
Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Levers


Why is the Door Handle on the opposite side to the hinge?

The Turning Effect of Forces

A force can turn something in a circular path.

What determines how easy it is to turn the bolt?

The length of the wrench/spanner determines the 'turning force', called the moment.


A lever is a device which changes the direction of a force. It can be used as a force multiplier.

A lever has a pivot/fulcrum.


The See-Saw

A child of 30kg sits on the seat 6m from the end of a see-saw. Where must an adult of 60kg sit so that the see-saw is balanced?






A moment of force can be calculated using the formula:

Moment of force = Force * distance from pivot.

Eg: A force 20cm from the fulcrum of a lever balances the weight force of a 2kg object which is 5cm from the fulcrum. How strong must the force be? Hint: be careful with units!

Physics Now

31-35, pages 41-42

First Class Levers

First class levers are force multipliers.Having the load close to the fulcrum will have a high mechanical advantage.Having the load far from the fulcrum will have a low mechanical advantage.Examples include scissors, can opener, elbow etc.


Second Class Levers

Second class levers go in this order.FulcrumThen LoadThen EffortExamples include nut crackers, wheel barrows and your jaw.They are force multipliers which make our job easier.



Third Class Levers

Third class levers are speed multipliers which means a lot of force can occur in a small area.Third class levers go in this order:FulcrumThen EffortThen Load



Class of LeverOrderExamples