Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web

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    doi:10.1006/qres.1997.1907 | How to Cite or Link Using DOICopyright 1997 University of Washington. All rights reserved.

    Cited By in Scopus (28)

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    Regular Article

    Precipitation Source Inferred from Stable IsotopicComposition of Pleistocene Groundwater and CarbonateDeposits in the Western Desert of Egypt*1

    Mohamed Sultana, Neil Sturchioa, Fekri A. Hassanb, Mohamed Abdel Rahman Hamdanc, Abdel Moneim Mahmoodd, Ze

    a Environmental Research Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois, 60439

    b Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, WC1H0PY, United Kingdom

    c Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

    d Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

    e Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority, 3 Salah Salem St., Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt

    fDepartment of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 63130

    Received 14 February 1996.

    Available online 12 April 2002.


    An Atlantic source of precipitation can be inferred from stable isotopic data (H and O) for fossil groundwaters and

    uranium-series-dated carbonate spring deposits from oases in the Western Desert of Egypt. In the context of

    available stable isotopic data for fossil groundwaters throughout North Africa, the observed isotopic depletions (D

    72 to 81; 18O 10.6 to 11.5) of fossil (32,000 yr B.P.) groundwaters from the Nubian aquifer are best

    explained by progressive condensation of water vapor from paleowesterly wet oceanic air masses that traveled

    across North Africa and operated at least as far back as 450,000 yr before the present. The values of 18O (17.1 to

    25.9) for 45,000- to >450,000-yr-old tufas and vein-filling calcite deposits from the Kharga and Farafra Oases are

    consistent with deposition from groundwaters having oxygen isotopic compositions similar to those of fossil

    groundwaters sampled recently at these locations.

    Quaternary ResearchVolume 48, Issue 1, July 1997, Pages 29-37
  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


    Strontium isotope evidence for late Pleistocene

    reestablishment of an integrated Nile drainage

    network1. M. R. Talbot*1,2. M. A. J. Williams*2 and3. D. A. Adamson*3

    -Author Affiliations

    1. 1Geological Institute, University of Bergen, Allgaten 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway

    2. 2Mawson Graduate Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Adelaide, GPOBox 498, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia

    3. 3School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, North Ryde, New SouthWales 2109, Australia


    Evidence of late Pleistocene closed-basin conditions in equatorial African lakes has far-reaching implications for the history of the Nile River. There has been widespreadacceptance that overflow of Lakes Victoria and Albert into the Nile occurred some timeduring the terminal Pleistocene, but recent suggestions that Lake Victoria remained a closedbasin until ca. 7.2 ka imply a much longer period of greatly reduced White Nile discharge.This hypothesis has major consequences for current ideas about the river's paleohydrology,early human exploitation of riverine resources, Nile delta sedimentation, and lateQuaternary genesis of sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean. Here we resolve the timing ofLake Victoria's overflow by using strontium isotopes as a tracer for water from the principallakes and rivers of the Upper Nile. Our data demonstrate that overflow of Lakes Victoria andAlbert into the Nile drainage network occurred no later than 11.5 14C ka.




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    GSA Data Repository item 200039, Mass balance plus raw data, is available onrequest from Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140,, or

    * Data Repository item 200039 contains additional material related to

    this article.

    o Accepted January 24, 2000.o Received October 5, 1999.o Revision received January 12, 2000.

    Geological Society of America






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    Geology; July 2004; v. 32; no. 7; p. 565-568; DOI:10.1130/G20419.1 2004 Geological Society of America

    New neodymium isotope dataquantify Nile involvement in

    Mediterranean anoxic episodes

    Adam E. Scrivner*,1, Derek

    Vance*,1 and Eelco J. Rohling*,2

    1 Department of Geology, Royal Holloway, University of London,Egham, TW20 0EX, UK2 School of Ocean and Earth Science, Southampton University,Southampton Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton,

    SO14 3ZH, UK

    The development of widespread anoxic conditionsin the deepoceans is evidenced by the accumulationand preservation oforganic-carbonrich sediments,

    but its precise cause remains controversial. The twomost popular hypotheses involve (1) circulation-inducedincreased stratification resulting in reducedoxygenation ofdeep waters or (2) enhanced

    productivity in the surface ocean, increasing the

    raining down of organic matter andoverwhelmingthe oxic remineralization potential ofthe deep ocean. In theperiodic development ofdeep-water anoxia in the PliocenePleistoceneMediterranean Sea, increased riverinerunoff has been implicatedboth as a source fornutrients that fuel enhanced photic-zoneproductivity and a source of a less densefreshwater cap leadingto reduced circulation, basin-wide stagnation, and deep-wateroxygen starvation.

    Monsoon-driven increases in Nile Riverdischargeand increased regional precipitation dueto enhanced westerlyactivitytwo mechanismsthat represent fundamentally differentclimaticdriving forceshave both been suggested as causesof the altered freshwater balance.Here we present data thatconfirm a distinctive neodymium (Nd) isotope signature fortheNile River relative to the Eastern Mediterraneanprovidinga new tracer of

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    GeoRef Citation;32/7/565&return_type=article&;32/7/565;32/7/565&journalcode=geology&minscore=5000;32/7/565;32/7/565&return_type=article&;32/7/565;32/7/565&journalcode=geology&minscore=5000;32/7/565
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    enhanced Nile outflow into the Mediterraneanin the past. We further present Ndisotope data for planktonicforaminifera that suggest a clear increase in Niledischargeduring the central intense period of two recent anoxic events.Our data alsosuggest, however, that other regional freshwatersources were more important at the

    beginning and end of theanoxic events. Taken at face value, the data appear to implyatemporal link between peaks in Nile discharge and enhancedwesterly activity.

    Key Words: anoxia Mediterranean Nile River monsoon foraminifera neodymium isotopes

    This article has been cited by other articles:




    Palynology, January 1, 2009; 33(1): 1 - 24.[Abstract][Full Text][PDF]

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    G. Marino, E. J. Rohling, W. I. C. Rijpstra, F. Sangiorgi, S. Schouten, andJ. S. S. DamsteAegean Sea as driver of hydrographic and ecological changes in

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  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


    Journal of HydrologyVolume 138, Issues 1-2, September 1992, Pages 169-189

    doi:10.1016/0022-1694(92)90163-P| How to Cite or Link Using DOICopyright 1992 Published by Elsevier B.V.

    Cited By in Scopus (6)

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    Research paper

    Composition and history of ground water in the western NileDelta

    W. Geirnaert ,1,2 and M.P. Laevena,1

    1Institute of Earth Sciences, Amsterdam Free University, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081HV, Amsterdam Netherlands

    2IWACO Consultants for Water and Environment, P.O. Box 8520, Rotterdam, Netherlands

    Received 16 December 1991;

    accepted 2 February 1992.

    Available online 27 March 2003.


    A hydrochemical and environmental isotope investigation was conducted in the Nile Delta and adjacent desert fringeswithin the framework of a routine hydrogeological mapping project. The aim of the study was to obtain additional

    insight into the historical groundwater flow pattern, to differentiate between fossil ground water and contemporaneous

    recharge by Nile water. An inventory of existing chemical analyses was made (252 data points) and an additional 27

    new samples were taken, which were also analysed for stable isotope (18 O and 2 H) content and, for nine

    samples, 14C and tritium.

    In the majority of analyses, irrespective of total salinity, an enrichment in sodium was observed relative to the

    concentration resulting from direct mixing of Nile water with sewater. The Na-rich water is thought to have originated

    in the extreme arid period from 14000 to 10000 years B.P. (last phase of the Weichsel glaciation) in which, by direct

    evaporation of (scarce) rain, trona minerals were formed at the surface, and the ground water in phreatic aquifers

    gradually became saline. The succeeding humid phase from 8000 to 5000 years B.P. when sea-level was relatively

    high, caused freshening on the desert fringes only, because the Delta floodplain was covered by clay. The presentarid phase, which started at around 3500 years B.P., also marked the start of widespread floodplain irrigation.

    Groundwater levels on the desert fringes dropped as a result of both aquifer depletion by discharge to the Qattara

    Depression in the west and climatic effects. This in turn initiated a freshening process in the Quaternary and Moghra

    aquifer of the Delta. Nile water has since then reached Wadi Natrun, 55 km to the west of the western floodplain


    Correspondence to: W. Geirnaert, Institute of Earth Sciences, Amsterdam Free University, De Boelelaan 1085,
  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


    1081HV, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Journal of HydrologyVolume 138, Issues 1-2, September 1992, Pages 169-189
  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


    E. A. Farah1, E. M. A. Mustafa2 and H. Kumai1

    (1) Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, Osaka City University, Osaka, 558-8585 Japan, e-mail: fatih

    (2) General Administration for Non-Nile Waters Management, Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, Sudan

    Abstract Due to the rapid expansion of the Sudanese capital city fa

    has become a necessity to estimate the sustainability of the groundw

    area. The purpose of this study based on the stable-isotopic compo

    identify the sources of recharge and their relative contribution. The r

    groundwater infiltrated from the Niles under the present prevailing a

    contribution from the White Nile compared to the Blue Nile, occupies

    the Niles within the two main aquifers. Paleogroundwater of meteoric origin, infiltrateHolocene, occupies the outer zones beyond the Niles' effect. A ration

    recommended to preserve the finite groundwater resources.

    Stable isotopes - Groundwaterrecharge - Arid region - Nile River Key words

    Received: 27 August 1998 Accepted: 2 March 1999

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  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


    Stable isotope constraints on the nitrogen cycle of theMediterranean Sea water column

    Silvio Pantoja , ,a, Daniel J. Repetaa, Julian P. Sachsband Daniel M. Sigmanc

    a Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA

    b Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139,

    c Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

    Received 7 December 2001;

    revised 14 May 2002.Available online 26 September 2002.


    We used the nitrogen isotope ratio of algae, suspended particles and nitrate in the water column to track spatial

    variations in the marine nitrogen cycle in the Mediterranean Sea. Surface PON (574 m) was more depleted in 15N in

    the eastern basin (0.30.5) than in the western basin (+2.41.4), suggesting that nitrogen supplied by biological

    N2 fixation may be an important source of new nitrogen in the eastern basin, where preformed nitrate from the Atlantic

    Ocean could have been depleted during its transit eastward. The15N of nitrate in the deep Mediterranean ( 3 in

    the western-most Mediterranean and decreasing toward the east) is significantly lower than nitrate at similar depths

    from the North Atlantic (4.85), also suggesting an important role for N2 fixation. The eastward decrease in the 15N

    of surface PON is greater than the eastward decrease in the 15N of the subsurface nitrate, implying that the amount

    of N2 fixation in the eastern Mediterranean is great enough to cause a major divergence in the 15N of phytoplankton

    biomass from the 15N of the nitrate upwelled from below. Variations in productivity associated with frontal processes,

    including shoaling of the nitracline, did not lead to detectable variations in the 15N of PON. This indicates that no

    differential fertilization or productivity gradient occurred in the Almerian/Oran area. Our results are consistent with a

    lack of gradient in chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and nitrate concentration in the Alboran Sea. 15N enrichment in particles below

    500 m depth was detected in the Alboran Sea with respect to surface PON, reaching an average value of +7.40.7.

    The 15N in sinking particles caught at 100 m depth (4.95.6) was intermediate between suspended surface and

    suspended deep particles. We found a consistent difference in the isotopic composition of nitrogen in PON compared

    with that of chlorophyll (15N[PON-chlorin]=+6.41.4) in the surface, similar to the offset reported earlier in

    cultures for cellular N and chl-a. This indicates that 15N of phytoplankton biomass was retained in surface PON, and

    that alteration of the isotopic signal of PON at depth was due to heterotrophic activity.

    Article Outline

    1. Introduction

    2. Methods

    2.1. Sampling2.2. Analyses*mailto:spantoja@udec.cl*
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    2.2.1. 15N-general

    2.2.2. 15N-PON analysis

    2.2.3. Nitrate isotopic analysis

    2.2.4. 15N-chlorin in surface particles

    2.2.5. Sampling of suspended material

    3. Results3.1. Nitrate and chlorophyll concentration

    3.2. Nitrogen isotope composition

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Generation of the isotopic signal of PON and nitrate

    4.2. Eastwest trends in the 15N of surface PON and deep water nitrate



    Corresponding author. Department of Oceanography, University of Concepcin, P.O. Box 160-C, , Concepcin, ,

    Chile. Tel.: +1-56-41-20-3499; fax: +1-56-41-25-6571; email:

    Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research PapersVolume 49, Issue 9, September 2002, Pages 1609-1621
  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


    Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research PapersVolume 49, Issue 9, September 2002, Pages 1609-1621

    doi:10.1016/S0967-0637(02)00066-3|How to Cite or Link Using DOICopyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Cited By in Scopus (41)

    Permissions & Reprints

    Stable isotope constraints on the nitrogen cycle of theMediterranean Sea water column

    Silvio Pantoja , ,a, Daniel J. Repetaa, Julian P. Sachsband Daniel M. Sigmanc

    a Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA

    b Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139,

    c Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

    Received 7 December 2001;

    revised 14 May 2002.

    Available online 26 September 2002.


    We used the nitrogen isotope ratio of algae, suspended particles and nitrate in the water column to track spatialvariations in the marine nitrogen cycle in the Mediterranean Sea. Surface PON (574 m) was more depleted in 15N in

    the eastern basin (0.30.5) than in the western basin (+2.41.4), suggesting that nitrogen supplied by biological

    N2 fixation may be an important source of new nitrogen in the eastern basin, where preformed nitrate from the Atlantic

    Ocean could have been depleted during its transit eastward. The15N of nitrate in the deep Mediterranean ( 3 in

    the western-most Mediterranean and decreasing toward the east) is significantly lower than nitrate at similar depths

    from the North Atlantic (4.85), also suggesting an important role for N2 fixation. The eastward decrease in the 15N

    of surface PON is greater than the eastward decrease in the 15N of the subsurface nitrate, implying that the amount

    of N2 fixation in the eastern Mediterranean is great enough to cause a major divergence in the 15N of phytoplankton

    biomass from the 15N of the nitrate upwelled from below. Variations in productivity associated with frontal processes,

    including shoaling of the nitracline, did not lead to detectable variations in the 15N of PON. This indicates that no

    differential fertilization or productivity gradient occurred in the Almerian/Oran area. Our results are consistent with a

    lack of gradient in chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and nitrate concentration in the Alboran Sea. 15N enrichment in particles below

    500 m depth was detected in the Alboran Sea with respect to surface PON, reaching an average value of +7.40.7.

    The 15N in sinking particles caught at 100 m depth (4.95.6) was intermediate between suspended surface and

    suspended deep particles. We found a consistent difference in the isotopic composition of nitrogen in PON compared

    with that of chlorophyll (15N[PON-chlorin]=+6.41.4) in the surface, similar to the offset reported earlier in

    cultures for cellular N and chl-a. This indicates that 15N of phytoplankton biomass was retained in surface PON, and

    that alteration of the isotopic signal of PON at depth was due to heterotrophic activity.*mailto:spantoja@udec.cl*
  • 8/9/2019 Literature Papers Isotopes Nile From Web


    Article Outline

    1. Introduction

    2. Methods

    2.1. Sampling2.2. Analyses

    2.2.1. 15N-general

    2.2.2. 15N-PON analysis

    2.2.3. Nitrate isotopic analysis

    2.2.4. 15N-chlorin in surface particles

    2.2.5. Sampling of suspended material

    3. Results

    3.1. Nitrate and chlorophyll concentration

    3.2. Nitrogen isotope composition

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Generation of the isotopic signal of PON and nitrate

    4.2. Eastwest trends in the


    N of surface PON and deep water nitrateAcknowledgements


    Corresponding author. Department of Oceanography, University of Concepcin, P.O. Box 160-C, , Concepcin, ,

    Chile. Tel.: +1-56-41-20-3499; fax: +1-56-41-25-6571; email:

    Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

    Volume 49, Issue 9, September 2002, Pages 1609-1621