Lesson Study Interactive PowerPoint SPREE 2005-2006 Jump to Step 2 Jump to Step3 Jump to Sep 4 Jump...

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Transcript of Lesson Study Interactive PowerPoint SPREE 2005-2006 Jump to Step 2 Jump to Step3 Jump to Sep 4 Jump...

Lesson Study Lesson Study Interactive PowerPointInteractive PowerPoint

SPREE 2005-2006SPREE 2005-2006

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Planning ProcessPlanning ProcessStep 1:

Your StudentsStep 1:

Your Students


Step 3:EvidenceStep 3:


Of Student Learning

Of Gap & Goals

Aspirations for Students

Step 2:Goal Selection

Step 2:Goal SelectionSequence & Flow


School & Classroom

Key Factors –Student Needs

Step 4: Learning Experiences

Step 4: Learning Experiences

Objectives – Steps - Debriefing

Goal to address Gap

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through this slide

Step 5: “Study” Lesson

Step 5: “Study” Lesson

Contextual Factors

Analysis & Self-Evaluation


Lesson Study Planning TemplateA tool for organizing the

Unit Plan EffectivelyTemplate embodies all 5

steps of the Lesson Study Planning Process





Team Members: Grade(s): School(s):

Facilitator and other advisors:

Unit Topic and Science Standards you will address: Narrative Overview of what your team will focus on:

Organization of your group (Include meeting schedule, meeting structure, process for setting deadlines & milestones)

Budget: roughly, how will you use the allocated science supplies fees from SPREE?

Go ontoStep 2

Step 1: Who are your students? What are the physical factors of the school and classrooms? ( For example, the type of school/program in which you teach, kind of classes involved in the lesson study (e.g.,2nd grade multiple subjects, 6th grade Integrated Science), schedules, classroom layout and arrangement, grouping patterns, management rules and routines, available technology and the extent of parental involvement.)

What are the demographics of the community? (The kind of information you are looking for includes the geographic location and population of the community and school, the socio-economic profile, race or ethnic breakdown, and any other factors that could either challenge or support your teaching and the students’ learning.)

Key factors about your classes that will influence your planning and teaching. (Describe what your students can do as well as what they are still learning to do. Include information about Academic development, Language development, Social development, and Socio-economic and cultural context.)

Students withDisabilities


English Learners



Science &Basic Skills



What Student Needs Require Accommodations?A number of online resources provide assistance and strategies for science instruction for English learners, advanced learners and students with disabilities:

CA Science Project English Learner Initiative:http://csmp.ucop.edu/csp/initiative.html

SDAIE Handbook: Techniques, Strategies, and Suggestions for Teachers of LEP and Former LEP Studentshttp://www.csupomona.edu/~tassi/sdaie.htm

Inclusion in science education for students with disabilitieshttp://www.as.wvu.edu/~scidis/sitemap.html

Planning Science Programs for High Ability Learnershttp://ericec.org/digests/e546.html

Back toStep 1


Go ontoStep 3

Step 2: Group Goal Selection

Think about the aspirations you have for your students. What kind of students do you want to foster and help develop at your school? What qualities do you want your students to have the time they leave your school?

What gaps do you see between these aspirations and how children are actually developing at your school?Discuss these gaps with your group. As a group, select a “gap” that you would like to focus on with your lesson study. What “gap” have you selected?

Write a group goal that states the quality you would like to develop in your students, in order to address the gap that you have chosen.

Go ontoStep 4

Step 3: What Evidence Will You Gather?

What kinds of evidence of student learning will be gathered? How will that evidence be measured?

What kinds of evidence will be gathered to determine the extent to which the “gap” has been addressed? How will that evidence be measured?

What kinds of evidence will be gathered to assess how well your group goal has been achieved? How will that evidence be measured?


Entry Level Evidence:

Measure existing knowledge & skills Measure mastery of preceding sets of

content standards Serve as a diagnostic tool to help plan

instruction Provide “pre-test” data to be compared to

“post-test” data at the end of the unit Should be administered under same

conditions for all students

Formative (Progress Monitoring) Evidence:

Monitor student progress on an ongoing basis throughout the unit

Inform the teacher about what is working, what isn’t and what adjustments to the plan are needed

Identify struggling students who need direct interventions

Provide quick feedback to students with opportunities to improve

Summative quizzes, tests, prompts, and/or other Evidence: End-of-unit measurement of students’ ability

to apply the science knowledge and skills they have acquired.

Require students to demonstrate the extent they have met the goals and objectives identified in Stage 2

Provide a “post-test” comparison to the “pre-test” conducted before the unit began

Multiple Methods of “Evidence”


Click in any box for more details or the button below to skip ahead to Step 4.


InformalChecks for


Back toStep 3


Informal Checks for Understanding Hand Signals (thumbs up, thumbs down, wave hand) Index Card Summaries (“Summarize a big idea you got from this

lesson”) Index Card Questions (“State one thing you don’t understand

about...”) Question Box (a place to leave questions about concepts &

processes) Misconception Checks (State a common misconception & ask if

they agree/disagree—why or why not?) Observations Interviews, Dialogues, Open-Ended Questions Daily journal entries Click HERE for web

links to grade-level science assessments or click on the arrow to the right to return to the Step 3 Template

Traditional Assessment

Multiple Choice – potentially useful for baseline measurement of content knowledge & science vocabulary

True-False – More useful to assess attitudes & applications of ideas versus content/vocabulary

Matching – More responses that list items increases likelihood of higher level thinking

Completion/Short Answers – Reduces guesswork but need careful wording to avoid ambiguous answers Click HERE for web links to

grade-level science assessments or click on the arrow to the right to return to the Step 3 Template


Useful in the assessment of problem-solving skills and complex interrelationships between concepts and processes

Provides opportunities for students to develop written communication skills

Shortcomings include the subjective nature of essay questions (no single right/wrong answer) and English Language learner variabilities

Important to provide expectations and use some kind of grading rubric

Click HERE for web links to grade-level science assessments or click on the arrow to the right to return to the Step 3 Template

Authentic Assessment Performance-based

may be used to assess correct answers and the processes used to get there

usually involves use of concrete materials may include models, scientific illustrations & diagrams, experiments,

and other contextualized demonstrations Projects – students investigate authentic questions and use

processes of investigation & experimentation to find solutions Interviews & Student Journals – a good way to identify thinking &

problem-solving abilities, misconceptions, and communication skills Portfolios – a collection of student work over time that provides

evidence and reflections demonstrating knowledge, abilities & understanding

Graphic Organizers – such as concept maps, vee maps & Venn diagrams – help assess students’ grasp of the interrelationship among concepts Click HERE for web links to grade-level

science assessments or click on the arrow to the right to return to the Step 3 Template

Web Links to Grade Level AssessmentsGrade Khttp://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://pals.sri.com/http://www.cobb.k12.ga.us/~schoolimprovement/curriculum/science/kscience.htm


Grade 1http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://pals.sri.com/http://web.dps.k12.va.us/parkave/soltest.htm http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/plants1.pdf http://www.exemplars.com/science_k-2/science_k-2_sample.html

Grade 2http://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://web.dps.k12.va.us/parkave/soltest.htm http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/plants1.pdf http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/plants2.pdf http://www.exemplars.com/science_k-2/science_k-2_sample.html

Grade 3http://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://education.jlab.org/solquiz/sci3_45.html http://web.dps.k12.va.us/parkave/soltest.htm http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/heat1.pdf http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/matter1.pdf http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/matter2.pdf http://www.exemplars.com/science_3-5/science_3-5_sample.html

Grade 4http://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://web.dps.k12.va.us/parkave/soltest.htm http://www.ode.state.oh.us/proficiency/02Tests/grade4/4sci0302.pdf http://tp1.clearlearning.com/ISBE/2003/grade4science/index.html http://www.edinformatics.com/timss/pop1/scipop1.htm?submit33=Grade+3,4+Science+Test

http://www.exemplars.com/science_3-5/science_3-5_sample.html http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=Science

Web Links to Grade Level Assessments (continued)Grade 5http://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://www.vismt.org/programs/assessment/sample_test_5.pdf http://education.jlab.org/solquiz/sci5_26.html http://web.dps.k12.va.us/parkave/soltest.htm http://www.sasked.gov.sk.ca/docs/elemsci/heat2,pdf http://www.aea3.k12.ia.us/divisions/instr/science/Level1test.pdf http://www.exemplars.com/science_3-5/science_3-5_sample.htmlGrade 6http://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://www.aea3.k12.ia.us/divisions/instr/science/Level2test.pdf http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/testing/achievement/tests/2000/sci6_at_2000.pdf


http://www.ode.state.oh.us/proficiency/sample_tests/sixth/6ptscie.pdf http://tp1.clearlearning.com/ISBE/2003/grade7science/index.html http://www.learn.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=Topic&WCU=3964 http://www.exemplars.com/science_6-8/science_6-8_sample.html http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=Science

Grade 7http://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/testing/achievement/tests/2000/sci6_at_2000.pdf


http://www.ode.state.oh.us/proficiency/sample_tests/sixth/6ptscie.pdf http://tp1.clearlearning.com/ISBE/2003/grade7science/index.html http://www.learn.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=Topic&WCU=3964 http://www.exemplars.com/science_6-8/science_6-8_sample.html http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=Science

Grade 8http://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://education.jlab.org/solquiz/sci8_42.html http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/testing/achievement/tests/2000/sci6_at_2000.pdf


http://www.ode.state.oh.us/proficiency/sample_tests/sixth/6ptscie.pdf http://tp1.clearlearning.com/ISBE/2003/grade7science/index.html http://www.learn.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=Topic&WCU=3964 http://www.exemplars.com/science_6-8/science_6-8_sample.html http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=Science

Web Links to High School AssessmentsGrade 9-12 Biologyhttp://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://www.4tests.com/exams/examdetail.asp?eid=39 http://www.aea3.k12.ia.us/divisions/instr/science/Level3test.pdf http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/testing/achievement/tests/2000/sci9_at_2000.pdf


http://www.state.tn.us/education/tsscwebsamf02tng.pdf http://testpilot.isbe.net/ISBE/PSAE/Science/index.html http://www.learn.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=Topic&WCU=32295 http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=Science

Grade 9-12 Chemistryhttp://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://education.jlab.org/solquiz/chem_37.html

http://www.4tests.com/exams/examdetail.asp?eid=33 http://www.aea3.k12.ia.us/divisions/instr/science/Level3test.pdf http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/testing/achievement/tests/2000/sci9_at_2000.pdf


http://testpilot.isbe.net/ISBE/PSAE/Science/index.html http://www.learn.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=Topic&WCU=23135 http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=Science

Grade 9-12 Physicshttp://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://www.vismt.org/programs/assessment/sample_test_9.pdf http://www.vismt.org/programs/assessment/sample_test_11.pdf http://www.getsmarter.org/challenge/real.cfm?grade=12th&subject=physics&name=LeftBlank&sex=0&age=1&state=LeftBlank&country=UnitedStates&iam=1&rating=0&access=3

http://www.aea3.k12.ia.us/divisions/instr/science/Level3test.pdf http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/testing/achievement/tests/1999/sc9_at_99.pdf


http://testpilot.isbe.net/ISBE/PSAE/Science/index.html http://www.learn.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=Topic&WCU=33620 http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=Science

Grade 9-12 Earth Scienceshttp://pals.sri.com/http://WWW.CORWINPRESS.COM/searchresults.aspx?search_text=Assessing Student Understanding in Science&sa=true&sc=1http://education.jlab.org/solquiz/esci_73.html http://www.aea3.k12.ia.us/divisions/instr/science/Level3test.pdf http://www.learning.gov.ab.ca/k_12/testing/achievement/tests/2000/sci9_at_2000.pdf


http://testpilot.isbe.net/ISBE/PSAE/Science/index.html http://jonathan.mueller.faculty.noctrl.edu/toolbox/examples.htm http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ITMRLS/search.asp?picksubj=ScienceBack to

Multiple Methods

Step 4: Plan Learning Experiences & InstructionIndicate the sequence of teaching & learning experiences that will equip

students to engage with, develop & demonstrate the desired outcomes

Day 1: Briefdescription of lesson or


Day 2: Briefdescription

Day 3 Briefdescription

Day 4: Briefdescription

Day 11: Briefdescription

Day 10: Briefdescription

Day 8: Briefdescription

Day 7: Briefdescription

Day 6: Briefdescription

Day 5: Briefdescription

Day 9: Briefdescription

Day 12: Briefdescription

Day 13: Briefdescription

Day 14: Briefdescription

Day 15: Briefdescription

Day 16: Briefdescription

Back toStep 3

Onto Step 5

Step 5: “Study” Lesson Information

Select ONE lesson from the sequence of learning experiences in Step 4. This lesson will be the basis for your team’s “study” lesson.Name of the study lesson:

Objectives(s) of the study lesson:

How is this study lesson related to the lesson study “gap” and “goal(s)”:

Steps of the lesson: (Include teaching model(s), “5 Es” strategies, learning activities, key questions and time allocation) :

Student activities/ expected student reactions or responses

Teacher’s response to student reactions / Things to remember

Method(s) of Evaluation & Debriefing


5 Es

What’s wrong with this objective?

“Students know how to compare the physical properties of different kinds of rocks and know that rock is composed of different combinations of minerals.”

“Know” is vague and difficult to assess.Q: How can we fix it?


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Bloom’s 6 Levels of Thinking

Compare the 2 objectives

“Students know how to compare the physical properties of different kinds of rocks and know that rock is composed of different combinations of minerals.”

“Students will identify and compare the physical properties of different kinds of rocks. Additionally, students will be able to sort and classify rocks according to their different combinations of minerals.”

In your teams …

Use ACTION VERBS from Bloom’s Wheel to write your learning objectives.

Return toStep5







Next Page

The 5 Es Learning Cycle

Developed by BSCS (Biological Sciences Curriculum Study) in 1989

Has emerged as a premier framework for instructional design because it: is applicable for virtually any instructional

purposes is flexible, adaptable and realistic reflects real science aligns with the standards

Next Page

Questions to Ponder as you plan with the 5 Es Engage: What provocative hooks will draw the students in?

What activities are most likely to capture and hold their interest? Explore: What learning experiences will encourage students to

gather evidence, try out hunches, pursue answers to essential questions?

Explain: What kind of instruction will equip students with the information they need to demonstrate what they know and are able to do? How will I build on student’s experiences to help them grasp scientific explanations?

Extend: How will students be guided to dig deeper, apply new understandings, work through misconceptions?

Evaluate: What formal and/or informal means of assessment will reveal what student know and can do? How will students self-assess? How will they demonstrate a grasp of the bigger ideas?

Next Page

In this PowerPoint you have:

learned the 5-step Lesson Study Process examined the underlying principles for each step

Using the same principles and the templates provided, you are now ready to put the design principles to use for your own science “Lesson Study” process.

You can also download the blank templates from the Lesson Study web site. Just click here.

Happy designing!

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