Letter of Intent _AnaStevanovic

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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Dear friends,

Transcript of Letter of Intent _AnaStevanovic

Dear friends,

I’m writing this letter in order to apply for a position of General Secretary in EDSA, in year 2010/11. I was first introduced to EDSA in Slovenia in March meeting in 2009., and have been very active member since. In one and a half year and two meetings, I was Prevention Officer, Partnership Officer, I coordinated GC training in April this year, created contact between HELP program and EDSA, attended IADS meeting in March 2010. in order to continue cooperation with IADS and also attended IADR meeting in Barcelona in July 2010. in order to get new sponsors and continue and expand relations between IADR, AADR and EDSA. All the results you can see in my report mails I’ve been sending after each event.

I’ve been member of student organizations since my first year of dentistry. I was member of BEST, my local association and now EDSA. All of informations about my experience, qualifications are good explained in my CV, so I think there is no need for repetition. But maybe I should add some, just if you don’t want to read another document :)- So, apart from EDSA activities, I was organizer of lecture “Oral cavity and Diabetes mellitus”, 2009., organizational team member “ITC Developers Meeting”, 2007., BEST SC “Real IT, where academia meets industry”, 2008., BEST Job Fair “Your career starts here”, 2008., BEST SC “Some like it recycled. Urban recycled”, 2009. and technical trainer in FundRaising training in BEST (now I’m implementing this knowledge to EDSA partnership team). I was also Laboratory assistant on Restorative dentistry – preclinics 2008/09, 2009/2010, president of student exchange program 2007/2008., 2008/09;, vice-president of Association of Dental Students in Niš 2008/2009. and fundraising responsible and BORD member of BEST group Niš 2007/08.

Position of General Secretary is one of the most responsible there is in EDSA. And yes, it was a hard decision to make when I was thinking of applying. But I think that I can contribute to EDSA even more as a Secretary then I did so far, so this is my main reason for applying for it. In the past year, as one of the Officers, I was closely working with the ex-co, and I got much input in the responsibilities they have and work they do (trust me, much more than you can read in our EDSA ExCo members Duties file :)). So, there is one more thing to add. My expectations if I get elected. In my oppinion General Secretary should be the link between ex-co and delegates. He/she should be also link between EDSA and other dental organizations. He/she should be resposible, great team worker, have good organizational skills, and should serve as an example for the rest of the delegates (as well as any other member of exco should). And I think I can manage these expectations. And honestly, if I succeed to “fill in the big shoes” of Maja and Irina year before, I will find my contribution more than satisfying and consider myself a very happy person :).

Yours truly, Ana Stevanovic EDSA delegate, Niš, Serbia