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PS/DR/Note 2002-001 (Info)

22 January 2002

List of PS Division Notes 2001

Accelerators and Experimental Areas 4l

PS/ AE/NotE?,2001-001 NuFact-061

PS/ AE/Note2qo1-002

PS/ AE/Note 2001-003 (MD)

PS/ AE/Nofe2001-004 AD Note 060

PS/ AE/Note2001-005 (Min.)

PS/ AE/Note2001-006 'j NF Note 075

PS/ AE/Note2001-007 CTF3 Note 022

PS/ AE/Note2001-008

CLIC Note 496

PS/ AE/Note2001-009

PS/ AE/Note2001-010

CLIC Note 498

PS/ AE/Note2001-011

PS/ AE/Note2001-012

Transfer Line Between the Proton Driver Accumulator and Compressor Rings for the CERN Neutrino Factory M. Giovannozzi, M. Martini

Varying the Path Length of Charged Particles Using Wiggler Modules B. Autin, M. Giovannozzi, M. Martini, Ph. Royer

Study of a new PSB-PS Transfer line Optics with Improved Dispersion Matching by means of tum-by-turn Beam Profile Acquisitions M. Benedikt, Ch. Carli, Ch. Dutriat, M. Giovannozzi, A. Jansson, M. Martini, U. Raich, K. Schindl

Orbit Measurement and Correction for the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) N. Madsen

Minutes of PIL Meeting No. 1, 16th February 2001 N. Madsen

A Layout for a Muon Cooling Experiment at the CERN-PS: the Primary Proton Beam R. Cappi, M. Giovannozzi

RF Power Testing of the two RF Deflectors for the Preliminary Phase of the New CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) R. Corsini, G. Rossat, P. Royer

Accelerator Aspects of a Potential CLIC-1 Collider D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann

Results from First Experiment to Measure Lead Ion Induced Desorption at Linac3 N. Madsen

A 30 GHz Beam Driven High Gradient. Single Cell Cavity Test C. Achard, H.H. Braun, S. Dobert, L. GroeninK, I. Wilson, W. Wuensch

LIL Lattice Parameters, LIL Energy gains, LIL Temperature versus RF Frequency, EPA Circumference and EPA Isochronicity Measurements R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, A. Ferrari, L. Rinolfi, T. Risselada, P. Royer, F. Tecker

Injection of the Lead Ion Beam for LHC into the PS M. Martini


PS/ AE/Note2001-013

PS/ AE/Note2001-014 CTF3 Note 034

PS/ AE/Note2001-015 (Tech.)

PS/ AE/Note2001-016 (MD) CTF3 Note 037

PS/ AB/Note 2001-017

PS/BO/Note 2001-012

PS/ AB/Note 2001-018

PS/ AB/Note 2001-019

PS/ AE/Note2001-020 CTF3 Note 040

Antiproton Decelerator AD-Note-060

PS/ AE/Note 2001-004

Beam Diagnostics Group PS/ BD/Note2001-001 (Tech.);

PS/ BD IN ote 2001-002

PS/ BD IN ote 2001-003

PS/ BD IN ote 2001-004

PS/ BD/Note2001-005 (Tech.)

PS/ BD/Note 2001-006


Magnets and Power Supplies Nomenclature for the Preliminary Phase of CTF3 L. Rinolfi, Ph. Royer

CTF3 Preliminary Phase Commissioning. Report on First Week, 17-21 September 2001 R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, L. Rinolfi, P. Royer, F. Tecker

Solenoid Mangets MS464 for the CTF3 Injector H.H. Braun

CTF3 Preliminary Phase Commissioning- Report on Second Week, 8-12 October 2001 0. Coiro, R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, F. Marcellini, L. Rinolfi, P. Royer, A. Stella, F. Tecker

Measurement of Optical and Beam Parameters in the Transfer Line towards the Decelerating RFQ C. Bal, M. Giovannozzi, V. Prieto, U. Raich

·Emittance Exchange by Crossing a Coupling Resonance - A Method for Precise Measurements of the Horizontal Emittance Applied to the PSB C. Carli, G. Cyvoct

Reflection on the Different Lead Ion Injection Variants S. Maury

CTF3 Preliminary Phase Commissioning Report on Third Week, 29 October-2 November 2001 R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, L. Rinolfi_, P. Royer (Ed.), F. Tecker (CERN), A. Ferrari, Uppsala University, M. Belli, C. Milardi, A. Stecchi, INFN-LNF, Frascati

Orbit Measurement and Correction for the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) N. Madsen

Aspects Timing et Interconnexions Hardware dans le Contexte de la Mesure d'Intensite des Faisceaux dans les Lignes d'Ejection et de Transfert du PSB J.-D. Schnell

Calibration of Transfer Line Beam Current Transformers (BCT's) C. Carter

Calibration of TRA468; TOF Transformer C. Carter

Low-Level Software for the Pentek 6510 DRS, in application to the new AD beam measurement system M. E. Anf{oletta

Purchase of a Fast Digitiser System for Beam Studies V. Chohan

Procedures a suivre pour la maintenance des detecteurs de pertes de !'ensemble PS V. Prieto


PS/ BD/Note2001-007

PS/ BD/Note 2001-008

PS/ BD/Note 2001-009

PS/ BD/Note2001-010

PS/ BD/Note2001-011 (Tech.)

PS/ BD/Note 2001-012

PS/ AE/Note 2001-017

PS/ BD/Note2001-013

PS/OP /Note 2001-011

PS/BD/Note2001-014 (Tech.)

PS/ BD/Note 2001-015

PS/ BD/Note2001-016 (Tech.)

PS/ BD/Note 2001-017

PS/ BD IN ote 2001-018

CLIC Test Facility 3

CTF3-Note-018 (Tech.)

PS/ AE/Note 2001-011

CTF3-Note-019 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note-020 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note-021 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note-022 (Tech.)

PS/ AE Note 2001-007


Beam Profile Monitoring using Gas Scintillation in the Booster Machine E. Bravin, R. Maccaferri, M. Plum

Beam Loss Monitors used in Counting Mode. Some Elementary Issues. J. Bosser

Experimental Tests of a Spare Electron Gun for the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) Electron Cooler C. Dimopoulou

MultiWire Proportional Chambers: a Comparative Measurement of a Newly Developed and the Existing Electronics R. Maccaferri, G. Molinari

Un Transformateur semi-lent pour LEIR F. Lenardon, P. Odier, S. Tirard

Measurement of Optical and Beam Parameters in the Transfer Line Towards the Decelerating RFQ C. Bal, M. Giovannozzi, V. Prieto, U. Raich

Test of a Dispersion Sweep Correction System by using a Centroid in the DIRAC Beam Line ]. Bosser, G. Molinari, ]-M. Nonf{laton, V. Prieto, R. Steerenberf{

Beam Intensity Measurements in the LHC V. Chohan

Laser Wire Scanner: Basic Process and Perspectives for the CTF's and CLIC Machines. T. Lefevre

Beam Diagnostics Implications for LEIR V. Chohan

LEIR Electron Cooler Conceptual Study J. Bosser, G. Tranquille

Specifications of the LEIR Electron-Cooler Magnetic Components J. Bosser, V. Prieto, G. Tranquille

LIL Lattice Parameters, LIL Energy Gains, LIL Temperature Versus RF Frequency, EPA Circumference and EPA Isochronicity Measurements R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, A. Ferrari, L. Rinolfi, T. Risselada, P. Royer, F. Tecker

Thermal Analysis of OTR Screens for CTF3 E. Bravin

Production of a High-Average Current Electron Beam with CsTe Photocathodes E. Chevallay, G. Suberlucq, H. Trautner

Proposal for CTF3 Timing System J.-C. Bau, J.-M. Bouche, J.H. Lewis,]. Serrano, J.P.H. Sladen

RF Power Testing of the two RF Deflectors for the Preliminary Phase of the New CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) R. Corsini, G. Rossat, P. Royer


CTF3-Note-023 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note- 024 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note-025 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note- 026 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note-027 (Tech.)

PS/PO/Note 2001-032 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note- 028 (Spec.)

CTF3-Note-029 (Min.)

CTF3-Note-030 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note-031 (Tech.)

PS/ AE Note 2001-013

CTF3-Note-032 (Tech.)

PS/PO/Note 2001-052 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note- 033 (Tech.)

PS/ AE/Note 2001-015 (Tech.)

CTF3-Note-034 (Tech.)

PS/ AE Note 2001-014

CTF3-Note-035 (Spec.)

PS/PO/Note 2001-050 (Spec.)

CTF3-Note-036 (Min.)


PS/ AE/Note 2001-016 (MD)


Driving Beam Delay Loop Design for CTF3 F. Sannibale

Combiner Ring Lattice C. Biscari

The RF Deflectors for CTF3 D. Alesini, R. Boni, A. Gallo, F. Marcellini


Energy Spread and Energy Losses in CTF3 Combiner Ring A. GhiKO, M. Zobov

Visit to Thales Electron Devices (formerly Thomson Tubes Electronique) on Tuesday 26th June 2001 T. Fowler, G. McMonaKle

Specifications for the CTF3 Gun H. Braun, G. Geschonke, L. Rinolfi

Report of the Meeting for CLIC Photo-Injector Study, 28 June 2001 S. Hutchins

Notes of a Visit to TMD Technologies Ltd. on 2nd August 2001 G. McMonaKle, P. Pearce

Magnets and Power Supplies Nomenclature for the Preliminary Phase of CTF3 L. Rinolfi, P. Royer

The Effect of Different Resistor Values on the CTF3 Sub-harmonic Klystron Pulser Simulation Circuit Performance L. Shen

Solenoid Magnets MS 464 for the CTF3 Injector H. Braun

CTF3 Preliminary Phase Commissioning- Report on First Week, 17-21 September 2001 R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, L. Rinolfi, P. Royer, F. Tecker

Specification for the Supply of a 1.5 GHz Broadband Klystron or Other RF Power Source for the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) G. McMonaKle, P. Pearce

Report on the Photo-injector Workshop, CERN, 24-25th September 2001 Summarized by S. Hutchins

CTF3 Preliminary Phase Commissioning. Report on Second Week, 8-12 October 2001 R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, L. Rinolfi, P. Royer (Ed.), F. Tecker (CERN) 0. Coiro, F. Marcellini, A. Stella (INFN-LNF, Frascati)

Visit to Thales Electron Devices for Klystron Reception (Upgrade of TH2100 Ser. No. 040, 37 MW to 45 MW) on 9th November 2001 G. McMonaKle


CTF3-Note- 039

CERN/PS/ 2001-072 (RF)


PS/ AE Note 2001-020



CTF3 Design Report. Preliminary Phase D. Allard, B. Bartholome, J.P. Bertuzzi, R. Bonzano, R. Bossart, H. Braun, E. Bravin, J. Borburgh, /. Buttkus, E. Chazarenc, V. Chohan, /./. Cloye, R. Corsini, G. Coudert, M. Damiani, S. Deghaye, J.P. Delahafe, F. Di Maio, T. Dobers, P. Dubie/, B. Dupuy, L.Durieu, A. Ferrari, G. Geschonke, . Hansen, H. Hellgren, M. Hourican, M. Lamidon, T. Lefevre, J.H. Lewis,/. Lindroos, E. Manner, G. McMonagle, /. Monteiro, /. Mourier, P. Odier, T. Otto, P. Pearce, R. Pittin, M. Poehler, J-P. Potier, U. Raich, M. Rettig, L. Rinolfi, T. Risselada, R. Riva, G. Rossat, P. Royer, L. Sermeus, K. Setas, G. Simonet, /.P.H. Sladen, L. Saby, L. Tanner, F. Tecker, J.C. Thomi, I. Wilson, G. Yvon - CERN, M. Bernard, G. Bienvenu, R. Chaput (LURE),/. Le Duff, T. Garvey, B. Mouton - LAL

CTF3 Preliminary Phase Commissioning. Report on Third Week, 29 October - 2 November 2001 R. Corsini, B. Dupuy, L. Rinolfi, P. Royer (Ed.), F. Tecker (CERN) A. Ferrari (Uppsala University), M. Belli, C. Milardi, A. Stecchi, (Frascati)

Prototype "froid" WCM CTF3 : quelques resultats


Compact Linear Collider Study CLIC-Note-468

PS/RF/Note 2001-002


CERN/PS 2001-002 (AE)





CERN/PS 2001-008 (AE} 1,,


LC-PHSM- 2001-072-CLIC


CERN /PS 2001-009 (AE)


CERN-SL- 2001-010 AP


CERN-SL- 2001-012 AP


CERN /PS 2001-018 (PO)


CERN /PS 2001-022 (PO)

Cooling and Vibration in the CLIC Main Accelerating Structure W. Schnell

Machine-Detector Interface at CLIC D. Schulte

Beam Dynamics for the CTF3 Preliminary Phase R. Corsini, A. Ferrari, L. Rinolfi, T. Risselada, P. Royer, F. Tecker

CTF3 : Design of Driving Beam Combiner Ring C. Biscari, R. Corsini, T.E. D'Amico, A. Ghigo, L. Groening, G. Gui~rd, F. Marcellini, C. Sanelli, F. Sannibale, M. Serio, F. SKamma, G. Vi~ola, M. Zobov,

Studies on the RF Deflectors for CTF3 A. Gallo, D. Alesini, F. Marcellini, R. Corsini, D. Schulte, I. Syratchev,

Achievements and Future Plans of CLIC Test Facilities R.H. Braun for the CLIC Study Team

Physics Signatures at CLIC M. BattaKlia

High-power Testing of 30 GHz Accelerating Structures at the CLIC Test Facility (CTF II) H.H. Braun, S. Doebert, L. GroeninK, I. Wilson, W. Wuensch, F. Zhou

Final-Focus Schemes for CLIC at 3 TeV H. Burkhardt, T. Risselada, F. Schmidt (CERN), H.-/. Schreiber (DESY), F. Zimmermann,

Heat Deposition by Transient Beam Passage in Spoilers B. Jeanneret

Klystron-Modulators for the 3 TeV CLIC Scheme - an Overview P. Pearce

Design Proposal for a Compact, Solid-State, Low-Power Klystron-Pulser for CTF3 P. Pearce



CERN /PS 2001-027 (AE)


CERN /PS 2000-039 (RF)


CERN /PS 2001-028 (AE)


CERN/PS 2001-029 (AE)


CERN/PS 2001-038 (AE),


CERN/PS 2001-030 (AE)


CERN/PS 2001-032 (AE)


CERN /PS 2001-033 (PP)


CERN/PS 2001-031 (RF)


CERN /PS 2001-045 (RF)


CERN /PS 2001-046 (RF)



CERN/SL 2001-034


CERN/SL 2001-036


CERN SL 2001-038


CERN/SL 2001-045 (AP)


CERN /SL 2001-049 (AP),


Recent Experiments on the Effect of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation on the Electron Beam Effect of CTF II M. Borland, H.H. Braun, S. Doebert, L. Groeninf(, A. Kabel

Slotted Iris Structure Studies E. Jensen, I. Syratchev, W. Wuensch

Simulation Package based on PLACET E. D'Amico, G. Guif(nard, N. Leros, D. Schulte

Dynamic Effects in the Main Linac of CLIC N. Leros, D. Schulte

The Crossing Angle in CLIC D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann

An Overview of the New CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) R. Corsini for the CTF3 Study Team

Beam Dynamics for the Preliminary Phase of the New CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) R. Corsini, A. Ferrari, L. Rinolfi, T. Risselada, P. Royer, F. Tecker

The Photoinjector Option for CLIC: Past Experiments and Future Developments E. Bente, H.H. Braun, E. Chevallay, S. Hutchins, P. Legros, G. Suberlucq, H. Trautner, I.N. Ross

Network Representation of Multi-Cell Accelerating Structures J. V. Raf(Uin

Status of CLIC High Gradient Studies H. Braun, S. Doebert, L. Groeninf(, I. Wilson, W. Wuensch

Time Domain Simulations of the CLIC PETS (Power Extraction and Transfer Structure with GdfidL W. Bruns, I. Syratchev

High Power Test of a 30 GHz Planar Accelerator H.H. Braun, S. Doebert, H. Henke, W. Wuensch, D. Yu

Failure Modes in CLIC D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann

Overview of the CLIC Collimation Design R. Assmann, H. Burkhadt, S. Fartoukh, J.B. Jeanneret, J. Pancin, S. Redaelli, T. Risselada, H.J. Schreiber, F. Zimmermann

Damping Rings for CUC J. Jowett, H. Owen, T. Risselada, F. Zimmermann

The CLIC Study of Magnet Stability an Time Dependent Luminosity by Performance M. Aleksa, R. Assmann, W. Coosemans, G. Guignard, N. Leros, M. Mayoud, S. Redaelli, F. RUf(f(iero, S. Russenschuck, D. Schulte, I. Wilson, F. Zimmermann

Accelerator Aspects of a Potential CLIC-1 Collider D. Schulte, F. Zimmermann




PS/ AE Note 2001-010


CERN /PS 2001-057 (AE)


CERN/PS 2001-062 (AE)


CERN SL- 2001-064 (AP)


CERN/PS 2001-074 (AE)

Controls Group PS/ CO/Note2001-001 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-002 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-003 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-004 (Tech.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-005 (Tech.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-006 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-007 (Tech.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-008 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-009 (Tech.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-010 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-011 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-012 (Min.)


A Report of the Activities of the CLIC Study Team for the Year 2000 Compiled by I. Wilson for the CUC Study Team

A 30 GHz Beam Driven High Gradient Single Cell Cavity Test C. Achard, H. H. Braun, S. Dobert, L. Groeninx, I. Wilson, W. Wuensch

Progress on the CUC Linear Collider Study G. Guixnard for the CUC Study Team

Higgs Physics with a yy Collider Based on CUC 1 D. Asner, H. Burkhardt, A. De Roeck, J. Ellis, J. Gronberg, S. Heinemeyer, M.Schmitt, D. Schulte, M. Velasco, F. Zimmermann

Polarization Issues at CUC R. W. Assmann, F. Zimmermann

Update of the Status of Machine Detector Interface Studies for CUC D. Schulte

Compte Rendu de la Reunion C02 du 16.03.2001 M. Pace

Compte rendu de la Reunion C02 du 16.03.2001 M. Pace

Compte rendu de la Reunion C02 du 06.04.2001 M. Pace

Details of CTF3 Central Timing J.-C. Bau, J.-M. Bouche, I Lewis, J. Sladen, J. Serrano

Counters you can count on: the Rejuvenation of the TG8's Programmable Logic J. Serrano

Compte rendu de la reunion C02 du 04.05.2001 M. Gourber-Pace

The B Counter Piggyback. An 18-bit-up-down Counter to Keep Track of the Magnetic Field in the PS J. Serrano

Compte rendu de la reunion C02 du 01.06.2001 M. Gourber-Pace

ISOLDE FEC Study - Final Report. A Study to upgrade the ISOLDE Controls Front-end O.C. Jonsson, F. Locci, G. Mornacchi

Compt~ Rendu de la Reunion C02 du 24.08.2001 M. Gourber-Pace

Compte Rendu de la Reunion C02 du 21.09.2001 M. Gourber-Pace

Compte rendu de la reunion du 02.10.2001 sur l'Environnement Java M. Gourber-Pace


PS/ CO/ Note 2001-013 (Min.)

PS/ CO/Note2001-014 (Tech.)

Compte Rendu de la Reunion C02 du 07.12.2001 M. Gourber-Pace


The CTF3 Delay Card. An 8-channel VME module to delay TTL pulses in 200 ps steps P. Fernier, J. Serrano

Divisional Resources Group PS/ DR/Note2001-001 (Info.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-002 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-003 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-004 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-005 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-006 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-007 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-008 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-009 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-010 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-011 (Min.),,

Tech. Mtg 118

PS/ DR/Note2001-012 (Min.)

PS/DR/Note2001-013 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-014 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-015 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-016

SPL-DI/KHK bd 946

PS Division Notes 2000 Edited by S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 15.01.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 22.01.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 29.01.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 05.02.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 12.02.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 19.02.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 26.02.2001 S.L. Neboux

Compte-rendu de la reunion du PS Management Board du 05.03.2001 T. Kehrer

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting on 12.03.2001 S.L. Neboux

Minutes of the PS Technical Meeting No. 118 held on 28.03.2001 ]. Boillot

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting on 19.03.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting on 26.03.2001 S.L. Neboux

Minutes of the PS Administrative Meeting held on 21.03.2001. Exercise MOAS pour les filieres III a VII. J. Boillot

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 02.04.2001 S.L. Neboux

Definition du modele "Equipe de Support" pour l'appui industriel dans la division PS. GrouP.e de travail ASC (Analysis of Service Contracts), PS & SPL J. Bozllot, B. Denis, J. Gruber, A. Krusche, F. Perriollat


PS/ DR/Note2001-017 (Spec.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-018 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-019 (Min.)

Tech. Mtg 119

PS/ DR/Note2001-020 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-021 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-022 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-023 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-024 (Min.) Tech. Mtg 120

PS/ DR/Note2001-025 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-026 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-027 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-028 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-029 (Min.)\

PS/ DR/Note2001-030 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-031 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-032 (Min.)

PS/ DR/ Note 2001-033 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-034 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-035 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-036 (Min.)


Cahier des Charges - Structure de Management de l'appui industriel (contrats S072 et S073) dans la division PS pour la periode du ler avril 2001 au 31 decembre 2001 Grour.e de travail ASC (Analysis of Service Contracts), PS & SPL /. Boillot, B. Denis, /. Gruber, A. Krusche, F. Perriollat

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 09.04.2001 S.L. Neboux

Minutes of PS Technical Meeting No. 119 held on 04.04.2001 B. W. Allardyce

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 23.04.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 30.04.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 07.05.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 14.05.2001 S.L. Neboux

Minutes of PS Technical Meeting No. 120 held on 09.05.2001 B. W. Allardyce

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 28.05.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary Notes of the 3rd NLC-MAC Meeting, (SLAC: 16 - 18.05.2001) J.P. Delahaye

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 11.06.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 18.06.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 25.06.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 25.06.2001 K. Schindl

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 09.07.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 16.07.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 23.07.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 30.07.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board held on 06.08.2001 T. Kehrer

Summary of the PS Management Board held on 13.08.2001 S.L. Neboux


PS/ DR/ Note 2001-037 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-038 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-039 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-040 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-041 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-042 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-043 (Min.)

Tech. Mtg 121

PS/ DR/Note2001-044 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-045 (Min.) Tech. Mtg 122

PS/ DR/Note2001-046 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-047

PS I DR/Note 2001-048 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-049 (Min.)

Tech. Mtg 123

PS/ DR/Note2001-050 (Min.)i,

PS/ DR/Note 2001-051 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-052 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-053 (Min.)

Tech. Mtg 124

PS/ DR/Note2001-054

PS/ DR/Note2001-055 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-056

PS/ DR/Note2001-057 (Tech.)


Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 20.08.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 27.08.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 03.09.2001 T. Kehrer

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 10.09.2001 T. Kehrer

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 17.09.2001 T. Kehrer

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 24.09.2001 T. Kehrer

Minutes of PS Technical Meeting No. 121 held on 29th August 2001 B. W. Allardyce

Summary 'of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 01.10.2001 S.L. Neboux

Minutes of PS Technical Meeting No. 122 held on 26th September 2001 B. W. Allardyce

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 08.10.2001 S.L. Neboux

Long Term Consolidation Programme for the PS Complex J. Gruber

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 15.10.2001 S.L. Neboux

Minutes of PS Technical Meeting No. 123 held on 10th October 2001 B. W. Allardyce

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 22.10.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 29.10.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 05.11.2001 S.L. Neboux

Minutes of PS Technical Meeting No. 124 held on 31st October 2001 B. W. Allardyce

PS Manpower Plan J. Boillot, J.P. Delahaye and F. Perriollat for the PS Mana:zement Board

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 12.11.2001 S.L. Neboux

Capital Value of PS Equipment B. W. Allardyce

Confidential J.P. Delahaye, K. Hubner, C. Wyss


PS/ DR/Note2001-058 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-059 (Info.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-060 (Min.)

PS/DR/Note2001-061 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-062 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-063 (Min.)

PS/ DR/Note2001-064 (Spec.)

PS/ DR/Note 2001-065 (Spec.)

Neutrino Factory NF-Note-053




NF-Note- 057







Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 19.11.2001 S.L. Neboux

General Information on the PS Division Edited by ]. Boillot (for the PS Mana~ement Board)

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 26.11.2001 C. Galmant

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 03.12.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 10.12.2001 S.L. Neboux

Summary of the PS Management Board Meeting held on 17.12.2001 S.L. Neboux

Definition du modele "Equipe de Proximite" pour l'appui industriel dans la Division PS: Approche utilisee pendant le premier semestre 2002 F. Perriollat et al.

Cahier des charges pour activites au forfait F. Perriollat et al

Neutrino Fluxes from a Conventional Neutrino Beam using CERN SPL A. Blonde[, M. Done~a, S.Gilardoni

Focusing in Recirculating Muon Accelerators E. Keil

Installation and Use of Simple Mathematica Packages for Recirculating Linear Muon Accelerator and Storage Ring Designs E. Keil

Electron Cloud at the CERN Muon Storage Ring F. Zimmermann

An Alternative Beam Trajectory Through the 2.2 Ge V Linac Beam Chopper Reduces the Power Requirements by a Factor 4 M. Paoluzzi

Triplet Focusing for Recirculating Linear Muon Accelerators E. Keil

Muon Front-End without Cooling K. Hanke

Neutrino Oscillations at the SPL Super Beam M. Mezzetto (INFN Padova, Italy)

Transfer Line Between the Proton Driver Accumulator and Compressor Rings for the CERN Neutrino Factory M. Giovannozzi, M. Martini

Revised Beam Dynamics and Layout for the Superconducting Section of the SPL F. Geri~k





















Neutrino Factory Plans at CERN A. Riche (for the CERN Neutrino FactonJ Study Group)

Simulation of the SPL SC RF System with Beam using SPLinac J. Tiickmantel

A Stationary Target for the CERN-Neutrino Factory P. Sievers

Considerations on Low Frequency High Gradient Cavities for Muon Capture and Cooling B. Spataro, F. Tazzioli

Focusing in Recirculating Muon Accelerators E. Keil

A CdTe Detector for Muon Transverse Profile Measurements M. Placidi, E. Rossa, H. Schmick/er

Varying the Path Length of Charged Particles Using Wiggler Modules B. Autin, M. Giovannozzi, M. Martini, Ph. Royer

Simulation of Target Particles Emission for Neutrino Factory Using FLUKA J.F. Amand

Beam-Loading Compensation in the Recirculating Linacs of the CERN Neutrino Factory F. Zimmermann

The Effect of Phase Slippage in Multicell Cavities on Longitudinal Beam Dynamics F. GeriJ?k

Solenoidal Channels Linear Dynamics G. Franchetti

Current Activities for a Neutrino Factory at CERN R. Garoby

A Layout for a Muon Cooling Experiment at the CERN-PS: the Primary Proton Beam R. Cappi, M. Giovannozzi

Beam Loading Compensation Schemes for the Muon Recirculating Linacs of the CERN Neutrino Factory M. Ferrario, V. Fusco, M. MiJ?liorati

Proposal for a Four Hom Capture Scheme S. Gilardoni, K. Hanke et A. Perrin

Study of (Anti-)Neutrino Fluxes from a Hom Neutrino Beam using 2.2 GeVProtons M. DoneJ?a

A First Study of a Scintillating Fibre Detector for a Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment P. Gruber, E. Mcki~ney

Technical Results of the Hom Study for the Nufact J.M. Mau~ain, S. RanJ?od, F. Voelker


NF-Note- 081


NF-Note- 083





NF-Note- 088


NF-Note- 090



NF-Note- 093

NF-Note- 094





NF-Note- 099


Nufact Prototype Hom Installation and Measurements, J.M. MauKain, S. RanKod, F. Voelker

Control Instabilities in a Pulsed Multi-Cavity RF System With Vector Sum Feedback J. Tilckmantel

Status of Studies for a Muon Cooling Experiment K. Hanke

Design of the Superconducting Section of the SPL LINAC at CERN F. GeriKk, M. Vretenar

Beam Dynamics of Non-Equipartitioned Beams in the Case of the SPL Project at CERN F. GeriKk

Review and Comparison of Solenoid and Hom Capture System S. Gilardoni

Cavity Design for the CERN Muon Cooling Channel R. Garoby and F. GeriKk

Preliminary shielding Calculations for a 2 GeV Superconducting Proton Linac S. AKosteo, M. Silari

Status of European Studies for a Neutrino Factory at CERN R. Garoby

Beam Dynamics Study of a Cooling Experiment Based on 88 MHz CERN Cooling Channel K. Hanke, E.-S. Kim

Conducting Targets for Pion production B. Autin, S. Gilardoni, P. Sievers

Simulation of the Pion Decay Channel of a Neutrino Factory E.B. Holzer

Ionisation Cooling in FFAG's H. SchOnauer

A Stationary Target for the CERN-Neutrino-Factory P. Sievers

Superbeam Studies at CERN A. Blondel, J. Burguet-Castell, D. Casper, M. Donega, S. Gilardoni, J.J. Gomez Cadenas, P. Hernandez, M. Mezzetto

A Novel Concept for ave Neutrino Factory P. Zucchelli

Muon Emittance and Pion Decay B. Autin

Longitudinal Capture of Muons using Bunch Compression B. Autin, K. BonKardt, J. Pasternak, A. Verdier

Summary of WG3 E. Keil







Operation Group PS/ OP /Note 2001-001 (Tech.)

PS/ OP/Note2001-002 (Tech.)

PS I OP IN ote 2001-003

PS I OP IN ote 2001-004 (Spec.)

PS/ OP/Note2001-005 (Min.)

PS/ OP/Note2001-006 (Info.)

PS/ OP/Note 2001-007 (Tech.)

PS/ OP/Note 2001-008

PS/RF/Note 2001-010

PS/ OP/Note 2001-009

PS/ OP/Note2001-010

PS/ OP/Note 2001-011

PS/BO/Note 2001-013

PS/ OP/Note 2001-012

Multiple Beam Injection B. Autin, A. Verdier

European R&D for Neutrino Factory B. Autin


Geant4 Simulation of Phase Rotation for Neutrino Factory S. Ciani, S. Gilardoni, V.M. Grichine

The Study of a European Neutrino Factory at CERN B. Autin et al.

RLA Design: RF Optics A. Verdier

Aimants PS. Controle de l'Etat des Sertissages Intemes de 22 PFW. Mesures Effectuees Pendant le Grand Arret 2000/2001 J. Ottaviani

Aimants PS. Controle des Circuits Auxiliaires des P.F.W. (Arret Machine 2000/2001) J. Ottaviani

Operation Statistics of the PS Accelerator Complex for 2000 D. Dagan

Technical specifications ISOLDE Resonant Ionisation Laser Ion Source Operation and maintenance services B. Denis, M. Lindroos

Compte Rendu de "Briefing" du 16 mars 2001 D. Gueu!{non

Rota 2001 PS Complex E. Ovalle, A. Solera

Les Chames de 5ecurite du Complexe PS J. Ottaviani

A Pedestrian Guide to Online Phase Space Tomography in the CERN PS Complex S. Hancock, J.-L. Sanchez Alvarez

First Conclusions of the Losses Management Working Group J. Borburgh, R. Brown, M. Chanel, R. Cappi, V. Vohan, D. Cornuet, D. Forkel, M. Gourfier-Pace, S. Hancock, J. Hansen, C. Hill, D. Manglunki (editor), L.Rinolfi, H. SchOnauer, M. Thivent.

Etude pour une Nouvelle Zone "inflecteur" D. Gueu!{non

Test of a Dispersion Sweep Correction System by using a Centroid in the DIRAC Beam Line ]. Bosser, G. Molinari, J.M. Nonglaton, V. Prieto, R. Steerenberg

Results of Two Weeks PS Slow Extraction at 20 GeV /c for the East Area R. Steerenberg


Particle Production Group PSI PP/Note2001-001

PS/ PP/Note2001-002

PS/ PP/Note2001-003

PS/ PP/Note2001-004

Power Group PS/ PO/Note2001-001 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-002 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-003 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-004 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-005 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-006 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-007 (Info.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-008 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-009 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/ Note 2001-010 (Proc.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-0ll (Proc.)


X-ray Measurements at the CERN Laser Ion Source 0. Camut, P. Fournier, S. Heising, D. Kuchler, H. Kugler, N. Lisi , B. Pincott, R. Scrivers, K. Makarov, A. Stepanov, G. Volkov, V. Zaitsev

Proposal for Optical Elements for the Laser Ion Source (LIS) P. LeKfOS

Extraction Geometry for the Future LIS Plasma R. Scrivens

Comparison of the Beam Dynamic Solutions for Low Energy Beam Transport Systems for a Laser Ion Source at CERN K. Hanke, S. Heisinf{, R Scrivens

Les Alimentations de la Zone ISOLDE. Compte rendu de la reunion Isolde-P03 du 17.01.2001 J.-P. Royer

Suivi des Interventions sur les Equipements PS/PO. Troisieme Analyse (Semaines 38 a 51 - 2000) J.-P. Royer

Statistiques et Evolution des Interventions sur les Equipements du Groupe PO durant l'an 2000 J.-P. Royer

A Novel Four-Quadrant AC to DC Converter for Accelerator Magnets: Current Source Rectifier and Full-Bridge Inverter R. de la Calle, J.-M. Espi, J. B. Ejea, R. Garcia Gil, F. VOlker

Voltage Source Matrix Converter R. de la Calle, J.B. Ejea, J.-M. Espi, R. Garcia Gil,

Visit Notes to TMD Technology Lted., U.K. P. Pearce

Listes d'Appel du Groupe PS/PO en 2001 J. Borburgh, J. Buttkus, T. Fowler, J. Gruber, K.-D. Metzmacher, P. Pearce, J.-P. Royer, H. Ullrich

Les Alimentations de la Zone ISOLDE. Compte rendu de la reunion lsolde-P04 du 07.03.2001 J.-P. Royer

Intervention sur les alirnentations auxiliaires defectueuses des differents septa utilises dans les machines AD, Booster, EPA et PS T. Masson

Procedure d'Enclenchement et de Declenchement de l'Alimentation Principale du PS A Levrier

Consignes d'Operation et de Securite des Alimentations Pulsees des Dipoles d'Ejection et de Transfert du Booster J.-M. Cravero


PS/ PO/Note2001-012 (Spec.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-013 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-014 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-015 (Proc.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-016 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-017 (Proc.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-018 (Min.)

PS/ PO/ Note 2001-019 (Proc.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-020 (Proc.)

PS/ PO/ Note 2001-021 (Min.)

PS/ PO/ Note 2001-022 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-023 (Min.)

PS I PO IN ote 2001-024 (Min.)\

PS/ PO/Note2001-025 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-026 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-027 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-028 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-029 (MD)

PS/ PO/Note2001-030 (Min.)


Specification for the supply of 2 S-band 100 MW vacuum dry RF loads P. Pearce

Operation Piquet PO 2001-01. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 2.04.2001 ].-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-02. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 9.04.2001 J.-P. Royer

Arret et Consignation des Equipements PS /PO de la Zone Experimentale deAD J.-L. Blanc

New Possibilities to Program PS/PO G64 Controllers E. Aldaz Carroll

Presentation sommaire des alimentations du batiment 366 (A.D.) G. Deroma

Analyse des Demandes de Travaux au Bureau de Dessin et a l'Atelier dy; )) Cablage Electronique P02. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 11 avril 200T · J.-P. Royer

Arret et Consignation des Equipements PS/PO du PSB et ligne d'ISOLDE (BTY) J.-M. Cravero, H. Fiebixer, F. Gendre, M. Georxes, J. Lahaye, G. Simonet

Deconsignation et Redemarrage des Equipements PS/PO du PSB et d'ISOLDE J.-M. Cravero, H. Fiebixer, F. Gendre, M. Georxes, ]. Lahaye, G. Simonet

Operation Piquet PO 2001-03. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 17.04.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-04. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 23.04.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-05. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 30.04.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-06. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 07.05.200_ ].-P. Royer

Inspection and Testing of BNL (AGS) Dipole Coils at Sigmaphi M. Hourican

Operation Piquet PO 2001-07. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 14.05.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-08. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 21.05.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-09. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 28.05.2001 J.-P. Royer

Resultats du MD du 23.05.2001 G. Simonet

Operation Piquets PO 2001-10 & 11. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 11.06.2001 J.-P. Royer


PS/ PO/ Note 2001-031 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-032 (Tech.)

CTF3 Note 027

PS/ PO/Note 2001-033 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-034 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-035

PS/ PO/Note 2001-036 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-037 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-038 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-039 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-040 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-041 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-042 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-043 (Proc.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-044 (Min.)

PS/ PO/ Note 2001-045 (Min.)

PS/ PO/ Note 2001-046 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/ Note 2001-047 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-048 (Tech.)

CTF3 Note 030 (Min.)


A 250 kW Four Quadrant Switch Mode Converter for the 1.4 GeV PS Booster Beam Transfer Lines at CERN S. Dewan , R. Holmes, K. Reini:zer, F. Volker, ]. Zenx

Visit to Thales Electron Devices (formerly Thomson Tubes Electronique) on 26.06.2001 T. Fowler, G. McMonaxle

Operation Piquet PO 2001-12. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 18.06.2001 J.-P. Royer

Les Alimentations de la Zone ISOLDE. Compte rendu de la reunion ISOLDE-P05 du 20.06.2001 J.-P. Royer

Review of the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) Proposal -Knowledge Management at CERN P. Pearce

Suivi des Interventions sur les Equipements PS/PO. Premiere Analyse en 2001 (semaines 13 a 24 - 2001) E. Durieu-Thiry, J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-13. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 25.06.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-14. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 02.07.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-15. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 09.07.2001 j.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-16. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 16.07.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-17. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 23.07.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-18. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 30.07.2001 H. Ullrich

Procedure d'Enclenchement et de Declenchement de l'Alimentation de l'Aimant Principal PS fonctionnant avec le Transformateur 13 m VA raccorde au Reseau 18 kV A. Levrier

Operation Piquet PO 2001-19. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 06.08.2001 J. Buttkus

Operation Piquet PO 2001-20. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 13.08.2001 j.-P. Royer

Magnetic Measurement System using ADC card and Lab View Application E. Armen:zou

Operation Piquet PO 2001-21. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 20.08.2001 j.-P. Royer

Notes on a visit to TMD Technologies Ltd on 2nd August 2001 G. McMona:zle, P. Pearce


PS/ PO/Note2001-049 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-050 (Spec.)

CTF3 Note 035 (Spec.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-051 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-052 (Tech.)

CTF3 Note 032

PS/ PO/Note2001-053 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-054 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-055 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-056 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-057 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-058 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-059 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-060 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-061 (Min.)\

PS/ PO/Note2001-062 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-063 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-064 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-065 (Min.)

CTF3 Note 038 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-066 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-067 (Min.)


Operation Piquet PO 2001-22. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 27.08.2001 J.-P. Royer

Specification for the Supply of a 1.5 GHz Broadband Klystron or other RF Power Source for the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) G. McMonaf(le, P. Pearce

Les Alimentations de la Zone ISOLDE. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 05.09.2001 J.-P. Royer

The Effect of Different Resistor Values on the CTF3 Sub-harmonic Klystron Pulser Simulation Circuit Li Shen

Operation Piquet PO 2001-23. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 03.09.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-24. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 10.09.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-25. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 17.09.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-26. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 24.09.2001 J.-P. Royer

The PS Ejection Kicker KFA71-79 Performance for LHC K.D. Metzmacher, L. Sermeus

Suivi Des Interventions Sur Les Equipements PS/PO- Deuxieme Analyse En 2001 (Semaines 25 a 36 - 2001) E. Durieu-Thiry, J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-27. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 01.10.2001 J. Buttkus

Operation Piquet PO 2001-28. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 08.10.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-29. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 15.10.200 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-30. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 22.10.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-31. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 29.10.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-32. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 05.11.2001 J.-P. Royer

Visit to Thales Electronic Devices for Klystron Reception on 09.11.2001 G. McMonaf(le

Operation Piquet PO 2001-33. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 12.11.2001 J.-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-34. Compte Rendu de la Reunion du 19.11.2001 J.-P. Royer


PS/ PO/Note 2001-068 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-069 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-070 (Tech.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-071 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note2001-072 (Min.)

PS/ PO/Note 2001-073 (Tech.)

Radio-Frequency Group PS/ RF/Note2001-001 (Spec.)

PS/ RF IN ote 2001-002

CLIC Note 468

PS/ RP /Note 2001-003

NF Note 062

PS/ RF/Note2001-004

PS/ RF IN ote 2001-005

PS/ RF/Note 2001-006

PS/ RF/Note2001-007

PS/ RF/Note2001-008 (Tech.)

PS/ RF/Note2001-009

NF Note 2001-072

PS/ RF /Note 2001-010

PS/OP /Note 2001-008

PS/ RF /Note 2001-011


High Tension Control System for the On-line Isotope Separators -ISOLDE (with compact PCI front end controller) T. Fowler, ]. Schipper

Safety Instructions for AD Kicker Systems ]. Schipper

Tasking Development Tools Guide for PS/PO E. Aldaz Carroll

Les alimentations de la Zone ISOLDE Compte Rendu de la Reunion ISOLDE-P0-7 du 28.11.2001 ].-P. Royer

Operation Piquet PO 2001-35 & 36. Comptes Rendus des Reunions des 19.11et3.12.2001 ].-P. Royer

Simple Programming Guidelines for C LANGUAGE E. Aldaz-Carroll

Technical Specification for RF Pulse Amplifier 3 GHz/300 W R. Bossart

Cooling and Vibration in the CLIC Main Accelerating Structure W. Schnell

Revised Beam Dynamics and Layout for the Superconducting Section of the SPL F. GeriKk

PSB Beam Control Technical Guide A. Blas

3 kW, 0.1-35 MHz Pulsed Amplifier PS-RF/HC3289 M. Paoluzzi

Proposed 13.3 - 20 MHz RF Systems for Bunch-Splitting Operation in the PS for LHC A. Krusche, M. Morvillo

PSB Phase Pick-Up Pre-Amplifier Modifications for 2001 A. Findlay

Tableau des Travaux a realiser sur les Beam Controls au PS lors du shut-down 2000-2001 J.-L. Val/et

The Effect of Phase Slippage in Multicell Cavities on Longitudinal Beam Dynamics F. GeriKk

A Pedestrian Guide to Online Phase Space Tomography in the CERN PS Complex S. Hancock, ].-L. Sanchez Alvarez

Talks on Linacs presented by A. Rohlev (LNL) during the week 13-17 · August2001


PS/ RF/Note2001-012

PS/ RF/Note2001-013

PS/ RF/Note2001-014

NF Note 2001-087

PS/RF/Note2001-015 (MD)

PS/ RF/Note 2001-016

PS/ RF/Note 2001-017

PS/ RF IN ote 2001-018


B.W. Allardyce J. Boillot J.P. Delahaye K. Schindl PS Group Leaders PS Project Leaders PS Secretaries


Measurement of the Longitudinal Coupling Impedance, for the PS Electrostatic Septum 23 F. Caspers, A. Mostacci

Updating the BTFM of the PSB A. Blas

Cavity Design for the CERN Muon Cooling Channel R. Garoby, F. Gerigk

Test of a New Acceleration Scheme for Indium Ions in the PS-Booster M. Benedikt, A. Blas, G. Cyvoct, J-P. Terrier

Hollow Bunches in the PSB. Request for resources and possible planning A. Blas

Proposal for a 3 MeV H- Test Facility in the PS South Hall K. Bongardt, F. Caspers, R. Garoby, 0. Kuchler, A.M. Lombardi, A. Mostacci, M. Pao1uzzi, U. Ratch, M. Vretenar (Editor)

High Intensity Proton Beams at CERN and the SPL Project - Resources, External Contributions and Milestones R. Garoby

Edited by Susan L. Neboux