list of approved - Drinking Water...

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Transcript of list of approved - Drinking Water...



Permitted under Regulation 5 for use in Private Water Supplies in

England and Wales

November 2017

guardians of drinking water quality



The only controlled version of this document can be accessed on the DWI Website – Printed copies of this document, together with electronic copies held on local computers and other storage devices are uncontrolled.

Last updated: November 2017

Errors and corrections: Please contact us if you find any errors or if corrections are needed


Private Water Supplies Enquiries, Drinking Water Inspectorate Area 7E, 9 Millbank, c/o Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR

Tel +44 (0)300 068 6400 E-mail :


Table of Contents BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 2

APPROVAL UNDER REGULATION 5 ................................................................................ 3

INTRODUCTION TO THE LIST OF APPROVED PRODUCTS .................................. 4 THE APPROVAL OF A PRODUCT ....................................................................................... 4

CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION ON TRANSITIONAL LIST FOR USE IN PRIVATE WATER SUPPLIES .................................................................................................... 5 TRANSITIONAL LIST OF PRODUCTS/SUBSTANCES PERMITTED FOR USE IN PRIVATE WATER SUPPLIES .................................................................................... 6 WRAS APPROVED PRODUCTS ............................................................................... 7 PRODUCTS APPROVED UNDER REGULATION 31 .............................................. 13 ION EXCHANGE RESIN SYSTEMS ................................................................................... 13

ON-SITE ELECTROLYTIC GENERATION OF CHLORINE ............................................... 13 ON-SITE GENERATION OF CHLORINE DIOXIDE ........................................................... 13 FILTER MEDIA .................................................................................................................... 14 POLYETHYLENE (PE) PIPES ............................................................................................ 14 BARRIER AND LAMINATED PIPES ................................................................................... 16 POLYVINYLCHLORIDE (PVC) PIPES ............................................................................... 16 ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE COPOLYMER (ABS) .................................... 16 PIPES COATED WITH FACTORY APPLIED NYLON RESIN ............................................ 17 PIPES COATED WITH FACTORY APPLIED EPOXY RESIN ............................................ 17 STAINLESS STEEL PIPES ................................................................................................. 18 PIPES COATED WITH A FACTORY APPLIED POLYOLEFIN .......................................... 19 WELL CASINGS, SCREENS AND RISING MAINS ........................................................... 19 MEMBRANE AND FILTRATION ELEMENTS/SYSTEMS .................................................. 20 VESSELS AND CONTAINERS FOR MEMBRANE AND FILTRATION ELEMENTS ......... 21 TANKS ................................................................................................................................. 21 PRESSURE VESSELS ....................................................................................................... 22

LOW CONTACT COMPONENTS AND PRODUCTS (Regulation 31(4)(b)) ............ 23 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 23 PRODUCTS LIKELY TO FALL INTO REGULATION 31(4)(B) .......................................... 23

BRITISH STANDARDS BS EN FOR CHEMICALS AND MEDIA USED FOR TREATMENT OF WATER ........................................................................................ 25

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GENERAL DEFINITIONS The relevant regulations (for private drinking water suppliers) The following regulations apply to the approval of substances and products used in the provision of private water supplies within the United Kingdom: a) England - Regulation 5(1) of The Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 b) Wales – Regulation 4A of The Private Water Supplies (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2010 (Welsh Statutory Instrument 2010 No. 1384 (W.123) – c) Northern Ireland – Regulation 6 of The Private Water Supplies (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010 (Statutory Rules of Northern Ireland 2010 No.131) - . This list applies to water supplied under Regulation 5 (1) of the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 and Regulation 4A of the Private Water Supplies (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2010. Where reference is required to specific regulatory requirements, these are given in footnotes. The List The list published here is not exhaustive with respect to Regulation 31 approved products or WRAS approved products. Both of these lists are continually being updated, and the most up to date lists should be consulted in order to provide assurance that products are approved. This list contains examples of products that are likely to be found or used in private water supplies. Current lists for Regulation 31 and WRAS approved products may be found at and respectively.

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The products in this list have only been assessed for safety for use in water supplies; they have not been assessed for fitness for purpose.

Section 69 of the Water Industry Act 1991, as amended by the Water Act 2003, gave the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Welsh Ministers powers to make regulations controlling substances, processes and/or products that are used in the treatment and provision of private water supplies. Section 76B of the Water (Scotland) Act 1980 gives Scottish Ministers similar powers. The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) carries out the approval process for the Authorities for the whole of the United Kingdom, under the relevant Regulations. DWI accepts applications for approval of products used both before the treatment, within water distribution systems and up to the point of delivery to premises.

APPROVAL UNDER REGULATION 5 Products may be suitable approved under Regulation 5 of the PWS in one of five ways:

1. Listed in the Secretary of State’s list of approved products for use in Public Water Supply in the United Kingdom (current version is available on the DWI website);

2. Listed in the Water Regulations Advisory Service (WRAS) Water Fittings and Materials Directory (available on the WRAS website: as a suitable material for use in plumbing systems within buildings;

3. The particular usage of the product/substance results in either a minimal surface area exposure or a transient contact time with water and testing using BS6920 methodology has shown that the product/substance does not give rise to an objectionable taste or odour and does not encourage microbial growth.

4. Treatment chemicals conforming to a BS:EN standard and dosed in accordance with any national conditions of use (Current BS:EN standards and conditions of use are shown in the Secretary of States List of approved products for use in Public Water Supply in the United Kingdom).

5. Included in the Transitional List of traditional products and substances for use in Private Water Supplies

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All approved products must be used in accordance with any specific conditions of approval, listed against the product names. In addition, use is in accordance with an Instructions for Use document provided by the product manufacturer.


Approval is based upon consideration as to whether the use of a substance or product will adversely affect the quality of the water supplied, or cause a risk to the health of consumers; no consideration is given to fitness for purpose and approval by the Authorities must not be taken as a favourable assessment of the performance or merits of any substance or product. It is the responsibility of the relevant person to ensure fitness for purpose.

Warning: The inclusion of products/substances in any of the above categories or on any List published by DWI does not signify an endorsement of its fitness for purpose or any other merits.

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Regulation 5(1) of the Private Water Supplies Regulations 2016 requires that any product or substance used in the preparation or distribution of a private supply or impurities associated with such products or substances, must not be present in water at the point of use at levels that would make it unwholesome or constitute a potential danger to human health. Regulation 4A of the Private Water Supplies (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2010 also states that any product or substance used must be one that would be permitted to be used in a water supply under Regulation 31 of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2010 Products or substances used after the coming into force of these Regulations must either:

• be permitted to be used in a water supply under Regulation 31 of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000

• hold a product approval from WRAS • be covered by a current BS EN for treatment chemicals and products • be covered by Regulation 31(4)(b) of the Water Supply (Water Quality)

Regulations 2016 Although a wide variety of products and substances have been used for many years in private water supplies, as yet very few have been evaluated formally for placing on the Secretary of State’s List of Approved Products/Substances. For this reason, DWI has put in place transitional arrangements for compliance and these are set out below. Any product or substance which has been used in no fewer than three different private supplies for at least 12 months prior to application for inclusion on the list may be deemed to comply with Regulation 5 provided there is evidence to show that the supplies in question were of satisfactory water quality and there is no history of consumer complaints or adverse health effects. It is expected that manufacturers/suppliers of any product or substance which are deemed compliant under these transitional arrangements will obtain guidance from DWI on the steps required in order to obtain approval under Regulation 31. DWI will add products/substances to a “transitional” list of products/substances on receipt of the following information: (i) locations of 3 or more private water supplies where the product or substance has been in use for at least 12 months; and (ii) testing and other relevant data to demonstrate satisfactory water quality and the absence of public health or consumer concerns and (iii) product information including conditions of use.

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A form for applicants is available at

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TRANSITIONAL LIST OF PRODUCTS/SUBSTANCES PERMITTED FOR USE IN PRIVATE WATER SUPPLIES Note: these products are only permitted to be used if installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This list also includes products that are composed entirely of approved components. Manufacturers Details

Name of Product /substance

Intended Use


Goodwater Ltd

Tucana Ultraviolet disinfection units

Disinfection Models: Tucana SL-2, SL-3, SL-4, SL-6, SL-7, SL-8, SL-9, SL-10, SL-11, ML-1, ML-2, ML-3, ML-4, ML-5 & ML-6 only.

Kennet Water Components Limited,

Arsenic Reduction Systems

Arsenic removal

Water quality requirements listed in the “Arsenic removal media” section of the Instructions for Use (IFU) document (as supplied by Kennet Water Components) of this product must be followed.

Silverline UK Ltd

Ultraviolet disinfection units

Disinfection Models: UV-DS 08, UV-DS 15, UV-DS 30, UV-DS 55, UV-CS 110, UV-CS 165, UV-CS 220, UV-CS 275, UV-CS 330, UV-CS 385, UV-CS 440, UV-CS 495, UV- CS 550, UV-CS 605 & UV-CS 660 Only

DaRo UV Systems Ltd

Saphir Range of Ultraviolet disinfection units

Disinfection Range of ultra violet water disinfection units with stainless steel bodies, quartz tubes and fluropolymer rubber `O` rings. For use with cold water only. Maximum working pressure 10.0 bar. Size: Saphir 2 & 3 and Saphir 2+ & 3+ (¾” BSP male inlet/outlet). Saphir 4 & 7 and Saphir 4+ & 7+ (1” BSP male inlet/outlet).Saphir 10 & 10+ (1½” BSP male inlet/outlet).

PFS (Helston) Ltd

Failsafe Ultraviolet Water Treatment Systems

Disinfection 45, 66 and 120 litre per minute models. Based on approved UV unit plus approved failsafe valves

Silverline UK Ltd

PSPH pH correction

Silverline UK Ltd

PSIM Iron & Manganese removal

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 8 Issue date: November 2017 KK Water Purification Ltd

Sterilight Silver UV Purification System

Disinfection Models: S1Q-PA, S2Q-PA/SSM-17, S5Q-PA/SSM-24, S8Q-PA/SSM-37, S12Q-PA/SSM-39 only

Shakesby and Sons Ltd

Filters Manganese removal

MG range

Shakesby and Sons Ltd

Filters Iron and manganese removal

ET, EB, ED, SVET and SVED range

Kennet Water

Iron & Manganese reduction systems

Iron & Manganese

Product composed of WRAS approved vessel and valve. Dowex and C100E media approved by WRAS, aquamandix and stirox media covered by BS:EN standard

Kennet Water

pH system Raise pH Product composed of WRAS approved vessel and valve. Juraperle media covered by BS:EN standard

Kennet Water

Carbon system

Colour and organic reduction, taste and odour, dechlorination

Product composed of WRAS approved vessel and valve. GAC carbon and bone carbone media covered by BS:EN standard

Kennet Water

Filtration Sediment and turbidity reduction

Product composed of WRAS approved vessel and valve. Sand media covered by BS:EN standard.

Kennet Water

Hardness reduction

Hardness Product composed of WRAS approved vessel and valve. C100E and Dowex media covered by WRAS approval.

Kennet Water

Nitrate removal

Nitrate Product composed of WRAS approved vessel and valve. A520E media covered by Regulation 31 approval

Kennet Water

SS Range UV disinfection System

Disinfection Models: SS15, SS30, SS55 SS75 SS1475 and SS1575

Kennet Water

Crystal Right

Iron, manganese and hardness removal

Ion exchange media

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Kennet Water

Pallas undersink RO

# Regulations require that the water is not aggressive. Additional monitoring may be required for pH, taste and odour and plumbing metals to ensure water is wholesome.

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WRAS APPROVED PRODUCTS Products approved by the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS) are listed on their website at The directory is extensive, and may be subject to change so no attempt is made to reproduce it here in its entirety. Below is a list of product types for which WRAS approval exists for some products. The WRAS directory should be consulted if any of the types of fittings below are to be installed in a private water supply.

• Backflow prevention devices • Expansion vessels • Cartridges/ Pre-UV filters • Greywater/ Rainwater recycled systems • Valves • Pipes • Disinfectant ion generators • Disinfection equipment • Water conditioners

Note: some of these may fall under Regulation 31(4)(b) of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 eg backflow prevention devices. See the section on Regulation 31(4)(b) or Advice sheet 8 SECTION 0970 – DOSING EQUIPMENT WRAS number Product company notes 1311065 Ecomix

Proportioner - High flow & Low flow

Brightwell dispensers

1303300 Promax proportioning system


1403330 Reaction chamber and control unit for use with the Dioxychlor III chlorine dioxide dosing system.


SECTION 1050 FILTERS AND HOUSINGS (approx. 48 products) WRAS number Product company notes 1307074 FR1000 The Freshwater

Filter Company Stainless steel water filter system housing

1305041 Purity 450 Quell ST. Purity 600 Quell ST. Purity 1200 Quell ST

Brita GmbH Water filter systems with housings and replaceable cartridges

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1212060 Everpure Claris 4339-10, 4339-11, 4339-12, 4339-13 & 4339-14.

Aquis GmbH Range of water filter cartridges

1212061 Everpure Claris 4339-00, 4339-01, 4339-02, 4339-03 & 4339-04

Aquis GmbH Range of filter systems consisting of filter heads and filter cartridges


Spectrum These are filter cartridges for use with Pentek 3G 10” Housing. X is replaced with a value of 0.1 to 100um denoting the micron rating of the filter media.

1404089 SCIB-1-10, SCIG-20-10, SCIGP-20-10

Spectrum Range of water filter cartridges

1303026 P145BN-E, P145-E, P145H, P145BH P165BN-E, P165-E, P165H, P165BH P195BN-E, P195-E, P195H, P195BH

3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

Range of water filters incorporating activated carbon.

1203061 5231JA2006A-S (Filter) & 5231JA2006A (Replacement cartridge)

3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

Water filter system consisting of plastic filter body containing a carbon filter cartridge

1303027 P1175BN-E, P1175E, P1175BH, P1175H

3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

Water filter system consisting of plastic filter body containing a carbon filter cartridge

1303028 H10FA, H10FB, H10PA, H10PB, H10SB, H11FA, H11FB, H11PA, H11PB, H11SB, H12FA, H12FB, HA12PA, H12PB, H12SB H14FA, H14FB, H14PA, H14PB, H14SB, H15FA, H15FB, H15PA, H15PB, H15SB.

Aqua Cure Limited

Inline water filters

1404013 60 Series Single Filter Cartridge

Amazon Filters Ltd

Stainless steel filter housings

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Housing Range, including variant types prefixed 61, 62, 63 & 64.

1309114 AQ35 (head and filter kit)

Instanta Ltd Water filter

1309074 P124-E & P124BNE, P124BV-E & P124B-E

3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

P124 range of water filters

1404100 FA-42, FA-54, FA-F67, FA-F76, FA-F108

Hydrotec GmbH `HydroFIL` range of automatic backwashing filters

1209057 P60, P40, P04 & P24. CRT05, CRT10, CRT20, UC60, UC40, UC12, UC04, CF06 & AF06.

Silverline UK Ltd water filters incorporating activated carbon

1404012 50 Series Single Filter Cartridge Housing Range, including variant types prefixed 51, 52 & 55.

Amazon Filters Ltd

stainless steel filter housings

1309097 800333S & 800335S, 52-180033, 52-180037, AK200125396, AK200125404, AK200126857

3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

Water filters

1303056 FL3600 & FL2300. Zip Heaters (UK) Ltd.

water filters incorporating activated carbon

1301343 CWFC1. Calomax Ltd Water filters 1301061 RF series R.P.E. Srl. `RF series` water

filters 1212059 Everpure Claris

4339-20, 4339-21, 4339-22, 4339-23, 4339-24 & 4339-25

Aquis GmbH Range of filter heads

1303062 Water Gem. Aqua Cure Limited

In-line water filter

1103031 CFS8812ELX-S, CFS8812X and CFS8812X-S.

3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

Range of water filters

1011029 AP2-C405-G, AP2-C401-G, AP2-C405SG & AP2-C401SG.

3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

Range of water filters

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1004041 BH-13881 3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)

Water filter

1007043 Aqua Quell 06 BTC.

Omnipure Filter Company/ Brita GmbH

Water filter system consisting of housing cartridge and head

1004329 Measurement and display unit MDU for use with Purity Steam and Putiry Quell ST filter cartridges

BRITA GmbH Measurement and display unit MDU for use with Purity Steam and Putiry Quell ST filter cartridges

0907058 Aquaquell 1.5. Brita GmbH Water filter system consisting of a housing, cartridge and cylinder head

1004330 Purity 1200 Steam, Purity 600 Steam and Purity 450 Steam.

BRITA GmbH range of water filter systems

0907076 FH5, FH10, FH 10 Lowline, FH18, FH23, FH30.

European Water Care Ltd

Range of filter housings

0907075 CTU5, CTU10, CTU 10 Lowline, CTU18, CTU23 and CTU30.

European Water Care Ltd

Range of filters and housings

1012360 HIS Fairey Industrial Ceramics Ltd.

Filter housing. See link for suitable cartridges

1012361 HIP / DUO Fairey Industrial Ceramics Ltd.

Filter housing. See link for suitable cartridges

1012362 EcoFast Fairey Industrial Ceramics Ltd.

Filter housing. See link for suitable cartridges

1012359 Standard, Supersterasyl, Sterasyl, Ultracarb & Supercarb

Fairey Industrial Ceramics Ltd.

Filter cartridges for use with WRAS products 1012360, 1012361 and 1012362

0907065 Standard Industrial, Slimline , 3G and Big Blue

Pentek Water Treatment/ Fileder Filter Systems Ltd

filter housings

1301335 MH4P, MH4 & MH4LP. M9M & M9MP. K3 & K3P, HF-SP-10, HF-SP-17, SP-510 & SP-520

Microfilter Co. Ltd./ H2O Direct Limited

inline water filters

1103338 H2O CTO-10F, H2O CTO-10S,

Ningbo Hidrotek Co Limited

water filters and housing

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H2O CTO-33 & H2O CTO-33S

1012038 Eco3. Icon Technology System Ltd (China)/ Icon Technology System Limited (UK)

In line water filters

1107073 F – 701, F -701R 3M Purification Inc (Formerly Cuno Inc)/ Insinkerator

Inline water filter and carbon block cartridge

0906024 C463002, 2000712 , 2000715

Opella Limited silverised activated carbon in-line water filters

0910036 Heatrae Backwash Filter FILT 900 925

Hans Sasserath & Co KG/ Reliance Water Controls Ltd

In-line water filter with brass body, grivory filter head

SECTION 1055 FILTER CARTRIDGES WRAS number Product company Notes 1109026 Purity C 1000 AC Brita GmbH


BASIC 30/50 & 40/50. AQUAPROF TOP 30/50 & 40/50.

DAB Pumps Spa

1401051 reAqua+ 080001 & 080002. reAqua 080006 & 080007

Reaqua Systems Limited

1301079 Developer Header Tank.


1102341 Active Switch 30/50

Freccia Bicycle Snc

0912064 Rain Director - RWH - RD01

Rainwater Harvesting Limited

SECTION 2411 DISINFECTION EQUIPMENT WRAS number Product company Notes 1102100 Advanced

Oxidation Process - AOP1, AOP5, AOP10, AOP20, AOP50 & AOP100.

The Rodin Group Ltd

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1404801 VSL-1, VSL-2, VSL-3, VSL-4, VSL-5: 1, VSL-6, VSL-7, VSL-8, VSL-9, VSL-10, VML-100 & VML-200

Goodwater Ltd.

1403331 AQUADA 1 Altima, AQUADA 1 Promixa, AQUADA 1 Maxima, AQUADA 2 Altima, AQUADA 2 Promixa, AQUADA 2 Maxima, AQUADA 4 Altima, AQUADA 4 Promixa, AQUADA 4 Maxima, AQUADA 7 Altima, AQUADA 7 Promixa, AQUADA 7 Maxima, AQUADA 10 Altima, AQUADA 10 Promixa & AQUADA 10 Maxima

Xylem Water Solutions UK Ltd

1203361 AS1, AS2 and AS4.AL1, AL2, AL4 and AL6.

DaRo UV Systems Ltd

1203362 HydroPUR Compact 2E.HydroPUR Compact 5E. HydroPUR Compact 10E.

Hydrotec GmbH

1102099 Advanced Oxidation Process - AOP1, AOP5, AOP10, AOP20, AOP50 & AOP100.

BrightWater Environmental Ltd

1403328 Includes: Domestic Series UV LCD Series UV LCD PLUS Rack LCD Series UV Am Series UV O_NORM Series UV

SITA S.r.l. See link for full list of models

1301081 UV-DS08, UV-DS15, UV-DS30 & UV-DS55. UV-

Silverline UK Ltd

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CS110, UV-CS165, UV-CS220 & UV-CS330. UV-CS440.

1207071 Some SLA and UVLA products

ATG UV Technology

See link for full list of models

1209340 AOT 5-01, AOT 5-02, AOT 5-03, AOT 5-04, AOT 5-05 & AOT 5-06. AOT 10-01, AOT 10-02 & AOT 10-03. AOT 25-01, AOT 25-02 & AOT 25-03.

Wallenius Water AB

1210323 InstantTrust 27 W Philips Lighting Poland SA

1302329 4 Series SS136SE4 - , SS136SE4XO, 5 Series SS236S5, SS336SE5, 6 Series SS436SE6 , SS436SE6XO

DaRo UV Systems Ltd

1207087 Ultrodin range. Rodin Group The 1404800 V100, V110, V120,

V130, V140, V150, V160, V170, V180, V190, V200, V210, V220

UVO3 Ltd.

1007058 MK-8, MK-16, MK-15, MK-30, MK-55 & MK-75.

ATG UV Technology

1105070 AQA Pure Range. BWT UK Ltd. 1105056 Saphir 2, 3, 2+, 3+,

4, 7, 4+, 7, 10 & 10+

Daro UV Systems Ltd

1003067 Hydropur Standard B30, B50, B70, B90, B20i, B30i, B50i, B70i, B90i.

Hydrotec GmbH

1003066 Hydropur Select 20, 30, 50, 70 and 120.

Hydrotec GmbH

1102066 Advanced Oxidation Process - AOP1, AOP5, AOP10, AOP20, AOP50 & AOP100.

OrbitOne SP.zoo

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PRODUCTS APPROVED UNDER REGULATION 31 The list below contains examples of products approved under Regulation 31. This list is not exhaustive, and a complete list may be found at The Inspectorate can provide technical guidance with regard to products on this list. ION EXCHANGE RESINS SYSTEMS Manufacturer Notes Products Purolite International Ltd

Purolite A520E nitrate selective anion exchange resin

Rohm and Haas (UK)

Amberlite PWA5

Rohm and Haas (UK)


Ionex SG Ltd IXL Process ON-SITE ELECTROLYTIC GENERATION OF CHLORINE Products in this section are not fully covered by EN 901 (Sodium Hypochlorite) and must conform to the following conditions of use: (i) the method of use and the purity of the output of these products shall be such that, in the case of water for public supply, the water so treated meets the requirements of the relevant Regulations, and (ii) the treated water must not contain more than 700 µg/l chlorate. Manufacturer Notes Products Grundfos Water Treatment


Severn Trent Services Ltd

Clortec cell

Siemens Plc Sodium hypochlorite generated by the OSEC system

ON-SITE GENERATION OF CHLORINE DIOXIDE Products in this section are not fully covered by EN 12671 (Chlorine dioxide) or introduce chlorine dioxide directly into supply once generated. The following products must conform to the following conditions of use: (i) the method of use and the purity of the output of these products shall be such that, in the case of water for public supply, the water so treated meets the requirements of the relevant Regulations, and (ii) the combined concentration of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate shall not exceed 0.5mg/l as chlorine dioxide in the water entering supply. Manufacturer Notes Products Scotmas Ltd Scotmas Purate CDDS (Chlorine Dioxide

Dosing System)

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Scotmas Ltd Scotmas Zulu WXC (Chlorine Dioxide Dosing

System) Scotmas Ltd Scotmas Bravo MX (Chlorine Dioxide Dosing

System) Ximax Water Solutions

Xziox Chlorine Dioxide

FILTER MEDIA Manufacturer Products Direct Material Supplies Enviro Ltd

Enviro Glasmedia

Dryden Aqua Ltd

Advance Filtration Media (AFM)

Ward Recycling Ltd

Ward Recycling Filter Media

POLYETHYLENE (PE) PIPES Manufacturer Products Centraltubi S.P.A


Dyka Plastics NV

Dyka Blue PE80 Pressure Pipes

EBERO Pipe Systems Ltd

Gerodur PE100 Blue Polyethylene Pipe

Egeplast Werner Strumann GmbH &Co

Egelen PE 100 Blue, Egelen PE100 Black

Egeplast Werner Strumann GmbH &Co

egeplast 9010

Fusion Provida Fusion Black 100 George Fischer Sales Ltd

GF PE100 Black Pipe

GPS GPS Excel 3c (Black) GPS GPS Excel 3c (Blue) GPS GPS Excel (Blue) GPS GPS Excel (Black) GPS GPS N Blue PE80 Pipe GPS GPS B Light Blue Poly ethylene Pipe GPS Approval

applies to pipe GPS Excel CR

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diameters of 250mm or greater

GPS Approval applies to pipe diameters of 200mm or greater

GPS Excel (Black) Type F

GPS GPS Excel NB GPS GPS Excel NB Type V Pipelife Norge AS

Pipelife PE100 Pipes Black

Pipelife Norge AS

Pipelife PE100 Pipes Blue

Polypipe Building Products Ltd

Polypipe HDPE and MDPE Pipe

Polypipe Building Products Ltd

TUB121, TUB124

Polypipe Building Products Ltd

Blue PE80 Polyethylene Pipes

Polypipe Building Products Ltd

Black PE80 Polyethylene Pipes

Polypipe Building Products Ltd

Black PE80 Polyethylene Pipes (ME3440)

Polypipe Ulster Blue PE80 Polyethylene Pipes Quality Plastics Ltd

Qualplast Polyethylene Pipe

Quality Plastics Ltd

Qual-plast HDPE Pipe

Radius Systems Ltd

PE100 High Performance Dark Blue Pipe including Factory Sealed

Radius Systems Ltd

PE100 High Performance Black Pipe

Radius Systems Ltd

PE80 Medium Density Light Blue Pipe

Radius Systems Ltd

PE80 Medium Density Black Pipe

Radius Systems Ltd

PE100 High Performance Profuse Pipe including Factory Sealed

Simona UK Ltd Simona PE100 SPS-Drinking Water Pipes (type TRST-SPC RO)

Simona UK Ltd Simona PE100 Black pipe, manufactured using Hostalen CRP100 black or ELTEX TUB 121 N3000

Subterra - a division of Daniel Contractors


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Ltd Wavin Plastics Ltd

Wavin Supasure Polyethylene Pipe and WavinSure Polyethylene Pipe

Wavin Plastics Ltd


Wavin Plastics Ltd

WavinJet Pipe

BARRIER AND LAMINATED PIPES Manufacturer Products Egeplast Werner Strumann GmbH &Co

Barrier pipes egeplast SLA 2.0 and Laminated pipes egeplast SLM 2.0

GPS GPS Protecta-Line GPS GPS Protecta-Line 3c GPS GPS Secura-Line Pipe Type S GPS GPS Secura-Line Pipe Type S Black GPS GPS Secura-Line Pipe Type N GPS GPS Secura-Line Pipe Type B GPS GPS Secura-Line Pipe Type B Black Polypipe Building Products Ltd

Polyguard: Polyethylene/Aluminium/Polyethylene barrier pipes

Polypipe Building Products Ltd

Polyguard: Polyethylene/Aluminium/Polyethylene barrier

Radius Systems Ltd

Puriton (BPRB)

Radius Systems

Puriton DB

Wavin Plastics Ltd


POLYVINYLCHLORIDE (PVC) PIPES Please note that all approved PVC pipes are made with non-lead stabilisers. Manufacturer Products Durapipe UK Durapipe Grey PVC-U Pipe NGS ; Dyka B.V Dyka Grey PVC-U Pipe NGS Uponor Ltd Mondial PVC-O (NGS) Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Uponor Ltd Mondial PVC-O (GS2) Molecular Oriented

Polyvinyl Chloride Uponor Ltd Uponor A-Tech (PVC-A) Pipe Wavin Ireland Ltd

Wavinmain EN 1452 NGS


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Durapipe UK Durapipe ABS Pipe Type F Durapipe UK Durapipe ABS Pipe Type S George Fischer Sales Ltd

GF ABS pressure pipe

PIPES COATED WITH FACTORY APPLIED NYLON RESIN Manufacturer Products Leyfos Plastics Limited

Rilsan Nylon Green Coated Pipes and Fittings

PIPES COATED WITH FACTORY APPLIED EPOXY RESIN Manufacturer Products Barnard Ltd Pipes lined with RESICOAT R4-FB HKC71R Barnard Ltd Pipes lined with Scotchkote 206N Barrier Limited Barrier Pipeline lined with Copon Hycote 162

PWX BSR Pipeline Services Ltd

BSR/EPW/003 - Pipegard P300

BSR Pipeline Services Ltd

BSR/EPW/004 - Copon Hycote PWX

Conline Coatings B.V.

Conline Coatings Pipes lined with Copon Hycote 162 PWX

Conline Coatings B.V.

Erciyas Steel Water Pipe

EUPEC Frazer and Tabberer - EUPEC Freeflow Pipesystems

Pipes Lined with Scotchkote 206N

Freeflow Pipesystems

Pipes Lined with Resicoat R4-FB HKC71R

Process Plant Networks Ltd

PPN Pipe Lined with Scotchkote 162PWX

Noksel Steel Pipe Co Inc

Steel pipes coated with Copon Hycote 162PWX

Northpoint Ltd Pipes lined with Scotchkote 206N Northpoint Ltd Pipes lined with Resicoat R4-FB HKCO4R Orrmac Coatings Limited

Pipes and Fittings lined with Resicoat R4-FB HKC71R

Orrmac Coatings Limited

Pipes lined with Scotchkote 162PWX

Pipeline Protection Services Ltd

Pipes lined with 3M Scotchkote Epoxy Coating 162PWX

Plastic Coatings Ltd

Pipes lined with Scotchkote 206N

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 22 Issue date: November 2017

Saint-Gobain PAM UK Ltd

PaM Natural Pipeline Components

STS Tubular Group

Steel pipe coated with 3M Scotchkote Epoxy Coating 162PWX

UTS Engineering Ltd

Fabricated mild steel pipework coated with Scotchkote 162pwx

STAINLESS STEEL PIPES Manufacturer Products ABC Stainless Ltd

Q Pipe System

Acciona Agua

Prep-Tec Stainless Steel Products

Acciona Agua

Mainser Duplex Stainless Steel Pipework

AJ Engineering & Construction Services Ltd

AJE Stainless Steel Pipe Systems

Alpha Plus Ltd

Stainless Steel Pipework

Amari Metals Ltd

AAlco Stainless Steel Tubes

ASD Metal Services

ASD Stainless Steel tubes and pipes

BSS Industrial

Stainless Steel Tubings and Fittings

Damstahl Stainless Ltd

Damstahl FF and Damstahl PT

Damstahl Stainless Ltd

Damstahl SE and Damstahl SP

DH Stainless Ltd

Stainless Steel Metric Bore and ANSI welded Pipes

Dustacco Engineering Ltd

DE Stainless Steel Systems

Gallagher & McKinney Ltd

Stainless Steel Pipe & Fittings grades

George Green (Keighley) Ltd

Stainless Steel Pipework & Fittings - Flanged/Screwed - All diameters & Grades

J.K. Fabrications Limited

JKF 304 and 316 Stainless Steel Pipelines

L.E.S Engineering Ltd

Pipework / Tanks / Vessels

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 23 Issue date: November 2017

MMP Fabrications Ltd

Stainless Steel Pipework

Powerrun Project Management Ltd

Powerrun Fabricated 304L Stainless Steel Pipework

Powerrun Project Management Ltd

Powerrun fabricated stainless steel pipework

Rolled Alloys

ZERON 100 super duplex stainless steel pipe work and components

Ross-shire Engineering Ltd

Stainless steel process pipework systems

Sandvik Materials Technology Ltd

Sandvik 3R12, 3R60, 3R64, 3R65, 3R66, SAF2205, SAF2507

Sitemech Utilities Ltd

SMU Stainless Steel Pipework System

Sitemech Utilities Ltd

SMU Stainless Steel Pipework System

Stainless Metric Stock Ltd

Stainless Metric Stock - SMS100

Staptina Engineering Services Ltd

Staptina 316L Pipework

UTS Engineering Ltd

UTS Stainless steel pipe liner

Varis Engineering Ltd

Process Pipework Systems

Wolseley UK Ltd

Wolseley Stainless Steel Pipes and Tubes


Manufacturer Products Saint-Gobain PAM UK Ltd



UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 24 Issue date: November 2017

Manufacturer Products Angus Flexible Pipelines

Prior to use the water supplier carries out a risk assessment to provide for a suitable flushing regime validated, where appropriate, by monitoring when the product has been out of supply for a period of time.

Angus Wellmaster Flexible Rising Main

Boode UK Ltd

Boode Waterwell Systems PVC Screen and Casing

Johnson Filtration Systems

Screens, Casing and Accessories for Water Wells

Scottish Water Solutions

Stainless Steel Borehole Riser Pipework

Stuwa-Konrad Stukerjurgen GmbH

Stainless Steel Screens, Casings, Fittings and Accessories

Stuwa-Konrad Stukerjurgen GmbH

STUWA Stainless Steel Riser Pipes

MEMBRANE AND FILTRATION ELEMENTS/SYSTEMS For products in this section the following general condition applies: Products must be installed upstream of any final point of disinfection. Manufacturer Products Amazon Filters Ltd

Amazon SupaGard

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 25 Issue date: November 2017

Cartridge Filters

Amazon Filters Ltd

Amazon SupaSpun II Cartridge Filters

Amiad Filtration Systems Ltd

Filtomat Microcheck System

Amiad Filtration Systems Ltd

Filtomat Microfibre AMK 36K Filter Unit, Filtomat Microfibre AMK 370K Filter Unit, Filtomat Microfibre AMK93K Filter Unit

Arkal Filtration Systems CS Ltd

Spinclean 3 SK 2-2 Filter

Kalsep UK Ltd Fibrotex Aqua Filter Elements


Cartridge and Bag Filter Housings

Fileder Filter Systems

SBH/PBH (Bag Housings)

Fileder Filter Systems

EFH/SFH/PFM (Cartridge Housings)

TANKS Manufacturer Products ABC Stainless Ltd

ABC Storage, process tanks and vessels

ABC Stainless Ltd

Replacement GAC Tank

AJ Engineering & Construction Services Ltd

AJE Stainless Steel Tank

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 26 Issue date: November 2017

AMT Systems Ltd

AMT Filter tanks, Storage tanks, Process tanks and vessels

APT Marine Engineering Ltd

Replacement Water Clarifier Tank

Crossland Tankers (Burnley) Ltd

Tanks for transportation of drinking water

CST Industries (UK) Ltd

Aquastore Vitrium EN

CST Industries (UK) Ltd

Aquastore Glass 97EN

Forbes Technology Ltd

Cheetah tanks (polypropylene)

Forbes Technology Ltd

Lion Range (polypropylene inner surface backed with glassfibre laminate

J.K. Fabrications Limited

JKF 304 and 316 Stainless Steel Tanks

L.E.S Engineering Ltd


MMP Fabrications Ltd

Stainless Steel Storage Tanks

Permastore Ltd

Isofusion (vitreous enamelled tank)

Powerrun Project Management Ltd

Stainless Steel Grade 316L Potable Water Reservoir Tanks

Sayer Road Tankers Ltd

Stainless Steel Water Tanks

Silotank (Digestors, Silos & Tanks) Ltd

Connaught Range of Tanks/ Towers

Silotank (Digestors, Silos & Tanks) Ltd

Leinster Range of Thermoplastic Tanks

Silotank (Digestors, Silos & Tanks) Ltd

Leinster Range of Towers

Silotank (Digestors,

Connaught Range of Towers

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 27 Issue date: November 2017

Silos & Tanks) Ltd

PRESSURE VESSELS Manufacturer Products Charlatte Reservoirs

Hydrochoc Butyl Bladder Surge Vessel

Compressor & Power Engineers Ltd

CPE Pressure Vessels - 316L Stainless Steel

Compressor & Power Engineers Ltd

CPE Pressure Vessels-304 Stainless Steel

Midas Technologies (GB) Ltd


MMP Fabrications Ltd

Stainless Steel Pressure Vessels

Portobello Fabrications Ltd

Pressure Filter Vessel

Portobello Fabrications Ltd

Saturator/Degasser Vessel

Quantum Engineering Developments Ltd

Quantum Pressure Vessels- 304L/ 316L

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 28 Issue date: November 2017


INTRODUCTION Products that offer low (trivial) surface area and/or short (transient) contact time with water intended for drinking purposes thus may be permitted to be used under Regulation 31(4)(b) of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016, and hence under Regulation 5 of the Private Water Supplies (Regulation 4A in Wales). Regulation 31(4)(b) of the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 covers products used in contact with water intended for human consumption where the contact surface area and/or contact time are low. These products do not require the same rigorous evaluation as that applied to products such as pipes and their coatings. Full details of the types of products covered under this requirement are given in Section 3 of Advice Sheet 8 ( This Advice Sheet also contains guidance on the use of these components and products in the provision of public water supplies. To summarise this sheet, The Secretary of State is satisfied that substances or products either alone or in combination with any other substance or product in the water is unlikely to affect adversely the quality of the water supplied when (i) that product or substance offers low (trivial) surface area contact or short (transient) contact with the water; and (ii) that product or substance does not give rise to unintended odour/flavour to the water and does not support the growth of microbial organisms. It is the responsibility of the Local Authority to check whether products fall into this category by reference to the exemplar list in section 2 of Advice Sheet 8 or by calculating whether the particular product can be shown to only expose a small surface area to the water . Example calculations can be found in Advice Sheet 8. A non-exhaustive list of examples of products that are likely to fall into this category are described below. It is the responsibility of the Local Authority to satisfy themselves that they have sufficient evidence to make an assessment of whether products fall under this category.


• Aerators, agitators and stirrers • Back-flow prevention systems • Couplings/joints for pipes, gaskets and jointing compounds and other

components used with pipes and/or assembled products, e.g. in pressure vessels

• Crack injection sealants (not applied to the water contact surface of water retaining concrete structures)

• Expansion joint filler boards • Expansion joint sealants (excluding overbandaging products) • External pipe fittings, e.g. repair collars etc • Hydrants and associated fittings • In-situ sensors and probes (including pressure transducers and level

sensors), together with their cable coverings • Intake screens and strainers

UNCONTROLLED IF PRINTED 29 Issue date: November 2017

• Ladders and submerged gratings and walkways • Pumps and associated fittings and materials, including lubricants • Resin & chemical anchors • Rubber sealing rings for use with water pipelines or in assembled products,

e.g. pressure vessels – see Section 3.1, including Important Note “ii”. • Solvent welded plastics components (see section 5.6) • Static mixers • Some Surge vessel elastomeric liners • Taps • Touch-up coatings, e.g. associated with pipe welds and other factory coated

products etc. • UV disinfection systems components • Valves (including penstock and butterfly valves) and their lubricants • Water stops incorporated into concrete constructions • Water meters and associated fittings • Weir plates

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BRITISH STANDARDS BS EN FOR CHEMICALS AND MEDIA USED FOR TREATMENT OF WATER Chemicals and media used for treatment of water not covered under Regulation 31 or Regulation 5 must be covered by an appropriate BS:EN standard. A full list may be found in the current Secretary of State list at: