Listening and Speaking for Adult ESL...

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Transcript of Listening and Speaking for Adult ESL...

Listening and Speaking for Adult

ESL Learners

Heather McIntosh

Ann Tigchelaar

November 2015

What do we have in common?

At your tables, draw a grid on the flip chart paper,

with your names along the top row and left column.

Where each name intersects with another name,

find something in common to write in the blank.

John Cathy Lois Ruth Mary

John X

Cathy We like


Lois X

Ruth X

Mary X

Objectives of our session

Participants will be able to

◦ Create plans for their conversation circles

that flow logically and sequentially

◦ Create and adapt a variety of speaking and

listening activities that will engage and benefit

their participants

What to teach?

Needs assessment: find out what your

participants want to learn

Develop an outline for your session

based on the needs assessment

How to plan?

Objective setting: develop

specific outcomes for each

meeting◦ SMART objectives!

By the end of the meeting, the participants will be

able to . . . .(specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-


How to plan?

◦ SMART objectives!

By the end of the meeting, the participants will be

able to . . . .(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-


Small talk:

By the end of the conversation circle,

participants will be able to begin,

maintain and end a short, small talk

conversation with a neighbour.

Fun Quiz

Which are SMART objectives?

By the end of the class, participants will:1. Know about Halloween in Canada.

2. Be able to ask for a refund for a jug of spoiled milk in the grocery store.

3. Be able to call the landlord to complain about a broken fridge.

4. Understand hardware store flyers.

5. Be able to identify 5 appropriate and 5 inappropriate topics for small talk.

6. Be able to list all the mayors of Winnipeg in chronological order.

Stages of a Conversation Circle

listening plan

Put the stages of a conversation circle plan in order from first to last.

What happens at each stage?

Match each stage with its description.

Structure of a Listening Plan


Connect (to students’ experiences)

Activate (background vocabulary and

write on board)

Predict (what they will listen to)


Listen the first time for the main idea

Listen a second time for details

(T/F, check items, take notes)

Listen a third time to confirm


Confirm predictions

Do comprehension work

Apply to real world

Do focused language work

Sample plan – Before you listen

Have you ever led or participated in a conversation circle?

What was it like? (connect)

What did you do?

What did you like about it? (activate)

You’re going to listen to a lecture about what makes a good conversation circle.

Predict 3 ideas you might hear.

Predict 5 words you might hear.

While you listen:

- First time: listen for the main ideas

- Share with a partner

- Second time: write down details

- Answer T/F. Share with a partner.

- Third time: listen to confirm

After you listen:

- Check your predictions.

- Do comprehension work – retell

- Work with the language (vocabulary,



Using a small talk dialogue, create

3 activities before you listen

2 activities while you listen

2 activities after you listen

Record this information on flip chart paper.

We will share our ideas in a gallery walk.

Taking a closer look

Look at your dialogue and highlight

language we use to start a conversation

Hey, Bob. How’s it going?

Have you been waiting long?

What a beautiful day!

Highlight language we use to maintain a


So what are your plans for the weekend?

What do you think about … ?

Highlight language we use to end a


Nice talking to you.

Well I should …

Pronunciation features

Stress and intonation

◦ How’s it goin’?

◦ You, too!

◦ Don’t remind me!

◦ Look at the time.


◦ Did you hear the news . . .

◦ Didja hear the news . . .

◦ What do you think about . . .

◦ Whaddaya think about

◦ Let me know on Monday . . .

◦ Lemme know . . .

◦ Are going to go to . . . .

◦ Are gonna go to


. . . . news about the Blue Bombers

How are you?

cousin and her family



– underline/highlight in dialogue, hold up hand when they hear it, point to

– practice repeating it chorally, look up and say, find someone who


– do a conversation line, make up a similar conversation

Final Thoughts

Remember to CAP

Be SMART in your planning

‘Mine’ each text / activity


Reflecting on your experience…

◦ What did you find useful in the workshop?

Please fill out the ‘exit slip’ and hand it to

Heather or Ann before you leave

Thank you very much for participating!