Lingít X̲ʼéináx Sá!ít...

Post on 13-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Lingít X̲ʼéináx Sá!ít...

Lingít Xʼéináx Sá! Kóox, Ḵeixwnéi, Xwaayeenáḵ, Xʼaagi Sháawu

Useful Common Phrases


wáa sá iyatee? máa sá iyatee?

😃 😐 😟

xat yakʼéi tlél wáa sá xat utí tlél xat ushkʼé

ax toowú yakʼéi chʼa xát áyá tlél ax toowú ushkʼé

ax toowú sigóo chʼu shóogu tlél ax tooshgú


wáa sá iyatee? máa sá iyatee?

😃 😐 😟

sh tóogaa xat ditee yisikóo óosh xat wuliteesh

ax toowú kínde yaa ndaḵín uxdzikáa xat wudixwétl

ax toowú kligéi a káx tlél i daat át áyá ax toowú yanéekw

Having, Wanting, Needing

daa sá i jeewú? what do you have?

___ ax jeewú i have ____

___ jiyís for ___; giving to ___

___ jidáx (given) from ___

___ ax jee yéi wooteeyín i had ___ (but not any more)

Having, Wanting, Needing

daa sá i tuwáa sigóo? what do you want?

___ ax tuwáa sigóo i want ____

___ gé i tuwáa sigóo?___ i tuwáa gé sigóo?

do you want ___?

aaa, gunalchéesh. yes, thank you.

tlél ax tuwáa ushgú ___ i don’t want ___

Having, Wanting, Needing

aadóo jeewú sá wé dáanaa? who’s got the money?

ax éet aa hísʼ! loan me some!

hél dáanaa ax jee i don’t have any money

i jiyís kḵwa.óo i will buy it for you

ax toowú yilikʼéi you made me feel good

aax aa gatí

wáa sá at wooneiyan uwanéi

wáa sá yéi ysineiwáa sá yéi xwsinei

yan awsinei


gunalchéesh áwé wé atxá thank you for the food

gunalchéesh ax éet yidashéeyi thank you for helping me

gunalchéesh ax ee yilatóowu thank you for teaching me

sh tóogaa xat ditee i am grateful

i eedáx sh tóogaa xat ditee i am grateful to you


haagú! come here!

haat yi.á! you all come here!

haagúkʼ / kʼaagú! come here, cutie!

neil gú! come inside!

neil yi.á! you all come inside!


Lingít sh tóo xaltóow i am learning Tlingit

xwasikóo i know it

tlél xwasakú i don’t know it

ax daa yaa ḵushusigéi i understand

tlél ax daa yaa ḵushusgé i don’t understand


yéi yanaḵá! say it!

tsu yéi yanaḵá! say it again!

a kát xat seiwaxʼáḵw i forgot

xaan kananeek! tell me!

tsu ax een kananeek! tell me again!


yéi áwé that is how it is

yéi ák.wé? is that how it is?

ayáx áwé that is correct

ayáx ák.wé? is that correct?

tlél ayáx utí that is incorrect


gánde ax tuwatee i want to go to the bathroom

ax éet lúx’ uwaháa i need to pee

ax kanax yéi yatee ax lóoxʼu my pee has overpowered me

ax éet lʼílʼ uwaháa i need to poop

gatoolsaa! let’s rest!


át naxtoo.aat! let’s take a walk!

át naxtooḵoox! let’s drive around!

at gatooxaa! let’s eat!

sh tóo gatooltóow! let’s study!

ash kanaxtoolyát let’s play!