Linux Caixa Mágica in the portuguese Magellan project

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Lightning talk presentation given at FOSDEM 2011 in Brussels by Flávio Moringa

Transcript of Linux Caixa Mágica in the portuguese Magellan project

Open Source Energy

How to deploy 550,000 Linux netbooks into the classroom

The Portuguese Magellan Project

Flávio Moringa

Caixa Mágica Linux distribution project leader

Open Source Energy

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1. What is the Magellan Project?

Government project with the aim of providing laptops to elementary school children to improve their computer literacy (Ages 6 to 12);

Dual boot: MS Windows & Linux Caixa Mágica; Intel Classmate PC based; First deployment: 300,000 computers (MG1); Second deployment: ongoing, with enhanced hardware

(MG2), estimated 250,000 by the end of 2011.

Magellan MG2Magellan MG1

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FOSDEM - Brussels, Feb 05, 2011 How to deploy 550,000 Linux netbooks into the classroom 3

2. What is Caixa Mágica?

The main Portuguese Linux distribution; Free installation DVD's and Live CD's; KDE, Gnome and

other WM; Official phone and

e-mail support on the paid version;

USB version with read and write support;

Free user foruns; Shared base with

Mandriva; Etc...

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FOSDEM - Brussels, Feb 05, 2011 How to deploy 550,000 Linux netbooks into the classroom 4

3. Asking help from the right people

Design and development:– Nuno Pinheiro - KDE Oxygen Coordinator;– Tomaz Canabrava – QT/KDE Developer.

Language:– Instituto de Formação e Investigação

da Língua Portuguesa (

Hardware support:– Realtek (Wireless hostap support);– Intel (Function keys and brightness sensor).

QA:– Ângulo Sólido (

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3. Asking help from the right people

Usability:– Human-Computer Interaction and Multimedia

Research Team (;– Focus Group interaction;– Usability reports.

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4. Choose a killer app - Supertux

What application will make kids boot into Linux? Supertux. Our own developments:

– Download and upload of levels through the game interface;– Upload of highscores through

the game interface;– Full Portuguese localization;– Support web page.

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5. The first Magellan version - MG1

Superkaramba theme displaying the most common used applications;

300,000 deploys by the end of 2010;

Caixa Mágica 12; Standard KDE 3; Full hardware

support; Larger interface bar; Recovery system

from hdd; Easy to install new

software from web.

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6. The second Magellan version - MG2

Plasmoid displaying the most common used applications;

250,000 deploys by the end of 2011;

Caixa Mágica 14; Standard KDE 4; Full hardware

support, now including light sensor and hostAP;

Installable in MG1; Graphical recovery

system from hdd.

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7. Why boot into Caixa Mágica Linux not Windows?

The great look & feel:– The new multi-folderview plasmoid made by Tomaz

Canabrava (called “nunosview”) ;– The clock widget made by Nuno Pinheiro;– The “Caixinha” desktop theme made by Nuno Pinheiro;– The KDE desktop efects enabled by default.

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7. Why boot into Caixa Mágica Linux not Windows?

One application per task; Great system mimetype handling; Great browser mimetype handling; Easy Parental controls for Internet

access control, application control and time usage control;

Great and simple games for children, with a fully localized GCompris;

Desktop lockdown; Good localization and

language consistency across menus.

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7. Why boot into Caixa Mágica Linux not Windows?

The pre-configured classroom environment applications:– Easy way to configure the teacher's

computer as an access point;– Pre-configured shared folder on

the teacher's computer;– Pre-configured access to the

shared folder on the students computers;

– Simple iTALC client and server configuration;

– Classroom management software pre-installed, and pre-configured;

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8. Final Remarks

So what are the main tips for this kind of deployment:– Use a clean desktop... no cluttering;

– One application per task is essential;

– Look & feel is essential - first impression is a selling point;

– Simplify everything even if losing configuration options;–– But don't over simplify...

– Keep in mind that although it's designed for young children, teachers and parents will use it too;

– Have at least one or two killer apps not found in the other OS;

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8. Final Remarks

And ultra-mega important:

– Have real kids, real parents and real teachers test your system before releasing it, testing with focus groups, after all:

They know what they want... you can only guess.

Open Source Energy

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