Life experiences part1

Post on 08-Sep-2014

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Life has many aspects, we may choose to ignore some or learn from these. Success comes to those who are determined to get

Transcript of Life experiences part1

“V” for victory!

“V” for vision

It doesn't matter what others say

Keep going

Rajeev Gupta

Dream, visualise, conceptualise, verbalise and actualise

Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new

assignment. Baltasar Gracian

You can do what you


You may get over the clouds

and reach beyond


Think BIG!

You have


in Life

Branson has established a business empire that has a reported net worth of £1.5bn

and his airline - Virgin Atlantic – recently celebrated 25 years in business.

Try and the sun will shine on you

“Winners have simply formed the habit of doing things losers don't like to do”

Albert Gray

Dare to dream

Dare to take action

Reach a new level

Live life to the max

“Do not fear risk. All exploration, all growth is calculated. Without challenge people cannot reach their higher selves.

Only if we are willing to walk over the edge can we become winners.”

Dare to climb

You will reach the top

“The marvellous richness of human experience would lose something of

rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark

valleys to traverse.”

Helen Keller