Literature sessions 1 to 3

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Transcript of Literature sessions 1 to 3

What is

and why do we

study it?

by Venjie Oclaret

Answer the questions

1. What is literature?

2. Why do people read


3. Why is it necessary for you

to study literature?

1. What is literature?

1) The definition of 14th century:

It means polite learning through reading. A

man of literature or a man of letters = a

man of wide reading, “literacy”

2) The definition of 18th century:

practice and profession of writing

3) The definition of 19th century:

the high skills of writing in the special

context of high imagination

4) Robert Frost’s definition:

performance in words

5) Modern definition:

We can define literature as language

artistically used to achieve identifiable

literary qualities and to convey

meaningful messages. Literature is

characterized by beauty of expression

and form and by universality

intellectual and emotional appeal.

• Literature is

– Composition that tells a story, dramatizes a

situation, expresses emotions, analyzes and

advocates ideas

– Helps us grow personally and intellectually

– Provides an objective base for knowledge

and understanding

– Shapes our goals and values by clarifying

our own identities, both positively and


– Literature makes us human

1) It improves your language


2) It enriches your knowledge

about a culture.

3) It helps you explore the nature

of human beings. It gives you

spiritual and psychological relief.

2. Why is it necessary for you to study literature?

3. Why do people read literature?

1) Reading for Pleasure

Howells think that “the study of literature should begin and end in pleasure”. Apart from its role of protest, education, cognition and aesthetic appreciation, literature primarily gives pleasure.

2) Reading for Relaxation

Get readers away to an imaginary world, thus forget their problems and obligations of everyday life.

3) Reading to Acquire Knowledge

It gives readers an insight into the tradition , custom, belief, attitudes, folklore, values of the age in which it is written.

4) Reading to Confront Experience

Literature is appealing mainly because of its relationship to human experience. It sheds light on the complexity and ambiguity of human experiences and thus broadens readers’ awareness of the possibilities of the experience.

5) Reading for Artistic Appreciation

Good craftsmanship and the beauty of expression and form; It can be analyzed according to literary theories and criteria; literary criticism, to clarify, explain and evaluate literature from an aesthetic point of view.

Buzz Groups

• On a 1/8 sheet of paper, write

your name and the title of a

piece of literature that has

captured you somehow in any

way. Your piece of literature

could be a novel, short story,

poem, drama, teleserye, film, or

even a song (considered a


Literary Genres

Four genres of


1. Prose fiction

• Myths, parables,

romances, novels, short


2. Poetry

• Open form and closed


• Relies on imagery,

figurative language,


3. Drama

• Made up of dialogue

and set direction

• Designed to be


4. Nonfiction prose

• News reports, feature

articles, essays,

editorials, textbooks,

historical and

biographical works


Prose is the ordinary form of written


It imitates the spoken language.



Short Stories Personal Narrative

Fairy Tales Letters

Folk Tales Memoirs

Novels Short Stories

Poems Reports

Poetry Poetry is language written with

rhythm, figurative language, imagery,

sound devices and emotionally

charged language.

Major Types of Poetry

Lyric Poetry

Narrative Poetry

Concrete Poetry

Lyric Poem

Lyric poem is a highly musical

verse that expresses the

observation and feelings of a

single speaker.

Narrative Poem

Narrative Poem is a story told in

verse. Narrative poems often

have all the elements of short

stories, including characters,

conflict, and plot.

Concrete Poem

Concrete Poem is one with a shape that

suggests its subject. The poet arranges

the letters, punctuation, and lines to

create an image or picture, on the page.

Drama is a story written to be

performed by actors. Although

a drama is meant to be

performed, one can also read

the script, or written version,

and imagine the action.


1. What is Literature?

2. What does genre mean?

3. What are the three main

genre’s of literature? How are

they defined?


What parts

make up

a story?



by Venjie Oclaret


Details that describe: Furniture







Time of day

Time of year

Time and place where the action occurs

Elements of a Setting

The Functions of a Setting

To create a mood or atmosphere

To show a reader a different way of life

To make action seem more real

To be the source of conflict or struggle

To symbolize an idea

We left the home place behind, mile by slow mile, heading for the mountains, across the plain where the wind blew forever.

At first there were four of us with one horse wagon and its skimpy load. Pa and I walked, because I was a big boy of eleven. My two little sisters romped and trotted until they got tired and had to be boosted up to the wagon bed.

That was no covered Conestoga, like Pa’s folks came West in, but just an old farm wagon, drawn by one weary horse, creaking and rumbling westward to the mountains, toward the little woods town where Pa thought he had an old uncle who owned a little two-bit sawmill.

Taken from “The Day the Sun Came Out” by D. Johnson


• Character = representation of a human being

– Rounded = lifelike, full, dynamic, reader can predict

future behavior because of an understanding of the


– Protagonist = the hero or heroine, main person in

the story, person on the quest, etc.

– Antagonist = the person causing the conflict, in

opposition to the protagonist, the obstacle, etc.

– Flat = no growth, static

– Stock = representative of a group or class


5 Ways of Revealing Characters

1. Actions

2. How the characters are described

3. What the characters say and think

4. What other characters say about


5. Statements by the author speaking

as storyteller, or observer

Characterization A writer reveals what a character is like and

how the character changes throughout the story.

Two primary methods of characterization:

Direct- writer tells what the character is like

Indirect- writer shows what a character is like by describing what the character looks like, by telling what the character says and does, and by what other characters say about and do in response to the character.

Direct Characterization

…And I don’t play the dozens or

believe in standing around with

somebody in my face doing a lot of

talking. I much rather just knock you

down and take my chances even if I’m a

little girl with skinny arms and a squeaky

voice, which is how I got the name


From “Raymond’s Run” by T. Bambara

Indirect Characterization

The old man bowed to all of us in

the room. Then he removed his hat

and gloves, slowly and carefully.

Chaplin once did that in a picture, in a

bank--he was the janitor.

From “Gentleman of Rio en Medio” by J. Sedillo

Elements of Character





Not Fully Developed






Factors in Analyzing Characters

Physical appearance of character


Background/personal history




Does character change?


Plot is the way actions are

arranged in the story. It is what

happens and how it happens in

a narrative. A narrative is any

work that tells a story.

Parts of a Plot

1. Exposition – the start of the story, the situation before the action starts

2. Inciting incident – event that gives rise to conflict

3. Development- events that occur as result of central conflict (rising action)

4. Climax- highest point of interest or suspense of story

5. Falling Action - the events occurring from the time of the climax to the end of the story

6. Denouement- the tying up of loose ends and all of the threads in the story

Diagram of Plot

Inciting incident




Special Techniques of Plot

• Suspense- excitement or tension

• Foreshadowing- hint or clue about what will happen in story

• Flashback- interrupts the normal sequence of events to tell about something that happened in the past

• Surprise Ending- conclusion that reader does not expect

Conflict Conflict is a struggle between opposing


Every plot must contain some kind of


Stories can have more than one conflict

Conflicts can be external or internal

External conflict- outside force may be person,

group, animal, nature, or a nonhuman obstacle

Internal conflict- takes place in a character’s


Plot: Conflict Conflict is the dramatic struggle

between two forces in a story.

Without conflict, there is no plot.

Plot: Types of Conflict

Character vs Nature

Character vs Society

Character vs Self

Character vs Character

Plot: Character vs. Character Conflict

This type of conflict finds the main character

in conflict with another character, human or

not human.

“The new one is the most beautiful of all; he is so young

and pretty.” And the old swans bowed their heads before


Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his

wing; for he did not know what to do, he was so happy,

and yet not at all proud. He had been persecuted and

despised for his ugliness, and now he heard them say he

was the most beautiful of all the birds.

The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Anderson

Plot: Character vs. Nature Conflict

This type of conflict finds the main character in conflict

with the forces of nature, which serve as the antagonist.

It´s a Truffula Seed.

It´s the last one of all!

You´re in charge of the last of the Truffula Seeds.

And Truffula Trees are what everyone needs.

Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care.

Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air.

Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack.

Then the Lorax

and all of his friends

may come back.

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

Plot: Character vs. Society Conflict

This type of conflict has the main character in

conflict with a larger group: a community,

society, culture, etc.

“I’m tired of living in a hole,” said Jenny.

“Let’s fight for freedom!” cried Bouncer. “We’ll be

soldiers! Rough-riding Rowdies! I’ll be the

general and commander-in-chief!”

The Island of the Skog by Steven Kellogg

Plot: Character vs. Self Conflict

In this type of conflict, the main character

experiences some kind of inner conflict.

Finally, Sam’s father said, “Go to bed now. But

before you go to sleep, Sam, tell yourself the

difference between REAL and MOONSHINE.”

Sam, Bangs & Moonshine by Evaline Ness

Buzz Groups

SKIT. Perform a dramatic scene

that exemplifies the four types of

conflict. Every member of the group

should have a part or role in the

performance. Each group will be

rated according to four criteria: (1)

script; (2) overall acting; (3) the

conflict manifested; (4) costume

and props.


What parts

make up

a story?



by Venjie Oclaret

Point of View

• Refers to speaker, narrator, persona or voice

created by the author to tell the story

• Point of view depends on two factors:

– Physical situation of the narrator as an observer

– Speaker’s intellectual and emotional position

• First person = I, we

• Second person = You (uncommon)

• Third person = He, she, they (most common)

• Point of view may be:

– Dramatic/objective = strictly reporting

– Omniscient = all-knowing

– Limited omniscient = some insight


A central message, concern, or insight into life expressed through a literary work

Can be expressed by one or two sentence statement about human beings or about life

May be stated directly or implied

Interpretation uncovers the theme

Example of Theme

“Every man needs to feel

allegiance to his native country,

whether he always appreciates

that country or not.”

From “A Man Without a Country” by Edward Hale

pg. 185 in Prentice Hall Literature book

What makes a story linger in our hearts and

minds long after we’ve read it? Often it is the idea

on which the story is built—its theme.

What Is Theme?

Theme—the central idea, or insight, about life or human

behavior that a story reveals

Living a simple life leads to

greater personal freedom.

The deepest loneliness is

sometimes felt when we are

among friends.

What Is Theme?

In most stories, the theme is not stated

directly. Instead, it is revealed to us through

the characters’ experiences.

What Is Theme?

• A theme is a

generalization about life

or human nature.

• Certain types of

experiences are

common to all people


Different writers from different cultures often

express similar themes.

Universal Themes

• shine a light on our common experiences

Universal themes

• come up again and again in literature

• can help guide us through our lives

• deal with basic human concerns—good and

evil, life and death, love and loss

Universal Themes

Match these familiar stories

to the appropriate universal


It pays to work hard and

plan ahead.

Appearances can be


Universal Themes

Quick Check


The Little Red Hen

Beauty and the Beast

The Three Little Pigs

The Ugly Duckling

The Frog Prince



Keep the following guidelines in mind when you

want to find and state the theme of a work.

The theme is not the same thing as the


• The subject is simply the topic. It can be

stated in a single word, such as loyalty.

• The theme makes some revelation about the

subject and should be expressed in a

sentence: “Loyalty to a leader is not always


Finding the Theme

Writers often express theme through

what their characters learn.

• Does the main character


• Does a character realize

something he or she did

not know before?

Finding the Theme

Conflict helps reveal theme.

• What is the conflict, or struggle between opposing

forces, that the main character faces?

• How is the conflict resolved?

Two friends find a

wallet. One friend

wants to return it to

the owner; the other

wants to keep it.

People are often

rewarded for

making the right

moral decision.

They return the

wallet and share a

small reward.

Conflict Resolution Theme

Finding the Theme

Sometimes the title gives clues.

• Does the title have a special meaning?

• Does it point to the theme?

The theme applies to the entire work.

• Test your statement of the theme. Does it

apply to the whole work, not just to parts

of it?

Finding the Theme

There is no single way to state the


• People may express the

same theme in different


• There may be different

opinions about what the main

theme is.

• The most meaningful literary

works often have more than

one theme.

Finding the Theme

What is the conflict

and how is it


Finding the Theme

Quick Check

Because of a feud over a piece of land,

Ulrich and Georg are bitter enemies. One night

they encounter each other on the disputed land.

Each thinks of killing the other. Suddenly a huge

tree falls and pins them both under its weight.

At first the men threaten each other. After a

while, however, they notice each other’s

suffering, make a pact of friendship, and look

forward to being rescued and living in peace.

Then they are attacked by wolves.

synopsis of “The Interlopers” by Saki

What do the

characters learn?

What is the theme?

(State it in a


Finding the Theme

Quick Check

Because of a feud over a piece of land,

Ulrich and Georg are bitter enemies. One night

they encounter each other on the disputed land.

Each thinks of killing the other. Suddenly a huge

tree falls and pins them both under its weight.

At first the men threaten each other. After a

while, however, they notice each other’s

suffering, make a pact of friendship, and look

forward to being rescued and living in peace.

Then they are attacked by wolves.

synopsis of “The Interlopers” by Saki

Don’t accept a story’s theme as valid just

because the story is in print. Instead, ask

yourself: • Is this story’s view of life too

simplistic? Too idealistic? Too


• Is the writer trying to push an

idea that does not reflect

real life?

Making a Judgment

Classify each

theme as either

valid or not valid.

Explain your


Making a Judgment

Quick Check

True love solves all of life’s problems.

People who have a lot of money or

power are sometimes greedy for more.

People who do good deeds will be

happy and will not suffer.

Think of a story you’ve read

that had an impact on you.

Then, use a map like the one

here to help you figure out the

story’s theme. Compare your

map with the ones your

classmates made. Did you

and any of your classmates

map stories with similar




• How the main character


• How the conflict is


• What the title suggests:



View the film / read the novel

The Voyage of the Dawn

Treader by C.S. Lewis or

Bridge to Terabithia by

Katherine Paterson. Then, use

a map like the one here to help

you figure out the story’s theme.

Deadline of submission is on

November 21, Monday, only

until 3PM.



• How the main

character/s change/s:

• How the conflict is


• What the title suggests:




Are usually characterized by concrete qualities rather than abstract meanings. These appeal to the sense of taste, smell, feel, sound or sight


Stand for something other than themselves. They bring to mind not their own concrete qualities, but the idea or abstraction that is associated with them.

Symbols may be:

– Cultural (universal) = known by most literate people

(e.g., white dove, color black)

– Contextual (authorial) = private, created by the author

• Allegory is a symbol complete and self-sufficient

narrative (e.g., “Young Goodman Brown”)

• Fable = stories about animals that possess human

traits (e.g., Aesop’s Fables)

• Parable = allegory with moral or religious bent

(e.g., Biblical stories)

• Myth = story that embodies and codifies religious,

philosophical and cultural values of the civilization in

which it is composed

• Allusion = the use of other culturally well-known

works from the Bible, Greek and Roman mythology,

famous art, etc.