Literacher Reviews.docx Jay123 - Copy

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The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior is called communication. Information and communication technology are added advantages in the hands of library professionals in the current scenario. The evolution of internet and World Wide Web has transformed the whole globe and present a new way of communication. The limitless connectivity and potential to create an open social order and system of interaction and collaboration have been made possible only because of information and communication technology. We can see the impact of ICT in every walk of life.

Everyone needs information pinpointed and timely that is possible with the help of LIS professionals. People can access information easily by themselves in ICT environment but how to use and utilize that information can be guided by LIS professionals. User prefers social networking sites or Face book to access information as it reduces physical strain, save the time; they are able to complete the work within time, minimize expenses and keep accuracy. Foremost challenge before the library and information science professionals is to face the needs of the user in current ICT environment and to provide access to all relevant information and integrated it on networked across the world.

Social network:

Social network is a broad term used to denote the blogs, user created videos and wikis. A social networking is an online service, platform or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social network or social relations among people who share interests and activities. Social networking often involves grouping specific individuals or organizations together. Social network provides a quick, low tech method to generate, maintain web based subject guides and act as communication tools to enable social interaction among LIS Professionals. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the internet. They interact, share and exchange resources by social networks. It promotes free flow of information and sharing of resources beyond boundaries.

Social Networking Sites:

Social networking site functions like an online community of internet users. People use social networking sites for communication personally as well as professionally to contact with others. Social networking sites like Face book provides new venues for young LIS Professionals to express themselves and to interact with one another. It provides an unprecedented platform for them to dynamically farm, collaborative groups and creates, publish, exchange, share and cooperate any type of information. It makes use of web sites and LIS Professionals are using SNS closely followed by creating awareness, socializing, making friends and new arrival display is predominantly dominated by SNS closely followed by topic discussion and metadata linking.


Currently Face book is the fifth most trafficked site on the internet worldwide and second most trafficked social media site on the world. It was first founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. These are interactive allowing visitors to leave comments, message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is the interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites .It has affected the social life and activity of people in various ways. It is just like social phenomena that not just connect people together but generate and contributes the web contents itself. It enables users to choose their own privacy settings and choose who can see specific parts of their profile. It engage and push content to user. It gives an opportunity to make community and receive fast, quick respond to feed back.


The primary function of any library is to acquire, store and disseminate the information, in the same way face book also explores the information variously.

Face book helps students or research scholar to develop practical research skills that they need in a world where knowledge construction and dissemination make increasing use of online information network.

Face book works as a tool to mobilize library services among younger generation of LIS Professionals.

Similarly as to get aware of the users about new arrivals library have make notices, in the same way face book also shows new information in the form of notification.

The faculty of Library and Information Science may get share information with their students on SNS, Face book that will help to embark their wide knowledge to the students community outside the classroom.

Face book can work as a tool for interaction among the students and teachers.

The popularity of social networking sites is increasing among the educated people especially adult youth in college and universities and by LIS Professionals


Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that same year in July. Unlike Facebook where one can have friends to share different things, with twitter one has to get connected to the latest information on what they find interesting. One has to find the public stream that interests them and follow in the conversations. Each tweet is 140 characters in length. One can still follow the tweets regardless of whether they do not tweet at all, and also there is no limit as to how many tweets one can send within a given day. (, 2011) Through Twitter businesses now share their information or news faster to a large audience online following the company, and from a strategic stand point, this has helped companies that uses Twitter to position their brands and also gather business insight through feedback to boost their market intelligence in order to accurately target customers with relevant services and products or enhance business relationships. Twitter has helped lift brands, enhance customer relationship marketing and also improved direct sales by reaching out directly to the engaged audience on the platform.


YouTube was created in February 2005 as a video sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos as an informative and inspirational to others across the globe. The company uses Adobe Flash Video and HTML5 technology to display a wide variety of user-generated video content. YouTube acts as a platform for distributing contents by creators and advertisers as well. Over 3 billion videos are viewed every day and there are more than 400 million views per day on mobile devices (2011). It is estimated that more than 800 million people visit YouTube every month to watch and share contents. (, 2011)

Just as the adage goes a picture is worth a thousand words, pictures have an impact in creating an image in the mind of a person. This has given YouTube a competitive advantage in online marketing; all in all more businesses are now using YouTube for their marketing advertising campaigns.


LinkedIn started in 2002, but was officially launched on May 5, 2003. Many professionals have joined LinkedIn in recent years to share knowledge and insight in more than one million LinkedIn groups. The company operates the worlds largest professional network on the internet with more than 135 million members in over 200 countries and territories. It is estimated that more than 2 million companies have LinkedIn Company Pages (as of November, 2011). There are 14 languages currently available: French, Germany, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, English and Turkish. (, 2011) In LinkedIn, companies have access to a wealth of information that are mostly user provided through their profile data i.e. company name, job title, size of the company and LinkedIn uses this information for advertising targeted to towards members. Companies pay some fees to advertise their products and services to particular LinkedIn members or affiliation groups on LinkedIn.


This is a photo sharing and video hosting website that was created by Ludicorp in 2004 and acquired by Yahoo! in 2005. It is available in ten languages and has a total of 51 million registered members and 80 million unique visitors (June 2011). Unlike the above mentioned networking sites that offer only one type of account, 20Flickr offers two types of accounts, Free and Pro. Free and pro account differ in the number of photo upload allowance: With Free account, one is allowed to upload 300 MB of images and two videos per month, where as Pro account users can upload an unlimited number of images and videos every month and receive unlimited bandwidth and storage. This networking system is compounded by different groups. Any member of Flickr is permitted to start a group which he can monitor and set restrictions for. ( It is against terms of service for businesses to use Flickr for the purpose of advertising, yet still businesses can get indirect marketing exposure via Flickr. A company can use its website address as their flickr screen name, the screen name will then be attached to every photo upload and every message (this is an opportunity to mention business name and website address) posted to the group discussion. It is also possible to upload quality photos related the business and writing appropriate text describing each photo but avoiding hard sell that is prohibited.

The role of social media Networks

Social media network are applications that allow users to build personal web sites accessible to other users for exchange of personal content and communication (Palmer and Lewis 2009). Social media according to Palmer and Lewis can be characterized as: online applications, platforms and media which aim to facilitate interactions, collaborations and the sharing of content.

Fauser et al. (2011) argue that though communication is the core dimension of social media networks, not all platform categories are equally suitable for all marketing objectives because most of the platforms are not equally well suited for information, collaboration, and even for cultivating relationships (Fauser et al. 2011). The purpose of social networks is primarily for communication and exchange of ideas of interest among peer groups or communities.

Marketing through Social Media

In broader terms the topic of the study is social media as a tool of marketing and creating brand awareness, but it is first important to define the terminology marketing referred to in the title. Therefore according to the American Marketing Association, Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. ( 2012). In the definition above, the key words are organizational function, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers. From an organization perspective, the aspects of these processes referred in the definition above are brand awareness, advertising, public relations etc.

Therefore for the sake of this study, we focus only on one branch of marketing which is brand awareness or brand management as a process of communicating or delivering value to customers as already shown in the definition of marketing by the American Marketing Association.

Chaffey et al. (2003) thus describe internet marketing as the application of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives (Chaffey et al. 2003, 1). These marketing objectives can be realized by use of social media 23 networks which is a subset of internet application. Social media networking platforms serve as a tool for marketers (Qualm an 2010: 28). This implies that Facebook, twitter etc. are means of accomplishing marketing strategies through the internet. It is therefore imperative for marketers to find suitable platforms to suite their marketing objectives. A good marketing objective enables marketers to acquire new customers, while retaining the already existing ones through customer satisfaction. Chaffey et al. (2004) further outline 3 points on how the internet can be used to achieve the processes

Identifying how the internet can be used for marketing research to find out customers needs and wants

Anticipating the online revenue contribution

Customer satisfaction through electronic channel; satisfaction here refers to the site easy usability, adequate performance, and identifying what the standard associated customer service.

The power and value of social networks

Networks are a set of relationships which can grow into enormously complex patterns (Gambeson 2002: 4). Therefore, for this kind of relationship to be established on a B2C level, an interaction between the online marketer and the customer must be built on the social media platforms which are suitable. There are various reasons why a company may decide to go online; it can either be to build or establish a brand, grow contacts, build sales or to save money by implementing other processes that cut existing costs the company is currently incurring. Whatever the reason for company going online, the role and value of the network is fundamentally important to apprehend.

Below are three value-governance laws that apply to social networks and communities. These laws draw the importance of having enormous complex 26 patterns on a relationship. Even though the Signoffs law and Metcalfes law were not coined by the inventors specifically for the social media networks, they have equally been embraced because of the semblance they bear with the social media networking structure.



As of June 2007, the most comprehensive article discussing Facebook in the mainstream library and information science literature was "Checking Out The Impact of a Digital Trend on Academic Libraries," by Laurie Charnigo and Paula Barnett-Ellis, which appeared in the March 2007 issue of Information Technology and Libraries. The broad literature review included in the piece encompassed publications on a variety of aspects of online social networks, including privacy issues and usage statistics. The authors reported that, despite the evident interest of librarians in online social networks, actual literature in the field of library and information science is scarce. They correctly attributed this to the newness of the phenomenon (Charnigo and Barnett-Ellis 2007, 26). The article analyzes the results of their February 2006 survey of 126 academic librarians about their attitudes toward Facebook. The authors found that only a small group of the respondents. . .were extremely positive and excited about the possibilities of online social networking (29).


Have summarized recent research and social network history. The authors, Berkeley and Michigan State professors, consider social Networks as increasingly attractive for researchers, fascinated for their usefulness, audience size and market research potential. They define social networks are web-based services that allow users to build a public or semi-public within a system; articulate a user list with shared relationships; and observe the list of relationships of those persons with other people within the system

Social networks like Face book, YouTube and Twitter are capturing media and scholarly attention. Their spectacular growth and the public attention they command are attracting a significant amount of research and media scrutiny in English speaking countries. This literature review tries to underline some of the most salient topics in the emerging academic conversation about social media. Its goal is to identify interesting research areas in the field.


80% of US respondents agree that social media enhances the image and reputation of executives.

Only 67% of respondents in the UK agree - there is a notably large gap between the attitude towards social media as a reputation tool in the US and UK.

80% of US respondents and 71% of UK respondents believe that social media has become an essential aspect of PR and communications strategy for C-Suite executives and brands.


The purpose of this chapter is to critically review literature related to the theoretical concept of the topic of social media, traditional marketing channels and brand awareness. The literature review is to develop a theoretical framework for the study. The main papers for the study are the work of Palmer and Lewis (2009) titled an experiential, social network-based approach to direct marketing and Ralf Beuker and Erik Roscam Abbing (2010) paper titled Two Faces of Social Media: Brand Communication and Brand Re


Assistant Professor

Department of Library and Information Science

CS.J.M. University, Kanpur (U.P)

Social media, social networking, online communication words used parallely. Zakariaet al (2010) believes that social media applications have already being accepted by young generations as a platform to socialize, collaborate and learn in an informal and flexible manner although their level of involvement and contribution varies significantly. Al-Daihanis study (2010) explores that the majority of MLIS students are aware of social software applications and they make moderate use of blogs, communication tools and social networking sites. Shaheens study among students of the Pakistan reveals that the use of social networking site indicates popularity of among these youth more rottenly. The survey of Pew Internet (2010) says that face book is the most commonly used social network among adults. Subramanian, et al (2008) reported the findings of study conducted to understand the role of SNS in college students lives. The figure and statistics shows how Face book has a very influential role in the lives of young adults. In present paper the investigator has the aim of exploring how LIS Professionals integrated Face book as a tool helpful in generating awareness.

Effectiveness of Social Media as a tool of communication

Trisha Dowerah Baruah

Department of Mass Communication

Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University, Dispur, Guwahati-781006, Assam, India

In the paper Predicting the Future With Social Media by Sitaram Asur and Bernardo A. Huber man. They demonstrate how demonstrate how social media content can be used to predict real-world outcomes. They further demonstrates how sentiments extracted from Twitter can be further utilized to improve the forecasting power of social media. In the paper Workplaces and Social network, the authors Andrea Broughton, Tom Higgins, Ben Hicks and Annette Cox talks at length the policy and practice relating to the use of social media by employees. They were guided by the fact that they had already engaged to some extent with the issue of social media, what it might mean for their organization and how they were going to formulate and communicate a policy to staff in two major UK employers. The first organization was British Telecom (BT), and the second organization was Her Majestys Revenue and Customs (HMRC). In the paper, Predicting tie strength with Social Media, Eric Gilbert and Karrie Karahalios, d presents a predictive model that maps social media data to tie strength. The model builds on a dataset of over 2,000 social media ties and performs quite well, distinguishing between strong and weak ties with over 85% accuracy.


L.F. Helmink

University of Twente, Enschede

First supervisor: Dr. E. Constantinides

Second supervisor: Dr. S.A. de Vries

Date: 21 August 2013

Although social media is a relatively new topic, there are a lot of different definitions for social media (often also defined as Web 2.0). The fundamental definitions are, for social, "pertaining to the life, welfare, and relations of human beings in a community" and, for media, "the means of communication, as radio, television, newspapers, and magazines, with wide reach and influence" (TheFreeDictionary, 2012).

In this research the definition for social media is adapted from Kietzmann et al. (2011), in their study social media is defined as mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms via which individuals and communities share, co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated content.

Nowadays there is an extreme rise of these interactive platforms and its users. Some famous examples are Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Facebook had at the end of 2012th first quarter 901 million active users (compared to 650 million one year before), and an average of 3.2 billion Likes and Comments per day (Facebook, 2012). At YouTube, every minute 60 hours of video get uploaded (compared to 24 hours two years before), and every day 4 billion videos are viewed (YouTube, 2012).

Looking to the users of social media, in the Netherlands, according to Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (2011), 91% of Dutch people between 16 and 25 years old are active social media users. The use of social media is reduced when people grow older; 54% of people between 25 and 55 years old and, only 30% of people between 55 and 75 years old are active social media users. Nevertheless, it is likely that this has to do with the fact that social media is relatively new, and more difficult for the older people to understand (with a lot of uncertainty for this group).


Lejla A. Bexheti, Burim E. Ismaili and Betim H. Cico

Many current studies suggest that the high take up of social media applications as an addition to formal educational settings offers new opportunities for innovating and modernizing education institutions and for preparing learners

for the 21st century While social medias start was for personal use, it has evolved to be used in virtually all domains. From a preliminary check, it appears that almost every college and university in the world has adopted some form of social media, using it for general outreach, to attract potential students, maintain alumni relations, and increase institutional reputation and pride A primary reason to adopt social media in the classroom is because it is familiar to almost everybody and also because it doesnt cost and requires minimal training. One of the largest surveys of social media in higher education to date shows that universities can lever social media into the classroom and ensure its used more than it is now Some academic experts believe that social media can be used as an effective teaching tool in higher education because of its ease of use, ready availability, and individual affordability and network effects.Facebook has been used in university courses to facilitate teacher/student discussion, and wikis and blogs have been used to collaborate on projects and receive rapid feedback Some courses have also used YouTube as a platform for students to create and share videos for their course In other courses, students have used Twitter to discuss course topics during class, with Tweets being displayed on a large screen to encourage cross group communication on and collaboration, it can facilitate communication between students and teachers. Studies have shown that students are more likely to communicate with their professors if they are Face book friends with them In general, the research conducted in the field identifies four main dimensions in which social media can lead to innovations in teaching and learning.


Mr. Madhur Raj Jain

Associate Professor,

Jagannath International Management School,

New Delhi, India

Ms. Palak Gupta

Assistant Professor

Jagannath International Management

School,New Delhi, India

Ms. Nitika Anand,


Jagannath International Management School, New Delhi, India


Lot of literature is available now days on the social networking sites and their impact on the youth of any nation, children, adolescence and families as during the last 5 years, usage of such sites has increased among preadolescents and adolescents. According to a latest poll, 22% of teenagers log in more than 10 times a day on to their favorite social media site, and more than half percentage of adolescents log more than once a day (Steyer James, 2009). Infect research also states that parents need to be aware of the type; content and nature of social media sites as maximum of them are not suitable for children and adolescents. So, Pediatricians are now playing a vital role to help families understand these sites and their usage so as to monitor for potential problems with sexing, cyber bullying, Face book depression, and exposure to inappropriate content (Keeffe, G.S.2012). Social media sites allow many tasks that were not possible offline as making new friends, staying connected with friends and family, exchanging ideas and sharing pictures. Participation in social media offers adolescents deeper benefits that extend into their view of community, self, and the world. (Boyd, D. 2007) Today many parents are IT literate and use technology suitably well, comfortably and feel capable with the online sites that their children and adolescents are using. But some parents find it problematic to relate to their techno-savvy youngsters online. Such parents gradually lack an idea and connectivity with these new forms of socialization that play a vital role in their kid's lives.(Palfrey J & Gasser U, 2010). Out of 75% of teenagers owning cell phones, 25% use them for social media, 24% use them for instant messaging and 54% use them for texting (Hinduja S. & Patchin J., 2007). Youths and adolescents are at some risk as they navigate and experiment with social media because of their limited capacity for self-regulation and susceptibility to peer pressure. There are frequent online expressions of offline behaviors, as clique-forming, bullying, and sexual experimentation according to a recent research (Len heart A., 2009).


Forty peer-reviewed journal articles were included in the review. Of them, ten were reviews or editorials, eight analyzed the content of social media sites, seven reported on individual case studies, six discussed the relationship between suicide and social media, five described the development of online support programs, two examined sites relating to suicide bereavement, and two examined the network pathways of social media sites.

No studies reported on the development of, or findings from, an intervention study using social media for suicide prevention purposes. The majority of studies did not specify a target group, however of those that did, most focused on young people, followed by bereaved people.

Social media sites were, in general, multi-faceted, comprising a static website component (promoting help seeking and containing information, links to fact sheets and resources, and emergency contact details), but were supplemented by social media platforms either in the form of discussion boards or chat rooms.

Most sites were moderated by trained volunteers. Studies reported that people use these sites for a number of reasons, including to meet others with similar problems and to share their experiences in an anonymous and non-judgmental environment. For the most part people did not use social media to seek professional help or find a suicide partner. Overall, open discussion

forums or blogs were reported to be the most useful sites, whilst commercial or professionally run prevention sites were perceived as least useful.


Social Media was built on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 to allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content that occurs at a global level (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Social media has the ability to cross international boarders within seconds, making it an ideal platform for tobacco companies to promote their products. The tobacco industry has been quick to adapt to social and policy changes by altering their marketing form and character. Instilling regulations and a code of conduct on companies regarding the use of social media is quite challenging.

Tobacco industries can argue that social media networks are being used for legitimate marketing research and can disguise marketing through giveaways and samples (Freeman & Chapman, 2009).