Life at Immanuel Aug/Sept/Oct

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Life at Immanuel Aug/Sept/Oct


An interesting article caught my attention about millennials, people who reached

adulthood in the year 2000. The title of the article was 10 Reasons Churches are Not Reaching Millennials and was written by Frank Powell, a church leader from Tennessee.

1. Strong resistance to change. Millennials like change, especially when something is not working. Millennials want to change the world so churches resistant to change will not reach them. 2. Lack of a compelling vision. Millennials want to be involved with churches who dream big and act accordingly. They believe we have a big God and want to be a part of “God-sized” challenges. 3. Mediocrity is the expectation. Millennials are not content with mediocrity so settling for status quo is not attractive.4. Paternalistic approach to leading. Simply put, millennials want opportunities to be involved in leadership, to feel a sense of ownership and to use their gifts.5. Pervasive “insider-focused” mentality. Millennials want churches to train and encourage believers, then send them outside the walls to get their hands dirty.6. Transparency and authenticity are not high values. They believe it’s ok for Christian leaders to be honest about their struggles, and are not looking for perfect churches or perfect people, just honest ones.

7. Mentoring is not important. A common misperceptions about millennials is that they do not value older generations; the truth is they WANT to learn and will give time to mentoring relationships.8. Culture is viewed as the enemy. Millennials are not looking for churches who insulate themselves from culture, but those who boldly take the Gospel into culture. 9. Community is not valued. Millennials are not looking for shallow relationships. They want to live life with other believers. This reality has a major impact on how millennial friendly churches structure their small group ministries.10. Church is a source of division, not unity. Nothing causes millennials to run faster than church conflict. Churches that value racial, generational and socio-economic unity will attract millennials.

In many of these areas, Immanuel is going in the right direction! I thank the Lord for our active group of young adults and have a deep desire to continue to reach more for Christ in the years ahead. Thank you, Immanuel, for always being willing to do “whatever it takes” to reach people with the Gospel.

Blessings,Pastor Gary




Any Christ-follower who has ever experienced clinical depression has

likely asked this question. They wonder where God is while they struggle with doubts, have trouble getting out of bed and feel that everything around them is gray. The truth that God “will not leave you nor forsake you” seems less certain. But, in those times of uncertainty, Truth remains Truth…so how do we make it through? Is it possible to not only survive, but to thrive when depression is a part of our lives?

There is a difference between being depressed and having depression. Everyone is going to be depressed at some time or another. Events as significant as losing a job or a loved one, to events as insignificant as missing a favorite TV show or having a bad day can make someone depressed. However, depression is when a person has five or more symptoms of clinical depression for at least a two weeks AND that the presence of these symptoms changes their behavior.

Depression is not a sin! While past behaviors can contribute to a person’s depression (i.e. substance abuse, unhealthy relationships, etc.), depression is NOT God’s judgment for sin in their lives. Just as the Bible assures us that God “causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous

and the unrighteous,” in God’s wisdom He, also allows depression to affect people from all walks of life. (Matthew 5:45 – NIV) It has been proven that clinical depression has a strong genetic link. So, if a family member has experienced depression there is a higher likelihood of others in that same family to experience it as well. Many Bible scholars believe that several of the most prominent people in the Bible struggled with depression: Moses, Elijah, David, Job and Paul. Further proof that God can use who He wants, when He wants, to accomplish what He wants!

Depression is treatable! Thanks to God providing doctors with a great understanding of physical and emotional health, clinical depression is very treatable! Through lifestyle changes, therapy and, in some cases, medication, people with clinical depression can experience significantly less symptoms.

So what do I do if I think I might have clinical depression? Talk with someone you trust who can get you the help you need. Whether a family member, Sunday School teacher, minister or counselor, share with someone that you are struggling. Allow that person to pray with you and help get you to a counselor who operates through a Christian worldview to provide you a clinical assessment. It may help you see life in a brand new way!


ALISSA CRAINImmanuel Member

Back to school time, the dreaded words, yet it brings more order and structure.

We try to get back into the routine of nightly family prayers, which is really the thing that binds our lives together.

Specifically, we pray that the Lord would give us wisdom. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind,” James 1:5-6. We need God’s wisdom for our studies, dealing with classmates, balancing extracurricular activities and just life in general. All we have to do is ask!

We also pray that we would listen to the Holy Spirit and learn right from wrong and choose to do what is right. Jesus said, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you,” John 14:26. We need to learn the discipline of just pausing in the moment to hear Him. The Helper is sent by God for us!

Praying for missionaries all over the world and the persecuted church is especially important. It reminds us that we are missionaries right here where we are to the people that we come

into contact with everyday. Our schools are a place where people of many beliefs and religions are watching our children and us, to see if we really know the One True God. Philippians 1:19-20 says “For I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.”

So it’s back to school time with a clear goal: to glorify Jesus Christ in all we say, do and think. “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for me,” Colossians 3:23.

FAMILYPROMOTION SUNDAYSUNDAY//AUGUST 16On Sunday, August 16 all of our preschoolers, children and students will move up to their new classes! If you’re not sure where to bring your children, just email us and ask!Preschool: susan.mcclanahan@ibclr.orgChildren: missy.jones@ibclr.orgStudents:

WEDNESDAY NIGHTKICK OFF STUDENTS//AUGUST 12PRESCHOOL & KIDS//SEPTEMBER 2Ready for your family to get back into their normal rhythm? We are too! Music & Missions, The Zone, Middle School an High School Worship will all kick back off for the fall. Your preschoolers will experience worship and learn about missions at Music & Missions. Children can come to The Zone to worship, connect, grow and go! Students in Middle School and High School can come hang out, worship and get some great teaching! We look forward to serving your family every Wednesday!

PARENTS NIGHT OUTTUESDAY, AUGUST 25//6-9 PMHey parents! Do you need a date night or just some time to yourself ? Let us keep your babies – 5th graders and give you the night off ! Contact us for more information or to reserve a spot!Preschool: susan.mcclanahan@ibclr.orgChildren:


At this year’s Youth

Evangelism Conference,

students from around the

state will come together for

an awesome weekend of

worship and teaching! This

year’s speaker will be

SPEAKERClayton King

WORSHIPCross ChurchWorship Band



Rhett Walker Band

You do not want your

student to miss YEC!

Visit for

more info!

ADULTS5TH SUNDAE SINGINGAUGUST 30//6-7:30PMJoin us for an evening of ice cream sundaes, worship and fun!

MOVIE MATINEEAUGUST 6//2PMSenior Adults are welcome to come enjoy 25¢ coke floats and watch The Hundred Foot Journey.

SAGEAUGUST 26//4PMSenior Adults are welcome to join us in the Fireplace Room for this time of Prayer for Revival & Spiritual Awakening.

MEN’S MINISTRY ANNUAL DOVE HUNTSEPTEMBER 5//6AM//$50 PER GUNOur men always have fun at our annual Dove Hunt! More details coming soon!

AARP DRIVING CLASSSEPTEMBER 14//9AM//RM 161//$15This is a great class for our Senior Adults!

DAY TRIP TO PERRYVILLESEPTEMBER 24//10AMOur Senior Adults will enjoy lunch at Mustang Sally’s and fishing and games at the Beach Ranch!

SENIOR ADULT FOCUSOCTOBER 22//10AM//$7Join us in Horne Hall along with seniors from other churches around Arkansas!



Free RegistrationFree TREATS

Free Admission

Catfish Lunch $5

Goody bags, door prizes and a special

door prize for those who pre-register!



Several Awards Will Be Given!

Email for more information or visit the Now at Immanuel page at to


XYZ SUPPER CLUBHORNE HALL//5PMThis supper club for Senior Adults will meet for dinner and entertainment on August 18, September 15 and October 20.


KATIE WALKERImmanuel Member

This year was my third time going to Toronto on a GO Trip. My husband and

I have always been passionate about Africa and Canada. No wait, let me correct that. You see, I don’t like cold weather, so I have always been passionate about Africa, while my winter-loving husband has always loved Canada. In 2013, I unenthusiastically signed up to go to Canada on a mission trip to appease my husband who was dying to go. I fell in love with Matt and Arrica Hess from the moment I met them and with their vision for reaching the people of Toronto.

My second trip was in 2014. The previous year I was able to build strong relationships with kids, but this year I built a special bond with an entire family. On the first day I immediately connected with a precious little boy who was roughly 5 years old, and the second day I was blessed to meet his older sisters. One of his older sister’s was named Latavia. Each day I had lunch with this sweet family and got to hear a little more about each of their lives and their hearts. All of them (especially Latavia) were hungry for the Gospel. The Gospel was presented several times over the course of the week, but none of them were ready to receive it. On the last day, they came to the family get together that we hosted and connected to Fellowship Pickering… but still no professions of faith.

On the plane ride home I contemplated several things. Did I do enough? Why do I go on these mission trips? Am I even making a difference? How am I helping the Hess family reach people for God? What I wasn’t noticing is that all of these questions had the word “I” in them. I had been faithful and “put my yes” on the table and followed God to Toronto to serve, but I was continuing to see God in a finite way. I was focusing on my abilities and my talents and leaned on them to determine if it was or wasn’t a successful mission trip.

This last time I went was May 2015. Once again, on the plane ride there I contemplated how I can do more and I can be “successful.” Once again, my focus was all wrong. On the first night of orientation, Matt was sharing about the growth in their church and their recent baptism service. He put a picture up on the screen of roughly 14 people who had been baptized a month early. I briefly scanned over the picture when I noticed two familiar faces and quickly glanced back. Those familiar faces were Latavia and her father. That night I learned that since the sports camp, the entire family has been engaged in church, and two dedicated their lives to Christ. In that moment I was reminded that I am just a small piece of God’s bigger picture. However, I AM A PIECE! And though I am finite, I serve an infinite God that will do unbelievable things if you just “put your yes” on the table.


Immanuel Member

Sometime ago I was in the home of a Quilombola fisherman sharing stories

from the Bible. Afterword our conversation moved to discussing his livelihood. In no time I realized that my approach to fishing was not this man’s approach. The fundamental difference being he fishes from necessity, not sport. Too often my approach to missions and outreach could be characterized as “sport

fishing.” Jesus never called us to sport fish for men. Sport fisherman get excited about the latest pole, lure, boat, etc. and can lose sight of the cause for the sake of the peripherals. How often I have done this throughout my Christian life, certain that the next Christian book or conference will fill in the gaps for my weakness and ineffectiveness in sharing my faith. Enter the true beauty of the work

we do among these Quilombolas. This is the most concentrated and focused form of the great commission I’ve experienced. We are not treating illness or erecting buildings, although such humanitarian needs are so critical to our ministries throughout the world. In these tiny Quilombo villages where time stands still, and among a people who the world has seemingly forgotten, lies the richest opportunity for sharing the Gospel of Christ. Most cannot read for themselves even if they have a Bible, so storying the Bible delivers a picture of the person of Christ in a way that they can come to know him. No distractions, no phones or emails to answer. One simple purpose each day among these people…share the love of God with them in stories and in the knitting of our lives to theirs. For the sake of God’s glory among these Quilombolas, I refuse to sit as I have in a pew making excuses when I can be in the field making disciples. Isaiah 52:15



October 3//Paragould, AR//$10 per personConnect through Block Parties, Service Projects,

Food Delivery and Sports! You and your family are invited to join a GO team designed just for families! We are joining alongside other churches and the Arkansas Baptist State Convention to serve the community of Paragould, AR on a One-Day GO Trip. We will deliver food, host block parties, conduct sports camps, and assist in community renovation as we share Christ through word and deed. Participants will meet at IBC at 6:00 AM to grab your breakfast to go and head to Paragould. Deadline for registration is September 15. Register at

GO TRIP INFO MEETINGAUG. 16 // 5PM // CHAPEL FOYERIs God calling you to GO in 2015? Come to this meeting to get more information about our upcoming trips to New York City, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Amazon! See where the Lord is leading you to GO!

GOING NOWMAY & JUNE GO TRIPSIn August, September and October we have GO Teams headed to East Asia, Ghana, San Diego, New York City and South Asia. We would love for you to join us in prayer for these GO Teams! Pray for the Gospel to be spread and for the hearts of the lost to find the love of Jesus!

2015 ROUNDTABLE LUNCHEONOn August 23, participants from each one of our GO Partnership Roundtables will be meeting together after church for a time of prayer, planning and reflection. Pray for each of these partnerships, the on-site partners and the Roundtable participants as they discuss the status of each partnership, prayer requests and needs from the field and next steps as we move into 2016.

Q// How does a discipleship journey begin?A// The journey into a life of discipleship is as individual as the person themselves, as is the way in which we disciple others. Realizing our need for discipleship often comes in the wake of personal or spiritual struggles; or simply the Holy Spirit directing our lives to follow the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Once someone is called to a life of discipleship – either discipling or being discipled – it won’t take long for God to make the connections He wants for your life.

Q// What void does discipleship fill in the life of a Christian?A// “There’s got to be more than this.” “My life is just not working.” “There’s something missing in my walk with Christ.” These are common responses from people who are asked how they discovered their need for discipleship. There is a life-changing difference between simply going to church for knowledge versus actually investing time into the lives of others through one-on-one teaching, serving or providing words of encouragement. All are a means of discipleship and once this change happens, God has His rightful place as the Lord of the lives of His followers.

Q// How are Discipleship Groups different from Bible study or accountability groups?A//Bible study and accountability is an important part of Discipleship Groups but the main difference is the intentional focus on learning how to disciple, or speak into the lives of others as God has gifted us as individuals.

Q// What is the goal of discipleship? A//Those committed to discipleship are purposefully seeking the Lord with the goal of absolute surrender to Christ. This kind of heart-change results in an overwhelming desire to share the Good News with “all nations,” as the Holy Spirit provides opportunity. Each of us collectively forms the body of Christ and

every person plays a different, but equally important role in advancing God’s Kingdom. According to I Corinthians 12:18, “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.” As a person grows in discipleship, he or she will faithfully abide in Christ, and come to understand how God can use their spiritual gifts to share God’s love and the life found only in Jesus Christ.

Q// How are these goals being accomplished? A//Through focusing less on self and spending time each day with the Lord, the Holy Spirit provides opportunities to be a positive influence in someone’s life and to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” (I Peter 3:15)

Q// What are common outcomes of a commitment to discipleship? A//Those who commit themselves to a life of discipleship are continually learning to view life’s circumstances as opportunities to see God at work and allowing their hearts to be aligned and responsive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. God will teach his followers the value of prayer and how to use their spiritual gifts to disciple others as He continues to teach about Himself and His Kingdom.

Q// Why be a part of discipleship? A// It is the difference between being a lukewarm Christian versus fully experiencing God and making a difference for His Kingdom, one person at a time. God never designed us to do life alone. As Romans 12:4-5 tells us, “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” We are all part of one body, doing life together, growing spiritually and using our individual gifting to disciple in service to the Lord.



• SEEDS FAMILY WORSHIPSing, worship, learn, memorize, and hide God’s Word in your hearts with Seeds Family Worship. These are high quality music videos with hand motions to help your children (and you as well) memorize Scripture. Each of their songs lyrics are taken directly from the Bible. Just search for “Seeds Family Worship” in Right Now Media and your family will easily and joyfully memorize Bible verses together. You will not regret using this resource.

Rick Jaggars, or Ricky Lee as he is fondly known, has been on staff at Immanuel since 1992 filling many different leadership roles, so he is definitely a familiar face! Born in Hico, Texas, Rick is the oldest of five children. He graduated with a BS from Tarleton State University, which he claims is the BETTER part of the Texas A&M University system. He is currently serving as our Associate Pastor for Adults 55+, Men’s Ministry, and Pastoral Care.Rick enjoys playing racquetball and tennis, hunting when he gets the chance, and planting in his garden, but all of these activities pale in comparison to playing with his granddaughter of six months. We are so blessed to have Rick on staff. If you haven’t met him, stop him in the hallway and introduce yourself…you will be glad you did!






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