Life in Wonderland_ My Fruity Valentine

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Friday, January 28, 2011

My Fruity Valentine

At the beginning of the school year (during a moment of weakness), I voluntarily agreed

to be the room mom for my son's class. One of the responsibilities of being a room mom

is organizing classroom parties. My son's teacher recently approached me with a request

for the upcoming Valentine's Day party - please provide fruit, lots of fruit. So here are

some hopefully cool ways to serve fruit to a bunch of first graders on Valentine's Day.

Idea #1: Using a heart-shaped cookie cutter, simply cut out the shape in a slice of


You can also cut out a heart in a different type of fruit (in this case cantaloupe) and place

it inside the watermelon cutout. My little guy thought this looked, and I quote,


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Hatter and Hare Events

I am a married mom of two who started

this blog as a creative outlet for my

event planning business. I hope that

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Life in Wonderland: My Fruity Valentine

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Idea #2: You can psych the kids out by giving each of them heart-shaped candy boxes

filled with grapes...

Idea #3: What child doesn't like things that come on a stick? Again using the heart-

shaped cutter, you can make fruit kebabs.

Idea #4: My husband thinks this is cheating because it involves chocolate, but I still

think it's a good idea. First cut out 'x' and 'o' shapes in different types of fruit (I used

cantaloupe and bananas) and then lightly dip them in melted chocolate - yum!


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Life in Wonderland: My Fruity Valentine

2 of 4 04/02/2014 10:44

Good luck to all the other room moms out there - hope this helps!

Posted by Hatter and Hare Events at 4:49 PM

Labels: fruit cup, kebabs, Valentine's Day


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Jenn said...

I love this! Totally agree with the "anything on a stick" bit! I am gathering some

ideas together for my son's little Valentine's party and I will definitely be using

this! I'll be linking to you - thanks!

January 31, 2011 at 10:16 PM

sweet & lovely crafts said...

Love it! These ideas are fantastic!

February 1, 2011 at 3:25 AM

Cheryl said...

I Love all these Images & Ideas - My grandaughter is really into "bobbers" right

now, I think we will make Idea #4 for Sunday dinner this week - Thanks for

sharing !

February 1, 2011 at 9:37 AM

Kelli @ RTSM said...

Those are all adorable! I love the watermelon slice and the chocolate dipped fruit

sounds so yummy!

February 7, 2011 at 3:55 PM

Jane (and Lou) said...

Oh my goodness Kristin, I'm the class parent this year too. SCARY. Aussies don't

really throw class parties for Valentine's Day, but as the class parent, that is

about to change... hehe. I cannot wait. I LOVE your fruity ideas:) Hope you have

a lovely Valentine's Day with your loved ones, Jane:)

February 8, 2011 at 3:22 AM

LilaLoa said...

Wow! I am LOVING all these ideas! SO cute and creative!!

January 23, 2012 at 11:25 PM

Susan @ Oh My! Creative said...

Oh, I love this! Pinned the fruit kabobs and shared on facebook! I would love if

you would submit the kabobs and I could feature them on my website!


Susan @ Oh My! Creative

January 17, 2013 at 10:23 AM

yourfriendrobin said...

Thanks for the cute ideas! I'm doing my son's preschool snack this week.

February 8, 2013 at 3:52 PM

Sassy said...

Thanks for shring your ideas. They are fun easy and i know everybody will love

them I am going to share them at work.

February 9, 2013 at 11:41 AM

Life in Wonderland: My Fruity Valentine

3 of 4 04/02/2014 10:44

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Bizzy Lizzy's Good Things said...

I really love this idea! It's so hot in Australia now, may I please share my version

of your idea and link back to you? Thank you in anticipation.

January 22, 2014 at 6:41 PM

Elena Sullivan said...

HI Kristin,

My name is Elena and I am curating a collection of Valentine’s Day recipe ideas

for Looksibite(dot)com. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Looksi but it’s a lot

like FoodGawker: they display a thumbnail image from your blog along with a

short description and a link back to your original project. Typically you would

submit your own images (like you do on FoodGawker) but they also have

curators (such as myself) who do theme based round ups. I think your

watermelon cut-outs would be perfect for my collection which will be published

this Friday. Please let me know if you *don’t* want it included so I can remove it.



February 3, 2014 at 1:11 PM

Life in Wonderland: My Fruity Valentine

4 of 4 04/02/2014 10:44