Life in the Georgia Gold Belt in 1900's -As Reported in the Dahlonega Nugget July 7, 1905 - W. B....

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Read about the daily life of people living in and around Dahlonega Georgia in 1905. The Second Gold Rush was underway at the time. These are excerpts from the local newspaper, The Dahlonega Nugget, that was written, and edited by one man in aa tabloid style.The Editor and Publisher, W. B. Townsend was to become renowned for his fearless reporting on local people and events. His obituary appeared in the New York Times when he died in his office in 1934. He typeset the newspaper by hand for over 35 years.

Transcript of Life in the Georgia Gold Belt in 1900's -As Reported in the Dahlonega Nugget July 7, 1905 - W. B....

  • Table of Contents

    Dahlonega Nugget July 5, 1905Front PageProgram Fiddlers ConventionLive in the Present.Carrying Concealed Weapons:Wonders of America.Mining News.Crown Mountain Mine.Etowah Company.Local NewsA Wholesale Lynching.That Dam Case.Auraria Dots,Other News

  • More Local NewsDahlonega has both a good gradedschool and a collegeEven some wine sellers were present inchurch.Prof. Chas. H White arrived fromCambridge Mass.Many of the public roads are in bad fixnowManuel Garret and Frank Tolbert had anarrow escape from death at the BarlowJoe Ash, who left this county to keepfrom being arrestedSoda water Coca Cola at Bruces.A message from Col. Farrow at PorterSpringsTwo colored damsels who had fallen outabout their spices

  • Dahlonega NuggetJuly 5, 1905

    Front Page

    Program FiddlersConvention

    Dahlonega, Ga July 22, 05. 11 o'clock,a. m.

    Address of Welcomeby Mayo R. H.Baker.

  • Dixieby all fiddlers present, Musicby the string band.

    Katie Hillby W. H. Satterfield.


    Contest immediately after dinner 1stprizeGold Coin $5,00. 2nd prizeCash $5.00.3rd prize Cash $3.00.

    Every one selects his own tune providedit is not played by note as the object ofthe convention is for the benefit of theold time playing, something that willinterest all.

    Songby John Anderson's class.

  • Musicby all fiddlers.

    Awarding of prizes.

    Competent judges will be selected so asto give each and every one a fair chance.

    Every person playing a fiddle or anyother kind of an instrument, is requestedto come and join us, matters not whetheryou reside in Lumpkin county or not.You are welcome, for the gates ofDahlonega will be thrown open. Come,yes let everybody come and help usmake it a day of enjoyment. The fullafternoon program has not been made outbut every one playing any kind of aninstrument will be given a chance.

  • The convention and picnic will takeplace at the park, supplied with coldspring water and one of the prettiestplaces about Dahlonega. Let all comeand bring a well filled basket.

    Those desiring to enter the contest arerequested to send their names to W. B.Townsend by the 19th of July.

    Live in the Present.

    Ada M. Krecker, in the PittsburgDispatch, says:

    Today is eternity. Eternity is now, andnow is all the eternity we shall ever get.We talk much of eternal happiness,

  • whose eternity we say has no beginningand no end. The fact is that today is partof that eternity, and if we do not getsome eternal happiness out of each todaywe will never get any at all. This is whatwe have to realize and act upon.

    There are many heroic souls who sitenduring patiently the trials andtribulations of their lives, finding theirone consolation in the persistent lookingforward to the joys of eternity whichthey expect to gain when theirexperience here is over. This drearyfortitude in a dim future is pathetic, notonly because it is delusive, but alsobecause so persistent a living in thefuture blinds the sufferer to a great deal

  • of todays present good which he mightrealize without losing his futureadvantage. When we have realized thatthis painfully strained living in the futureis a mistake we find today not so barrenas we thought. As its possibilities unfoldand the hidden eternal happiness it holdscomes to light we begin to find out howmuch eternal happiness we have thrownaway because we had not taken each daywhat the eternity of every day broughtus.

    The eternity of today holds something foreach of us.

    Carrying ConcealedWeapons:

  • The following editorial take from theAthens Banner, is to good to pass outwith one insertion in one newspaper.Ever paper in the state should copy andevery man in the state ought to read it.

    The habit of carrying weapon concealedand using them on the slightestprovocation is growing in this country ata frightful rate The newspapers everyday contain dozens of accounts oftragedies that have been consummatedby virtue of the concealed weapon Thelaw is either powerless or its executionis very faulty.

    There can be no excuse offered for thecarrying of a concealed weapon. If aman thinks his life is in danger, the law

  • allows him to carry any weapon hechooses provided it is in plain view ofeveryone. Therefore he cannot hidebehind the plea of necessity in thecarrying of a concealed weapon, even ifhe carries it in plain view of all.

    In the average city, if the hip pockets ofall the men could be suddenlyuncovered, the population as a rulewould found to be carrying a deadlyweapon of some kind, in most instancesa pistol. The carrying of the pistol meansa determination to take human life undercertain circumstances. If a man with apistol is engaged in a wordy war withanother, he is more than apt to pull thepistol and shoot his antagonist, even

  • though the law clearly tells him not to doso. The mere carrying of a pistol is aninferred determination to get in troubleon the slightest provocation.

    Very rarely in a man's life does thenecessity arise for the use of a pistol,and usually it comes at home when someone may be invading his properly withdetermination to commit a felony. Theordinary insult that one may offeranother does not call for the use of adeadly weapon. The world asks a manonly to show his manhood by resentingan insult, This may be done in manyother ways than by shooting the man whogives the insult. Slight provocation thatcauses the run of these tragedies is not

  • sufficient and would not result in deathand sorrow unless the handy pistol wasso often in the hip pocket.

    The court should enforce in the strongestpossible manner the law that prohibitsthe carrying of concealed weapons.

  • Wonders of America.

    The greatest cataract in the world is theFalls of Niagara.

    The greatest cave in the world is TheMammoth Cave in Kentucky.

    The greatest river in the world is theMississippi,

    The largest valley in the world is theValley of Mississippi.

    The largest lake in the world is LakeSuperior.

    The greatest natural bridge in the world,

  • is the Natural Bridge in Virginia.

    The largest mass of solid iron in theworld is the Iron Mountain of Missouri.

    The greatest grain in the world isChicago,

    The largest deposits of anthracite coal inthe world are in Pennsylvania.

  • Mining News.

  • We learn that the McAfee-Lind minewill be started up soon.

    They have been taking out very fine oreat the Barlow this week.

    Mr. Craig R. Arnold is on his way toGeorgia now and expects to resumework at his mine as soon as he arrives.

    Messrs. Bainbridge and Jackson went toone of the mines in Cherokee this weekto examine a smelter to get some ideasfor a new five ton roaster at the Hand.The present one being too expensiye as -it requires 40 cords of wood a shift torun it.

    Tho whistle at the Bunker Hill dredge

  • can be heard every morning and theshovel continues to relieve the Chcstatceriver of its yellow metal in payingquantities.

    The Briar Patch boat is doing the same.The construction of the tubes for theBriar Patch canal is moving alongnicely.

    The McDonald brothers have quit theshaft at the Lockhart for the present. Itneeds a good deal of timbering but asthey do not know how long they will beable to get the mine, do not wish tospend much extra money under thecircumstances. The ore in it is good andplentiful and the owners may fix up andwork it themselves, that is when the

  • property is entirely paid for. They arenow fixing to get water on the hill andwork some of the property by open cuts.The water will be taken from the Handin pipes.

    Crown Mountain Mine.

    Tho vein has not been struck in the bigshaft at Crown Mountain and is notlikely to unless faster progress is made.In two months it has only been sunk onlythree feet and the shaft is a little over 80feet deep now causing some to believethat the Panama canal will be completedfirst. This makes the third shaft startedon this property, resulting in no benefits.By cleaning out an incline they conld be

  • taking ore from the Preacher vein in afew days. But a perpindicular shaftseems to be all the go. The Consolidatedand Standard Companies lost thousandsof dollars by sinking several of these bigexpensive shafts, and just as soon as Mr.Breymann stopped it down at theSingleton and began following the veinslie began to save and make money.

    Etowah Company.

    As one of our patrons in St. Louisrequests us to tell him through THENUGGET what is being done at theJosephene or lower Etowah, we can tellhim in a single word, Nothing", but thereason why we are unable to say. Some

  • time ago Mr. VanSyckle, a stranger inthis country, secured a lease on thisproperty. He contracted with Mr. JohnHutcheson, to do about $000 worth offlume work preparetory to beginningoperation. Then the gentleman returnedto his home. The work was completedsome time ago but the contractor has notyet received any money for his labor.Mr. VanSickle has been coming everyweek for two months but he has notreached here at this writing, although behas bargained for other mining property.In a letter last week the gentleman saidthat the Etowah Co. would not pulltogether. That he would be down rightaway, settle off with Mr. Hutcheson andcall it a loss.

  • In a letter from A. D. Candler, presidentof the company, to another patron of oursin DesMoins, Iowa, written fromAtlanta, Ga., June 2nd, he says: In replyto our enquiry of tho 31st, I beg to saythat the Etowah is in status quo. A leaseof the property was effected, as you havebeen advised, to Mr. VanSyckle in termswhich were deemed entirely favorableto the company, and he came down fromNew Jersey, his home, and contractedwith local parties to do quite an amountof work in the form of digging ditchesand building flumes. After letting thesecontracts he returned to New York toperfect his finanancial arrangements toenter vigorously upon the work oferecting machinery. The the work

  • contracted by him while here has beennearly completed, as I am advised, Mr.VanSyckle has never returned, but aletter received this morning from Mr.Kiser, agent of the company whoremains at the mines informs me that hehas received a letter, dated the 25th ofMay, from Mr. VanSyckle, in which hewrites that he has at last about overcomethe financial obstacles which he has hadto encounter, and hopes in a week or twoto be able to enter upon his workprepared for vigorous prosecution of theall of it. This is all I know of thesituation.

    Local News

  • The child labor bill has already beenintroduced in the legislature.

    A clock has recently been received inNew York from England which, it issaid, will run two thousand years.

    We have always been under theimpression that the legislature made andchanged the laws and not the governor.

    The Brunswick Journal in connectingCol. Bill Findleys name with politics,is doubtless unaware that this gentlemandied a short time ago.

    The First Georgia regiment, U. S. A;,known as the Ashworth Regiment, willhold a re-union in Dawsonville on the

  • first Tuesday in August next.

    At the second days session of thelegislature Senator W. S. West, ofLowdnes county, was elected presidentof tho senate after the tbiry-first ballot.

    Hon. John M. Slaton, of Fulton, waselected speaker of the house .last weekat the convening of the legislature. AndHon. E. E. Dunbar, of Richmond, is thespeaker pro tem.

    The editor and proprietor of the DaltonCitizen have turned against ClarkHowell because he is a friend torailroad corporations. A railroad iswhat wo want in .Lumpkin county.

  • Representative Conner, of Bartow, hasintroduced a bill in the legislature to sellthe W. & A. Road for $10,000,000 andto use the money to establish highschools in all the counties of the state.

    A negro named Torrell was killed nearCordele the other night by two of thelittle Singletary boys while trying toenter the house with a club, which wasoccupied by their sister and mother.Brave boys! They did right.

    The stone of the Floral Park dam, atAtlanta, gave way last week under theheavy pressure of the rainfall and swepteverything before it. Water was 17 feetdeep on ten acres, and the dam was 20feet high and 100 feet long. It was 20

  • feet thick at the bottom and four feet atthe top.

    Shippen Bros, inform us that theirlumber company received during oneday last week forty-six two horse wagonloads of lumber. It takes forty-six,wagons, forty-six men and ninety-twohead of mules, horses or cattle and a pileof cold cash to move business in thisstyle.Ellijay Courier.

    Gov. Terrell has offered big rewards forthe parties, with evidence to convict,who lynched the white man and sevennegroes down at Watkinsville last week.The reward is for $500 each for the firstfive and $200 for each additional arrest.

  • If all could be arrested it would make abig hole in the state treasury, but wedont believe there is any one lovingmoney well enough to tell on a singleone.

    Four hundred policeman raided twentymiles square of questionable resorts inPhiladelphia the other night and arrestedclose to two thousand men and womenof all classes except country editors.Their fines amounted to $5,000. Clubmen in full dress and women ofrefinement fought like madmen to escapearrest. Mens wives and daughters werethere. Fabulous bribes were offered andseveral attempted suicide in the face ofdisgrace. Why not foreign mission

  • people suspend work until Philadeiphiais saved?

    A Wholesale Lynching.

    Seven negroes and one while man weretaken from Watkinsville jail on themorning of the 29th ult.,and shot to deathby an angry masked mob. Four werecharged with Holbrooks murder andone with attempting a criminal assaultupon a white lady. The others were formisdemeanor deeds.The jailer wasforced to give up keys to the cellscontaining ten prisoners. By an oversightone was left in jail. The other nine weretaken to a fence close by and tied, wherea volley was fired into them. They all

  • dropped and the mob quietly dispersed,thinking that their work was complete,but one prisoner was only shot throughthe mouth and will recover.

    This may look horrible but it was just asbad a sight to visit the scene on themorning of May the 9th and see whereMr. and Mrs, Holbrook had beenmurdered by some of these negroes, andwhile these fiends were in jail awaitingthe slow progress of law one of the partywent to the home of a lone lady and ranher, with her little infant out of thehouse. The screams of the lady attractedthe attention of neighbors, thus savingher from being at the mercy of this brute.

    Yes, its hard, but people are not going

  • to see their neighbors murdered and theirwives and daughters outraged. .

    That Dam Case.

    The Gainesville Eagle says that the workon the dam which the North GeorgiaElectric Co. was constructing on theChattahoochee river at Wilson Shoals,being stopped by a process of law, is ablow to development. It may be, but wehope not. There are two sides toeverything. Had this company firstconsulted the parties whose propertywould have been damaged, we aresatisfied that satisfactory arrangementscould have boon made for a reasonableamount of money. But when a company

  • or an individual goes right aheadpreparing to damage peoples landwithout even saying a word to them,trouble may be expected. Had such stepsbeen taken in Lumpkin county before theChestatee dam was built we areconfident that the damages could havebeen settled for less money than hasalready been paid out for lawyers fees,and the present litigation now pending inthe Superior court would not have beencommenced.

    Before the Gorge dam was built in thiscounty, a survey was made to see howfar the water would be backed up theriver and who it would damage, first.Then an agreement was reached with

  • those interested and no trouble has everarisen nor never will.

  • Auraria Dots,

    Myl how hot it is.

    News scarce this week.

    Laying by is the order of the day now.

    Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Abbott, ofDawsonville, visited relatives bere lastSaturday and Sunday.

    Rev. T. L. Robinson, pastor of tbeBaptist ohurch at this place, preached anexcellent sermon to a large congregationlast Sunday.

    Mr. and Mrs C, E. Hutcheson, of Froday,

  • visited kinsfolks here Sunday.

    The singing at the Baptist church Sundaycertainly was an enjoyable occasion.Mr. Brackett, of White county, also theRiekett brothers, and Mr. John Andersonof Dahlonega, were all with us,

    Mr. Brackett will commence a singingschool at this church the 3rd Monday inAugust.

    Mrs. Alice Jones, of Gainesville, is upoil a visit with relatives here.


    Other News

  • Governor Terrell in his message to thelegislature last week recommendedcounty board of tax assessors. Stateboard of control for corporation taxes.Tax on inheritances. Appropriation foradditional buildings for agriculturalpurposes at the state university.Adoption of the Australian ballotsystem, as demanded by the last stateconvention. Encouragement ofimmigration. That all state Confederateflags be sent to the capitol forpreservation. Favorable considerationfor various departmentalrecommendations.

    What the Japs have not done to Russiathe rioters are finishing up. A message

  • from Odessa, dated June the 29tb, saysthat hundreds of Russians were shotduring the outbreak that night. Praticaliythe entire harbor was destroyed by themob. All the warehouses, with largequantities of merchandise and fiveRussian steamers weren burned.

  • Russia is preparing to call about200,000 men into service.

    Gov. Terrell was inaugurated lastSaturday for the second term.

    John D. Rockfeller makes a gift of$10,000,000 to the cause of education inthe United states. In this gift Mr.Rockfeller gets credit for it, but everyperson using kerosine oil pays it.

    John Hay, secretary of United Stales,died July 1st,

    The executive committee of the SouthernCotton Association met in Memphis,Tenn., last week and fixed the salary ofthe president at $4,000. The secretary

  • will receive a salary of $2,500 a yearand the treasurer will receive 9 per centof the amount of receipts anddisbursements.

  • More Local News

    If you want any fruit jars, B. J. Meaders& Sons have them.

    The heavy rains last week did a gooddeal of damage to this county to thecrops and public roads.

    For sale, by F. W. Wimpy, a twohorsewagon, a buggy and a good cow, givingtwo gallons of milk a day.

  • Today the Sunday School children willhave a picnic out at the park. A pleasanttime is anticipated by all.

    Mr. Eli Jones, after remaining here afew days, returned to North Carolina lastSunday, to resume his work as travelingsalesman.

    The seining law opened on the first dayof the month, and a number of personshave been out in the water after the finnytribe.

    Misses Fannie and Mario Gaillard havegone to New York to take a collegecourse, so as to better preparethemselves for teachers.

  • A while before sunrise some one shothis pistol four or five times on the publicsquare, is all the noise of that kind weheard on the 4th in Dahlonega.

    Prof. J. W. Boyd went down to Hartwelllast week to spend a few days with hisfriend, Rev. Mr, Turner, former pastorof the Dahlonega Methodist church.

    Profs. J. A. Anderson, and Bracket willopen a singing school at Bethlehem nextMonday. Everybody in that sectionwishing to learn to sing is invited to:come out.

    Mr. Whitehead, of Winder, Ga., came uplast week for the purpose of remaining afew days, who has an idea of investing

  • in some Dahlonega property, providedhe can find any that suits him.

    Mayor Baker and Dr. Glenn have beendown to Atlanta this week, mixing andmingling with the legislators. We wantno new county up this way, but wishthose wise men to give us anotherappropriation for the college, so it canproceed with its useful work.

    Dahlonega has both a good gradedschool and a college

    Dahlonega has both a good gradedschool and a college. The schoolprepares the pupils for the college aud isfree to all residents. This should be a big

  • inducement to parents wishing to educatetheir children cheap. Let them move in,locate and receive the benefits of bothschool and college.

    On Tuesday morning bright and early ourcitizens were aroused by the yells of aman and the barking of dogs, supposedto be a hunter chasing a fox, but it turnedout to be our friend Ben Anderson after aham of meat in Uncle Dick Whelchelsdogs mouth which it had taken fromBens kitchen.

    Wo wish to inform those unacquaintedthat there are paper Nuggets andglittering gold down in this part of town.Last Friday, while Alonzo Benson wason the branch within a few steps of the

  • NUGGET OFFICE he picked up a piece, ofgold weighing three grains. Thefollowing day he panned for an hour andmade sixteen and two-thirds cents worthof gold.

    But very little business was done by thecity council at its meeting on Mondaynight, except requesting that Mr. Stow,the contractor, put all the roads in goodfix at once. The marshal made his report,showing that he collected $188.35 incash for June, as follows: Street tax $1580. Sanitary 133.55. Dog tax $2.00.Fines $2.00, Street tax worked out$9.50. Dog tax $1.00.

    Mr. Walter McEwan, who has been

  • spending many weeks in the valleys andmountains of this and Dawson countieslooking after his timber interests, wasregistered at Hall's Villa on Fridaynight. He left the next morning forDawsonville. In a short while he willbegin the erection of dams for thepurpose of floating his timber to a placewhere it can be sawed up and shipped.There is a big demand for lumber.

    Mrs. Mary Marlow is up on visit fromGainesville,

    While the legislature adjourned for the4th Representative Shultz came home.

    Mr, Boyd Gurley and family wont overinto Union county on a visit this week.

  • Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Woodward came inlast Monday for the purpose of makingDahlonega their future home.

    The city tax assessors have completedtheir work and the valuation of propertyis a little more than it was last year.

    The big rains are causing the farmershere to get behind with their work, somecorn not yet worked over the first time.

    It will be seen by a card else where thatMr. T. J. Smith will take some boarders.His place desirable, rooms wellventilated and fare good.

    If our Fannin County correspondentwishes his side of the Mt. Lebanon

  • trouble published, he must be more mildwith his words and to the point.

    Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moon were calledto the bedside of Miss Nina McClure, asister of Mrs. Moore, last Wednesdaywho is very sick in Dawson county withtyphoid fever.

    Mr. W. B. Fry has a card in this issue.He has had much experience in the minesin both the West and South, and, if youwish to do business with a reliable manMr. Fry is the one.

    An effort was made to return theConsolidated Co.s property in thiscounty for $6,000 less than last year.Tax Receiver Calhoun refused to take it

  • and an arbitration was had. On Mondaythe company selected Mr. Strickland andthe receiver Mr. Boyd Gurley, both ofwhom agreed and fixed the amount oftaxes same as last year, without anyreduction.

    McAfee Gaddis left this county aboutfifteen years ago, and it was believed byhis relatives that he was dead, as he hadnot been heard of in eleven years, butimagine their surprise one day last weekwhen a letter was received addressed tohis parents or the next nearest kin, andupon opening, found it was fromMcAfee, who is out in Oregon. Hethought too that his parents were dead,but both still live in this county.

  • Even some wine sellers werepresent in church.

    Last Sunday, shortly after the Methodistchurch bell rang, people could be seengoing in that direction from all parts oftown, even before good dark. The oldand the young, and members of thechurch whose faces are rarely ever seenduring services. The house wascrowded. Even some of the wine sellerswere present. What did it mean? It was atemperance meeting and a fiddle was inthe program.

    Prof. Chas. H White arrivedfrom Cambridge Mass.

  • As was announced Prof. Chas. H. Whitearrived from Cambridge, Mass., thisweek with his class to examine themines so as to give all with him a betterknowledge of the business than whatthey can learn from the books. Theyintended reaching here on Sunday andremain a portion of two days, but weredelayed on the way and did not arriveuntil Monday afternoon. They were metby Mr. Bainbridge, of the Consolidated,Mr. W. Crisson, of Crown Mountain,and Dr. Glenn, president of the college,who escorted them to the mines wherethey remained looking about until night.Early next morning, after giving theircollege yell, they departed. BesidesProf. White, those of his class along

  • were: M, P. Mansbell, New York; G. D.Scholl, A. H. Burns, H. C. Boynton, H.Humburt, Cambrige, Mass.; R. E. Clapp,Deaham, Mass, L. S. Grange, Randolph,Mass.; H. M. Roylston, New York; M. J.Connolly, Boston, Mass. It was a nicetrip for them. Some of them had neverseen a plum, goose berry or blackjacksapling. They were a well behaved setof young men. Not an oath was heardfrom any of them.

    Chickens sold here yesterday at 12 centsa pound.

    Mr. and Mrs. McConnell of Atlanta, areup on a visit, the guests of Prof, and Mrs.Gaillard.

  • On Tuesday night lightning struck a treenear the Hand mill and killed one of Mr.John Dyers steers.

    Claud England has gone down toGainesville to accept a clerkship in theAldington Hotel, Claud is a good boyand wo are satisfied that he will give hisemployer entire satisfaction.

    Litlle John Harbison, or that is we allused to call him Little John, droppedin to see us last Monday while up fromGainesville. John had almost grown outof our knowledge and will soon be outof his teens.

    Sheriff Davis received a messageWednesday night to come out and stop

  • John Beasley, the escaped convict, fromfishing in the Chestatee river. One of theAndersons tried to land John talkedabout shooting him with his shotgun.

    Miss Blanch Cannon took charge ofPorter Springs post-office last Saturdaymorning. She is fully competent and wefeel satisfied that there will he no roomfor anybody to grumble about themanagement of this office hereafter.

    We hear of some complaint about a post-office in the western portion of thiscounty. People who arc so curious thatthey cant help but open other peoplesletters, should have nothing to do with anoffice. A hint to the wise should besufficient.

  • Mr. Wm. Campbell, the superintendentof the Singleton gold mine, is expectedto leave for Virginia about the 10th inst.,to accept a position there. Mr. Campbellhas been in charge of this mine for a longtime. He has made it profitable to itsowners and they dislike to give him up.Who will take his place at the Singletonis not yet known to us.

    Prof, Chas. W. Davis, who is now at theIowa Slate College, Ames, Iowa, writesus as follows: "Big Phillips is withme, and is enjoying bis trip through theWest. He will spend the summer at theIowa experimental station. Broach is atthe Tennessee station, and Aycock at the

  • Georgia station, What our boys will gainat these stations will be of much value tothem.

    Mr. W. J. Hightower, of Dahlonega, hascontracted to saw a large amount oflumber for the Rowland Co., which isbuying up thousands of acres of land inthis and other counties. He began movinghis mill last Monday into Dawsoncounty, near Dougherty. Here he willsaw 50,000 feet to be used in theconstruction of two large houses and abarn for the company. Then Mr.Hightower will move near Canton, Ga.,and saw about 300,000 feet morelumber.

    For awhile Mr. R. C. Meaders, of

  • Dahlonega, was talking of moving downto South Georgia, but wo are glad tostate that ho is about out of the notion.South Georgia may not be as prosperousa country in a few years from now as ithas been. The turpentine industry is onthe decline for the want of material, andthe farmers are told that they must notplant much cotton, and if this instructionis carried out thousands of acres downthere will be useless.

    Mr. L. C. Glenn, of Nashville, Tcnn.,passed through our city last Suday on hisway to North Carolina. This gentlemanis in the employ of the government andthe object of his visit is to examine theApalachian range for the purpose of

  • buying it for the government. He hasbeen in the saddle for three years ridingall over the country. The gentleman willreturn to Dahlonega in a week or tendays, coming through Habersham county,Ga. While here he bought a nice nuggetof gold taken from one of the mines ofLumpkin county.

    Prof, and Mrs. Furguson are going on avisit of about ten days to Virginia nextMonday.

    Tax Receiver Calhoun has bee busy forseveral days, in getting bis digest readyfor business.

    Andrew Edge, of this county wasarrested on a bench warrant by U. S.

  • Deputy Marshal Grizzle and carried offto Atlanta last Fri day.

    A nice large photograph of Bunker Hilldredge boat will be mailed you for 27cents including postage, by addressingTHE NUGGET for it.

    Marshal Grizzle and CollectorRichardson went up into White countylast week and destroyed a big illicitdistillery near Bob Bar rets. There wasabout 2,500 gal Ions of beer and otherstuff.

    A number of our citizens drove six milesdown to hear Profs Bracket andAnderson sing at Auraria. They willboth be here on the 22nd with a class of

  • fifty to exchange music with the oldfiddlers. Let everybody come.

    Many of the public roads are in bad fixnow

    Many of the public roads are in bad fixnow and will need immediate attention,but the question is who will fix them?The road hands under the old law, or theordinary under the new one adopted bythe last grand jury? We are no lawyerbut our opinion is as well as others, thatthe new law went into effect as soon asit was passed upon by the grand jury inaccordance with law and the old roadlaw went out of force.

  • Manuel Garret and Frank Tolbert hada narrow escape from death at theBarlow

    Manuel Garret and Frank Tolbert had anarrow escape from death at the Barlowon Friday night about 10 oclock. Theywere down in the fifty-foot shaft. Thecable, drawing up a bucket holding fivehundred pounds, broke and fell to thebottom and sunk deep into the mudwhich was being cleaned out by twohands. It struck and losened several setsof timbers and just did miss Manuel andFrank. Clyde Loveless was at the hoistand when the accident occurred and hadno other idea but what two hands hadtheir lives crushed out when going to the

  • mouth of the shaft. It was certainly aclose call.

    Tax Collector Walden thought that hewas even with both state and county forlast year in tax matters, but when hecame to town Friday was informed thathe was still due each on wild land salesor settlements $3.12 besides the cost,although the collector had made hissettlement and believed it to be correct.It came about this way: Capt. Ingersollhad settled with Mr. W. S. Huff, the taxand cost on eleven lots, and Mr. Huffonly accounted to the collector for theamount due on nine lots. CollectorWalden seems to have some trouble withhis tax matters. In 1903 he fell behind

  • some and had to borrow money tostraighten up with the state, and in 1894he fell behind more and his bondsmenhad to raise the money for him. So, itappears to be a troublesome job.

    Joe Ash, who left this county to keepfrom being arrested

    Joe Ash, who left this county to keepfrom being arrested by U. S. DeputyMarshal Grizzle not long ago, went outto Cherokee county and ran into the armsof an officer there and is now in Fultoncounty jail. Joe had already served outone sentence for stilling and it has sincebeen learned that he had a half interest inanother illicit distillery. And this is not

  • all. He was a witness against Fate Leehere in Com. Baker's court and failed tocome, with no excuse, except that hiswife was sick. He came against severalother parties before, and when he sawthat he was going to be prosecuted by thestate court, it's said, for selling liquor,he didnt wish to come and get into anymore trouble, but it seems that Joestroubles have increased. It's claimed thata dream caused him to be absent fromthe second distillery when the revenueofficers visited it, but he quit dreamingwe suppose and had nothing to give himany further warning of trouble.

    Persons wanting shingles should go orwrite to Hutcheson Bros., Freda. Ga.

  • Mr. Boyd Gurley was awarded thecontract of doing the college workmentioned last week in an ad. for$83.90.

    Latter part of last week Goodeman Freegot on a little too much corn juice inDahlonega, resulting in his having to payone and cost.

    If the electric lights were allowed toburn some later on dark, rainy morningsit would be an accommodation to thosewho heed them.

    On Thursday night of last week JonesAnderson, of White county, was triedbefore Com. Baker and discharged onthe charge of illicit distilling.

  • People cannot have much enjoyment inthis life unless they spend a little moneyto bring it about. Neither can they makemoney before spending some.

    A number of teachers are here this weekattending the Institute. We welcomethem. Dr. Glenn is the expert who hashad something of interest to say everyday and will until it closes tonight.

    A certain farmer, who had a surplus of200 bushels of corn at tax return day,would not give it in, claiming that hewas going to swap it for coffee, flour,etc. But what about the oath he had totake?

    NOTICE. Prof. J. W. Boyd has for sale

  • some nice furniture left in his bands byProf. Calloway. The lot includes bedsand bedstids, mattresses, dressers,chairs, a large walnut wardrobe, etc.,etc. See Prof. Boyd, who will sell thisfurniture oheap. 2t

    The program for the fiddlers conventionand picnic will be found on our firstpage. Read it and begin to tune up yourold fiddle or banjo and be ready, for it isgoing to be a day of much enjoyment inDahlonega. The second prize shouldread $4 instead of $5. It will also beobserved that there will be some singingby note on that day, conducted by Mr.John Anderson, and every boy, girl,woman or man, in town or county, who

  • can sing by note, are cordially invited tocome and help, and those who cant singare asked to come and listen. It will beone of the biggest days Dahlonega hashad in many years. Again we ask you tocome.

    At the March term of the U. S. court inAtlanta, a number of persons residing inLumpkin and likely other counties,forfeited their bonds. Some of theseparties have been rearrested, but noanswer was filed showing why they didnot appear when their trials were firstset. Now the result is, fi. fas. have beenissued against their bondsmen for twohundred dollars each, causing trouble inthe camps. Smoking Jim Anderson

  • was one of the unfortunate persons, whowas in town the other day to see if hecould not be released. Hereafter both thedefendant and bondsman had better belooking after their interests and pay upthe cost at the proper time, for UncleSam has no foolishness.

    The letter of Mr. Ben Self, in referenceto his recent arrest up in Frogtowndistrict, was received too late for ourlast weeks issue. Mr. Self says that ourinformant was mistaken about the chargehe was arrested on. He states that henever tore down Mr. Grindles fence nordug up his mill road, but worked hisown mill road. And says further that thisis not the trouble. His family was getting

  • water at Mr. Grindles spring and had topass through the old mans garden, whowas tired of it and by some unknowncause got mad and put a stop to it,causing Selfs to have to go a quarter of amile after water. Mr. Self says that Mr.Grindle has a grist mill and didnt haveenough water to run it, causing him to getstingy, with his water, and that the millsucked itself, etc. The news of UncleJim Grindle being stingy is news to thewriter. He didnt use to be that way.

    Mrs. West, of Atlanta, is up on a visit.

    Our Union county letter will appear nextweek.

    There are already about 75 visitors at

  • Porter Springs.

    A picnic was enjoyed by several on the4th in the Boyd grove.

    We regret to learn that Mrs, Wier Boydhas been sick for several days.

    Prof. E, R. Vickery and his family leftlast Wednesday to spend a few weekswith relatives at Hartwell, Ga.

    The board of education of Lumpkincounty, met last Tuesday and fixed theteachers salary at $20, $25 and $30,same as heretofore. provided the fundwill warrant it, and it is believed that itwill.

  • Soda water Coca Cola atBruces.

    At Bruces you will find ice for sale. Andhe keeps on ice, cream cheese, RodRock Ginger Ale, soda water CocaCola. Just received plum and applebutter; quince, apple, plum, raspberry,current and grape jellies. Also mincegoat, grapenuts, shredded wheat, &c.,&c.

    Mr. J. T. Miller, of Bunker Hill, Mr.Kiser, of the Etowah, and Mr. Rogers, ofBattle Branch gold mines were inDahlonega last Tuesday. Mr. N. C. Tankwas also up. He too has a gold mine. Itis not named yet, but he is about to sell it

  • and the other fellow will do the naming.

    The following school teachers have beenattending the Institute hero this week:Misses Maud Chester, Lela Hardeman,Ruth Whelchel, Mattie Higgins, MaryJarrard, Mrs. Burnet, Mrs. For-guson,Mrs. Bryan, W. D. Seabolt, C. J.Jarrard, W. F. Bryson, E. A. W.Cochran, H. K. Whel-chel, J. A. Lane, L.K. Justice, Wier Gaillard, R. D. Smith,Robt, Jones, James Woody.

    A number of the colored people attendeda picnic down at Wimpys mill lastTuesday. Billie Riley, Sam Castleberryand Eula Jefferson were the only grownmale persons present. Each made aspeech, and. Eular remarked in his

  • address that all the good negroes werethere, causing one of the sisters notpresent, to fly off the handle at thisremark. Another sister was present buther husband was absent, which alsomade her frown at Eular's remarks. Thespeakers wife was also absent. Wehave not heard from her, but Eula has.

    A message from Col. Farrow at PorterSprings

    A message from Col. Farrow at PorterSprings on Wednesday morning gave abad report about the party going up fromDahlonega to attend the first dance of theseason at that place on the night of the4th. He says that some of them got drunk

  • and when starting back turned thevehicle over before getting fifty yardsfrom the hotel. The Colonel treated themnicely. He is fond of nice behavedvisitors, but wants none of this kind, andrequests us to say that they shall notcome about him any more. So boys, ifyou wish to shun trouble you had betterremain away. Those acquainted with theColonel already know this, but the oldgentleman wants us to impress it upontheir minds.

    Two colored damsels who had fallenout about their spices

    Two colored damsels who had fallen outabout their spices the other day went out

  • into the woods to settle it. They beganpicking and eating blackberries andtalking the matter over to see if theycouldnt settle the dispute without a duelas they had no seconds, but their wordsgrew so warm that they loosened theirdress strings, down dropped thegarments and such fighting andscratching as occurred will long beremembered by a passer by who yelledout for the marshal causing the scene toclose, by both disappearing. We onceheard of two young ladies attending acampmeeting pulling off their fine hats,making preparations to shout for thecongregation in order to increase theinterest of the meeting, but we neverknew of a couple dropping off their

  • dresses to fight before.

    Dahlonega Nugget July 5, 1905Front PageProgram Fiddlers ConventionLive in the Present.Carrying Concealed Weapons:Wonders of America.

    Mining News.Crown Mountain Mine.Etowah Company.

    Local NewsA Wholesale Lynching.That Dam Case.Auraria Dots,

    Other NewsMore Local NewsDahlonega has both a good graded school and a collegeEven some wine sellers were present in church.Prof. Chas. H White arrived from Cambridge Mass.Many of the public roads are in bad fix nowManuel Garret and Frank Tolbert had a narrow escape from death at the BarlowJoe Ash, who left this county to keep from being arrestedSoda water Coca Cola at Bruces.A message from Col. Farrow at Porter SpringsTwo colored damsels who had fallen out about their spices