Lies or truth

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Lies or truth

Theatrical Performance

“Lies or Truth”

On April 6,we attended the performance “Lies or Truth” at the theater stage ‘Fabrica’

a political tale, performed by the group

“Mind the Gap”

It is called “tale”, because in the past, tales weren’t

aimed at children. It was a way for adults to have fun.

Tales and theater were acting simultaneously

for entertainment and in order to

be told things that weren’t supposed to.

On the other hand, the adjective “political” is being used

due to the fact that contains the words ‘citizen’ and

‘state’ and those represent each and every one of us.

It refers to our own tale and its end, which depends on


The members of the theatrical group

explained that their inspiration for the

show was a phrase in the lyrics of a song

by Alkinoos Ioannidis.

Because of the difficult times

that our country is going through,

this song made clear to us that we run out

of tales, that the Greek society is getting

more and more cruel.

“We wanted to do something

about it, so we decided to

create this performance.

This tale points out the

importance of being

responsible for the things that

we create; the only person that

can change or destroy them is

ourselves. Maybe it was our

need to never forget the

dreams and the passion that

once we had, that led us to

putting on this show…”

The performance "Lies and Truth", was first presented at the

1st Handmade and Recycled Theater Festival

organized by Fabrica Athens and

was awarded the 1st Prize for Best Performance of the Commission

and 1st Prize for Best Performance of the Audience.

It was also presented during the

1st Up The W-All Festival in 2014

and took the 2nd best performance audience award.