Life prosesses

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Life prosesses



MRS GREN is the 7 life prosseses:movementReparationSensitivityGrowthReproductionExcretionNutrition


Animals and people have 5 main senses, the senses help alert danger.The 5 main senses are sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound. If a living thing gets hurt of sick the senses will tell your body that you need attention on that part of the body. If you can’t smell then you cant taste as well. If an animals leg or other part of the body gets paralysed the nerves don’t work so the body doesn’t no that it’s hurt.


Growing is part of the life process, Without growing we would get no food.Plants move their leaves towards the sun as they grow. Plants need to grow to get to the sun. Plants get the ability to grow from the sun.



All living things need nutrition. Plants get nutrition by the sun and the soil that it is in. herbivores eat plants carnivores eat herbivores humans eat them all people are omnivores.


Breathing is part of the respiration process. Animals breath in oxygen, plants breath in carbon-dioxide. Oxygen helps animals to absorb nutrients from food to the blood stream for energy (When animals breath in carbon-dioxide from the air it gets released in the lungs and then gets breathed out again) If an animal only breaths in carbon-dioxide it will die.


Reproduction is breeding or making seeds, to make more of that kind. If animals and plants didn’t reproduce all living things will eventually die because there would we no new growth.


Animals need to move to get away from danger. Movement is how animals get faster and fit. Movement burns energy, and need more water because of sweat and keeping cool if it is cold water. Plants leaves move to wards the sun to absorb more nurturance. Animals move to find food and get to places.


Excretion is the way of getting rid of chemicals and waste. Kidneys extract chemicals from the body and ads water. The bladder stores the urine before leaving the body. Urine is made out of urea salt and water. Trees shed their leaves to get rid of chemicals and waste.


And that was the 7 life prosses, MRS GREN

Thank you for watching!