LinkSprite Four Band GPRS DTU - Cloud Object Storage | …€¦ ·  · 2013-04-08LinkSprite Four...

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Transcript of LinkSprite Four Band GPRS DTU - Cloud Object Storage | …€¦ ·  · 2013-04-08LinkSprite Four...

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Step-by-Step Tutorial of

LinkSprite Four Band GPRS DTU

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1. Hardware Need:

a) LinkSprite Four Band GPRS DTU

b) Module Evaluation Board

2. Software Needed

a) TCP/IP Server Test Tool

b) LinkSprite SM5100B GPRS DTU Parameter Setting GUI

Optional Software:

X-CTU from

Step 1:

Find out the serial port that the eval board is attached to.

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Step 2:

Launch GPRS DTU Configuration Utility:

On the eval board, four switches must be on upper positions. SIM card needs to

be inserted.

Default COM setting: 9600: 8: None: 1 : None, and click Open

Configure DTU Parameter:

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Port info: the serial port parameter.

APN: the APN name of the carrier.

For AT&T, it’s wap.cingular.

Center Address: It’s the server IP address.

If you are using a router, you can use to

find out your WAN IP address. In your router, you must use DMZ to point port to

your host LAN IP address.

Port: server port number.

Mode: please always select “Center”

Heartbeat: The GPRS can periodically send small package to server to

maintain the socket

Running Mode: Support DTU mode and AT command mode.

For AT commands, please download from:

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Send Trigger Mode:

This defines when the DTU will treat the raw serial data as end and send them

over TCP/IP.

There are two modes: timeout and delimit.

If you are using in North America, you must verify the communication band is

set correctly.

In the following, we are going to first set the module into AT command mode,

and check the communication band setting.

Then click DTU option tab, the following window will pop up.

Click Yes.

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Click “Parameter Setting”.

It will report “Confirm”. Now the module is in AT command mode. You will see

SIND messages that are reported in AT command mode.

Click tab “Send Data” to send AT command.

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Use AT+SBAND? , and fond out that the communication band is NOT for North


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Use AT+SBAND=7 to move the band to North America bands.

You will see LED101 on eval board start blinking, which means that it’s on the


This setting is saved even when you power cycle the module.

Now we are done with the communication band setup. We need to exit the AT

command mode by typing: AT+CDTU=1 to enter into DTU mode.

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Step 3: Launch TCP server

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Set the port to be same as the DTU’s setting, and click Bind.

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Remote GPRS connected right away in this try:

Wah… Keep receiving heartbeat packets….

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If we send data at Serial port, we will receive at the TCP server:

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If we send data at server end, we will receive at serial port:

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What a neat feature!

That’s the beauty of GPRS DTU. You can treat the GPRS module as a transparent


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LinkSprite Technologies, Inc.

Add:1410 Cannon Mountain Dr, Longmont, CO 80503 Tel: 720-204-8599 Technical questions: