Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2

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Transcript of Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    API 510 Preparatory Class

    Lesson 4

    Hydrostatic Head Pressure

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    What is hydrostatic head pressure? Lets examine the words

    to better understand the meaning of hydrostatic.

    Hydro meaning liquid

    Static meaning unchanging.Pressure is a force exerted over an area.

    Which of leads us to the following;

    It is a pressure that is generated by the weight of the liquid

    due to gravity. The taller the height of a liquid column thegreater the force, which is expressed as pounds per square

    inch (psi) for our purposes. The Hydro (liquid) of interest on

    the exam is water, since it is the primary liquid we use for

    Hydrostatic testing. Other liquids can be and are used.

    Hydrostatic Head of Water


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    The hydrostatic head of water is part of our everyday lives.

    For example the water tower that supplies your home uses

    the principle of Hydrostatic Head or gravity to push the

    water into your home and out of your faucets. Lets have a

    look at a graphic of a water tower that will detail thisprinciple.

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    A Common Thing

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    Hydrostatic Head of a Water Tower140 x 0.433 = 60.6 psig and 100 x 0.433 = 43.3 psig

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    What would be the hydrostatic head pressure if a gage were

    inserted into the side of the tower at the 110 elevation whenthe tower was completely full? Hint, the darker area is

    exerting the pressure.

    Class Quiz

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

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    The height of the water above the point causes the pressure.

    140 - 110 = 30 therefore 30 x 0.433 = 12.99 psi


    Hydrostatic Head of Water

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    The hydrostatic head of water is equal to 0.433 psi per

    vertical footabovethe point where the pressure will

    measured. For example the hydrostatic head of water at a

    point in a vessel with 10 feet of water above it is calculated

    by multiplying 10 x 0.433 psi.

    10 x 0.433 = 4.33 psi

    The 4.33 psi is being exerted totally by the weight of the

    water. No other external pressure having been applied. If an

    external source of pressure is applied it would be added to

    the hydrostatic head pressure of the water at any given point

    in the vessel. More on this later.

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    Basic Principle

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    Now for a pressure vessel. No external pressure, filled with

    water only. 0 psi at top, the bottom is 100 x 0.433 = 43.3 psi

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    0 psi


    100 Feet

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    External pressure of 100 psi is now applied resulting in a gage

    pressure at the bottom of 143.3 psi. The 43.3 psi is static,

    never changing.

    Hydrostatic Head of Water




    100 Feet

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    What would be the pressure at the bottom if an external

    pressure of 235 psi were applied ?

    Class Quiz

    Hydrostatic Head of Water




    100 Feet

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    235 + 43.3 = 278.3 psi





    100 Feet

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    From these simple water tower and pressure vessel examplesthe following can be understood and applied to a pressure

    vessel. For a pressure vessel the MAWP is always measured

    at the top of a vessel in its normal operating position. Here are

    the issues on the exam that must be understood to work H.H.problems that might be given.

    Case 1: How do you determine hydrostatic head based on a

    given elevation?

    Case 2: When do you add the hydrostatic head pressure in

    vessel calculations?

    Case 3: When do you subtract the hydrostatic head pressure in

    vessel calculations?

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    Case 1:To determinehydrostatic head based on an

    elevationfrom a stated problem it must be understood that

    elevations are normally taken from the ground level to a

    vessels very top. You mustsubtractthe Givenelevationfrom theTotalelevation to determine vertical feet of

    hydrostatic head above the given elevation.

    Example: A vessel has an elevation of 18 feet and is

    mounted on a 3 foot base. What is the hydrostatic headpressure of water at the 11 foot elevation which is located at

    the bottom of the top shell course?

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

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    Remember it is the number ofvertical feet abovethe given

    elevation in question which causes the hydrostatic head atthat point. To find the hydrostatic head you mustsubtractthe

    elevation of theGivenpoint from theTotalelevation given for

    the vessel.

    18' feet total

    -11' desired point

    7' total hydrostatic head

    Hydrostatic head pressure at 11' elevation is:7 x 0.433psi = 3.03 psi

    Static Head of Water

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    Case 2: Hydrostaticheadat a point in a vessel must be

    addedtothe pressure used (normally vessel MAWP) whencalculating the required thickness of the vessel component

    at that elevation.

    Example: Determine the requiredthicknessof the shell

    course inCase 1. The vessel's MAWP (Always measured atthe top in the normal operating position) is 100 psi. The

    following variables apply:


    t = ? Circumferential stress from UG-27(c)(1)P = 100 psi + Hydrostatic Head

    S = 15,000 psi

    E = 1.0

    R = 20"

    Static Head of Water

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    Since the bottom of this shell course is at the 11 foot

    elevation the pressure it will see is 100 psi + the hydrostatic


    100 + 3.03 = 103.03 psi

    Also our basic formula becomes;

    Static Head of Water












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    Case 3 You mustsubtracthydrostatic head pressure when

    determining the MAWPof a vessel. If given a vessel of

    multiple parts and the MAWPfor each of the parts, the

    MAWPof theentire vesselis determined by subtracting the

    hydrostatic head pressure at the bottom of each part to findthe part which limits the MAWPof the vessel.

    Example: A vessel has an elevation of 40 feet including a 4

    foot base. The engineer has calculated the following partsMAWPto the bottom of each part based on each part's

    minimum thickness and corroded diameter. Determine the

    MAWPof the vessel as measured at the top.

    Static Head of Water

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    Calculated Part MAWP at the bottom of:

    Top Shell Course 28' Elev. 406.5 psi

    Middle Shell Course 16.5' Elev. 410.3 psi

    Bottom Shell Course 4' Elev. 422.8 psi

    Bottom of top shell course:

    40.0' elev.-28.0' elev.

    12.0' of hydrostatic head

    Static Head of Water

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    12' x 0.433 psi = 5.196 psi of Static

    Bottom of the middle shell course:

    40.0' elev.

    -16.5' elev.23.5' of hydrostatic head

    23.5' x 0.433 psi = 10.175 psi of

    Hdrostatic Head

    Static Head of Water

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    Bottom of bottom shell course:

    40.0' elev.

    -4.0' elev.

    36.0' of hydrostatic head

    36' x 0.433 psi = 15.588 psi of

    Hydrostatic Head

    Static Head of Water

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    The final step in determining the MAWPof the vessel at its

    top is to subtract the hydrostatic head of water from each of

    the calculated PartMAWPs. The lowest pressure will be the

    maximum gauge pressure permitted at the top of the vessel.

    Bottom of top shell course 406.5 - 5.196 = 401.3 psi

    Bottom of mid shell course 410.3 - 10.175 = 400.125 psi

    Bottom of btm. shell course 422.8 - 15.588 = 407.212 psi

    Static Head of Water

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    Therefore the bottom of the middle shell courses MAWP

    limits the pressure at the top and, determines the MAWP of

    the vessel.

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    The MAWP of the vessel is 400.125 psi

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    One thing to remember is this pressure is static. In our

    example the if the applied external pressure at the top wereraised above 400.125 psi, then down at the 16.5 elevation

    the gage would exceed that shell courses MAWP of 410.3.

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    Cl Q i

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    Class Quiz

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    What would be the pressure at 16.5 if the top read 410 psiinstead of 400.125 ?

    S l ti

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2



    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    410 + 10.175 = 420.175Since our part is only good for 410.3 we have now exceeded

    this shell courses MAWP. Not a good thing!

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    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    One last example using a vessel which is horizontal, just to

    reinforce the concept that it is the Vertical Height that mustbe considered. The 6.928 psi total H.H. must be considered

    at the bottom when calculating the sump head.

    Cl Q i

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    Class Quiz

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

    What would be the hydrostatic pressure exerted at eachpoint in the vessel below?

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    Bottom of top chamber 3 x 0.433 = 1.299 psi

    Bottom of main shell 13 x 0.433 = 5.629 psiTotal H.H. = 6.928 psi

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    One final thing the determination of H.H. for two formed

    heads, Hemispherical and Ellipsoidal.

    Hemispherical Head

    For this example we will use a hemispherical head that has

    an inside diameter of 48 inches which means it has a radius

    of 24 inches. The radiusisthe depth of the hemispherical


    Depth of a Hemi and Ellipsoidal and

    Hydrostatic Head of Water

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    An ellipsoidal head's I. D. will be the same as the shell's. The

    inside diameter of an ellipsoidal head isalsoits major axis.

    This fact is the basis of finding the depth of a 2 to 1 ellipsoidal

    head. Notice that we are strictly talking about 2 to 1 ellipsoidal

    heads. The 2 to 1 refers to the ratio of the Major Axis to theMinor Axis of an ellipse which is used to form the head.

    Standard 2 to 1 Ellipsoidal Head

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    Of course only half of the Minor Axis is used for the head.

    2 to 1 Ellipsoidal Head

    Now add the 2 inch flange to the dish.

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    2 to 1 Ellipsoidal Head

    Therefore, our 2 to 1 Ellipsoidal head has a depth of 14inches. Hint: To find the depth of a 2 to 1 ellipsoidal head

    divide the major axis by 4. In our example 48/4 = 12 then

    add the 2 flange.

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    Converting to feet: 18" divided by 12 =

    1.5' x 0.433 psi = 0.6495 psi


    Converting to feet. 32" divided by 12 =

    2.666' x 0.433 psi = 1.1543 psi

    2 to 1 Ellipsoidal Head

    Cl Q i

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    1. The depth of a 2 to 1 ellipsoidal head having a diameter of64 inches and a 1-1/2 flange is;

    a. 33 -1/2

    b. 16 -1/2

    c. 17-1/2

    2. What is the depth of a hemispherical head attached to a

    vessel shell that has inside diameter of 96 with an internal

    fit up ?

    a. 96

    b. 48

    c. 32

    Class Quiz

    Depth of Heads

  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    1. The depth of a 2 to 1 ellipsoidal head having a diameter of64 inches and a 1-1/2 flange is;

    c. 17-1/2 (64/4 = 16 + 1-1/2 + 17-1/2)

    2. What is the depth of a hemispherical head attached to avessel shell that has inside diameter of 96 with an internal

    fit up ?

    b. 48 (96/2 = 48)


  • 7/27/2019 Lesson 04 StaticHead_New2


    This one is over..