List of Acupuncture Points English Names --- Lung Channel ( 手太陰肺經 ) Central Palace (...

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Transcript of List of Acupuncture Points English Names --- Lung Channel ( 手太陰肺經 ) Central Palace (...

List of Acupuncture Points English Names --- Lung Channel ( 手太陰肺經 ) Central Palace ( 中府 ) Cloud Gate ( 云门 ) Sky Palace ( 天府 ) Guardian White (侠白 ) Foot Marsh (尺泽 ) Greatest Hole (孔最 ) Narrow Defile (列缺 ) Channel Gutter (经渠 ) Supreme Abyss (太渊 ) Fish Divide (鱼际 ) Lesser Merchant (少商 ) --- Large Intestine Channel (手陽明大腸經 ) Merchant Yang (商阳 ) Second Interval (二间 ) Third Interval (三间 ) Joining Valley (合谷 ) Yang Stream (阳溪 ) Side Passage (偏历 ) Warm Current (温溜 ) Lower Edge (下廉 ) Upper Edge (上廉 ) Arm Three Miles (手三里 ) Crooked Pond (曲池 ) Elbow Bone (肘髎 ) Arm Five Miles (手五里 ) Outer Arm Bone (臂臑 ) Shoulder Bone (肩髃 ) Great Bone (巨骨 ) Heavenly Cauldron (天鼎 ) Support and Rush Out ( 扶突 ) Grain Bone ( 口禾髎 ) Welcome Fragrance (迎香 ) --- Stomach ( 足陽明胃經 ) Receive Tears (承泣 ) Four Whites (四白 ) Great Cheekbone (巨髎 ) Earth Granary (地仓 ) Great Welcome (大迎 ) Jawbone Joint ( 颊车 , 頰車 ) Lower Pass (下关 ) Head Tied (头维 ) People Welcome/ Prognosis (人迎 ) Water Rushing Out (水突 ) Qi Room (气舍 , 氣舍 ) Broken Basin (缺盆 ) Qi Door (气户 ) Storeroom (库房 ) Room Screen (屋翳 ) Breast Window (膺窗 ) Breast Centre (乳中 ) Breast Root (乳根 ) Not Contain/At Ease (不容 ) Receive Fullness (承满 ) Bridge Gate (梁门 ) Border Gate (关门 ) Great Oneness (太乙 ) Slippery Flesh Gate (滑肉门 ) Heavenly Pivot (天枢 ) Outer Mound (外陵 ) Great Might (大巨 ) Water Path (水道 ) The Return (归来 ) Qi Rushing (气冲 ) Thigh Border (髀關 ) Prostrate Hare (伏兔 ) Yin Market/Pad (阴市 ) Beam Mound (梁丘 ) Calf Nose (犊鼻 ) Foot Three Miles (足三里 ) Upper Great Void (上巨虛 ) Narrow Opening (条口 ) Lower Great Void ( 下巨虛 ) Abundant Splendour (丰隆 ) Released Stream (解溪 ) Rushing Yang (冲阳 ) Sinking Valley (陷谷 ) Inner Courtyard (内庭 ) Hardship Mouth ( 厉兑 ) --- Spleen ( 足太陰脾經 ) Retired White ( 隐白 , 隱白 ) Great Capitol ( 大都 ) Supreme White ( 太白 ) Prince’s Grandson ( 公孙 ) Merchant Mound (商丘 ) Three Yin Junction (三阴交 ) Leaking Valley (漏谷 ) Earth Motivator (地机 ) Yin Mound Spring (阴陵泉 ) Blood Sea (血海 ) Winnowing Gate (箕门 ) Rushing Gate (冲门 ) Bowel House (府舍 ) Abdomen Knot (腹结 ) Great Horizontal (大橫 ) Abdomen Wail (腹哀 ) Food Drain (食窦 ,) Heavenly Mountain Stream (天溪 ) Chest Region (胸乡 ) Encircling Glory (周荣 ) Great Enveloping (大包 ) --- Heart (手少陰心經 ) Ultimate Spring (极泉 ) Blue-green Spring (青灵 ) Little Sea (少海 ) Spiritual Path (灵道 ) Penetrating Inside (通里 ) Yin Cleft (阴郄 ) Spirit Gate (神门 ) Lesser Palace (少府 ) Little Rushing In (少冲 ) --- Small Intestine (手太陽小腸經 ) Little Marsh (少泽 ) Forward Valley (前谷 ) Back Ravine (後谿 ) Wrist Bone (腕骨 ) Yang Valley (陽谷 ) Supporting the Old (養老 ) Upright Branch (支正 ) Lesser Sea (小海 ) Upright Shoulder (肩貞 ) Shoulder Blade Shu (臑兪 ) Heavenly Ancestor (star) (天宗 ) Catching the Wind (秉風 ) Crooked Wall (曲垣 ) Outer Shoulder Shu (肩外兪 ) Middle Shoulder Shu (肩中兪 ) Heavenly Window (天窓 ) Heavenly Appearance (天容 ) Cheekbone Crevice (顴髎 ) Hearing Palace (聽宮 ) --- Bladder (足太陽膀胱經 ) Eyes Bright (睛明 ) Gathering Bamboo (攢竹 ) Eyebrow Rushing (眉衝 ) Crooked Branch (曲差 ) Fifth Place (五處 ) Receiving Light (承光 ) Penetrating Heaven (通天 ) Junction Decline (絡卻 ) Jaden Pillow (玉枕 ) Heavenly Pillar (天柱 ) Great Axle (大杼 ) Wind Gate (風門 ) Lung Shu (肺俞 ) Jueyin Shu (厥陰俞 ) Heart Shu (心俞 ) Governor Shu (督俞 ) Diaphragm Shu (膈俞 ) Liver Shu (肝俞 ) Gallbladder Shu (膽俞 ) Spleen Shu (脾俞 ) Stomach Shu (胃俞 ) Triple-Heater Shu (三焦俞 ) Kidney Shu (腎俞 ) Sea of Qi Shu (氣海俞 ) Large Intestine Shu (大腸俞 ) Primal Gate Shu ( 關元俞 ) Small Intestine Shu ( 小腸俞 ) Bladder Shu ( 膀胱俞 ) Back Muscles Shu ( 中膂俞 ) White Ring Shu ( 白環俞 ) First Crevice ( 上髎 ) Second Crevice (次髎 ) Central Crevice (中髎 ) Last Crevice (下髎 ) Meeting Yang (會陽 ) Support (承扶 ) Thigh Gate (殷門 ) Superficial Cleft (浮郄 ) Bending Yang (委陽 ) Bending Middle (委中 ) Lateral Separation (附分 ) Po-Soul Door (魄戶 ) Rich for the Vitals Shu (膏肓俞 ) Spirit Hall (神堂 ) Cry of Pain ( 譩譆 ) Diaphragm Border ( 膈關 ) Hun-Soul Gate ( 魂門 ) Yang Net ( 陽綱 ) Intention Abode ( 意舍 ) Stomach Granary (胃倉 ) Membrane Gate (肓門 ) Ambition Room (志室 ) Bladder Membrane (胞肓 ) Lowest Limit (秩邊 ) Reuniting Yang (合陽 ) Support Tendons (承筋 ) Support Mountain (承山 ) Fly and Scatter (飛揚 ) Instep Yang (跗陽 ) Kunlun Mountains (崑崙 ) Kneeling Servant (僕參 ) Extending Vessel (申脈 ) Golden Gate (金門 ) Capital Bone (京骨 ) Binding Bone (束骨 ) Penetrating Valley (通谷 ) Ultimate Yin (至陰 ) --- Kidney (足太陰腎經 ) Bubbling Spring (涌泉 ) Blazing Valley (然谷 ) Greater Mountain Stream (太溪 ) Great Bell (大钟 ) Water Spring (水泉 ) Shining Sea (照海 ) Returning Flow (復溜 ) Exchange Pledges (交信 ) Building Guest (築賓 ) Yin Valley (陰谷 ) Horizontal Bone (橫骨 ) Greatly Glorious (大赫 ) Qi Cave (氣穴 ) Four Full (四滿 ) Central Flow (中注 ) Membrane Shu (肓俞 ) Merchant Crook (商曲 ) Stone Pass (石關 ) Yin Capital (陰都 ) Opening Valley (通谷 ) Dark Gate (幽門 ) Stepping on the Verandah (步廊 ) Spirit Seal (神封 ) Spiritual Burial Ground (靈墟 ) Spirit Storehouse (神藏 ) Amidst Elegance (彧中 ) Shu Storehouse (俞府 ) --- Pericardium (手厥陰心包經 ) Heavenly Pond (star) (天池 ) Heavenly Spring (star) (天泉 ) Crooked Marsh (曲泽 ) Cleft Gate (郄门 ) The Intermediary (间使 ) Inner Frontier Gate (内关 ) Greater Mound (大陵 ) Labour Palace (劳宫 ) Rushing Into the Middle (中冲 ) --- Triple Heater (手少陽三焦經 ) Rushing the Frontier Gate (关冲 ) Fluid Secretion Gate (液門 ) Middle Isle (中渚 ) Yang Pond (陽池 ) Outer Frontier Gate ( 外關 ) Branch Ditch ( 支溝 ) Assembly Gathering( 會宗 ) Three Yang Junction ( 三陽絡 ) Four Gutters ( 四瀆 ) Heavenly Well (constellation) (天井 ) Clear Cold Abyss (清冷淵 ) Relaxing Joy (消濼 ) Upper Arm Meeting (臑會 ) Shoulder Crevice (肩髎 ) Heavenly Crevice (天髎 ) Heavenly Window ( 天牖 ) Wind Screen ( 翳風 ) Spasm Vessel ( 瘛脈 ) Skull Breathing ( 顱息 ) Small Ear Angle ( 角孫 ) Ear Gate ( 耳門 ) Harmony Crevice (和髎 ) Silk Bamboo Hollow (絲竹空 ) --- Gall Bladder (足少陽膽經 ) Orbit Crevice (瞳子髎 ) Hearing Assembly (聽會 ) Upper Pass (上關 ) Closed Jaws (頷厭 ) Suspended Skull (懸顱 ) Suspended Straight (懸釐 ) Crooked Hairline (曲鬢 ) Leading Valley (率谷 ) Heaven Rushing Out (star) ( 天沖 ) Floating White ( 浮白 ) Head Hole Yin ( 頭竅陰 ) Final Bone ( 完骨 ) Rooting the Spirit ( 本神 ) Yang White ( 陽白 ) Head ImminentTears (頭臨泣 ) Eye Window (目窗 ) Upright Living (正營 ) Reserving the Spirit (承靈 ) Brain Hollow (腦空 ) Wind Pool (風池 ) Shoulder Well (肩井 ) Armpit Abyss (淵腋 ) Sinew Seat (輒筋 ) Sun and Moon (日月 ) Capital Gate (京門 ) Girdle Vessel (帶脈 ) Five Hubs (五樞 ) Linking Path (維道 ) Squatting Crevice (居髎 ) Jumping Circle (環跳 ) Wind Market (風市 ) Central Ditch (中瀆 ) Knee Yang Border (膝陽關 ) Yang Mound Spring ( 阳陵泉 ) Yang Crossing ( 陽交 ) Outer Mound ( 外丘 ) Bright and Clear ( 光明 ) Yang Support ( 陽輔 ) Hanging Bells ( 懸鐘 ) Wilderness Mound (丘墟 ) Foot Imminent Tears (足臨泣 ) Earth Five Meetings (地五會 ) Valiant Stream (俠溪 ) Foot Hole Yin (足竅陰 ) --- Liver (足厥陰肝經 ) Great Esteem (L大敦 ) Walk Between (行間 ) Supreme Rushing (太沖 ) Middle Seal (中封 ) Woodworm Ditch (蠡溝 ) Middle Capital (中都 ) Knee Border (膝關 ) Crooked Spring (曲泉 ) Yin Wrapping (陰包 ) Five Miles (足五里 ) Yin Corner (陰廉 ) Hasty Pulse (急脈 ) Chapter Gate (章門 ) Gate of Expectation (期門 ) --- Conception Vessel (任脈 ) Meeting Yin (会阴 ) Crooked Bone (曲骨 ) Central Pole (中極 ) Primal Gate (關元 ) Stone Gate (石門 ) Qi Sea (气海 ) Yin Crossing (陰交 ) Spirit Deficiency (神闕 ) Water Division (水分 ) Lower Duct (下脘 ) Establish Within (建里 ) Middle Duct (中脘 ) Upper Duct (上脘 ) Huge Deficiency (巨闕 ) Dovetail (鳩尾 ) Middle Courtyard (中庭 ) Between the Breasts (膻中 ) Jade Court (玉堂 ) Purple Palace (star) (紫宮 ) Flower Canopy (star) (華蓋 ) Jade Pivot (star) (璇璣 ) Heaven Dashing Out (天突 ) Angle Spring (廉泉 ) Receive Fluids (承浆 , 承漿 ) --- Governing Vessel (督脈 ) Long and Strong (长强 ) Loins Shu (腰兪 ) Loins Yang Border (腰陽關 ) Gate of Life (命門 ) Suspended Pivot (懸樞 ) Middle of Spine (脊中 ) Central Pivot (中樞 ) Contracted Muscles (筋縮 ) Utmost Yang (至陽 ) Spiritual Tower (霊台 ) Spirit Path (神道 ) Body Pillar (身柱 ) Path to Happiness (陶道 ) Great Hammer (大椎 ) Gate of Dumbness (瘂門 ) Palace of the Winds (風府 ) Brain Door (脳戸 ) Rigid Space (強間 ) Posterior Summit (後頂 ) A Hundred Meetings (百會 ) Anterior Summit (前頂 ) Fontanel Join (顖會 ) Upper Star (上星 ) Spirit Hall (神庭 ) Plain Crevice (素髎 ) Water Drain (水溝 ) Mouth Border (兌端 ) Gum Crossing (齦交 )

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Acupuncture Points (English - Taken out Anatomical) --- Lung Channel (手太陰肺經 ) Central Palace (中府 ) Cloud Gate (云门 ) Sky Palace (天府 ) Guardian White (侠白 ) Lesser Merchant (少商 ) --- Large Intestine Channel (手陽明大腸經 ) Merchant Yang (商阳 ) Yang Stream (阳溪 ) Warm Current (温溜 ) Arm Three Miles (手三里 ) Crooked Pond (曲池 ) Heavenly Cauldron (天鼎 ) Support and Rush Out (扶突 ) Grain Bone (口禾髎 ) Welcome Fragrance (迎香 ) --- Stomach (足陽明胃經 ) Receive Tears (承泣 ) Four Whites (四白 ) Earth Granary (地仓 ) Great Welcome (大迎 ) Head Tied (头维 ) People Welcome/ Prognosis (人迎 ) Water Rushing Out (水突 ) Qi Room (气舍 , 氣舍 ) Qi Door (气户 ) Storeroom (库房 ) Room Screen (屋翳 ) Not Contain/At Ease (不容 ) Receive Fullness (承满 ) Bridge Gate (梁门 ) Border Gate (关门 ) Great Oneness (太乙 ) Heavenly Pivot (天枢 ) Great Might (大巨 ) The Return (归来 ) Qi Rushing (气冲 )) Prostrate Hare (伏兔 ) Yin Market/Pad (阴市 ) Upper Great Void (上巨虛 ) Lower Great Void ( 下巨虛 ) Abundant Splendour (丰隆 ) Released Stream (解溪 ) Rushing Yang (冲阳 ) Inner Courtyard (内庭 ) Hardship Mouth (厉兑 ) --- Spleen (足太陰脾經 ) Retired White (隐白 , 隱白 ) Supreme White (太白 ) Prince’s Grandson (公孙 ) Merchant Mound (商丘 ) Three Yin Junction (三阴交 ) Leaking Valley (漏谷 ) Earth Motivator (地机 ) Yin Mound Spring (阴陵泉 ) Blood Sea (血海 ) Rushing Gate (冲门 ) Abdomen Wail (腹哀 ) Heavenly Mountain Stream (天溪 ) Encircling Glory (周荣 ) Great Enveloping (大包 ) --- Heart (手少陰心經 ) Ultimate Spring (极泉 ) Blue-green Spring (青灵 ) Little Sea (少海 ) Spiritual Path (灵道 ) Penetrating Inside (通里 ) Spirit Gate (神门 ) Lesser Palace (少府 ) Little Rushing In (少冲 ) --- Small Intestine (手太陽小腸經 ) Yang Valley (陽谷 ) Supporting the Old (養老 ) Upright Branch (支正 ) Lesser Sea (小海 ) Heavenly Ancestor (star) (天宗 ) Catching the Wind (秉風 ) Crooked Wall (曲垣 ) Heavenly Window (天窓 ) Heavenly Appearance (天容 ) Hearing Palace (聽宮 ) --- Bladder (足太陽膀胱經 ) Eyes Bright (睛明 ) Eyebrow Rushing (眉衝 ) Crooked Branch (曲差 ) Fifth Place (五處 ) Receiving Light (承光 ) Penetrating Heaven (通天 ) Heavenly Pillar (天柱 ) Wind Gate (風門 ) Lung Shu (肺俞 ) Jueyin Shu (厥陰俞 ) Heart Shu (心俞 ) Governor Shu (督俞 ) Diaphragm Shu (膈俞 ) Liver Shu (肝俞 ) Gallbladder Shu (膽俞 ) Spleen Shu (脾俞 ) Stomach Shu (胃俞 ) Triple-Heater Shu (三焦俞 ) Kidney Shu (腎俞 ) Sea of Qi Shu (氣海俞 ) Large Intestine Shu (大腸俞 ) Primal Gate Shu (關元俞 ) Small Intestine Shu (小腸俞 ) Bladder Shu (膀胱俞 ) Back Muscles Shu (中膂俞 ) White Ring Shu (白環俞 ) Meeting Yang (會陽 ) Bending Yang (委陽 ) Po-Soul Door (魄戶 ) Rich for the Vitals Shu (膏肓俞 ) Spirit Hall (神堂 ) Cry of Pain (譩譆 ) Hun-Soul Gate (魂門 ) Yang Net (陽綱 ) Intention Abode (意舍 ) Stomach Granary (胃倉 ) Ambition Room (志室 ) Reuniting Yang (合陽 ) Support Tendons (承筋 ) Support Mountain (承山 ) Fly and Scatter (飛揚 ) Kunlun Mountains (崑崙 ) Extending Vessel (申脈 ) Golden Gate (金門 ) Penetrating Valley (通谷 ) Ultimate Yin (至陰 ) --- Kidney (足太陰腎經 ) Bubbling Spring (涌泉 ) Blazing Valley (然谷 ) Greater Mountain Stream (太溪 ) Great Bell (大钟 ) Water Spring (水泉 ) Shining Sea (照海 ) Returning Flow (復溜 ) Exchange Pledges (交信 ) Building Guest (築賓 ) Greatly Glorious (大赫 ) Qi Cave (氣穴 ) Four Full (四滿 ) Central Flow (中注 ) Membrane Shu (肓俞 ) Merchant Crook (商曲 ) Stone Pass (石關 ) Yin Capital (陰都 ) Opening Valley (通谷 ) Dark Gate (幽門 ) Spirit Seal (神封 ) Spiritual Burial Ground (靈墟 ) Spirit Storehouse (神藏 ) Amidst Elegance (彧中 ) Shu Storehouse (俞府 ) --- Pericardium (手厥陰心包經 ) Heavenly Pond (star) (天池 ) Heavenly Spring (star) (天泉 ) The Intermediary (间使 ) Inner Frontier Gate (内关 ) Labour Palace (劳宫 ) Rushing Into the Middle (中冲 ) --- Triple Heater (手少陽三焦經 ) Rushing the Frontier Gate (关冲 ) Fluid Secretion Gate (液門 ) Middle Isle (中渚 ) Yang Pond (陽池 ) Outer Frontier Gate (外關 ) Assembly Gathering(會宗 ) Three Yang Junction (三陽絡 ) Four Gutters (四瀆 ) Heavenly Well (constellation) (天井 ) Clear Cold Abyss (清冷淵 ) Relaxing Joy (消濼 ) Heavenly Crevice (天髎 ) Heavenly Window (天牖 ) Wind Screen (翳風 ) Spasm Vessel (瘛脈 ) Skull Breathing (顱息 ) Harmony Crevice (和髎 ) Silk Bamboo Hollow (絲竹空 ) --- Gall Bladder (足少陽膽經 ) Hearing Assembly (聽會 ) Leading Valley (率谷 ) Heaven Rushing Out (star) (天沖 ) Floating White (浮白 ) Rooting the Spirit (本神 ) Yang White (陽白 ) Head ImminentTears (頭臨泣 ) Upright Living (正營 ) Reserving the Spirit (承靈 ) Wind Pool (風池 ) Sun and Moon (日月 ) Capital Gate (京門 ) Girdle Vessel (帶脈 ) Five Hubs (五樞 ) Linking Path (維道 ) Jumping Circle (環跳 ) Wind Market (風市 ) Central Ditch (中瀆 )) Yang Mound Spring (阳陵泉 ) Yang Crossing (陽交 ) Bright and Clear (光明 ) Yang Support (陽輔 ) Hanging Bells (懸鐘 ) Wilderness Mound (丘墟 ) Foot Imminent Tears (足臨泣 ) Earth Five Meetings (地五會 ) Valiant Stream (俠溪 ) Foot Hole Yin (足竅陰 ) --- Liver (足厥陰肝經 ) Great Esteem (L大敦 ) Walk Between (行間 ) Supreme Rushing (太沖 ) Middle Seal (中封 ) Woodworm Ditch (蠡溝 ) Middle Capital (中都 ) Crooked Spring (曲泉 ) Five Miles (足五里 ) Yin Corner (陰廉 ) Chapter Gate (章門 ) Gate of Expectation (期門 ) --- Conception Vessel (任脈 ) Meeting Yin (会阴 ) Central Pole (中極 ) Primal Gate (關元 ) Stone Gate (石門 ) Qi Sea (气海 ) Yin Crossing (陰交 ) Spirit Deficiency (神闕 ) Establish Within (建里 ) Middle Courtyard (中庭 ) Jade Court (玉堂 ) Purple Palace (star) (紫宮 ) Flower Canopy (star) (華蓋 ) Jade Pivot (star) (璇璣 ) Heaven Dashing Out (天突 ) Angle Spring (廉泉 ) --- Governing Vessel (督脈 ) Long and Strong (长强 ) Loins Shu (腰兪 ) Gate of Life (命門 ) Suspended Pivot (懸樞 ) Contracted Muscles (筋縮 ) Utmost Yang (至陽 ) Spiritual Tower (霊台 ) Spirit Path (神道 ) Body Pillar (身柱 ) Path to Happiness (陶道 ) Great Hammer (大椎 ) Gate of Dumbness (瘂門 ) Palace of the Winds (風府 ) Rigid Space (強間 ) A Hundred Meetings (百會 ) Upper Star (上星 ) Spirit Hall (神庭 )

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Wheat from the Chaff

• Refe to anatomical location• Ref to TCM lore (5E, etc), • Refe to treatable diseases, also path of meridian• Left with…

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Acupuncture Points (English - Taken out Anatomical, and references to 5E and TCM lore) ---) Central Palace (中府 ) Cloud Gate (云门 ) Sky Palace (天府 ) Guardian White (侠白 ) --- (手陽明大腸經 ) Yang Stream (阳溪 ) Warm Current (温溜 ) Arm Three Miles (手三里 ) Crooked Pond (曲池 ) Heavenly Cauldron (天鼎 ) Support and Rush Out (扶突 ) Welcome Fragrance (迎香 ) --- Receive Tears (承泣 ) Earth Granary (地仓 ) Great Welcome (大迎 ) Head Tied (头维 ) People Welcome/ Prognosis (人迎 ) Water Rushing Out (水突 ) Storeroom (库房 ) Room Screen (屋翳 ) Not Contain/At Ease (不容 ) Receive Fullness (承满 ) Bridge Gate (梁门 ) Border Gate (关门 ) Great Oneness (太乙 ) Heavenly Pivot (天枢 ) Great Might (大巨 ) The Return (归来 ) Qi Rushing (气冲 )) Abundant Splendour (丰隆 ) Released Stream (解溪 ) Rushing Yang (冲阳 ) Inner Courtyard (内庭 ) Hardship Mouth (厉兑 ) --- Prince’s Grandson (公孙 ) Merchant Mound (商丘 ) Three Yin Junction (三阴交 ) Leaking Valley (漏谷 ) Earth Motivator (地机 ) Blood Sea (血海 ) Rushing Gate (冲门 ) Abdomen Wail (腹哀 ) Heavenly Mountain Stream (天溪 ) Encircling Glory (周荣 ) Great Enveloping (大包 ) --- Ultimate Spring (极泉 ) Spiritual Path (灵道 ) Penetrating Inside (通里 ) Spirit Gate (神门 ) Lesser Palace (少府 ) Little Rushing In (少冲 ) ---) Supporting the Old (養老 ) Upright Branch (支正 ) Heavenly Ancestor (star) (天宗 ) Catching the Wind (秉風 ) Crooked Wall (曲垣 ) Heavenly Window (天窓 ) Heavenly Appearance (天容 ) Hearing Palace (聽宮 ) --- Eyes Bright (睛明 ) Eyebrow Rushing (眉衝 ) Crooked Branch (曲差 ) Fifth Place (五處 ) Receiving Light (承光 ) Penetrating Heaven (通天 ) Heavenly Pillar (天柱 ))) Bending Yang (委陽 ) Po-Soul Door (魄戶 )) Spirit Hall (神堂 ) Cry of Pain (譩譆 ) Hun-Soul Gate (魂門 ) Yang Net (陽綱 ) Intention Abode (意舍 ) Stomach Granary (胃倉 ) Ambition Room (志室 ) Reuniting Yang (合陽 ) Support Tendons (承筋 ) Support Mountain (承山 ) Fly and Scatter (飛揚 ) Kunlun Mountains (崑崙 ) Extending Vessel (申脈 ) Penetrating Valley (通谷 ) Ultimate Yin (至陰 ) --- Bubbling Spring (涌泉 ) Greater Mountain Stream (太溪 ) Great Bell (大钟 ) Water Spring (水泉 ) Shining Sea (照海 ) Returning Flow (復溜 ) Exchange Pledges (交信 ) Building Guest (築賓 ) Greatly Glorious (大赫 ) Qi Cave (氣穴 ) Four Full (四滿 ) Central Flow (中注 ) Membrane Shu (肓俞 ) Merchant Crook (商曲 ) Stone Pass (石關 ) Yin Capital (陰都 ) Opening Valley (通谷 ) Dark Gate (幽門 ) Spirit Seal (神封 ) Spiritual Burial Ground (靈墟 ) Spirit Storehouse (神藏 ) Amidst Elegance (彧中 ) Shu Storehouse (俞府 ) --- Heavenly Pond (star) (天池 ) Heavenly Spring (star) (天泉 ) The Intermediary (间使 ) Inner Frontier Gate (内关 ) Labour Palace (劳宫 ) Rushing Into the Middle (中冲 ) --- Rushing the Frontier Gate (关冲 ) Fluid Secretion Gate (液門 ) Middle Isle (中渚 ) Yang Pond (陽池 ) Outer Frontier Gate (外關 ) Assembly Gathering(會宗 ) Three Yang Junction (三陽絡 ) Four Gutters (四瀆 ) Heavenly Well (constellation) (天井 ) Clear Cold Abyss (清冷淵 ) Relaxing Joy (消濼 ) Heavenly Crevice (天髎 ) Heavenly Window (天牖 ) Wind Screen (翳風 ) Spasm Vessel (瘛脈 ) Skull Breathing (顱息 ) Harmony Crevice (和髎 ) Silk Bamboo Hollow (絲竹空 ) --- Hearing Assembly (聽會 ) Leading Valley (率谷 ) Heaven Rushing Out (star) (天沖 ) Floating White (浮白 ) Rooting the Spirit (本神 ) Head ImminentTears (頭臨泣 ) Upright Living (正營 ) Reserving the Spirit (承靈 ) Sun and Moon (日月 ) Capital Gate (京門 ) Five Hubs (五樞 ) Linking Path (維道 ) Jumping Circle (環跳 ) Central Ditch (中瀆 )) Bright and Clear (光明 ) Hanging Bells (懸鐘 ) Foot Imminent Tears (足臨泣 ) Earth Five Meetings (地五會 ) Valiant Stream (俠溪 ) Foot Hole Yin (足竅陰 ) --- Great Esteem (L大敦 ) Walk Between (行間 ) Supreme Rushing (太沖 ) Middle Seal (中封 ) Woodworm Ditch (蠡溝 ) Middle Capital (中都 ) Chapter Gate (章門 ) Gate of Expectation (期門 ) --- Central Pole (中極 ) Primal Gate (關元 ) Stone Gate (石門 ) Yin Crossing (陰交 ) Spirit Deficiency (神闕 ) Establish Within (建里 ) Middle Courtyard (中庭 ) Jade Court (玉堂 ) Purple Palace (star) (紫宮 ) Flower Canopy (star) (華蓋 ) Jade Pivot (star) (璇璣 ) Heaven Dashing Out (天突 ) Angle Spring (廉泉 ) --- Long and Strong (长强 ) Gate of Life (命門 ) Suspended Pivot (懸樞 ) Contracted Muscles (筋縮 ) Utmost Yang (至陽 ) Spiritual Tower (霊台 ) Spirit Path (神道 ) Body Pillar (身柱 ) Path to Happiness (陶道 ) Great Hammer (大椎 ) Gate of Dumbness (瘂門 ) Rigid Space (強間 ) A Hundred Meetings (百會 ) Upper Star (上星 ) Spirit Hall (神庭 ) Richard Bertschinger © 2010

•Acupuncture Points (English - Taken out references to anatomy, 5E, TCM lore, Treatable Diseases, descriptions of Channel energy) --- Lung Channel: Central Palace (中府 ) Cloud Gate (云门 ) Sky Palace (天府 ) Guardian White (侠白 ) --- Large Intestine Channel: Heavenly Cauldron (天鼎 ) Support and Rush Out (扶突 ) --- Stomach: Four Whites ( 四白 ) Great Welcome ( 大迎 ) People Welcome/ Prognosis (人迎 ) Qi Door ( 气户 ) Storeroom ( 库房 ) Room Screen (屋翳 ) Bridge Gate ( 梁门 ) Border Gate (关门 ) Great Oneness (太乙 ) Heavenly Pivot (天枢 ) Great Might (大巨 ) The Return ( 归来 ) Qi Rushing ( 气冲 )) Upper Great Void ( 上巨虛 ) Lower Great Void ( 下巨虛 ) Inner Courtyard ( 内庭 ) Hardship Mouth ( 厉兑 ) --- Spleen: Prince’s Grandson ( 公孙 ) Earth Motivator ( 地机 ) Encircling Glory ( 周荣 ) Great Enveloping ( 大包 ) --- Heart: Spiritual Path ( 灵道 ) Spirit Gate ( 神门 ) --- Small Intestine: Heavenly Ancestor (star) ( 天宗 ) Catching the Wind ( 秉風 ) Crooked Wall ( 曲垣 ) Heavenly Window ( 天窓 ) Heavenly Appearance ( 天容 ) --- Bladder: Light ( 承光 ) Penetrating Heaven ( 通天 ) Heavenly Pillar ( 天柱 ) Kunlun Mountains ( 崑崙 ) --- Kidney: Great Bell (大钟 ) Water Spring (水泉 ) Shining Sea (照海 ) Spirit Seal (神封 ) Spiritual Burial Ground ( 靈墟 ) Spirit Storehouse ( 神藏 ) Amidst Elegance ( 彧中 ) Pericardium: Heavenly Pond (star) ( 天池 ) Heavenly Spring (star) ( 天泉 ) --- Triple Heater: Middle Isle (中渚 ) Heavenly Well (constellation) (天井 ) Heavenly Crevice (天髎 ) Heavenly Window ( 天牖 ) --- Gall Bladder: Heaven Rushing Out (star) ( 天沖 ) Upright Living (正營 ) Reserving the Spirit (承靈 ) Sun and Moon (日月 ) Capital Gate (京門 ) Bright and Clear (光明 )) --- Liver: Great Esteem (L大敦 ) Crooked Spring (曲泉 ) Yin Corner ( 陰廉 ) Chapter Gate ( 章門 ) Gate of Expectation ( 期門 ) --- Conception Vessel: Spirit Deficiency ( 神闕 ) Jade Court ( 玉堂 ) Purple Palace (star) ( 紫宮 ) Flower Canopy (star) ( 華蓋 ) Jade Pivot (star) ( 璇璣 ) Heaven Dashing Out ( 天突 ) --- Governing Vessel: Spiritual Tower ( 霊台 ) Spirit Path ( 神道 ) Path to Happiness (陶道 ) Upper Star (上星 ) Spirit Hall (神庭 )

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Central Palace (中府 ) Cloud Gate (云门 ) Sky Palace (天府 ) --- Heavenly Cauldron (天鼎 ) Support and Rush Out (扶突 ) --- Great Welcome ( 大迎 ) People Welcome/ Prognosis ( 人迎 ) Qi Door (气户 ) Great Oneness (太乙 ) Heavenly Pivot (天枢 ) The Return ( 归来 ) Qi Rushing ( 气冲 )) Inner Courtyard ( 内庭 ) --- Earth Motivator ( 地机 ) Encircling Glory ( 周荣 ) Great Enveloping ( 大包 ) --- Spiritual Path ( 灵道 ) Spirit Gate ( 神门 ) --- Heavenly Ancestor ( 天宗 ) Catching the Wind ( 秉 風 ) Heavenly Window ( 天 窓 ) Heavenly Appearance ( 天容 ) --- Receiving Light ( 承光 ) Penetrating Heaven (通天 ) Heavenly Pillar (天柱 ) Kunlun Mountains (崑崙 ) --- Great Bell (大钟 ) Water Spring (水泉 ) Shining Sea ( 照海 ) Spirit Seal ( 神封 ) Spiritual Burial Ground ( 靈墟 ) Spirit Storehouse ( 神 藏 ) Amidst Elegance ( 彧 中 ) --- Heavenly Pond ( 天池 ) Heavenly Spring ( 天泉 ) --- Middle Isle (中渚 ) Heavenly Well ( 天井 ) Heavenly Crevice ( 天髎 ) Heavenly Window --- Heaven Rushing Out ( 天沖 ) Upright Living (正營 ) Reserving the Spirit (承靈 ) Sun and Moon (日月 ) Bright and Clear ( 光明 )) --- Great Esteem (L 大敦 ) Crooked Spring ( 曲泉 ) Chapter Gate ( 章門 ) Gate of Expectation ( 期門 ) --- Spirit Deficiency ( 神闕 ) Jade Court ( 玉堂 ) Purple Palace ( 紫宮 ) Flower Canopy ( 華蓋 ) Jade Pivot (璇璣 ) Heaven Dashing Out (天突 ) --- Spiritual Tower ( 霊台 ) Spirit Path ( 神道 ) Path to Happiness ( 陶道 ) Upper Star (上星 ) Spirit Hall (神庭 )

Richard Bertschinger © 2010


•what application do these point names have to us as practitioners? •what are they trying to tell us? about our daily nourishment of the spirit (heaven) and the individual patient, in our care?•how can they deepen our practice?

We need to broaden our perspective and look at the Chinese attitude to life, the universe and everything.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Confucius and The Tao

• Confucianism spoke of the embodiment of heaven within the individual, and the importance of sincerity (Yang)

• Taoists counsel against the abuse of power, and the virtues of humility (Yin)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Chinese Taoists and Life

“Daoist core philosophy is about life. You know, Chinese culture is really about what it is to be alive. Human life is the number-one noble thing….Life is a treasure. The important thing is to know how to protect life, how to nourish life, that’s the whole point of the cultivation.”

Wu Zhongxian interviewed in The Taoist magazine Dragon’s Mouth (2009:2)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

‘Qi Flo’ is Fundamental

• Chinese Taoism is not conceptual, its practical! Life is a coalescing of qi ….qi flow is fundamental to Traditional Chinese acupucture….Yin and Yang are not conceptual. They describe ‘stimulus and response’….

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The Key to the Chinese Organist Theory

….stimulus and response… (ganjing)

感應why?because in western scientific, reductionist theory there is

very little response!but in the east it is constantly changing….we look at


Richard Bertschinger © 2010

…stimulus and response…

“Daoist core philosophy is about life. You know, Chinese culture is really about what it is to be alive. Human life is the number-one noble thing….Life is a treasure. The important thing is to know how to protect life, how to nourish life, that’s the whole point of the cultivation…. Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Chapter Six - Sustaining Life (our origins)People and creatures all differ in shape, but in receiving life they are the same. This is what the True Book on the Three Primals states.

The breath and the Hun-soul is acquired from the heavens and the body and Po-soul from the earth. When there is as yet no form, and no image, we come out of the void, as our own father’s seed and mother’s blood; thus from out of nothing there emerges something. After three-hundred days the foetus is complete, and when the foetus is complete and the breath ready, it is born; thus from out of nothing there emerges something.

But if we are not skilled at sustaining this life, then from something we return back to nothing. This is just how it is. As the blood and breath are strong, spirit and breath come into being, which may then give birth to a little child; once the blood and breath decline, they result in the Hun and Po souls then returning back to the heavens and the earth.

Within life is born a Chaos;From chaos we may halt at life;When breaths are broken or the spirit gone,There is no longer any chance for life.This is just how it is.

The best men and rulers always set their hearts on capturing life, but not knowing the moment or method, they took as their model the heavens and the earth, and as their thumb-line the Sun and Moon.

Once the Yin is exhausted the Yang is born,Once the Yang is exhausted the Yin is born,Life follows upon life unfailing -In such a fashion do Heaven and earth endure;The Po departs and the Hun arrives,The Hun departs and the Po arrives,Coming and going unceasing -So do the sun and moon endure.

It is being alive to the sustentation of the Breath which ensures the Breath does not fail, while being alive to the sustentation of the body means the body does not fail; never missing out on their sustentation, both within and without, enables us to acquire a true identity along with our enduring partners, Heaven and earth, and the sun and moon.

(from Old Tang Book)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Our Heavenly Nature in The Book of Changes

Follow your self-nature: this is the Path.For through your nature Heavenly principle is manifest.Wherever you are all is in abundance;Whatever you do the moment is timely.When you are united with natural virtue, Heaven sends down its blessings.

This is the fundamental teaching of The Book of Changes.As life first begins, it manifests as a Grand Harmony within primordial chaos.

This is the source. As an energy stirs, a pattern is disclosed: the source of the blessings. It assumes form as principle - within the heart, as our self-nature - and that which is blessed attains a course favoured throughout the world. The Grand Harmony is preserved and all unified, attaining its ultimate goal in the devotion of the human heart.

Attain the devoted heart.Within the devoted heart, the source returns:A turning circle, turning relentlessly;Out virtuous self-nature is utterly embodiedWithin the system and Way of human sincerity,A life-process perpetuated without end.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Our Heavenly Naturein the hexagram Double Trap

The Double Trap. Have faith.Binding the heart, blessings. Action finds integrity.

Life is nothing but the double trap. As our spiritual nature enters into the body it is obstructed and held within the inner trap and as our physical body enters the world it is caught within space and time and confined within the outer trap. Yet though the confinement may be severe, our Heavenly nature is always the same and preserved.

Despite there being obstacles in the world,Our self and soul remain unchanged.

It is through repeatedly struggling in the double trap, that we have faith. The center of the Water trigram is solid and hard as faith.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Kan - Water -

• Water, toil, faith, danger, the ear, rain, moon, frost, dew, middle age (male). Thief, river, black, the dark.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

from The Great Learning

The Way of the Great Learning lies in brightening your bright virtue; it lies in making anew the People, it lies in resting at the highest good.

…….. Opening text)


明Richard Bertschinger © 2010

from The Unwobbling Pivot

Our destiny, which Heaven has conferred upon us is called our ‘inborn nature’. The realization of this inborn nature is what we call the ‘Way’ .

(Opening text)


Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The Confucian as Acupuncturist

The search of the Confucian, is a search for sincerity, is a search for truth. Both within mankind, but also within the individual. It is a practical matter. Can we find our self-nature and be true to ourselves.

…can we find Heaven within the individual….

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The True Men of Old

余聞上古有真人者,提挈天地,把握陰 陽,呼吸精氣,獨立守神,肌肉若一, 故能壽敝天地,無有終時,此其道生。

I HAVE HEARD IT SAID THAT in those times there were people of real substance, true men of old. They lifted and raised up the skies and earth, and grasped Yin and Yang in their hands. Their out-breath and in-breath were pure energy, as alone they stood there, guarding the mind; their muscles and flesh as one. Thus their longevity was able to wear out the skies and earth, unending, and they represented the true arts of health.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The Tao-te Ching’s message

The book’s emphasis on intuition (darkness) and humility, is to stop any self-aggrandisement and over-the-topness. It is, possibly, quite common to have too much sincerity?! It speaks of the control of desire – lets not have too much heavenly light!

It speaks of a philosophy of quietism – and inner cultivation. Of seeing the simplicity in things, of substance, and of the control of the breath.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Tao-te Ching – The Body of the Tao

The Tao which can be toldIs not the constant Tao,The name which can be namedIs not the constant name.Nameless is the beginning of Heaven and earth,Named is the Mother to the ten thousand things.Ever without desire, we gaze into the mysteries,Ever desiring, we gaze at the manifestations.These two came from the same sourceBut appear having different names.Having the same source implies darkness.Darkness within darkness,The gate to all mysteries.

(Chapter 1)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

A New Translation

• The path that we follow is not a path easy to explain. It never stays still for a moment. The identify we find on this path is also not easy to name. It never remains constant. It shifts. But it is in this nameless space that everything happens. It represents infinite potential. Once we are named, once we find the path – then everything proceeds. This is the mother to all action. But there is a time before. Remember that.

• This time before is a time, before desire. Before we feel the need to move and act. Indeed, this is a spiritual space. A place of mysteries. Once we move and act - the whole world, the path, our identify, and such like – all spring into action! These are the manifestations. In our needling it is the felt, the palpable qi-flow, the change in colour, sound, odour and emotion, pulse and symptoms. But there is a time before. A time of quiet.

• And these two spaces, these two places are really not two. They are not divided. They come from the same source. This we have to remember above all. And again this is not always easy to understand. This is the irreducibility of the world. The undivided nature of the world. Our planet if you like. It is fundamentally a dark space within a dark space. The quantum world of nothingness. It is the gate to all mysteries.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The Unwobbling Pivot (on the spirits)

Confucius said: How full indeed is the power of the gods and spirits! We look for them but we cannot see them. We listen for them but we cannot hear them. They are within all things and we should never forget them.

They impel every person in the kingdom to fast and purify, and put on ritual robes in order to preside at the sacrifice. They abound in the air around us, at once above us, at once to our left and right...

The Book of Odes says:The approach of the spirits! Immeasurable!And yet you cannot ignore them!


Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The Unwobbling Pivot (20:18-19)

Sincerity is the reality of what is Heaven-sent. This urge to create sincerity - is the reality of mankind. Sincerity means hitting the bull without aiming. It means achieving without thinking. It means going along with things in an natural manner, and finding the middle Way. This is what it is to be a sage. Creating sincerity in this fashion means choosing the good and holding to it.

It involves wide study, watchful questioning, careful thinking, clear categorisation and solid practice.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The Unwobbling Pivot (33:6)….the spirit in action…and in needling….

The Book of Odes says: I take pleasure in your brilliant virtue! You make no great show of it!

The Master commented: To make a great show and thus to transform people. This is nothing.

The Book of Odes says again: His virtue felt like the touch of a feather. Still a feather has some size. The doings of the highest

Heaven are ‘without sound or smell’. This is perfect virtue indeed!

(concluding words)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

plant-life – CO2 + sun and water

this is photo-synthesis

Life on Earth


earth yields CH


Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Human Life

(origin of qi)


CH + O2 (food and air) water + CO2 + energy

This is the sun reborn - in human form!

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Light in Matter

Thus, we are Sunlight reborn, refracted through Matter. In fact our qi-life-energy is:

- light (Yang) – trapped within – Solid Matter (Yin)

………… a very real sense -

Human kind is a very Small Heaven

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

The Huangdi Neijing Suwen (Ch.1)

WITH DETACHMENT AND PEACE, humble and empty within, the natural and real energies will follow. The pure mind! Guard it within you! How then can sickness arrive?

. then, it begins within, in guarded tranquillity…

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Tao-te Ching – The Assistance of Darkness

Watch! It cannot be seen, it is so blurred.Listen! It cannot be heard, it is so hushed.Grasp! It cannot be held, it is so minute.These three cannot be further identifiedBecause they are all muddled into One.

Its rising brings no light,

Its falling brings no darkness.Being entirely continuous,It cannot be given a name.In the end there seems to be nothing there at all.So this is called ‘the shape of no shape’,The image of there being nothing there at all.

(Chapter 14)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Where have we got to?

- the constant Tao - beyond telling, beyond worlds, beyond ‘name’, that is - beyond identity, beyond self, beyond reputation or fame, holding onto that inviolate quite, the peaceful and quite…..

Yin and Yang unfathomable! These are the spirits!

Great Appendix to I Ching (I.5.9)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Meditation Text (Tao-te Ching – What can you do?)

Concentrating the breath, and softening it,Can you become as a little child?Cleansing and repairing the Dark Vision,Can you make it without stain?Cherishing the people and ordering the country,Can you remain without being known?As the gates of Heaven open and close,Can you play the role of the female?As a brightness diffuses on all sides,Can you remain without being clever?

(from Chapter 10)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

from the CandongqiThe Secret of Everlasting Life

The ear, the eye, the mouth - these three jewels,Block and stop them up, do not let them gape.The truth in man lies at the very depths,He roams wide yet guards a proper compass within.Sight and hearing are both crooked and winding,They function entirely togetherAs the pivot and lynchpin of the self,Their movement never exhausted.Bank up and guard the sight within,Do not employ the ears in hearing,Close the mouth to chattering,With rare words out of the teeming void.These three are the crux of the affair -To be with a relaxed body, resting in an empty room,Abandon the will and return back to the void,And without thinking thus find constancy.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010

Meditation Text (Tao-te Ching –Turning To The Root)

Obtaining utter emptiness,I guard this profound peace,All the ten-thousand things are createdWhile I watch their rise and fall -

All things flourish,Each one returning to its root.Returning to the root they are at peace.This means they return to life.Returning to life they are eternal.Knowing the eternal they are shining.Not knowing the eternal is to blunder into disaster,Knowing the eternal, I find forbearance,With forbearance, I am openhearted,Being openhearted, I act royally,Acting royally, I communicate with Heaven,Communicating with Heaven, I am one with the Dao.One with the Dao, my life is everlasting.

(Chapter 16)

Richard Bertschinger © 2010


The points names show us the light-body we are donated at conception. The Chinese represent this as Heaven – within the body. Modern chemistry shows us the same, we are light, trapped in matter. Qi gong practice shows us we can influence out autunomic chemistry, we can literally create chemical change within the body.

Likewise through our acupuncture needling, we have access to the Yang of Heaven, held within the Yin. But this has to be carried out within the context of classical Chinese medicine – an understanding of the depth of Yin and Yang, 5E logic. For example, the Yang is primary, but it needs to be led and softened by the Yin – to be balanced. The Yin needs containment and to be nurtured, but also stimulated by the Yang. Learning about this, is learning about the transformation of human-kind. This involves the study of the I Jing (Book of Changes).

The point names reveal to us an appreciation of how the Heavenly Yang is manifest within the quiet of the material body. As we ponder them they are an aid in understanding how people and Heaven can be at one - literally at- one - ment. Our atonement.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010


The goal of the alchemical acupuncture is the recovery of the Yang, within the Yin. The sincerity and truth within each individual. Sometime called the Yang elixir, the Golden Flower, etc. The Yang is the foundation of our moral, physical and mental health. It can be represented as light. It is our self-nature. In the case of human-kind, this light should be tempered and not too bright. Viz. like a flower, in which Yin and Yang are perfectly combined.

It is primary to the process of the Yang, that cycles play a part. Thus the Yang is born from out the Yin, the Yin follows on from the Yang. As in all nature, summer and winter, day and night. Here we have the Changes.

The Taoists talk of the living midnight – when the Yang is born, the first bow of the moon, etc. These small seeds, born in the dark are crucial in understanding how to nurture the Yang.

Richard Bertschinger © 2010


Richard Bertschinger © 2010