
Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Lesson4

Learning EnglishLesson 4

Goal:Ways of learningEnglish

Warm up:

Write to disadventage and Adventage in EnglishLearning please.You think...

Ways of learning EnglishLanguage- greeting- writing- talking- listening- of time- reading etc.

GrammarPresent perfect vsPresent perfect cont.- We use the pre.perf.simple whenWe talk about a completed activity.-We use pre.perf.cont when we Talk about a continuing activity.

+ We have learned a new song this week- We haven't learned a new song this month? Have you learned a new song this month.gPRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE


+ We have been learning a New song this week.- We haven't been learning aNew song this week.? Have you been learning a new song this week.

Write a present perfect simple andPresent perfect continous sentenses or exercise

Do you have finishAre they understanding exercise.Ask me...

Home workWrite a five sentences

Thanks forattention.