Let My People Go ימע תא חלש - Zohar 2017 Let My People Go.pdfLet my people go, that they may...

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Transcript of Let My People Go ימע תא חלש - Zohar 2017 Let My People Go.pdfLet my people go, that they may...

Let My People Go שלח את עמי

And you shall say unto him, YHWH God of the Hebrews has sent me unto you, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness: and behold, until now you

would not hear. Ex. 7:16

In Exodus 7:16, YHWH gives the message that He will free His people. YHWH frees the people from slavery in “Egypt,” symbolically the “worldly.” To serve God “in the wilderness” is to embark upon the spiritual journey of transformation.

This message of deliverance connects to the Messianic Word given in Luke 4:18 when Yeshua quotes Isaiah 61:1. This includes the Savior’s announcement He has been anointed to “free the captives.” In fulfillment of that freedom souls are being prepared to take an Exodus to other star systems and other mansion worlds of Light (beyond the influences of the “zodiacal wheel”).

The Exodus involves introduction to new wavelengths of Light, higher vibrations, and for “those who have an ear,” a new way to hear what the Holy Spirit says (in the language of Light).

The ten plagues of the Biblical Exodus list the results of becoming separated from the emanations of the Tree of Life. The first plague, for example, is the result of separation from the “Kingdom” sphere at the base of the Tree.

Crown Pathway code daleth, ד

Κ υρ ι ος

Ι ησους

Χρ ι στος

Τ αξ ι ν

Μελχ ι σεδεκ

✡ ✡ ✡

The second plague addresses the lack of foundation, Yesod, the third is Hod, fourth is Netzach, fifth is the pestilence that results from not receiving the Word (corresponding to the Beauty sphere) and so on until the final plague at the Crown. The final plague is the death of the first born at the Passover.

The Template below is Passover, the day when the Overself, and the Christ Overself “passes over,” lining up the higher chakra system that ultimately domes with our seven chakra embodiment.


In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old.

Amos 9:11

The large arch at the top of the Template, going down the left side, is a “wing of the Dove.” Along the left side of the wing the Hebrew letters say “hearer’s hear.”

Returning to Ex. 7:16 (p. 1 above), the phrase “until now you would not hear,” can be read hyperliterally as “you did not hear the witness of koh, כה.”

The Hebrew word koh, has a letter value of 25 and means “thus” or “here.” In the Zohar it is explained as representing the Shekinah Holy Spirit, the divine Presence that is always “right here.”

The koh with a gematria value of 25 is a reference to the twenty-five Hebrew letters of the Shema: Hear O Israel: YHWH our God, YHWH is one (Deu. 6:4). This verse is a sacred vibration of deliverance indicating the dwelling and unity of the divine Presence, שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד.

Thus “my people” are those who receive and keep the indwelling of the divine Presence. The Shekinah is the door to the Tree of Life and Adam’s sin was to separate her.


Small face (Zeir Anpin)

Elohistic Creation

“Flux Controllers”

“Send up”

Lower lens, the Shekinah, 1Cor. 13:12

“Trained up” with the words “glorify” and “exalt” YHWH.

Vast face (Arik Anpin)

Bridegroom את חתן, the lens that shines or “through a glass clearly”

Hand (of God)

Face ↗ to face

Psalms 17:15, As for me, I will behold your face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with your likeness.

In the upper sphere of the Hand Template (shown above) the koh is shown as part of the Heb. word aikah meaning “how” (the first word of Lam. 1:1, How lonely sits the city…). When the letters are split ,איכהinto two words, ai and koh, it is read as “where (אי) are the 25 (כה),” understood as “where are the 25 letters of unity,” the Shema, Deu. 6:4.

The top circle of the Template above is the “upper lens” (containing the Heb. word aikah), it is shown connecting to the lower lens as the circle at the bottom. The Template shows how Word stimulates union.

Without the prophetic Word, without the union and dwelling of Shekinah, face does not turn, pattern linkages are lost and pestilence spreads in the land.

The people being freed from the electromagnetic enslavement and lower rulers in this world are the people who are in His “likeness,” they maintain the similitude (Heb. temunah) of the Adamic Image.

These are the “firstborn” of the Light.

The captors are unprepared with the vibration of the Word, they are unable to be “reborn” and come out of the womb of space and time. Thus the firstborn of the “worldly” womb, the Egyptian captors, died at the change of thresholds on the night of Passover.

Since the tenth plague could bring death to Hebrew and Egyptian alike, there was a special requirement to place the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of the Hebrews, the higher vibrations of protection. The blood of the lamb is blood of Covenant (Zech. 9:11) is blood of Christ (John 1:29).

YHWH has declared, let my people go. The proclamation of Deliverance is sanctioned within the purpose of tending the Trees of Life in the Garden of Delight—the Tree of Life is in the beginning, middle, and end of the revealed Word of YHWH.

Mat. 7:17, …every good tree brings forth good fruit, כל עץ טוב עשה פרי טוב.

From the Tree of Life three additional rungs or “fruit” have been brought forth as the Light Program enters into Victory. The names of the three added Sephiroth are Metatron, Michael, and Melchizedek. 1

Metatron El Shaddai gives the Covenant of Light, Gen. 17:1-2, Walk before me and be whole. And I will make my Covenant between me and you… The Almighty, Shaddai, is also called “the keeper of the way to the Tree of Life” (Gen. 3:24). He is referenced by the letter shin placed on the mezuzah (on the doorpost): ש (“S” for Shaddai).

Michael protects the seed program and offers the souls of the righteous to the Father. Dan. 12:1, And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of your people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time your people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Melchizedek The eternal Order of Melchizedek (which is after the Order of the Son of God) is an unbroken line of transference from ancient—the endowment of priesthood and education in worlds without end. Ps. 110:4 reveals that it is a priesthood by oath (Heb. 7:21). Heb. 6:20, Where a forerunner has entered in our behalf, even Yeshua, who has become a high priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek.

All priesthood keys are in the hand of Yeshua, chief cornerstone to the glory of the Father, even the Ancient of Days.

See Holy Sephiroth booklet series by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Academy For Future Science.1


The authority is from the Living God Most High with an indivisible Hierarchy, a supernal Law, and an unfailing Word.

Without reverence for the Image and Similitude fallen lords program away their very existence. Beware of fallen lords who have refused release from karma.

The altar, the administration, the authority, the priesthood, the power of the Holy Spirit…all this in the name of the Most High God, El Elyon, אל עליון (Gen. 14:18).

Know the names of the true God, Ha-El, including the Paradise Trinity of Moses, Yeshua, and Elijah (Mat. 17:3):

Moses reveals the Instruction of Light according to the pattern in the Mount, including the Ten Commandments as ten pyramidal grids of Light behind creation. Moses gives the blueprint for the Kingdom of God.

Elijah, the messenger of the Covenant. Amos 3:7, Surely the Sovereign Lord YHWH will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets. Elijah represents the mantle (סוד)of prophethood and the work of prophecy through the Vehicle of Light.

Yeshua is the Logos Theou, the second Adam, He whose right it is to rule. He is the mediator of the new and everlasting Covenant of Light. Messiah is not the Messiah without Torah d’Atziluth for a grand sower prepares a great harvest.

Mat. 7:20, …by their fruits you shall know them, בפרים תכירו אותם.

Even so.

מיטטרון מיכאל מלכיצדק י י יי ייי יי י יי י י יי יי י

© The Academy of On, 2017. Amen.


Fig. 5:3, The altar is shown as the square above (overhead view). The word around the center of the altar (inside the circle) is “round:”

Sol. 7:2, Your navel is a round basin, let not the mixture be lacking from it—the combined emanations flowing from the spheres of the Tree of Life.

Above left is a conic section of Light with unique coding related to Gen. 49:27 and the Sirius threshold:

Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.
