let\ting go

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of let\ting go

the key

to betterness/equity

is to let go

of control.

the problem

is that we keep trying/pretending/promising

to let go.

but the thing about control

is that it’s like


an all or nothing ness.

a partial freedom is no freedom ness.

ie: 7 billion people (all of us) set free is the solution.

yet 1%ish of us are managing/strategizing solutions.

while the other 99%ish.. are currently:

trying to survive poverty/oppression/abuse/war..

too busy with work/school/supposed to’s

crafting perfect pitches to beg for resources for a brilliant solution to some problem

(but most likely not to the problem that’s deep enough – or we’d be there by now.. no?)

we can try to increment our way to betterness.

we’ve been doing it for several years now.

with some successes.

but we haven’t yet realized/figured-out/believed-ina problem/solution deep enough to get to the root/soul

of all of us.

the key to betterness/equity is to let go of control.

partial trust is no trust. trust isn’t earnable. it doesn’t depend on the other person being trustworthy. that’s judgment. not trust.

partial control (aka: partial freedom) is no freedom. it may make us feel better about ourselves. but it’s making the world worse. it’s not a fix. freedom can’t be measured/predicted/mandated. that’s control. not freedom.

and it’s killing us.

which is ridiculous.

because the key is so simple. within reach.


we don’t need more meetings/prep/training/regulation/strategic-plans…

only one thing stands in our way to a better world

finding the bravery/wisdom

to let go.

to all

no matter how well hidden .. or fun/shiny the trail to get there … or new-ish sounding or flowery the verbiage.. appears.. no matter how kind the people.. how well intended the intentions..

practically speaking (esp in regard to ed reform) a few signs we’re not letting go:• sentences end with math score comparisons• we don’t question compulsory/assumed basics• we talk competition/consumerism/credentials/money/cc• we talk• we make plans/scripts to engage others, to shape their curiosities• we think only some people can handle freedom/whimsy• we don’t think setting people free is our first/urgent problem


today we have the means to facilitate the curiosities of 7 billion people. everyday.

that’s fairly new.

but not yet tried/believed.

perhaps because most all of our research is based on …

today we have the means to facilitate the curiosities of 7 billion people. everyday.

we need to catch up to this capability.

leap frog to it.

we can

trytalk about

regulatespend money on

but that won’t last.there’s no teeth/heart in that.

shaping other people’s curiosities.

it won’t wake people up.enough.

choice matters.curiosity matters.

neither found (alive) under compulsion/coercion/control.

to all of us:

aka: let me go and i (all of us) will come/stay alive.
