Lise pwrpt

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Lise pwrpt

Analise Nicole Agy




So proud of youLove, Mom

Day 1 October 31 1988 7:45pm

• 6lb 11oz 21 in”

• Daddy’s Girl

Jim Delaney & Lise


Time to shut this thing up

Xmas 1988 with Santa Pa

4 months Jan 89

Let the shoe fetish begin!

Deana babysitting

For the head banging days

Tractor ride from Pa

October 89

First Steps

This is Frank

She must be fed!

1st birthday

Love those kittens!

Thanksgiving 89 in NY

Xmas 1989

Baby in a basket

Bear chair xmas eve

Who’s there?

Hmm k so toast it is

In my Easter Bonnet

New home in Groton, CT

Reading with Daddy

Lise, Grammy, & Aunt Lu

Oh yeah it’s ELMO!

New ride summer 90

Sweep sweep spring 90

Lise and Kay going for an Autumn walk

2nd birthday

Kay, Lise, Gram & Crick

Xmas 1990 with grandma Sarah

Sledding with Dad

Kayleigh and Analise spring 91

VA trip to visit friends

Will you marry me Lisey?

Iowa trip to visit Grandma Sarah

Coloring eggs with the big kids

A Girls gotta be clean


what you talkin bout?

Jess, Steph, and Lise

Dec 1991 3yrs

Dad’s new boat Jan 92

Crazy hair clip day

Always mommy’s helper

May 92

Shake it baby!

Road Hog!

I am not to big for the sink!

new bike

Pretty Pretty Princess

Little Stinker

4th bday with the Michigan Ave Gang

Practicing for the future

We should be dancing yeah!

• Helping mommy

Xmas dress 92

Pa helping put together new toys

And then there was Josh!

Oh my god what is this?

Grammy helping out

Big Sister

Ride’m cowgirl

Deana’s flower girl 93

The Original Guitar Hero

Helping Josh learn to walk

Living in a box

Great Escape with Grammy

Catskill Game Farm

Summer 1994

Summer 94

Picture time

Helping Josh unwrap


Storm Halloween 5yrs old

1st day of Kindergarten

Kdg day 3

1st grade

2nd grade

Bestest room ever!

Wear cloths that don’t fit day

Easter 94

Daisy Girl Scouts 94

Halloween 1994 6yrs old

Chuck E. Cheese party 6th


Heading to Grammy and Pa’s

So cool as the Pink Ranger

Kdg. graduation

7 yrs halloween 95

Halloween 96 8 yrs old

fashion diva courtesy of aunt crick

Analise and Cassidy F.

new 1st grade outfit

Just what we need more stuff

2nd grd xmas concert at Pleasant Valley School

Went to MO to meet a pot belly pig!

Easter 97

Women Drivers!

• September of 1997 brought big changes as we left the military way and headed for a different life in New York.

• Leaving behind old friends to make new ones.

• And what a trip its been.

Burden Lake and the one eyed turtle

Lazy days

Outdoor fresh

Xmas 97

Xmas 97

10th birthday


Gotta love this Halloween birthday thing

11th birthday 1999

Lisey and Mark sittin in a tree

Halloween 99

Basketball APYO 2000

Halloween 5th grade

Always the bridesmaid…

Halloween 2000

12th Birthday

The Teenage Years begin


Art Trip

Tennis with Sabrina

Raspberry Explosion

Sophomore Soiree

Analise and Heather

After dance madness

Time Warp

Heather and Courtney minding the fishes

Ali, Lise, Sam, & Becky

New Cousin Becky

Sweet 16

Cookie trade party

Poker Night

Have some cake Lise

Frosting facials

Halloween 2005

Parade at Jubilee Daycare 2005

OMG it’s my BFF Jessica LOL


PJ day

Superla’s 2004

Washington DC trip Jr year

More DC

Amanda and Lise

Amazing Elmo

Midnight snack at Denny’s

Superla’s 2005

Find the cat

Aftermath of chocolate cake making

Finally a damn Ipod!

Pa, Becky, & Lise jan 2006

Life is a highway, I wanna drive it all night long

Heather, Hannah, Analise

Homecoming Oct 2006


Ho Coming

D and Lise

Kiss kiss


3 in the bed and the little one said Rollover

Lick what?

Halloween 2006

Max sitting fall 2006

Isey and Max

Junior Prom June 2006

Lisizzle & Jessizle

H, H, A

The Guys

Sugar pie honeybunch

Prom 2006

Day after prom Great Escape and Batman!

Off to another dance

18th birthday breakfast at Denny’s

Happy 18 Lise and Kevin!

Birthday twins

Pretty princess Kevina

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy

In the jungle the mighty jungle the lions are roaring


Sleepy Lisey Isey Isey

Analise and Josh

New friends



Axe murderer Dec 2006

Pink Day


Off to see Martina!

Mr. AP Showcase

Senior Picnic June ‘07

Senior Dinner Dance 6-21-07

Jess, Mark, Lise, & Josh

Last Dance

3 years