List of Bank in India

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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  • 8/10/2019 List of Bank in India


    List of Indian Public Sector Banks

    Allahabad Bank

    Andhra Bank

    Bank of Baroda

    Bank of India

    Bank of Maharashtra

    Canara Bank

    Central Bank of India

    Corporation Bank

    Dena Bank

    IDBI Bank Limited

    Indian Bank

    Indian Overseas Bank

    IDBI Bank Industrial DevelopmentBank of India

    Oriental Bank of Commerce

    Punjab & ind Bank

    Punjab !ational Bank

    tate Bank of Bikaner and "aipur

    tate Bank of #$derabad

    tate Bank of India

    tate Bank of M$sore

    tate Bank of Patiala

    tate Bank of %ravancore

    $ndicate Bank

    CO Bank

    nion Bank of India

    nited Bank Of India

    'ija$a Bank

  • 8/10/2019 List of Bank in India


    List of Private Sector Banks in India

    A(is Bank

    Catholic $rian Bank Ltd)

    IndusInd Bank Limited

    ICICI Bank

    I!* '$s$a Bank

    +otak Mahindra Bank Limited

    +arnataka Bank

    +arur '$s$a Bank Limited)

    %amilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd)

    %he Dhanalakshmi Bank Limited)

    %he ,ederal Bank Ltd)

    %he #D,C Bank Ltd)

    %he "ammu & +ashmir Bank Ltd)

    %he !ainital Bank Ltd)

    %he Lakshmi 'ilas Bank Ltd

    -es Bank

    List of Private Sector Banks Since Merged with other banks

    The Nedungadi Bank (merged with PNB)

    The Bank Of Rajasthan(merged with ICICI in 2010)

    Bharat Overseas Bank (erged with Indian Overseas Bank)

    !"rd #rishna Bank(erged with Centuri"n Bank "f Punja$% whi&h was merged with 'C


    The *ang+i Bank(merged with ICICI Bank in 200,)

    The -anesh Bank "f #urundwad (merged with edera+ Bank)

    -+"$a+ Trust Bank (merged with Orienta+ Bank "f C"mmer&e . 1/th ugust 200/)

    Bank "f Punja$(merged with Centurian Bank% whi&h was +ater "n merged with 'C Bank)

    Centuri"n Bank(merged with 'C Bank)

    SBI Commercial and International Bank Ltd.(Acuired b! SBI in "#$$%

    &nited 'estern Bank was merged into IBI Bank ("##)%

    List of *oreign Banks o+erating in India
  • 8/10/2019 List of Bank in India


    Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Ltd)

    American .(press Bank Ltd)

    Arab Ban/ladesh Bank Limited

    Ant0erp Diamond Bank !)')

    Bank Internasional Indonesia

    Bank of America !)A)

    Bank of Bahrain & +u0ait BC

    Barcla$s Bank Plc

    B!P PA1IBA

    Bank of Ce$lon

    Cal$on Bank

    Citibank !)A)

    Cho #un/ Bank

    Chinatrust Commercial Bank Ltd)

    Cit$ nion Bank Ltd)

    Coastal Local Area Bank Ltd)

    Deutsche Bank A*

    Development Credit Bank Ltd)

    " P Mor/an Chase Bank2 !ational Association

    +run/ %hai Bank Public Compan$ Limited

    Mashre3bank psc

    Mi4uho Corporate Bank Ltd)

    Oman International Bank A O *

    ociete *enerale

    tandard Chartered Bank

    onali Bank

    tate Bank of Mauritius Ltd)

    %he Bank of !ova cotia

    %he Bank of %ok$o5Mitsubishi2 Ltd)

    %he Development Bank of in/apore Ltd)6DB Bank Ltd)7

    %he #on/kon/ & han/hai Bankin/Corporation Ltd)

    %he 1o$al Bank of cotland !)')

    Industrial Development Bank of India

    !ational Bank for A/riculture and 1uralDevelopment

    .(port5Import Bank of India
  • 8/10/2019 List of Bank in India


    !ational #ousin/ Bank

    mall Industries Development Bank of India

    Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd)

    !orth .astern Development ,inanceCorporation

    List of co,o+erative Banks o+erating in India

    1. The Andaman and Nicobar State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    2. The Andhra Pradesh State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    3. The Arunachal Pradesh State co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.

    4. The Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.

    5. The Bihar State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    6. The Chandigarh State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    7. The elhi State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    8. The !oa State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    9. The !u"arat State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    10. The #ar$ana State Co-opertive Apex Bank Ltd.

    11. The #imachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    12. The %ammu and &ashmir State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    13. The &arnataka State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.

    14. The &erala State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    15. The 'adh$a Pradesh (a"$a Sahakari Bank

    16. The 'aharashtra State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    17. The 'anipur State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    18. The 'eghala$a Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.

    19. The 'i)oram Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.

    20. The Nagaland State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    21. The *rissa State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    22. The Pondicher$ State Co-opertive Bank Ltd.

    23. The Pun"ab State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    24. The (a"asthan State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    25. The Sikkim State Co-operative Bank Ltd.
  • 8/10/2019 List of Bank in India


    26. The Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    27. The Tripura State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    28. The +ttar Pradesh Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    29. The ,est Bengal State Co-operative Bank Ltd.

    30. The Chhattisgarh (a"$aSahakari Bank 'ar$adit

    31. The +ttaranchal (a"$a Sahakari Bank Ltd.
