Lesson plan What’s going to change? - Transport for London · Lesson plan What’s going to...

Post on 19-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Lesson plan What’s going to change? - Transport for London · Lesson plan What’s going to...

Lesson plan What’s going to change?

In this activity, change and continuity are explored through visual images and there are opportunities to use observation and deductive reasoning. This can then be linked to transitions and personal changes, in this case the move to secondary school.

To ask: what changes can we observe in a series of images? What changes do we expect for us in the next year? In the next ten years? To use observation skills to make logical deductions To demonstrate an understanding of chronology To work collaborativelyTo reflect on the nature of personal change and key turning points in life To think about transitions

English: speaking and listening History: to use powers of observation, deduction and inference to make logical decisions and select/sequence items in chronological order; to learn terminology and conventions of time, dating and chronological awareness

Group and paired work,Reflectivity and reflexivityProblem solving

‘Pedal power’, ‘My life journey’

Learning context

Lesson objectives

Curriculum links



03 Pedal power

Lesson plan What’s going to change?

This session is about change, turning points and ‘big changes’ in our lives.

The starter is a quick quiz using the ‘Pedal power’ resource.

The presentation shows five images of bicycles but presented out of chronological order. The pupils have to look at the images and write down the key features of the bicycles and then discuss in small groups into which order the bicycles should be placed from earliest to most recent.

When the class has had time to view the images, complete the discussion, and make their decisions, give them the answers and debrief them. The exercise shows that although some things stay the same other things change and develop. Make the point that life is a little like this, there are periods of change and periods of continuity.

Starter activity

03 Pedal power

Oldest Newest

Boneshaker Penny farthing High-wheeled tricycle Safety bicycle Mountain bike

Lesson plan What’s going to change?

We are going to be discussing ‘big events’ or big changes in the lives of the class. Focus on positives and make a list of things the group think are important. Make a list of what the class sees as ‘big events’ for them, such as moving house, changing school, new brother/sister, big holiday.

From this, display the ‘My life journey ‘resource. The first example is a timeline of changes in an adult’s life, with the divisions on the timeline representing ten year periods. The second sheet is a timeline for the children to use to think about their own lives and key experiences. What sorts of things do they think they should record? What are their early and ‘big’ memories? Ask them to complete the task sheet. They have to decide how to divide the timeline.

Differentiation: pupils can support each other in pairs, as an extension pupils can start to think of what might go on the future of their timeline.

What are they expecting to happen to them in the next ten years? Take some suggestions and talk about change and continuity being a natural part of life (and history).

Pupils can fill in their timeline with things they want to achieve before they are 40. They can be imaginative and ambitious with these ideas!

Pupils can explore how other forms of travel have changed and think about what transport might look like in the future. They could draw, design or even build their future vehicles, which could be used in a classroom display.

Main Activity



03 Pedal power

Lesson plan What’s going to change?






03 Pedal power



Look at the features, differences and similarities between this bicycles. Write down the key features in the grid below and rank them from oldest to newest in the ‘Order of age’ column.

Image Key features Order of age1 = oldest, 5 = newest

Lesson plan What’s going to change?


03 Pedal power

My life journey


Brother born

TeachingFirst pet:

Freddie the Goldfish




Lesson plan What’s going to change?


03 Pedal power

My life journey
