Lepidoptera larvae

Post on 11-Sep-2014

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Transcript of Lepidoptera larvae

Lepidoptera Larvae(Also known as Caterpillars)

What is a caterpillar?

• The larval stage of the order of moths and butterflies called Lepidoptera.

• Caterpillars pupate into moths and butterflies.

• They are mainly herbivores. Moths feed on trees and woody plants; Butterflies feed on herbaceous plants.

• There are more than 13,000 species within North America

Scientific Classification

• Kingdom: Animallia• Phylum: Arthropoda• Class: Insecta• Order: Lepidoptera• Family: More than 120 different• Genera: More than 15000 different• Species: Over 13000 in NA,

estimated 170000 worldwide

•The body of the caterpillar is divided into 3 parts, the head, thorax, and abdomen.•The ocelli are simple eyes that detect light. •Mandibles •Setae are sensory hairs all over a caterpillar's body, these hairs give caterpillars a sense of touch•Spiracles are holes that caterpillars breathe through

Parts of A Caterpillar

• Caterpillars have 3 types of legs, thoracic legs, abdominal prolegs and anal prolegs.

• Thoracic legs are three pairs of jointed legs with hooks that help the caterpillar hold onto its food.

• Abdominal prolegs are stumpy legs with crochets (small grasping hooks) that allow the caterpillar to climb and go up vertical surfaces. Caterpillars usually have four pairs of abdominal prolegs .

• Anal prolegs are the last pair of legs on the abdomen that are located at the very end of a caterpillar's abdomen.

Legs of a Caterpillar

A caterpillar goes through four different stages of life. Each stage has a different goal.

In the first stage of life, caterpillars are very small, round, oval or cylindrical eggs. The female moth or butterfly attaches the egg to leaves or other objects. These eggs are usually on or near caterpillar food.

In the second stage, the egg hatches and a caterpillar is born. This is a short stage that involves feeding and growth. The caterpillar starts his work by eating the leaf they were born on, then moves onto other leaves and plants.

In the third stage, the caterpillar form themselves into a pupa, which is also known as chrysalis. This stage begins when the caterpillar has reached its full growth. Inside of the chrysalis, caterpillars go through a metamorphic transformation and the parts that make up a moth or butterfly emerge. Tissues, limbs and organs of the caterpillar are changed by the time the pupa is finished.

In the fourth stage, an adult butterfly or moth emerges from the chrysalis. The main goal of this stage is to reproduce and includes courtship, mating, and egg-laying.

Stages of Life


Caterpillars are classified in families according to their


Caterpillars that turn into butterflies tend to be brighter, prettier and rather smooth looking. Swallowtails (papilionidae) and the brushfoots (nymphalidae) are two common butterfly families. - they include monarch and the American lady.

Moths seem to be dull in color and have hair or “spikes”.Cutworms(noctuidae) and prominents (notodontidae) are common moth families.

Silk worms (Tortricidae) are the family of moths that you could find in dry cereal, rice, and grains.

Caterpillars appearance also ties into their defense


Spicebrush swallowtail- disguise themselves as bird droppings.

Some also have eyespots that look kind of snake like.

Geometrid (Kent’s Geometer) or inch worms do not have legs in between allowing them to look like twigs.

Tussock Caterpillers (lymantridae) are mainly covered with lots of hair and usually bright colors and spots that deceives its predators.

Economic Effects

• Cause much damage, mainly by eating leaves.– Other species eat food crops.–target of pest control•Many species have become resistant

• Some caterpillars are used in industry.industry.


Current Research

• Neurology and Metamorphosis• Ecological effects on bird and deer

population• Parasitiodism• Toxicology and Chemical Defense• Invasive species population effects

and projections• Agricultural effects