Lesson 2 Colonists Speak Out Review for Test. This act put a tax on paper items. Newspapers,legal...

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Transcript of Lesson 2 Colonists Speak Out Review for Test. This act put a tax on paper items. Newspapers,legal...

Lesson 2 Colonists Speak OutReview for Test

This act put a tax on paper items.Newspapers ,legal documents, and even

playing cards were taxed.

The Stamp Act

Who was the writer that disagreed with the taxes and wrote plays that accused the British

leaders of being greedy?

Mercy Otis Warren

Who was accused of treason because he told the House of Burgesses that Parliament did not

represent the colonists?

Patrick Henry

What did the colonists do to force Britain to take back the Stamp Act?

They began to Boycott British goods.

This group captured British tax collectors, and were a secret underground group fighting for


The Sons of Liberty

This group wove their own cloth, also a secret group.

The Daughters of Liberty

This act said that Britain had “full power to make laws for the people in America”

The Declaratory Act

What did the colonists form to spread information between colonies more quickly?

The Committees of Correspondence.

Who organized the first Committee of Correspondence?

Samuel Adams

What does boycott mean?

To refuse to use, buy or purchase from.

What act in 1767 taxed glass, tea, paint, and paper, and set up a new group of tax


The Townshend Acts

The Townshend Acts were repealed, except for the tax on ______?


5 colonists were killed on March 5, 1770. This event is called….

The Boston Massacre

Who was the first person historians say was killed in the

Boston Massacre?

Crispus Attucks

Who made a picture of the Boston Massacre?

Paul Revere

In 1773, Parliament passed this act that gave Britain’s East India Company a monopoly on


The Tea Act

Describe the Boston Tea Party….what happened??

The Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and

boarded British ships in Boston Harbor. They dumped tea overboard

to protest the Tea Act.

What were the Coercive Acts?

They were a new set of laws passed to punish the Massachusetts colonists for the Boston Tea Party.

What is another name for the Coercive Acts?

Intolerable Acts

In 1774, the first meeting of its kind occurred on the North American continent. What was

this meeting called?

The First Continental Congress

Where was this meeting held? What city?


The First Continental Congress sent a petition to

the king reminding him that colonists had the right

to_____ and______. Colonists also had the right to

___________, and the right to a _____________.

life liberty

assembletrial by jury

The First Continental Congress voted to

_________ most trade with Britain and asked the colonies to form




What is a militia?

An army made up of citizens.

Who found out about General Gage’s plan to march to Lexington and Concord?

Paul Revere

Who did General Gage want to arrest at Lexington?

Samuel Adams and John Hancock

Why did General Gage send troops to Concord?

To find the Minutemen's weapons.

Who fired the first shot at Lexington?

No one knows????

What was the first shot at Lexington called?

“The shot heard ‘round the world”

The EndGood Luck!!