Lifestyles allocation

Post on 19-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Lifestyles allocation

Lifestyles - Allocation

Consumerism is encouraged mainly by

Why are most societies immersed in consumerism?

Consumer society is a socioeconomic

concept with which states are called

capitalist industrial or productive development.

Consumerism is usually one of its

main characteristics, which is possible

thanks to the availability of cash or

other means of acquisition.

The manifestations of the social and environmental crisis across the planet are increasingly visible: every day we find examples around us or in the media of the unjust distribution of wealth and the consequent increase in poverty or the effects that The current unsustainable development has for nature.

An Ethical Consumption, in which values are introduced as an important variant when consuming or opting for a product.

Victor Lebow's proposal on consumerism

No one can deny the vicious circle in which everyone, to a greater or lesser extent, participates. This chain that exploits the material resources of the planet is consumerism, a model designed in the US at the end of World War II with the intention of reactivating postwar economies.

Consumerism is one of the most powerful and harmful drugs today.

Much consumption generates much pollution, pollution that causes global warming.

Mexico is following the US in the habit of buying more and more unnecessary goods, what do

you advice.The methodology is to apply a

probit model to find the economic and social factors that determine the demand for consumer goods

abroad. The document is integrated with three sections in

addition to the conclusions.The purchase of consumer goods made by Mexican consumers in the United States. Continues to be an important phenomenon in the foreign trade of both countries despite trade openness and the increase in the value of imports.

How does consumerism relate to happiness?

All this pressure of society / economy and marketing, reinforced by the cult of television has led people to understand their lives and their happiness in terms of goods, returning to the world one where money is the owner of love.

The happiness of man is "simply" a complex decision that is taken at any given time.

State a clear message you may want to share with others in your

communityIt is not necessary to buy things abroad, or buy in big stores to show something that maybe we are not, what we must show and share with people is the simplicity and quality that we can and do know as people helping to improve the happiness of the individual.