Let’s begin with some… introductions? Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. WE SHARE STORIES WITH THE...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Let’s begin with some… introductions? Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. WE SHARE STORIES WITH THE...

Let’s begin with some…


Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.


Poised to lead and succeed in an increasingly more engaged, more connected media environment. 

Shared Services Organization that Provides First-in-Class Media Planning for our Networks.

Planning Philosophy:Think Strategically, Stay Nimble, Constantly Evolve

Our Goal:Develop Effective and Innovative Ways to

Attract Audiences to the Stories Turner Creates.

What does Turner care about?We want people Tuning-In to our Stories.

Key Objectives: Build Awareness & (Social) Community, Recruit New Viewers and Encourage Sampling

Digital Tactics: High Reach, High Impact, Video Sampling, First to Market (or Close to It!), Custom Integrations & Editorial, Multi-Platform

KPI’s & Metrics: Impressions, CTR, Interactions, Video Views

How does SocialVibe deliver?• Full Service Agency Partner• Scalability of display/creative flexibility of rich media• Low/No Production Cost/Short time to market• Reach of 100 MM U.S. with targeting• KPI Flexibility• Significant opt in (sampling) and lift (tune in)• Full reporting and campaign analytics

35 sec


92.0%Completion Rate

Average Time Spent

The Closer, Summer 2011

CTR to Site

32.0% Lift in Intent to Watch

27 sec


95.0%Completion Rate

Average Time Spent

Rizzoli & Isles, Summer 2011

CTR to Site

45.0%Lift in Intent to Watch

Building on a Successful RelationshipDr. Drew, Spring 2011

49 sec


82.0%Completion Rate

Average Time Spent

CTR to Site

555,197Total Interactions

The Great Escape, Summer 2012

45 sec


85.0%Completion Rate

Average Time Spent

CTR to Site

52.0%Lift in Intent to


THE MISSION:Build Awareness and Encourage Sampling of TNT’s New Competition Reality Show

OBSTACLES:Brand New Genre to the NetworkMarket Saturation of Reality TV Shows

OUR PLAN OF (Digital) ESCAPE:Engage Viewers within Casual Gaming Environments; Provide Online Sampling Opportunities

WiFi Access

Music Streaming

Social Gaming Play

Campaign Placement

Better ResultsThe Great Escape, Summer 2012

45 sec52.6%

85.0%Completion Rate

Average Time Spent

CTR to Site

52.0%Lift in Intent to


What’s so engaging?Our NetworkMulti-channel, online and mobileReach consumers where they are most engaged - Social, Mobile, WiFi, Streaming MusicOver 100 MM Monthly Uniques

Our PlacementNon-interruptive100% Consumer Opt In100% Share Of Voice

Our Ad UnitUnlimited creativityZero production costFast time to market 

For more information, contact: Alex Van Camp | alex@socialvibe.com | 602-330-2157

The SocialVibe Guarantee.Run an SV-approved, run of network campaign and we will guarantee results.

If campaign does not garner at least 70% completion and 45 seconds average time spent, SV will rerun the campaign at no charge.

Engagement. Guaranteed.