Link 273 2015 03

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The Newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists

Transcript of Link 273 2015 03


the newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists

Circulation 400 no: 273 March 2015

the LINK – newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists Page 1

The Newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists

Welcome to this March LINK newsletter. It is in a generally bigger font size for those who have mentioned difficulty in reading.

Main content this time:

● Preview of our AGM to be held in April.

● News of the newly-appointed IAM CEO.

Apologies that two late items have had to be held over til next time.

Enjoy your reading.

Got something to say? Please don’t be shy. Members, feel free to contact us to talk about what your Club is doing, and what you would like to see it do. Contact Details on the back page. Contact the Editor now – or any Committee Member.

More information on our website Sign-up to our email distribution of IAM and Group news releases.

All content is prepared by the Editor unless stated otherwise.

If you want to write something for the LINK – or advertise – contact: 0117 960 8494

21 De Verose Court Hanham BRISTOL BS15 3SW

COPY DEADLINE for the next issue is: Sat 25th April

Bristol Advanced Motorists Registered Charity No 289807

Run entirely by volunteers Affiliated to the IAM Ltd: Group no: 1009

Secretary. 22 Highfields Close, Stoke Gifford, BRISTOL BS34 8YB Tel: 0117 979 8061 email:

The LINK is produced every 2 months. Paper copies are printed, collated and despatched by Group volunteers. Also displayed freely on our website Email notification available on request.

Views expressed in this newsletter are those of the contributors. Those views do not necessarily represent those of the Editor, the Committee of Bristol Advanced Motorists, or IAM Chiswick. The Group reserves the right to edit or otherwise amend original materiel submitted for publication. If you wish to reproduce any materiel in other publications or places, then please credit the LINK, Bristol Advanced Motorists, as the source.

Mar 2015 Read this newsletter on our website

Contents this Issue

page Editorial 1 Goodbye, BT Flexinumber 3 Recent IAM Test Successes 4 Help Wanted 5 Notice of AGM 6 Annual Report Available Online / AGM Preview 7 Renewal Update 10 Are YOU Signed-up for Gift Aid ? 11 Contacting you by Electronic Mail 12 Group News 13 What is a Newsletter ? 15 Social Media / Recruitment Incentive 16 Baby, Baby, Can’t you hear my Heart Beat ? 17 Course Achievements / Reflect on this Driving Tip 18 FAD Course Invitation 19 March Speaker / BAWA Map / EasyFundraising 20 CALENDAR – WHAT’S ON ? 21 Monthly Meetings 2015 22 Three-in-a-Car – Dates for 2015 23 New IAM CEO Sarah Sillars 24 Other IAM News 27 Freezing Point 28 Seeing Better in the Dark 29 A Tale of Two Cities and Three Bridges 31 Bristol Motorcycle Group on the Up and Up 34 Bloodhound Visit 36 Excess Books and DVDs for Sale / End of RAC Offer 38 Course / Dates / Assessment / Refresher 39 CONTACT US: your guide to who does what 40

All content compiled by the Editor unless otherwise credited. Contributors:  Marlene Baker, Geoff Bevan, Andy Cole, Martin Evans, 

Mark Gollop, Pete Goodman, Paul Hunt, Robert Jones,  Clare Reeves, Mark Trimmer. 

Thank‐you also to all people talked to during research.  

Photos by the Editor and unknown sources, unless credited individually. 


The LINK will continue to be printed and mailed – in the short-term at least. For those who opt-in and request it, we can delete you from the postal mailing list and instead send you an email notification that the LINK has been put-up on our website We currently have ten Members plus two Complimentaries on that list.

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Goodbye, BT FlexiNumber by the Treasurer

Since 1998 the Group has used, to field enquiries from the public, a constant, virtual telephone number – “one number that can find you anywhere”. That one number can be used on a long-standing basis, with incoming calls seamlessly and invisibly re-directed to various Committee Members willing to accept the calls. Also, you don’t have to publish Committee’s private numbers, maintaining privacy and removing any complication when Committee Members change.

This facility was introduced by BT as the BT Flexinumber, and has been faithful and reliable (although with privatisation and competition in the telecoms area, passing to private companies PNC, then Invomo, then to GCI ) with changes to the call-routing made via a simple free phone call to an automated service.

The one disadvantage of the BT Flexinumber was the high unit cost to the caller, although the basic facility rental was cheap to us.

For that reason, to make it cheaper and more attractive to call us, Committee sourced a different ‘virtual’ system last October, which has what looks like a geographical land line number, and is charged at local call rate, even as “free included minutes” in most call plans.

We had planned to keep the old Flexinumber in operation for a year, in parallel, to run it down. After all, even without it being advertised, it is still attracting 6 calls per month. However, the admin telephone system for re-routing has passed to TalkTalk, which is closing it down as “old-fashioned”. So this announcement by TalkTalk will hasten things – our old Flexinumber’s last day of working will be 30th March.

So delete the old number - 07071 20 11 73 And make a note of our new one. If you recommend the IAM and the Bristol Group to a family member, friend, acquaintance or work colleague – it’s now:

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Recent IAM Test Successes by Clare Reeves

Congratulations to these Bristol Group Skill for Life participants who have recently passed the IAM Advanced Driving Test.


RICHARD JONES BRIAN HARTLEY MAUREEN MITCHELL PAUL HUNT ELLIOT PORTER MARTIN BAKER STEPHANIE TURNEY BRIAN HARTLEY WHAT HAPPENS NOW ? We hope that each of you will renew as a national IAM Member when you receive your Renewal Notice from Chiswick.

More importantly, please continue as a Full Member of your local Bristol Group. Our Group Membership fee is £20 per year, which runs from January 1st for everyone, and supports our efforts to help other people in the Bristol area to become better drivers.

You will receive a Renewal Invitation next November. Meanwhile, you will be Upgraded to Group Full Member until the end of 2015.

above: Sara Waterhouse (right), presented with her IAM F1RST Membership Certificate by Bristol Group Chairman Andy Cole, at a recent Group Meeting.

photo: Geoff Bevan

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Help Wanted


Thank-you, our 290 Full Members, for supporting us through your Membership subscriptions – it is appreciated - and long may you do so - but why not take a further step and become ‘active’ in your local IAM Group? graphic:


To support our ongoing work, we need to make the public aware of our existence, so we are in need of people to help with Field Publicity and various other forms of advertising / awareness activity.

Former postholder Gary Nunn has had to step down due to work commitments, so there is an opportunity for someone to organise some outside publicity venues where we can meet the public. SOCIAL ORGANISER

Behind the ‘Associates and Driver Training’ activity, the Group in its present form and structure is essentially a Volunteer Social Club, which needs its social membership in order to sustain the Group and to support Driving Activities financially and encourage volunteering.

We are in need of a Social / Activities Organiser to arrange some events to promote the Group, to retain the interest of existing Members and to attract new members. So, to help the Group, get volunteering! Contact the Chairman or any Committee Member if you would like to help the Group in any way.

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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given by order of the Group Executive Committee that the 57th Annual General Meeting of BRISTOL ADVANCED MOTORISTS

will be held on Tuesday 28th April 2015 starting at 7.30pm at the BAWA Leisure Centre, Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol

to enable the Trustees of the Group (Registered Charity No. 289807) to present their Annual Report and Accounts for year end 31 Dec 2014

for approval by the Group Members, and to conduct an election.

Secretary: Martin Evans 22 Highfields Close, Stoke Gifford, BRISTOL BS34 8YB

Wednesday 11th March 2015 Group No: 1009

All Members, Associates and Friends are invited to attend but note that only fully paid-up Members of both the IAM and of the Group may vote.


1. Introduction and acceptance of apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the AGM held on 22nd April 2014 (resolution # 1, that the minutes be approved as a true record)

3. Matters arising from the minutes of that AGM

4. To receive and adopt the Annual Report and Accounts (resolution number 2, to approve the report and accounts)

5. To elect nominees to the posts of Officers of the Group

6. To elect nominees to the Executive Committee

7. To authorise the Executive Committee to appoint an Auditor

8. To present Awards

9. Any Other Business, properly that of an Annual General Meeting (at the discretion of the Chairman of the meeting)

After the formal business there will be a buffet, followed by a talk by:

Dave Hillier – Highways Agency - ‘Managed Motorways – an update’

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Annual Report Now Available Online

As previously announced, this year we have abandoned the practice of sending to each Group Full Member a full paper copy of our Group’s Annual Report and Accounts. Instead, a Notice of the AGM is included as a page in this Newsletter and the full Report and Accounts (and a Nomination Form) is posted on our website, However, any Full Member of the Group who wishes to have a paper copy can download and print it, or request one from the Newsletter Editor (either by collection in person, or to be sent by post).

This cost-saving action is commonplace in organisations today, and has been approved both by the IAM Ltd and by the Charity Commissioners.

Paper copies will be available to study at the actual AGM on 28th April.

AGM PREVIEW Elections to Committee All Officers must retire annually and may offer themselves for re-election. Secretary Martin Evans and Treasurer Paul Hunt are both standing for re-election for a further year. It is a slightly different situation with Chairman Andy Cole and Vice-Chairman Marlene Baker - both are standing again, but for each other’s current roles.

One third of the Committee (excluding Officers) must retire annually and may offer themselves for re-election. Affected by this rule is Tony Gilbert, who is for standing for election again. Committee Members retiring and not seeking re-election are Gary Nunn and Barnaby Ellis. A Committee Member co-opted during the year and standing for formal election now is Mark Gollop. Committee Members not retiring are Clare Reeves, Geoff Bevan, and James Rowland.

Want to Stand for Committee yourself? A Nomination Form is available online or from Secretary Martin. Nominations from the floor on the night will only be accepted if Nominee, Proposer and Seconder are all present. Condensed Committee Reports Chairman Andy Cole says in his report that “it has been another great year” for the Bristol Group, thanks to a “huge effort” by the Committee. The Group has seen “an encouraging number” of Associates enrolled. Thanks are due to our Observers, who give their time freely and coach the Associates to a very high standard.

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Standing for Election: Would You Elect These People ?

above top left: Martin Evans above top right: Paul Hunt above: Andy Cole above: Marlene Baker below: Tony Gilbert below: Mark Gollop

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Other Reports include the points that:

● 35 drivers achieved a pass result and, of those, 10 were recommended to join the IAM’s F1RST Register.

● 10 young driver Associates received full refunds of their course fees from the South Gloucestershire Council and Bristol City Council Road Safety Education funds; sadly the BCC fund is now exhausted.

● The Group has 25 Observers. Many of these are of the latest ‘National’ qualification and others are to upgrade to ‘National or ‘Local’.

● Participation in ‘Three-In-A-Car’ events saw an increase - recent events have each attracted almost twenty members,

● Mark and Marlene are running a series of free Driving Assessment Days for the public, so if you know anyone who would be interested please contact one of them.

● If any Members have not seen the current presentation of the ‘Skill for Life’ seminars, you are welcome to sit-in on a session. You will be impressed! You may even want to complete our ‘Advanced Driving Refresher’ course.

● We would love to see more members at any of our events - not just the Monthly Meetings. It is becoming more apparent that 80% of our Members are “home Supporters”. Although, remember that a Members’ Club’ does need its Members to be involved.

● Bristol Group still “leads the way”. 20 years ago Bristol Group was operating how IAM Chiswick is now advocating how Groups should be run. Items discussed in 1997 were ‘Fixed Length Courses’ for Associates’ and ‘Retraining Observers according to written protocols’. There had been ‘A Guide for Observers’ written and published in 1991 by one of our tutors who was an ‘Class 1’ Police driver.

● Treasurer Paul Hunt will announce that in 2014 the Group made a Surplus on General Funds of £683.

● It will be interesting to see the impact that the several senior staff changes at IAM Chiswick may have on us as a Group – and on every one of us as members.

► ► ► ► ► Incidentally, we have the new IAM CEO: Sarah Sillars

attending our September Monthly Meeting – we would urge you all to be there. ◄ ◄◄◄◄

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Renewal Update by the Treasurer

Pay your £20 – please! Renewal for all Bristol Group Members falls due on January 1st each year. . . . But although we are well into March, we cannot yet state how many Group Full Members we have for 2015.

This time last year we had a big problem, with 120 Members not having updated their Bank Standing Orders to the new £20 rate. That situation only slowly got resolved through 2014 and by the year-end we still had a handful outstanding – six people who are either totally un-contactable or who don’t reply to letters or phone messages.

This January, 19 Members again paid a Standing Order at the old rate – but the main problem this year is with annual Cheque payers not paying. 120 various Reminders were sent out, and 30 of the Members who paid late as a result each said, “I did not receive an initial Renewal Notice”. Now, I know for a fact that personal Renewal Invitations were sent to every Cheque payer – I checked and enclosed them in the LINK envelopes myself – so this points to another issue in that many Members are apparently not opening or reading their Newsletter.

What has been revealed from the last two Renewals, and the low attendance at Monthly Meetings, etc., is that the Group does not really have “300 Members”. Most of the people who pay subscriptions are instead better thought of as “IAM-qualified Supporters”, and many are at a very elderly age (seven subscriptions were actually paid not by Members themselves but by their Powers of Attorney).

We are finding that a decreasing proportion of those Associates who successfully “complete the Advanced Driving Challenge” (pass the IAM Test) are continuing as Group Members. These people are the future of the IAM, and of the Group, to continue the advice and guidance cycle, and this situation must be addressed. We have also suffered a high number (23 so far) of Resignations from existing Members this time. Usually they just lapse and drift away. This will be looked at.

A second tranche of Reminders will be sent-out to under-payers, and non-payers will be telephoned. Hopefully next time we can tell you how the new membership total compares with the 289 we had at Dec 31st.

AN APPEAL – CAN YOU HELP ? Do you know a Mr RM or a Mrs SES ? He/she paid £20 by Internet Banking, gave no surname or reference, and made no back-up contact.

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Are YOU Signed-Up for GIFT AID? says the Treasurer

As a Registered Charity, the Bristol Group can take advantage of being able to claim Gift Aid on Membership Subscriptions.

In times of rising costs and reducing Membership, this can be a valuable way of obtaining extra funds without increasing the fee. The current rate of relief is 25%, so,

for every £20 Membership fee we can claim an additional £5

– at no cost to anyone – as long as you are a UK taxpayer, paying some Income Tax, Tax on Savings, or Capital Gains Tax.

However, studying our current Register of Gift Aid Donors shows that a reducing number of Members are on it.

In the coming months I am making a thrust to get our claims totally up to date by next December.

Very soon (in April/May), with Committee’s approval,

I shall be sending a MAILSHOT to each Bristol Group Member who is NOT ON THE LIST,

asking you to sign-up.

Other Members, TAKE THIS AS NOTICE that,

IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE SUCH A MAILSHOT, you are on our current Donor List.

It is your responsibility to inform us if you are no longer eligible, having previously submitted a Gift Aid Declaration. I will give existing Donors another reminder of this in a future LINK, once I have sent out the mailshot to all non-Donors.

Any questions, and increase the value of your subscription by

25% just contact the Treasurer.

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Contacting by Electronic Mail by the Treasurer

( with reference to the Information Commissioner’s

Office )

AN APOLOGY TO A MEMBER OR TWO A Member has complained that he (thinks he) has received unsolicited emails from the Group’s Publicity man Geoff Bevan, including “an irrelevant one” concerning a novel new Police Car.

THE DATA PROTECTION ACT People expect to give basic name, address and phone number when ‘making an enquiry ’, or ‘joining’. It is common today to also collect email addresses – but email is contentious under the Act, and care must be taken. ► At the point of data collection a DP Notice must be given. One is printed on the Skill for Life Purchase Form; maybe people don’t read it. ► An opt-out must be given at this point. (It is, in the Notice.) ► A local Group is a separate organisation from the IAM Limited, so further confusion surrounds whether the Notice refers to the IAM Ltd only, or to local Groups as well, and whether a separate Notice is needed.

The Notice reads: The IAM and Affiliated local Groups will use the information you provide on this form to process your enquiry and for related purposes. Transfer of your records may be made between the IAM and its affiliated local Groups. We do not share this information with any third parties. If you have provided an email address we will send you information on our work within Road Safety. If you do not find this information useful, please unsubscribe on receipt or online.

To comply with the law, one must not transmit “unsolicited marketing material” by electronic mail to an individual unless they have previously notified the sender that he consents, for the time being, to receiving such communications. There is an exception to this rule, widely referred to as ‘the soft opt-in’, where one may send electronic mail for marketing purposes where one has obtained the contact details in the course of a sale, or negotiations for the sale, of a product or service to that recipient; the direct marketing material you are sending relates to your similar products and services only; and the recipient was given a simple means of refusing (free of charge except for the cost of transmission) the use of their contact details for marketing purposes when those details were initially collected and, if they did not then refuse the use of those details, at the time of each subsequent communication.

So, the Bristol Group will ensure that all emails sent to members continue to include a prominent “unsubscribe” option. And Members, please don’t ‘Block’ or ‘Spam’ all emails from us – just get in touch and “unsubscribe” if you don’t wish to receive our Publicity / Notice emails.

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Group News by the Editor Here are just a few topics picked-up from discussions at Committee.

NEW SPEAKER ORGANISER Pete Goodman has volunteered to take-on this role, as a non-Committee helper. Well Done Pete – there will be some Meetings in 2016 after all.

LECTURE OPPORTUNITY AT CLIFTON COLLEGE The Group has been asked if it can deliver give some Safe Driving lectures to 16-17-18 year old students in 2016. We are looking at adapting the Skill for Life and Public presentations to suit.

DRIVECHECK DAY FOR THE PUBLIC Another of these events was held at Yate Fire Station on March 8th. It was not advertised through the Group, as the idea was to see what could be achieved through media publicity channels, although the perceived wisdom is that the best publicity is through word of mouth of the already-converted. In the event, 12 members of the public took part with 3 signing-up on the day and the possibility of more to follow. These events are judged a success, and 2 or 3 a year will be held. They are now becoming very well run and organised (by Marlene and Mark).

NO MANOEUVRING EVENTS YET We have yet to overcome the Insurance issue. Joining the MSA to take advantage of their motorsport insurance seems more awkward than at first thought – but investigations are continuing.

THE GROUP’S MOBILE DISPLAY UNIT TO BE SOLD The Group’s MDU is a specially-built small trailer, which expands with panels and a canopy into a display stand. It was bought new with a bequest from late Secretary Martin Brown and a BP Group Award, some 15 years ago. The current Publicity team feels that it is of limited use, and should be replaced by a Gazebo, more easily stored and transported – and no towbar being needed. It is to be cleaned-up and sold on that well-known Internet auction site, eBay. If you want to buy it, or know of a club that may buy it, get in touch with the Chairman.

BAWA ROOM HIRE FEE INCREASE After several years without an increase, our monthly charge for BAWA room rental has increased from £100 to £120 a month with effect from March 1st. Committee feels it is still good value as it covers at least 43 meetings per year.

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ASSOCIATE BOOKLET CHANGED Since we started Fixed Length Courses with seminars, back in 1996, we have been issuing this, in A4 format and spiral comb bound. It has been admired by other Groups. The backs of the sheets are blank to allow for the taking of Notes. It sets out the course content, conditions and obligations, useful notes and some trial questions. However, no-one makes notes nowadays, or does the questions, so our Chief Observer has simplified and condensed it, on to A5 size. It should now be easier and cheaper to print. And the Spiral Comb Binder – only 2 years old – is redundant. Again, it will be sold on eBay. Or contact the Chairman.

REFERRALS OF NEW ASSOCIATES This scheme – a £10 reward for getting someone to sign-up – has had a couple of successful takers. A procedure is being put in place and the first payments will be made in April.

REGIONAL LIAISON FORUM A Liaison meeting recently took place in Exeter, purely locally-organised without the normal Chiswick Agenda. Martin and Andy attended, and said it was more like “a Lunch and a Chat”. However, several items were discussed and maybe local Groups can co-operate on some topics.

■ OBSERVER TRAINING FOR SMALL GROUPS The possibility of an inter-Group Observer Training Day, to help those Groups who are having difficulty getting people qualified to National Observer, was discussed, but it is not possible. The former Regional Training Teams have been dissolved, and training can only be done by nationally-accredited trainers, who have not been approved yet. ■ UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE Some Groups are reporting success in gaining Associates from U3A branches. These groups have ‘up-market’ recently retired people as members. We are to make investigations in Bristol. ■ MOTORCYCLE and CAR GROUP INTERACTION Talks by one to the other on the differences of Riding / Driving were seen as a useful Meeting Topic, and will be explored. ■ TRAINING VIDEOS Some foreign driver-training videos have been discovered on YouTube. One covers braking distance differences from small speed differences (60 and 65 kmh) and another covers ‘looking and seeing’ at road junctions etc. These could be useful in our Associate Training presentations and will be investigated.

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What is a Newsletter ? by the Editor

As Editor of this tome, I keep an eye on several other newsletters –church mags, club mags, good and bad. One of the best by far is the “Newsletter” of the Dean Forest Railway (I am a Member). My Editor colleague there has a very different experience – he writes absolutely nothing! Even the Editorial is written by the Society Chairman!

Inside each issue can be found “Departmental Reports” from everyone concerned – Society and Company Chairmen, Finance, Membership, Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon, Lineside, Permanent Way, Diesel, Museum, Shop, Communications, as well as News – this time of University Student Project Placements, various Activities and Restorations - Book Reviews, Members, even a Health and Safety update. All interesting stuff - and different news and content each time.

Compare that with the LINK – I have virtually nothing to “Edit” or to “Compile”. My appeal for “Department Reports” brings nothing. “If we did write anything, it would be the same each time and boring”, I have been told. So I try to glean what is happening, and compile bits of interesting News and Features. But how long can that go on?

IAM Chiswick tells me that Groups are obliged under the Group Rules, “to foster and maintain interest in the Institute amongst Members and to keep them informed by way of a periodic Newsletter”. This must be “actively received” by Members by post or agreed email – passively placing it on a website, or on a Facebook ‘noticeboard’ page is not permissible. So the LINK will have to continue, in some approved form.

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Un-Social Media - IAM and Group

“Facebook and Twitter are the future, the only way.” “Everybody is on Facebook”. (so says IAM Communications)

IAM Chiswick is moving to “a greater focus on social media” to “improve its ability to both inform and influence”. ‘Like’ the IAM on Facebook, ‘follow’ the IAM on Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+, subscribe to the IAM’s YouTube channel. Also, IAM Drive & Survive has its own Twitter account.

Bristol Group is not so heavily involved – yet - but look at our presence, on both Facebook and Twitter. DON’T DO IT WHILST DRIVING THOUGH ! ! !

Both are ‘open access’. So no need to be a registered user. View our ‘open’ Facebook page.

See all tweets on our Twitter account. @iam_bristol


Bristol Advanced Motorists is offering a £10 reward to its current Members and Associates for referring a relative, friend or colleague who signs up and pays in full to take the Skill for Life advanced driving programme with us. Terms & Conditions apply (riveting - see below).

The offer formerly applied only to current under-25 Associates who made a successful referral of another under-25 person, but Committee has voted to extend this to all Group Members and Associates as a publicity and recruiting initiative, from 01 January 2015 for a trial period.

Terms and Conditions: The offer applies to referees who take the Skill for Life programme exclusively with Bristol Advanced Motorists. Neither the IAM nor any other IAM Group is subscribing to or taking part in this offer. The referrer must notify the Group with details of the person they will be referring before that person enters into the Skill for Life agreement with the IAM. Retrospective referrals will not be accepted. There is no limit to the number of referrals any Group Member or current Associate can make – there is £10 for each referral. Bristol Advanced Motorists reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time.

For further information on this offer, call: 0117 256 5555

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Baby, Baby, Can’t you hear my Heart Beat ? RADIO MUSIC IN CARS by the Editor

There is much discussion at the moment about distraction in cars – mostly centring on Mobile Devices and Internet ‘Infotainment’. Advanced Driving purists may say that basic radio is a distraction in cars, and should only be used on mute with traffic alerts activated.

In the 1960s a League of Safe Drivers report saw listening to radio as an advantage, particularly on the new Motorways where radio helped to give a sensation of time passage on long, boring, journeys, and also actually maintained a higher alertness level in the driver than silence.

That same report said that music also discourages passengers from chattering – which was a bigger distraction (before the advent of cellphones). A study by the TRL in 2010 suggested the biggest radio distraction was Talk Shows, especially Sport, whereby intense listening can cause attention to drift and greatly increase reaction time. Avoid!

A Sports Psychologist, speaking on BBC Local Radio in October 2014, reinforced the 2011 Brunel University study that found that mid-tempo music, already familiar to the driver, was not distracting. Familiar music pieces can be listened to without effort, without having to concentrate on it as you would with new material (or someone talking).

The average person’s standing heart rate sits between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). The theory is that Music of an even tempo of 60-80 beats per minute encourages the brain to synchronise with it and disassociate from other distractions, thereby steadying heart rate, and reducing the inattention and ‘wandering’ which may lead to fatigue. Indeed, doctors recommend listening to mid-tempo music as a general aid to health and wellbeing. A faster tempo will ‘arouse’, causing a driver to drive measurably faster and take more risks, and a slower tempo, including classical music, distractingly ‘relaxes’ the brain so that driving becomes slower, and reaction time increases. This well-known phenomenon is used to regulate transit pace around supermarkets, etc.

Most pop music has a tempo of 60-80 bpm - what you tap your foot to. It may be the main tempo or, with some pieces, a different ‘emphasised metric division or multiple’ which appears to the ear to be 60-80 bpm. Anything from Status Quo to Bristol’s ‘new music’ act George Ezra.

See Herman at:

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Bristol Members’ Course Achievements FURTHER ADVANCED DRIVING

left: Richard J Parsons (left) pictured being presented by IAM Examiner Alan Hale with his Certificate for completing the Bristol Group’s Further Advanced Driving Course.

This course gets your driving to Roadcraft standard as a precursor to taking the Group’s Observer Course. photos: Geoff Bevan


left: Martin Williamson (left) pictured being presented by IAM Examiner Alan Hale with his Certificate for completing the Bristol Group’s Advanced Driving Refresher Course.

This course gets your driving to back up to IAM Test level and is designed for Members who originally took their IAM Test some years ago.

Driving Tip by the Editor ‘ REFLECT ’ ON YOUR NIGHT DRIVING The daylight hours are extending now, but notice in the dark evenings: Can you really see what’s ahead? Modern dipped lights cut off sharply. Combined with LED glow-worm street lights, poor modern reflectors and high-mounted rear lights on cars, you may just not see parked cars.

And similarly, a light top is nowadays next to useless on a pedestrian. Wear white shoes or reflective ankle bands instead.

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FAD COURSE 2015 – ROOM FOR MORE PEOPLE! by the Editor – based on materiel from Mark Gollop

Bristol Group has 25 Observers – but that is not enough, and we need more to deal adequately with our Associates. So we are encouraging Members to take training to become Observers with the Group.

Some new Observer candidates are existing Full Members, but most are ex-Associates who have recently passed the Advanced Driving Test with a standard and enthusiasm above the norm.

Observer training is free, but the annual Further Advanced Driving course, which is run annually to lead into it, costs £39.

So, Members, volunteer. And Observers, nominate suitable ex-Associates. Let’s aim for at least 10 on the 2015 course.

The FAD Course is open to any Member of the Bristol Group, subject to satisfactory completion of a pre-course driving assessment to ascertain their driving standard and overall suitability. However, any Member with a F1RST distinction or Masters will be accepted onto FAD without the need for the driving assessment.

FAD involves theory, based on Roadcraft (the Police Driver’s handbook), the Highway Code and Mind Driving (by Stephen Haley). Practical driving sessions, with our experienced National Observers, aim to achieve a driving standard well above the IAM Advanced Driving Test, fluent in System and Commentary. There is a written (multiple choice) test, and a practical driving test.

If you would like to be considered for the 2015 FAD Course, then please contact Mark Gollop, Training Administrator, at or phone 01454 773234

Classroom sessions will be on Wednesdays 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th May, at which we plan to have ‘professional presenters’, and there will be flexible arrangements for on-road practical elements.

The course has a fixed latest end-date of 31st August, some time soon after which an Observer course will be held.

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March Speaker BAWA Pavilion 7:30pm for 7:45 start. Join us at BAWA on Tuesday 24th March for our Monthly Meeting, when Member Martin Baker will be talking about the Great Western Society – the organisation behind the Didcot Railway Centre.

And join us on Tuesday April 28th for our AGM, and after-AGM speaker Dave Hillier of The Highways Agency who will give us an update on the implementation of Managed Motorways.

More details will follow by email circulation (if you are registered) and will be on our website

BAWA Location and Travel Directions

Bristol Group holds Meetings at the BAWA Club, in Filton, in the north of the city.

The BAWA Club is the social facility of British Aerospace. Modern rooms and ample secure car parking space.

Use our Charity Cashback Scheme by the Editor

SHOP ONLINE via – the UK’s leading good-cause shopping site - and registered retailers will make a donation to us, at no extra cost to you. It's really simple – all you need to do is register. Our 36 registered members have raised £62 this quarter - £700 since we started – and the 11 who use the handy prompting Toolbar earn even more.

MAKE INTERNET SEARCHES via and click on one resulting option - and you will raise half a penny. It soon adds up - members have raised over £200.

UNSURE WHAT TO DO ? Use this link (if you are reading this online) to sign-up and Easyfundraising will donate £1 to us. Or the Group’s Geoff Bevan or Martin Evans will advise you. See the Contact Us details – on the back page.

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CALENDAR for Bristol Advanced Motorists Next Club/Social Meeting Topic – March 24th

Speaker: Member Martin Baker will be talking about the Great Western Society – and the Didcot Railway Centre.

BAWA Pavilion Room 7:30pm for 7:45 start

Dates of Meetings – Members and Administration MARCH Tue 24 Monthly Meeting BAWA Pavilion 7:30pm for 7:45 start Sat 28 Three-in-a-Car (see page 23) at Keynsham 10.00am Bath Hill Car Park note: no loos on site

APRIL 2015 Wed 01 Training Committee Meeting Tue 14 Exec Committee Meeting - second Tuesday of each month. If you wish to raise an issue, contact the Group Chairman. Wed 15 Observers’ Meeting. Observers will receive an Invitation. Wed 22 Advanced Driving Course - Seminar One BAWA 7:30pm. Pre-booking required – see page 39 Sat 25 COPY DATE for the Group Newsletter - May issue. Tue 28 Bristol Group AGM Make a note in your diary now! Speaker after the AGM - Dave Hillier, Highways Agency Wed 29 Advanced Driving Course - Seminar Two. BAWA 7:30pm MAY Mon 11 Newsletter Collation at BAWA 4:30pm until 7:00 approx To volunteer – contact Andrew Nicholls Sat 16 Three-in-a-Car (see page 23) at Old Sodbury 10.00am Cross Hands Pub Car Park, Old Sodbury crossroads JUNE Wed 10 Advanced Driving Course - seminar 3 – Meet an Examiner BAWA 7:30pm ALL CURRENT ASSOCIATES WELCOME NOTE: A programme of 2015 Three-in-a-Car dates has been arranged for you. See page 22 for details.

DON’T BIN IT – PASS IT ON for publicity When you have finished with your LINK, don’t throw it away. Please pass it on to a relation, friend or work colleague - or take it to a Surgery or Dentist’s waiting room (if allowed under H&S rules), company rest room, or similar. It gets our name out there – and maybe attracts a new Associate.

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Meetings in 2015 – but not in 2016? Is Martin “taking us to the end of the Line” ?

For a while it really looked like Martin Baker’s March talk on the Great Western Society ( Didcot Railway Centre ) would be prophetic – maybe he really would be “taking us to the end of the line”, with no Speaker Organiser in post to arrange any more meetings for 2016. But it looks like volunteer Pete Goodman has put his head above the parapet just in time, as Speaker Organiser 2016. Welcome, Pete.

2015 has already been organised by previous incumbent Clare.

► March Martin Baker - Great Western Society

► April AGM Dave Hillier - Highways Agency Update on the M4/M5 Managed Motorway

► May Tim and Susannah Hills – Uganda project Look at

► June Educating Soldiers on the dangers of Drink Driving - WO Chris Stockwell of the TA

► July Members’ Drivecheck Evening See how your Advanced Driving skills are holding-up. It may be several years since you took the IAM Test and bad habits could be creeping in. Any non-drivers can be a passenger.

► August Surely the Highlight of 2015 – Inter-Group Quiz. It circulates around local Groups - 2015 is our year.

► September Sarah Sillars – new IAM Chief Executive Officer

► October Tim Shallcross – IAM Head of Technical

on the development of in-car technology

► November Helen Richardson of the IAM Driver Retraining Academy – on their Drink Drive Rehabilitation Scheme

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY – IMMEDIATE START REPORTER NEEDED to write a SHORT IMPRESSION of the presentations at Monthly Meetings for placing in the newsletter.

Interested? Contact the Editor or any Committee Member.

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Three-in-a-Car by the Editor

Invitation to FREE 3-in-a-Car sessions 2015

Next One: Saturday March 28 Keynsham 10.00am Bath Hill Car Park

NOTE: There are no Public Toilets in this Car Park. Due to B&NES’ implemented policy of toilet closures, the facilities in Keynsham are:

● In the Library / Council One-Stop Centre (far end, up the open stairs) ● A “Pay-as-you-go” 20p privately-operated toilet, in Keynsham Park ● In Tesco at the far end of the checkouts (2 hour free car park) ● In Waitrose, off Broadmead roundabout (Saltford end of KY by-pass)

Whether a Member or an Associate of Bristol Advanced Motorists, this is your opportunity to catch up on a few Advanced Driving tips. Even if you’ve never been on a TiC you’ll be most welcome.

Advanced Driving is a perishable skill – your standard will drop off unless you do some maintenance – and Three-in-a-Car can be seen as a form of free Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to help you do that.

So don’t drop-out: ► Keep Active ► Keep involved.

ATTEND IN 2015 – even if it’s only once - especially if you haven’t been assessed since took your Test a few years ago.

Sat May 16 Old Sodbury, Cross Hands 10.00am Thu Jul 02 Thornbury, Leisure Centre 19.30pm Sun Aug 09 Gordano M5 Services 10.00am Sat Sep 12 Old Sodbury, Cross Hands 10.00am Sun Oct 25 Keynsham 10.00am Ashton Way Car Park

Relevant Quote of the Month “Keep on learning and improving until you die. If you relax, you’ve got nothing to strive for.”

Lisa Kelly, IRT

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IAM appoints new Chief Executive IAM News

The IAM has appointed Mrs Sarah Sillars OBE as its new Chief Executive Officer as of 5 February.

Sarah says:

“In short – the IAM’s success is your success. So please feel good about your association with the IAM, as we

certainly feel good about you being on board with us.” Yours faithfully, Sarah photo: IAM. If you are looking in colour, sorry about the clothes in Motorcycle Green. No photo in red or a “politically-neutral” shade.

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Sarah’s previous position was at Semta, the former sector skills council for engineering and advanced manufacturing, where she has overseen its commercialisation. She has a good CV on paper, and some insider connection with the IAM because she was previously CEO and Executive Chair of the Institute of the Motoring Industry (IMI). Sarah has previous associations with the motor industry too. Awarded Industry Personality of the Year 2004 and Outstanding Achievement Award 2006 by automotive magazines AM and Motor Trader respectively, Sarah was listed in the UK motor industry’s most influential top ten. In September 2008 Sarah was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award by Bodyshop Magazine in recognition of IMI’s work with ATA in the body repair sector. She was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in June 2008 for services to skills training and the retail motor industry.

Sarah has more than 25 years of experience within the motor and retail industries, having begun her career managing a Marks & Spencer store.

Sarah said in a statement to Groups: “I am very proud to be appointed your CEO. I know that you, as representatives of our network of Groups around the UK, are our front line. You are dedicated to promoting the IAM because you are committed to what you do and have a passion for improving driver and rider skills. As I get established at the IAM I will be travelling around the UK and aim to meet as many of you as possible. I will want to hear all your views, unfiltered and directly. I am as passionate as you are to create a better IAM for the future and wish to hold the values, but change the gear”.

She continued: “My intention is to ensure that we consolidate our experience and expertise, and then further build on the excellent and vital research, training and lobbying activities that we carry out. We will change opinions, driving habits and legislation.”

IAM Chairman Alistair Cheyne OBE said: “Sarah is the perfect person to drive the IAM into a new era. She has the skills, background and experience to help the IAM achieve its goal of becoming the best provider of post-licence driver and rider training in the UK. The challenge ahead is a large one, but I know you will give Sarah your support and backing as we grow the IAM by appealing to more of the UK’s drivers and riders.” [ Editor’s Note: Alistair again made no mention of why previous incumbent Simon Best left so suddenly. ]

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Sarah has since sent an email to all subscribed ordinary members, sounding a positive note about: ● IAM Membership numbers are increasing ● The IAM offers more for members - more national events, more benefits, more courses to take and the opportunity to gain the IMI accredited Observer standards. ● A noticeable number of long-lapsed Members are returning due to two main factors - the Members’ only insurance offered by IAM Surety and also our increased media presence. ● Record levels of media coverage the IAM is achieving. ● Together we are making the IAM stronger ● Member / Group work, out in the field, is enhancing our reputation, leading to an arrest of the previous decline in Membership numbers, increasing our credibility and causing greater media interest in us.

Sarah also says, “Whilst I may be CEO, it is “our” organisation – I am accountable to our members and our trustees. You will be pleased to know I am working on a short, medium and long term plan in line with the existing 2020 vision you are all familiar with.”

“There are four areas I want to give my immediate attention to: organisation growth, finance, member growth, and external presence. ● Organisational growth: increasing our online presence to ensure we are attracting the next generation of members. ● Finance: to increase sales: We want to touch as many people as possible. We want to be seen as the first-choice provider of post- test driver tuition in the country. Not only for private drivers and riders; it means being chosen by companies to provide their employed drivers and company car users to give those people vital and life-saving training that will bring down the numbers of people killed and serious injured on UK roads – the reason we are all here. ● External presence. Stressing the message in our media coverage of our belief that post-test training and continuous personal development are the keys to reducing death and injury figures.

Sarah concludes: “I am very much looking forward to meeting you around the UK during the course of 2015. I will be available and very open to talk about these matters and anything else you want to discuss.” Members: September 22nd, BAWA, 7:30pm. Page 26 the LINK – newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists

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Other IAM News by the Editor

You are probably aware that IAM Chiswick recently disbanded the network of volunteer Regional Organisers, and restructured with larger Regions, each with two paid Managers – an Operations Manager and a Quality Manager. Recently Andy Bolton, Operations Manager Central, resigned. And now both Managers in our (Southern) Region have resigned too, from the end of March. Operations Manager Mark Trimmer , the first of the new Managers appointed, was making good progress on many fronts, and more-recent recruit Quality Manager Steve George was making good progress in implementing Observer Standards and setting up a new National Training Team to guide Groups. Mark is taking up a new role as head of the Sussex ‘Safer Roads Partnership’ (i.e. speed cameras). We understand the others have left for various unconnected personal reasons. Mark has said, in a memo to Groups, “I would like to say a very big thank-you to you all for your help and support over the last 3 years whilst implementing substantial changes within the IAM and for always making me feel very welcome. I have made many new friends and seen the wonderful work you carry out week, in week out and the huge difference it makes towards Road Safety. The IAM has some extraordinary volunteers who have committed much of their lives to make the roads of Britain Safer and for improving the enjoyment of riding and driving for thousands of road users. I do intend to keep supporting the IAM’s aims and I am sure I will see some of you in the future. Once again many thanks for all of your support; you have made the last 3 years so enjoyable for me and please keep up the fantastic work you carry out.” With kind regards, Mark Trimmer, Regional Operations Manager Hopefully new people can be appointed to the roles to carry-on the work and provide some continuity of direction for all Groups.

At the time of writing, the job vacancies were on the IAM website – full details of job descriptions and remuneration.

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Freezing Point – surely it’s 32°F, 0°C ?

Robert says: “In the last issue, in the piece on the Stig’s book, you mention ice being present at 3 and 6 degrees C. Whatever are you on about? Everyone knows that the ice / water transition is 0 degrees C. So water freezes at 0 degrees C. End of story - no ice above that.”

Editor Paul replies: It is not as simple as that. In normal outside conditions, as the temperature falls, ice can form at 2 degrees C in the right conditions of a clear sky and high humidity. At the other end, ice can remain on the ground until the air temperature has been at 5 degrees C for some time. I remember this from my Physics teacher, George Milrea Quayle, with his plasterboard hat and flowing black gown, talking about triple points, phase diagrams and latent heat.

Older readers may remember the ICELERT, one of the first electronic devices for cars, in the late 1960s. A dashboard light started flashing slowly at 35 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees C), then more rapidly at 34, 33, finally staying on constantly at 32 degrees F (0 degrees C). Expensive, at half a week’s wages, but not as effective in practice as the specification suggested, because the big sensor (the size of a small foglight) was usually mounted on the front grille as a visible status symbol, where it was subject to the wind chill factor. The ideal mounting place was in fact hidden behind the front valance, in still air.

It is the time delay in ice melting that catches drivers out, though. The nominal freezing point loses its distinction, because the large mass of ice and cold ground continues to absorb heat to reach 32°F / 0°C long after the air temperature has risen above that, and then a lot of latent heat energy is needed (35KJ/kg) to change the state of the solid ice into liquid water before its temperature can rise above the 32°F / 0°C melting point. Bear in mind Hofstadters Law - “It always takes longer than you think it’s going to take, even when you take account of Hofstadters’s Law”. As an example, the air temperature above Greenland’s ice flows is about 1 degree C throughout the Summer.

On a cold day this January, I found that, at a mid-day 4 degrees C, the A4136 in the Forest of Dean was icy, causing the steering to constantly go light, and arriving home in Hanham at 3:30pm, at an indicated 6 degrees C, there was still ice on the pavement outside my house.

(Salt lowers the freezing point generally to at least -5 degrees C. )

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Seeing Better In The Dark by the Editor

Headlights seem dim? It may not be weak bulbs – instead, it could well be ‘dirty’ lenses. Especially if other drivers are flashing you for causing dazzle. It is interesting that if you have HID (high intensity discharge) lights fitted, then headlight washers MUST be fitted by law to keep them clear at all times. But modern plastics lenses can accumulate surface deterioration, giving the same effect.

Over the last 20 years, motor manufacturers have moved away from the traditional glass light lenses and gone over to plastics items. Maybe easier to produce in complex shapes, but prone to developing yellow-ish discoloration or surface deterioration starting with dull patches (misty when dry but clear when wet), leading to a matt, rough, cloudy surface.

The solution used to involve attacking the surface with very fine ‘wet or dry’ abrasive paper, but that only caused further problems by scratching the plastic.

Now, a selection of specialist polishing compounds is available. The one I tried was the T-Cut Headlight Restoration Kit which consists of a restoration paste, and also a polymer sealant for afterwards coating and protecting the newly restored ‘like new’ crystal-clear finish. photo:

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After giving the headlight a good wash, then wiping-over with methylated spirit, you apply masking tape to protect the adjacent painted bodywork, then rub on the polishing compound. Advertising and Reviews claim a quick result, but patience is needed, over several minutes or even hours. However, the light unit slowly regains a clear look and smooth-to-the-touch feel. I actually left it at that stage, and came back to it the next day for another go to make a really good job of it. Then it’s the same amount of effort for the other side.

You then give the light unit a good wash to remove the polish, dry it, and apply the restorer sealant coat. . . . this is the finished product!

I was very pleased, and somewhat surprised, at how good the result was. The tired, dull surface was returned to a sparkly as-new condition. One light unit of my Toyota had been replaced under warranty for a similar defect at 2 years old. This stuff for £11.99 from Roy’s Autos was definitely cheaper than replacement light units – especially with the hours of hassle of removing the old ones and refitting the new.

The surface was certainly clear – and the headlight output seen from the driver’s seat was vastly improved. The T-Cut product is simply hand-applied, unlike some others that require use of a power-tool buffing mop, which can damage the plastic or distort it through heat. photo for extreme illustration only:

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A Tale of 2 Cities - and 3 Bridges by the Editor

Recently we in Bristol have been celebrating 150 years of Brunel’s iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge. (See January issue.)

What is remarkable is that it is original – including over 99% of the original ironwork - and the bridge is in good condition, due somewhat to the delay in construction, started in 1831 but not completed until 1864, during which time materials and design had vastly improved.

To explore the validity of that, look at two little-known 1830s-built bridges in Bath – one long gone, and one just expensively refurbished.

One of these two was the so-called ‘Twerton Suspension Bridge’, with a 120-foot main span, built by Bristol engineer Thomas Motley and opened in 1837. This looked like a suspension bridge but was actually a cantilever bridge supported by rigid iron bars. It was ahead of its time as a anticipation of the modern 'cable-stay' bridge, for example the 1966 M48 Wye Bridge and the 1996 M4 Second Severn Crossing. But no more of the type are known of in the 19th Century. The Twerton bridge was replaced in 1894 by a girder footbridge, which in 1980 had the new Windsor Bridge built alongside to provide a new road crossing.

An 1830s print and a design plan showing Thomas Motley's ingenious design.

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A few hundred metres away is James Dredge’s 139 ft span, 18 ft wide “Taper-principle” Victoria Bridge, re-opened on January 15th 2015. [Note: This is James Dredge 1794-1863 – not the other bridge engineer also called James Dredge, 1840-1906, who was involved with several bridges in the London Area.]

Again, it looks like a suspension bridge, but is actually a ‘hybrid, stayed double cantilever’. It uses long rigid links instead of cables. There are 12 rows of links at the towers. At the first hanger point, the two outer

rows descend to form the hangers. This process of diminishing (tapering) cross-section is repeated until there are just five rows left for the final connection in the middle of the bridge where the load is lowest. This design was

intended to spread the load on the bridge and make a lighter over-all structure. The inclined hangers also introduce stabilising forces into the structure. The same principle is used on the landward side of the piers, albeit with the links becoming anchored in the ground about half way along their full equivalent length. Lower usage of materials reduced cost, particularly of expensive wrought iron and also, in those horse and cart days, eased transport of heavy materials to site.

diag: R.A.Griffiths, Uni of Bath.

The design’s major disadvantage is a low load-carrying capacity – only 2 tons, versus Clifton Suspension Bridge which was tested with a 500 ton static load. But 2 tons was suitable for the horse and cart of the time. In fact, Dredge was a brewer, and wanted the bridge to take horses and carts carrying beer from his brewery across the river Avon.

2 tons is not adequate for vehicles nowadays - in 1988 the driver of a 27-ton lorry ignored the 2-ton weight restriction sign on the best other Dredge bridge, at Ballievey, Northern Ireland, and it totally collapsed.

Some say, up to 50 ‘Dredge patent’ bridges were built - in the UK, Ireland and India, the last-known in 1869 - but very little information seems to be recorded on exactly where the ‘Dredge patent’ bridges were built or planned, and very few are known to remain. One, at River Oich, Invergarry, was restored in 1999 and is a footpath, maintained by Historic Scotland. There is one on private land near Pewsey, Wilts, on the Kennet and Avon Canal, and another private one at Caldon, Tyrone.

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Some were planned but never built, including one at Birnbeck Peir, Weston-super-Mare, and indeed Dredge offered a similar design for the Clifton Bridge but, as we know, Brunel's design was chosen instead.

Bath’s Victoria Bridge was Grade 2 listed in 1972 as an important (the original) survivor in a largely unaltered condition (it had repairs to some wrought iron in the 1940s). Despite being listed, it was neglected, to the point in 2010 when it was closed amid structural safety concerns. Later, in 2011, the towpath and navigation channel were closed too.

Refurbishment works have been carried out by Balfour Beatty, in consultation with English Heritage, on behalf of the Council. It was dismantled, then reconstructed using much of the original ironwork, together with some unobtrusive newly-fabricated steel components to give the bridge the required strength for modern use. The original Bath stone towers were conserved and new foundations were built to support the bridge’s north and south back-spans. The refurbished bridge will also re-establish the permanent link for pedestrians and bicyclists between the Upper and Lower Bristol Roads, through the new Bath Western Riverside development. It reopened on 15 January 2015, at a project cost of £3.4million. So, Brunel’s Clifton Bridge has fared very well in comparison, regarding design, construction and materials.

above: Victoria Bridge, 2008

left: Detail of the Invergarry River Oich Bridge, 2005, clearly showing the taper links and angled hangers. photos: SABRE - The Society for All British and Irish Road Enthusiasts

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Motorcycle Group on the up and up by Paul Hunt The AGM season is under way, and Secretary Martin and I went along to see the Bristol Motorcycle Group AGM at Coalpit Heath Miners’ Hall. 48 people filling the hall, a cheerful look on all the faces, audience and committee, and an enthusiastic buzz about the place.

You may remember it started with a few motorcyclists in the ‘ 99% Car ’ Bristol IAM Group in around 1990, and they grew slowly, somewhat as outcasts. But the numbers and organisation improved, until they were confident enough to split away into a separate Group in 2006.

This AGM gave the impression – well, the actuality – of a well organised Group. In the early days, administration tended to be an inconvenient distraction to bike riding! In 2014 they won the prize for IAM Motorcycle Newsletter of the Year, with their Chain Link, an improved colour version being used for publicity promotion.

They abandoned Associate seminars modelled on ours, going instead for the Super Sunday model from Thames Valley (TVAM). Each Associate is still allocated a one-to-one Observer, but all Newbies first attend a Super Sunday – a mass Observing-come-Social event, with a crowd of Observers and existing Associates turning up. There is even a basic IPSGA seminar. A big social gathering - and sales from the burger stall offset the school hire cost – very impressive. The Group has over 40 Observers – all well on the way the new NO and LO qualifications.

What is noticeable is that membership is increasing every year and now stands at 260. In 2015 they will have more Members than us! IAM Motorcycling is increasing – a younger profile – more sociable, with the monthly Super Sunday and extra involvement in Group Rides – when was last time you went out with some mates for a pleasure spin in your cars? Of the 52 Associate starters in 2014, 36 passed – an impressive 69%.

Their President is Police Area Commandant Caroline Peters - who seems very laid back and involved. And there are several female Group Member Riders as well. They’ve got it all going. The only shadow on the horizon was that there was no competition for Committee posts –no-one in the wings to take over as succession if someone got run over by a bus. A common, serious problem in all IAM Groups. Sue has been Secretary and Melanie Treasurer from the start. Current Chairman Billy has been in the Group from the start as well. We wish them well.

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right: The latest Chain Link cover, showing riders leaving the car park at a Super Sunday event at Kingsfield School.

BAMO “Review of the Year” Video Use this link below to see a 3-minute YouTube video (which was shown at the AGM), giving some messages of what BAMO is all about - to a backdrop of some nice pictures. Makes you want to get on a bike NOW.

Interested in Advanced Motorbiking ?

Bristol Advanced Motorcyclists IAM Motorbike Group provides Advanced Riding guidance for newcomers, at SUPER SUNDAY events, and acts as a club for existing IAM Motorbike Members in Bristol.

Newcomers, just turn up at 09:00 on the FIRST SUNDAY of any month (but NOT January) at

Kings Oak Academy, Brook Road, Kingswood, BRISTOL BS15 4JT.

Get a taste with a free assessed ride, and maybe sign-up for the Motorbike Skill for Life course. Grab a bacon buttie and a cup of tea, meet like-minded people, and maybe attend the various presentations. 01275 372637

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Bloodhound SSC Land Speed Record Car Visit Monday 8th September 2014

Bristol IAM Members joined with members of visit organisers, the Pegasus Motor Club. No report was written for the LINK, but this one written for the Pegasus Motor Club magazine, Backfire, is reproduced here with kind permission arranged by Pete Goodman, along with one general photo of the party.

With many Pegasus Motor Club members taking an interest in the 1000 mph Bloodhound Land Speed Record attempt when club member and Bloodhound design engineer Mark Elvin came to give us a talk at our Pegasus club night in late 2012, it seemed the right time to organise a trip to the Bloodhound facility in Avonmouth now the build of the 7½ ton car is underway.

We had 15 Bristol IAM members join us - and ended up with an impressive party of 60 for the evening of the visit. Each person made a £10 contribution so we handed over a cheque for £600, a tiny part of a total projected cost of some £40 million, but as they say, "Every little helps".

The Bloodhound team made us very welcome with refreshments before the talk, which would be the first part of the evening. The talk gave us an introduction to the history of Richard Noble’s Land Speed Record exploits and told how Richard’s first Thrust car had ended up scrapped after a crash in testing. He immediately moved onto Thrust 2 which broke the Land Speed Record in October 1983. Thrust 2 is on display at Coventry Motor Museum and features our club badge that found its way onto the steering wheel following a visit from Richard.

With an, ultimately unsuccessful, American attempt to break the Thrust 2 record under way in the mid 90s, Richard returned to Land Speed Record breaking, opting to concentrate on running the team rather than driving. RAF tornado pilot Andy Green was selected as driver following a rigorous selection process. Thrust SSC set a new record at 763 mph to become the first Supersonic record holder, in 1997, ensuring the Land Speed record would be staying in British hands.

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The current attempt got underway in 2008 after Richard approached the MoD to "borrow" a current Rolls Royce EJ200 military jet engine from the Eurofighter, which had only just entered service. The initial request was refused until Richard agreed to help Minister of Science Lord Drayson inspire a new generation of youngsters to get involved in innovative engineering that is vital to the country.

The project has three EJ200s. We were shown the flight test engine, which is unlikely to be used for the record attempt. The other two have too few flight hours left to be airworthy, but are perfect for the short bursts required by Bloodhound.

The jet power, projected to propel the car to 300 mph, will be supplemented by an HTP - same stuff people use to change the colour of their hair - rocket, designed by Daniel Jubb of the Falcon Project that is being developed and built by Norwegian defence contractor Nammo.

The first Bloodhound tests are projected for 2015 with a record attempt shortly afterwards scheduled to take place in on the Hakskeen Pan in the Mier area of the Northern Cape, South Africa, where a track 12 miles (19 km) long and 2 miles (3.2 km) wide has been cleared by hundreds of locals by hand in return for their villages’ first fresh running water supplies.

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‘Excess Stock’ Clearance

ROADCRAFT 2007 edition: Now superseded by the 2013 edition, the




2007 edition is still an interesting read beSkill for Life. GUIDE PRICE


e pands in detail on his first DVD. Cov

uch footage of commentarn

each are for disposal.

LE DVD ) llent DVDs. Ex [ The second of Chris’ excers cornering in depth. y. Also covers M

‘Friendly Follow’, Night Driving and advice for Womedriving alone. ]

GUIDE PRICE £20 for the double DVD.

A small number ofWe MUST move these items on. Be a wheeler-dealer and make the Treasurer ANY REASONABLE OFFER !

End of free RAC breakdown cover with Skill for LifeFrom 31 March, the offer of 12 months free RAC roadside and recoverybreakdown cover will cease to be given with each Skill for Life course

nd bsh goodbye until next time.

sold. IAM Chiswick will continue to honour any vouchers issued before that date for a period, as new Associates activate them. So, member of the public, if you are considering purchasing the Skill for Life course – do so before the end of March!


on that bom ell . . . .

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Read this newsletter on our website Mar 2015

Know someone who could be a better driver?



Word-of-Mouth is one of the best publicity methods – so tell people about the IAM Advanced Driving Coursewhich can help a driver be more confident, safer - and make driving more enjoyable.For £149, the IAM Skill for Life package contains the IAM Advanced Driving Test itself, with in-car driving guidance, and three seminar sessions to prepare you. A six-month commitment is needed to complete, with ideally one drive a week. Age is no barrier. Beth (pictured) was 1whilst Doris was 80 when she passed. South Gloucestershire resident young drivers could have the £149 refunded.

Offer of 12 months FREE RAC roadside and recovery cover (£106 RRP) with each purchase of Skill for Life to be withdrawn from 31st March 2015 – so buy before then to take advantage.


APRIL Seminars on Wednesdays. Apr 22nd, Apr 29th, Jun 10th. nd nd

, Dec 02 .

dvanced Driving Course Dates (PRE-BOOKING REQUIRED )

JULY Seminars on Wednesdays. Jul 15th, Jul 22 , Sep 02 . Seminars on Wednesdays. Oct 21st, Oct 28th ndOCTOBER

JANUARY 2016 Arrangements for 2016 yet to be finalised.

n course?

Then mention our one-off DRIVECHECK ASSESSMENT – cost £35. Know someo e who doesn’t want a full

An Observer will give the person one structured 90-minute Assessment of their driving, at a convenient date/time, and give a written report about the main points of the driving displayed, with advice on how to improve.

Getting Rusty Yourself? Try our Refresher

The Refresher course is for existing Bristol Group Members.

nd your needs. £39.

For details of Course, Assessment or Refresher, contact: 0117 969 1746 or

You need to be a current national IAM and Bristol Group Member. You share the three classroom seminars of an Associate course, aObserver will give you six driving guidance sessions, tailored to yourThere’s no Test, but you get a Certificate upon completion. Cost:

the LINK – newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists Page 39

Mar 2015 Read this newsletter on our website

CONTACT US: Your guide to who does what

TO ENQUIRE ABOUT SKILL FOR LIFE OR A REFRESHER email a phone direct 0117 969 1

AD 5



Executive Committee, Bristol Advanced Motorists hairman Andy Cole 07714 992 639

Vice C 01454 619289 hairman Marlene Baker

Secretary Martin Evans 0117 979 8061

Treasurer Paul Hunt 0117 960 8494 152 405 Database Administrator James Rowland

Associates Administrator Clare Reeves 969 1746

Young Driver Advocate .org.ukBarnaby Ellis ydn@iam-bristol0117 960 8494 Newsletter Editor Paul Hunt 860365 Publicity Officer Geoff Bevan

07557 765 946 Gary Nunn 01454 851 984

Field Publicity Organiser marketing@iam-bristol.o

Membership Development .org.uk07973 730 498 Tony Gilbert development@iam-bristol

Other Post Holders

Committee Minute Taker Clare Reeves 0117 969 1746 creeves123@aol.comIdeas for speakers? Tell Martin Monthly Meeting Organiser Pete Goodman at

Social Events Organiser vacant contact the Secretary

Chief Observer and 01453 860365

chiefobserver@iwebadmin@iam-bristoWeb Administrator Geoff Bevan

Training Administrator Mark Gollop 01454 773234

Group Display Boards & 01749 860321 Andrew Nicholls LINK Collation organiser

unteer, pleIf you would like to vol ase ry.

contact the Group Secreta

PHOTOGRAPHY NOTICE: ote gs and ons of nced ur image

to A ts and its activities. ew b ion.


Please n Bristol Adva

that by attending the MeetinMotorists, you agree to yoDriver Guidance Sessi

being captured and usedThis may include in our nIf

promote Bristol sletter, on our we

dvanced Motorissite or for general promot

you wish to withhold your permission, lease contact the Group Secretary. or phone 0117 979 8061


Page 40 the LINK – newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists

Read this newsletter on our website Mar 2015

EXTRA - The Cover of the hard copy version

The LINK is primarily distributed as a hard-copy A5-size paper version. The current cover (above) continues the tradition first started in about 1971 of having a cover image of Bristol’s iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge.

The traditional IAM button logo is used as a distinct recognition feature, rather than the bland new IAM ‘letters logo’ which would become ‘lost’.

For the benefit of non-Members who look at the LINK, the back of the new cover incorporates a strap-line and a brief text about the Group, with a QR code which directs suitably-equipped Smartphones to our website.

Cover photo by photographer:


over printed by:

Print & Stationery Management Co Ltd 103 Farendell Road, Emerald Park East, Emersons Green, BRISTOL BS16 7FF

0845 126 6600 ww

the LINK – newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists Page 41

Mar 2015 Read this newsletter on our website


Page 42 the LINK – newsletter of Bristol Advanced Motorists

photo: IAM

XTRA – Associates and Observers Needed

Dth oup has maintained its Associates numbers in recent years, and this


Member of the Public s interested in


Observer for the Group?”,

ent level of around 25,

bservers are dealing with 3 Associates at the too much of a time commitment.

be a good ‘Sales Persuader’ for the Group, and CHEME available for


can be obtained from:

espite it becoming increasingly diffi ult to reach Members of the Public cwiGr

publicity due to the ‘Market Fragmentation’ of media channels, Bristol

trend looks to continue at least in the short term.

left: Chief Observer Geoff (on the right) talking to that valuable commothe Group needs - a

who isigning-up for the Skill for Life course.

In time we need to convince him to become an Observer himself, tocontinue the cycle. photo: Barnaby

So our appeal for Members to act as salesmen is now changing course and asking instead, “Can you be an

because the number of Observers on our books isreducing. The number in recent years has steadilyreduced from 50 to the currwhich means that many Osame time, which is rather

So by all means continue tocontinue to promote our YOUNG DRIVER REFUND SSouth Gloucestershire residents. But also consider becoming involved wthe core activity of the Group – OBSERVING.

Information about Skill for Life can be obtained from: 0117 256 5555 or 0117 969 1746

Information about becoming an Observer or 01454 773234