character Level X AU for each adventure.

Rich and luxury lifestyle may not be available in all adventures, depending upon the setting.

Living Off The Land: You may also choose to not pay for any upkeep. This is called Living Off the Land. This option provides a -2 penalty on all social skill checks when your DM determines that your decreased social status should penalize your character. Your character may make a DC 15 Wisdom check before the adventure begins. If successful, they forage and scavenge enough of the land to provide a common lifestyle. If unsuccessful, they heal no damage, restore no hit dice, heal no temporary damage, and replenish no supplies at the end of the module. A successful check does not negate the social skill penalty.

It is possible that in certain situations the bonuses and penalties for upkeep may not work in the character’s favor. For instance, if trying to infiltrate a secret rogue organization, or attempting to gather rumors in certain areas of town, it may not be beneficial to have a luxury lifestyle. Or, conversely, a character may not be allowed into certain places if they are Living Off the Land.

Treasure & Rewards

In the world of Greyhawk, magic items are very rare. They are powerful, magnificent items found in an old tomb, a dragon’s hoard, or with a powerful person. Many magic items have been lost to the passage of time, while others have been forgotten. Others are resting, maybe in the skeletal hand of a dead adventurer, waiting to be found and used once again.

After you successfully finish a Greyhawk Reborn adventure, you will be rewarded. Your rewards will include experience points, gold, and likely access to some items. Those items could be magic items, such as weapons, armor, shields and the like. They could also be masterwork items, silvered items, scrolls, potions, or other unique items, both magical and mundane, unique to the adventure. These items will be listed in the Items Found section of each Adventure Record.

Items Found: In every adventure you will find treasure locked in a chest, the loot of your foes, or receive rewards from grateful individuals or groups. We feel that in each adventure, you should be able to pick something up that makes your character a little better, a little stronger, or a little more versatile.

In each adventure you will be able to take an item that is listed in the Items Found section of the Adventure Record. This must be chosen at the end of the adventure and written in the Item Found line on the AR before you leave the table. These items will tend to be mundane items, masterwork items, potions, scrolls and the like. When you choose an item to fill the Item Found section after an adventure, you don't have to pay any gold for the item. Simply write down the item in the "Item Found" section of your Adventure Record.

Magic Items Found: Each player character also will have a maximum of 20 Magic Item Found slots. Each PC will begin with one Magic Item Found slot and gains one additional Magic Item Found slot every time they advance a level. Items that use these slots will be listed in the Magic Items Found section of your AR (though not every adventure will have this section on its AR, especially lower level adventures). If this section is present, you may select one of the items (presuming you have an empty magic item found slot) by writing it in the Magic Item Found line on the AR before you leave the table. When you choose an item to fill a Magic Item Found slot after an adventure, you don't have to pay any gold for the item. Once you have used a Magic Item Found slot to acquire an item, you never get that slot back even if you later sell or otherwise dispose of the item in question.

It is OK for more than one player at a table to select the same item, even if it isn't totally realistic. However, each PC can only have one of any item in the game unless the items are a matched set.

One of your Item Found slots could become a Magic Item Found slot. For instance, maybe you find a masterwork long sword in an adventure and choose it for a Item Found slot. Several adventures later, you gain a story award in an adventure that allows you to upgrade a masterwork weapon to a +1 weapon for no gold. This long sword now takes up a Magic Item Found slot, and you would need to have an open Magic Item Found slot to be able to choose this.

Alternately, in another adventure, you gain a story award that allows you to upgrade a masterwork weapon to a +1 weapon, but it will cost your character 200 gold to make the upgrade your character's weapon. This weapon would not take up a Magic Item Found slot, as you are using gold to upgrade it.

Generally, if you receive an item for no cost, it will use a Magic Items Found slot. If you use some resources (gold, AU, etc.) to obtain and item, it will use an Items Found slot. Of course, there may be exceptions as well, so always refer to the Adventure Record for the details in each instance. Each specific story award and Adventure Record will have the specific details.

Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook


Magic Item Body Slots: Each PC may have items in the following slots, and must choose what is in that slot before the adventure begins. The slots that each character has are as follows:

2 hands slots, includes weapons 1 armor/chest/torso slot 1 head slot 1 neck/cape slot 1 arm/bracer slot 2 ring slots 1 gloves slot 1 boot/feet slot

Characters also can carry wondrous items such as pearls of powers or bags of holding that do not need to be equipped to gain the magical effects they offer.

Magic Item Attunement: As characters adventure more and find more powerful magic items they will find some items require attunement. A character can attune a number of items equal to their Charisma Modifier with a minimum value of one. It takes ten minutes of concentration to attune an item and an item can be un-attuned at any time but it cannot be re-attuned for at least 24 hours after the last time it was un-attuned.

Adventuring Companies


A group of characters may organize and establish their own Adventuring Company. An Adventuring Company is a formal organization, which is recognized through play and may grant the characters in game benefits (and potentially hindrances) depending upon character choices.

Each Adventuring Company should have the following:

Purpose Theme Eligibility Requirements Base of Operations Sponsor


Each Adventuring Company must have a sponsor in order to receive formal recognition.

A sponsor may take the form of an NPC of some influence or an organization. Each NPC will typically only elect to sponsor one Adventuring Company.

An organization may elect to sponsor more than one Adventuring Company.

An Adventuring Company should select a sponsor whose beliefs the characters align with. An Adventuring Company that performs actions, which conflict with the beliefs of the sponsor, may lose any in-game benefits.


To request sponsorship, a group of adventurers must draft a Petition for Sponsorship. A petition for sponsorship should be an In Character document of no more than one page in length submitted to the Regional Administration.

Each Petition for Sponsorship must include five (5) characters of at least 3rd level interested in creating the Adventuring Company.

Petitions for Sponsorship will be reviewed by each sponsor and the Adventuring Company that best fits the interests of the sponsor will be selected.


A character with membership in an Adventuring Company may gain some in-game benefits.

Each character in an Adventuring Company gains the following benefits:

Favor of the Sponsor (reusable, once per adventure)

Possible benefits per interactive Possible item access through play Other secret benefits


A player may only have one character in an Adventuring Company at any given time.

A character may resign from an Adventuring Company without penalty. The player must notify the Adventuring Company POC.

Each Adventuring Company must maintain a current roster of participants.

Each Adventuring Company must maintain five (5) members in order to maintain its sponsorship.

ORGANIZATIONS <To Be Determined>

Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook


Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods

The following deities are present in Greyhawk Reborn. Each PC may choose a deity but only those PCs that cast divine spells must choose one. Furthermore, divine casters must be within one step of their deity’s alignment. Deity power levels are, in order, greater, intermediate, lesser, demi-god, and hero-deity. Those deities whose names are shown in bold-italic are common in most areas and do not have to be taken by a person of that sub-race. Those deities whose names are shown in simple italics cannot be worshipped by player character clerics, but are included for the sake of giving the players knowledge of who the various evil deities are.


Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Al’Akbar LG Demi Guardianship, Faithfullness, Dignity, Duty

Protector Falchion M

Al’Asran (Pelor) NG Greater Sun, Light, Strength, Healing Lifegiver, Lightbringer

Mace M

Al’Zarad (Boccob) N Greater Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, Non-interference

Arcanist Staff M

Azor’alq NG Hero Light, Purity, Courage, and Strength

Lightbringer Elven Court Blade


Daoud N Hero Humility, Clarity, Immediacy Arcanist Staff M

Geshtai N Lesser Lakes, Rivers, Wells, and Streams Protector Spear F

Istus N Greater Fate, Destiny, Divination, Predestination, Future, Honesty

Arcanist Net F

Mouqol N Lesser Trade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, and Reciprocity

Protector Dagger M

Tharoth the Reaper (Nerull)

NE Greater Death, Darkness, Murder, and the Underworld

Reaper Scythe M

Xan Yae N Lesser Twilight, Shadows, Stealth, and Mental Power

Trickery Paired Falchions


Zuoken N Demi Monks, Mental Powers, Physical and mental mastery

Protector Unarmed Attack



Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Abbathor NE Inter Greed Trickery Dagger M

Berronar Truesilver LG Inter Safety, Truth, Home, Healing Protector, Lifegiver Mace F

Clangeddin Silverbeard LG Inter Battle, War Warbringer Battleaxe M

Dugmaren Brightmantle

CG (NG) Lesser Scholarship, Discovery, Invention Arcanist, Lightbringer

Short Sword M

Dumathoin N Inter Mining, Exploration Lightbringer Warhammer M

Gendwar Argrim LN Hero Fatalism and Obsession Warbringer Dwarven Battleaxe


Moradin LG Greater Dwarves, Smithing, Engineering, Creation, War

Warbringer, Protector

Warhammer M

Muamman Duathal NG Lesser Wanderers and Expatriates Protection Mace M

Vergadain N Inter Wealth and Luck Trickery Long Sword M

Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook



Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Aerdrie Faenya CG (CN) Lesser Air, Weather, Avians, Rain, Fertility

Stormcaller Staff F

Corellon Larethian CG Greater Elves, Magic, Music, Arts & Crafts, War

Arcanist, Warbringer Longsword or Longbow


Deep Sashelas CG Inter Aquatic Elves, Oceans Protector, Stormcaller

Trident M

Erevan Ilesere CN Inter Mischief, Change, Rogues Trickster Short sword M

Fenmarel Mestarine CN (CG) Lesser Wild Elves, Outcasts, Scapegoats, Isolation

Trickery Dagger M

Gadhelyn CN Hero Independence, Outlawry, Feasting, Hunting

Protector Longbow M

Hanali Celanil CG Inter Love, Romance, Beauty, Fine Art Protector Dagger F

Labelas Enoreth CG Inter Time, Longevity, History Arcanist Staff M

Rillifane Rallathil CG Inter Wood Elves, Woodlands, Nature, Druids

Protection Bow M

Sehanine Moonbow CG (NG) Inter Mysticism, Dreams, Far Journeys, Death, Full Moons, Transcendence

Reaper Quarterstaff F

Solonor Thelandira CG Inter Archery, Hunting, Wilderness Survival

Warbringer, Stormcaller

Long Bow M

Ye’Cind CG Demi Music, Magical Songs Arcanist Long Sword M


Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Allitur LG (N) Lesser Ethics, Propriety Lightbringer Spear M

Beory N Greater Oerth Mother, Nature, Rain Lifegiver, Protector Club F

Berei NG Lesser Home, Family, Agriculture Protector Sickle F

Earth Dragon LE Demi Earth, Weather, Hidden Treasure Protector, Stormcaller

Pick n/a

Ehlonna NG Lesser Forests, Flowers, Meadows Lifegiver Long Bow F

Kyuss NE Hero Creation & Mastery of the Undead Reaper Club M

Mayaheine LG Demi Protection, Justice, Valor Protector, Warbringer

Bastard Sword F

Myhriss NG Lesser Love, Beauty, Romance Protection Shortbow or Whip


Nerull NE Greater Death, Darkness, Murder, The Underworld

Reaper Scythe M

Obad-Hai N Inter Nature, Woodlands, Freedom, Hunting, Beasts

Lifegiver, Stormcaller Staff M

Pelor NG Greater Sun, Strength, Light, Healing Lifegiver, Lightbringer

Mace (any) M

Rao LG Greater Peace, Reason, Serenity Protector Lt. Mace M

Red Fox CG Lesser Crafts, Thievery Trickery Dagger M

Vathris LN Hero Anguish, Lost Causes, Revenge Warbringer Longspear M

Vecna NE Lesser Destruction, Evil Secrets, Magic, Hidden Knowledge, Intrigue

Warbringer Dagger M

Zodal NG Lesser Mercy, Home, Benevolence Protector Unarmed strike M

Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook



Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Baervan Wildwanderer NG Inter Forests, Nature, Travel Trickster Spear M

Baravar Cloakshadow NG (N) Lesser Illusions, Protection, Deception Protector, Trickster Dagger M

Calladuran Smoothhands

N (NG) Inter Svirfneblin, Protection, Earth, Mining

Lifegiver, Protector Greataxe M

Flandal Steelskin NG Inter Mining, Smithing, Fitness Lightbringer Warhammer M

Gaerdal Ironhand LG (LN) Lesser Protection, Vigilance, Combat Protector, Warbringer

Warhammer M

Garl Glittergold NG Greater Protection, Humor, Trickery, Gemcutting, Smithing

Protector, Trickster Axe (any) M

Gelf Darkhearth CN Inter Entropy, Revenge Reaper Warhammer M

Nebelun CG Lesser Inventions, Good luck Arcanist Mace M

Roykyn NE Hero Cruelty Trickster Spiked Gauntlet


Segojan Earthcaller NG Inter Earth, Nature Stormcaller Mace M

Urdlen CE Inter Greed, Bloodlust, Evil, Hatred, Blind Destruction

Warbringer Spiked Gauntlet



Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Arvoreen LG Inter Protection, Vigilance, War Protector, Warbringer

Any silvered M

Brandobaris N Lesser Stealth, Thieves, Adventuring Trickster Short Sword M

Charmalaine N Hero Keen Senses, Narrow Escapes Protector Mace F

Cyrrollalee LG Inter Friendship, Trust, Home Protector Club F

Sheela Peryroyl N (NG) Inter Nature, Agriculture, Weather Stormcaller Sickle F

Urogalan N (LN) Demi Earth, Death, Protection of the Dead

Reaper Flail M

Yondalla LG Greater Halflings, Protection, Fertility Protector, Lifegiver Sword, any F

Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook



Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Atroa NG Lesser Spring, East Wind, Renewal Lifegiver Sling F

Bleredd N Lesser Metal, Mines, Smiths Lightbringer Warhammer M

Celestian N(G) Inter Astronomy, Stars, Space, Wanderers

Arcanist Spear


Cyndor LN Lesser Time, Continuity, Infinity Arcanist Sling M

Daern LN Hero Defenses, Fortifications Protection Shortspear F

Delleb LG Lesser Reason, Intellect, Study Arcanist Saber M

Erythnul CE (CN) Inter Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, Slaughter

Trickster, Warbringer

Mace M

Fharlanghn N(G) Inter Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads Protector Quarterstaff M

Heironeous LG Inter Chivalry, Honor, Justice, Valor, War, Daring

Protector, Warbringer

Battleaxe or Longsword


Hextor LE Inter War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, Tyranny

Warbringer Any* M

Johydee NG Hero Deception, Espionage, Protection Trickster Short Sword F

Kurell CN Lesser Jealousy, Revenge, Theft Trickster Short Sword M

Kuroth CN Hero Theft, Treasure-Finding Trickster Dagger M

Lirr CG Lesser Prose, Poetry, Literature, Art Arcane Rapier or Shortspear


Merikka LG Demi Farming, Agriculture, Home Protector Sickle F

Olidammara CN Inter Music, Revelry, Roguery, Wine Trickster Rapier M

Pholtus LG (N) Inter Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, Sun, Moons

Lightbringer Staff M

Procan CN Inter Oceans, Seas, Salt, Sea life, Weather, Navigation

Stormcaller Trident M

Rudd CN(G) Demi Chance, Good luck, Skill Trickster Rapier, Stiletto, or Shortbow


Sol (Pelor) NG Greater Sun, Strength, Light, Healing Lifegiver, Lightbringer

Mace (any) M

Sotillion CG(N) Lesser Summer, South wind, Ease, Comfort

Stormcaller Sickle F

Stern Alia LN Demi Oeridian Culture, Law, Motherhood

Protector Long Bow or Mace


Telchur CN Lesser Winger, North wind, Cold Stormcaller Shortspear M

Velnius N(G) Lesser Sky, Weather Stormcaller Spear M

Wenta CG Lesser Autumn, West Wind, Harvest, Brewing

Lifegiver Club F

Zilchus LN Inter Power, Prestige, Influence, Money, Business

Protector Dagger M

Appendix A – Greyhawk Reborn Gods Greyhawk Reborn Living Campaign Guide & Sourcebook



Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Beltar CE (CN) Lesser Malice, Caves, Pits Warbringer Spiked Gauntlet


Dalt CG Lesser Portals, Doors, Enclosures, Locks, Keys

Trickery Dagger M

Fortubo LG (N) Lesser Stone, Metals, Mountains, Guardianship

Protector Warhammer M

Jascar LG Lesser Hills, Mountains Protector Warhammer M

Kord CG Inter Athletics, Sports, Brawling, Strength, Courage

Warbringer Greatsword M

Lendor LN Inter Time, Tedium, Patience, Study Arcane Greatsword M

Lydia NG Lesser Music, Knowledge, Daylight Arcanist, Lightbringer Spear F

Norebo CN Lesser Luck, Gambling, Risk Trickster Dagger M

Osprem LN Lesser Sea Voyages, Ships, Sailors Protector, Stormcaller Trident F

Phaulkon CG Lesser Air, Winds, Clouds, Birds, Archery

Stormcaller Bow (Long or Short)


Phyton CG Lesser Nature, Beauty, Farming Lightbringer Scimitar M

Pyremius NE Lesser Assassins, Fire, Poison, Murder Warbringer Longsword or Whip


Syrul NE (LE) Lesser Lies, Deceit, Treachery, False Promises

Trickery Dagger F

Vatun CN Lesser Northern Barbarians, Cold, Winter, Arctic Beasts

Stormcaller, Warbringer

Battleaxe M

Wee Jas LN (E) Greater Magic, Death, Vanity (love), Law Arcanist, Reaper Dagger F

Xerbo N Lesser The Sea, Sailing, Money, Business

Stormbringer Trident M


Name Align Power Spheres of Influence Domains Weapon Sex

Boccob N Greater Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, Non-interference

Arcanist Staff M

Joramy N(G) Lesser Fire, Volcanoes, Wrath, Anger, Quarrels

Stormcaller, Warbringer Staff M

Kelanen N Demi Swords, Sword skill, Balance Warbringer Any Sword M

Ralishaz CN(E) Inter Chance, Ill-luck, Misfortune, Insanity

Trickster Staff M

St. Cuthbert LG (N) Inter Wisdom, Zeal, Common sense, Honesty, Truth, Discipline

Protector, Warbringer Club M

Trithereon CG Inter Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, Self-defense

Warbringer Spear, sword, or club


Ulaa LG Inter Hills, Mountains, Gemstones Protector Warhammer F

Zagyg CN Demi Humor, Occult studies, Eccentricity, Unpredictability

Trickster Club M

Appendix B – Greyhawk Reborn Campaign Staff

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Appendix B - Greyhawk Reborn Campaign Staff, Guiding Principles & Organizational Chart

Greyhawk Reborn Online Presence:

Greyhawk Reborn Campaign Staff

Point of Contact: you may contact Dave Guerrieri at with general Greyhawk Reborn questions.

Global Design & Development Team

Tony Antonich

Allen Davis

Jeff Fernandez

Dave Guerrieri

Anthony Keller

Dave Peterson

Region Design & Development Teams:

Geoff Leads: Marc Yudson & David O'Connor

Gran March Lead: Dave Peterson

Hold of the Sea Princes Lead: Anthony Keller

Keoland Lead: Dave Guerrieri

Yeomanry Lead: Allen Davis

We feel it is very important that GHR campaign staff stay fully involved and invested in the campaign itself, so we encourage our staff and leads to play PCs at tables whenever possible.

GHR Organizational Chart & Responsibilities

Global Design Team

Website & Media Team

Regional Design Teams

Local Design Teams


Editorial Team


Appendix B – Greyhawk Reborn Campaign Staff

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Global Design & Development Team (Leads): Administrate, manage and oversee campaign; Manage overall story lines and plots; Create campaign rules and guidelines; Manage campaign access, such as items and magic, for game balance; Edit adventures for game balance and story; Edit AR for game balance and item access; Create narratives and other story elements to support the story lines and plots; Oversee websites, groups and social media.

Regional Design & Development Team (Leads):

Manage a particular region, such a Keoland; Plot & Story Lead

o Create and manage story lines and plots (Plot and Story Lead); o Create narratives and other story elements to support the story lines and plots; o Create and edit ARs for story, story award, item access and game balance; o Review and edit adventures for story and game balance;

Group Lead o Create and manage groups (Group Lead); o Create and manage in-character elements; o Create and manage NPCs, businesses, maps, etc.;

Events Lead o Create and manage special events; o Assist with conventions and events.

Local Design & Development Team (Leads): Create and manage a smaller area, such as a town, village, province, or township; Create plots, story lines and adventures for the area; Create narratives and other story elements to support the story lines and plots; Possibly develop adventures and special events for a convention or other event; Create and manage NPC’s, businesses; maps, etc.

Website and Media Team: Create and manage GHR website; Create and manage groups; Create and manage social media; Create and manage events ( registration, sign up, schedule).

Editorial Team.

Edit and review GHR documents Writers:

Create adventures;

Create & suggest story awards and treasure;

Suggest story lines and plots; DM adventures. Artists:

Create artistic materials for the campaign, such as portraits, maps, battle maps, illustration, etc.