Post on 29-May-2020

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Minister says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That, according to section 15 of the Forestry Act 2012, this House agrees to the proposal tabled in this House on 30 May 2017 being a proposal for revocation of the dedication of Bateman State ·Forest No. 870, Condobolin State Forest No. 932, Darrigo State Forest No. 906 and Extension No. 1, Dubbo State Forest No. 807 Extension No. 1, Forbes State Forest No. 942, Narrandera State Forest No. 786 and Extension Nos 2 and 3, Broken Bago State Forest No. 184 Extension Nos 11 and 17, and Bulahdelah State Forest No. 296 Extension No. 9, to be vested in the Forestry Corporation ofNSW.

2. The foregoing resolution be communicated by Address to His Excellency the Governor.

Dated --=30:......=...__• -~-· ,___,! ,,_7_

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 20 17\General Notices\Minister Blair 170530 revocation state forest.doc




Mr Wong says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) this year commemorates 160 years since thousands of Chinese prospectors arrived in Robe, South Australia and were forced to walk hundreds of kilometres to the goldfields of Victoria where they hoped to seek their fortune,

(b) more than 16,200 Chinese migrants, including one woman, were subject to a tax of 10 pounds for entering a Port in Victoria based on their race, which subsequently forced them to make this journey on foot, and

(c) many died from sickness, exhaustion and starvation, and those who survived the trek were subject to racist riots upon their arrival at the goldfields.

2. That this House congratulates a group of approximately 20 walkers who recently re­enacted the journey from Robe to Victoria to honour the heroic effort and sacrifice of the early Chinese settlers, recognising their resilience and the significant role they played in shaping this nation.

3. That this House notes that Victorian Premier, the Honourable Daniel Andrews MP, recently issued a formal apology in the Queen's Hall of the Victorian Parliament before hundreds of Chinese-Australians for what he described as a 'shameful injustice of the past'.

Dated '--_?_rJ ('--.J-~ ('--"hi_!_],____

I:ILC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\ Wong 170530 Walk Robe to Victoria.doc



Dr Faruqi says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the inaugural Ethnocultural Week at the Australian National University (ANU) was held from 8 to 12 May 2017 at the ANU campus in Canberra,

(b) the theme of the week was 'New Blue', a play on the term 'True Blue', ·

(c) the aim of the series of events held during the week was to explore Australian identity through the lens of people of colour, and

(d) various events provided opportunities for people to discuss race, belonging, and cultural diversity both at ANU and in Australia as a whole.

2. That this House congratulates ANU's Ethnocultural Department on the success of Ethnocultural Week and for its ongoing advocacy for people of colour.

Signed H~ ~'

Dated jo/t>-/2V { 7 t I

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs aod Notices 2017\General Notices\Faruqi 170530 Ethnocu1tura1 week. doc



Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

I. That this House notes that:

(a) on Tuesday 2 May 2017, a reception attended by 600 guests was held at the Shangri-La Hotel Sydney, to celebrate the 69th Independence Day of Israel,

(b) the reception was jointly hosted by: (i) the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies represented by its

President, Mr Jeremy Spinak, (ii) the Executive Council of Australian Jewry represented by its Vice­

President, Mrs Jillian Segel, (iii) the Zionist Council of New South Wales represented by its President, Mr

Richard Balkin, and

(c) those who attended as special guests included: (i) the Ambassador for Israel, His Excellency Mr Shmuel Ben-Shmuel, (ii) the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian MP, Premier of New South Wales, (iii) Mr Luke Foley MP, member for Auburn, Leader of the Opposition, (iv) numerous Federal and State Members of Parliament representing the

Government, Opposition and Crossbench, (v) numerous mayors and councillors representing local government, (vi) numerous representatives of Sydney's consular corps, (vii) representatives of numerous religious faith traditions, (viii) representatives of numerous Jewish and non-Jewish community


2. That this House congratulates the State of Israel on the occasion of its celebration of its 69th Independence Day.

3. That this House notes that Australia was one of the original member nations of the United Nations that supported recognition of the State oflsrael.

4. That this House extends best wishes to Australia's Jewish community and commends it for its ongoing positive contribution to Australia.

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\C1arke 170530 69th Anniversary lsrael.doc


Dated --"~'---o_,_/__,~-1-/'-'-tz ____ _

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 201 7\General Notices\Clarke 170530 69th Anniversary lsrael.doc



Mr Donnelly says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

I. That this House notes that:

(a) Coptic Christians comprise 10 per cent of Egypt's population of93 million,

(b) as a minority religious group in the country, Coptic Christians have over many years been subject to intimidation, persecution and murder,

(c) in December 2016, an attack on Coptic Cathedral left 29 dead, with ISIS claiming responsibility for the attack and naming Christians in Egypt as their 'favourite prey', and

(d) ISIS also claimed responsibility for the attacks on Coptic Christians on 9 April 2017, in which two suicide bombings of worshippers in Tanta and Alexandria, while they were celebrating Palm Sunday, killed 75 people and left scores wounded.

2. That this House notes that:

(a) on 26 May 2017, masked gunmen, dressed in military uniform, opened fire on a bus carrying Coptic Christians who were travelling on an unpaved desert road en route to Saint Samuel, the Confessor Monastery in Minya province, around 220 .kilometres south of Cairo,

(b) the death toll from the attack has reached 29 but is expected to rise further,

(c) those killed in the attack on worshippers and workers visiting the holy site included children aged two and four years of age, and

(c) ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack saying in an online statement that it was carried out by one of its affiliates.

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\Donnelly 170530 Murder of Coptic Christians in Egypt.doc


3. That this House condemns in the strongest possible terms the brutal killing of Coptic Christians last week in the Minya province and calls on the Egyptian Government to do more to protect the religious minority in that country.

4. That this House offers its sympathy and support to the Coptic community in New South Wales at this time of great sadness.

Signed g ·~ ' })I

Dated 3 o / <> r / 'Z.e> L "7 r J

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs aud Notices 2017\General Notices\Donnelly 170530 Murder of Coptic Christiaus in Egypt. doc



Mr Pearson says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House condemns the killing of kangaroos, Australia's national symbol, in canned hunting game parks such as the Ox Ranch in Texas, United States of America ..

2. That this House expresses its disgust at the practice of trophy hunting in Australia, where animals are killed solely for the purpose of the hunter's pleasure in seeing the animal's corpse dismembered and the body parts being preserved and put on display.

3. That this House notes that animals such as buffalo, wild boar, camels and deer are hunted as trophies in Australia.

C:\Users\apollard.P ARL\Desktop\MPearson WhippingHorsesAprl7.doc





Mr Mallard says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:



the Parliament of Victoria is conducting a wide ranging.i9quiry into 'Drug Law Reform' which is due to report on 11 November 2018/ and that the terms of reference of the inquiry are: (i) the effectiveness of laws, procedures and regulations relating to illicit and

synthetic drugs and the misuse of prescription medication in minimising drug-related health, social and economic harm,

(ii) the practice of other Australian states and territories and overseas jurisdictions and their approach to drug law reform and how other positive reforms could be adopted into Victorian law,

concurrently, the Parliament of Victoria is also holding an inquiry into 'Illicit and ~yn~etic Drugs and Prescription Medicine/and that the terms of reference of the mqurry are: (i) reviewing the effectiveness of drug treatment programs in Victoria with

recommendations on how treatment and harm minimisation strategies could be used as an alternative to criminal penalties,

(ii) reviewing the effectiveness of Victorian government investment into illicit drug supply reduction, demand reduction and harm reduction strategies and programs,

(iii) reviewing the effectiveness of drug detection programs including roadside testing and procedures for deploying drug detection activities at events,

(iv) assessing the impact of prescription medication on road safety, (v) reviewing and assessing the effectiveness oflaws and regulations relating to

illicit and synthetic drugs, (vi) assessing practices of other Australian states and territories and overseas

jurisdictions and their approach to drug law reform and how other positive reforms could be adopted into Victorian law,

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Mallard 170530 Victorian inquiry into drug law refonn.doc


(c) the committee members visited Parliament on Tuesday 23 May 2017 and conducted a consultation organised by the Cross Party Parliamentary Roundtable on Harm Minimisation,

# (d) in attendance at the consultation were the committee members:

(i) Mr Geoff Howard MP, Chair, (ii) Mr Bill Tilley MP, Deputy Chair, (iii) Honourable Martin Dixon MP, (iv) Mr Khalil Eideh MLC, (v) Ms Fiona Patten MLC, (vi) Ms Natalie Suleyman MP, (vii) Mr Murray Thompson MP,

(e) also in attendance were: (i) roundtable members Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, Ms Jo Haylen MP and the

Honourable Shayne Mallard MLC, (ii) stakeholders from New South Wales including Dr Marianne Jauncey,

Medical Director Medically Supervised Injecting Centre, Dr Geoff Gallop, Mr Mick Palmer, former Federal Police Commissioner and Mr Frank Hansen, former Superintendent NSW Police, and

(f) the committee is travelling interstate as well as overseas to investigate the complex issues surrounding drug law reform.

2. That this House wishes the inquiry successful investigations and deliberations, and looks forward to reviewing the published reports on this challenging policy area.

Dated 3c/~ /t 7. 7 r,

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Mallard 170530 Victorian inquiry into drug law reform.doc



Mr Primrose says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes:

(a) the Premier's public statements about the Liberal Party policy of opposing forced council mergers at a 'Meet the candidates forum' on 19 March 2015 at Chatswood: 'I think it is important to us to keep local government local to the people .... and there will be nothing people will be forced into ... ',

(b) the Deputy Premier's public statements about the National Party policy of opposing forced council mergers at a 'Meet the candidates forum' on 18 March 2015 at Bombala: 'Let me be clear, there will be no forced amalgamations in this region. I will be guided by my community. I will keep "Local" in local government', and

(c) the Minister for Local Government's public statements about her opposition to forced council mergers at a rally on 11 October 2015, at Double Bay: 'I believe there is no perfect size for a council and what works here [Woollahra] may not work for those that are three streets to our south'.

2. That this House calls on the Premier, the Deputy Premier and the Minister for Local Government to apologise to all those communities across New South Wales that they misled in the lead up to the election in 2015, and to now keep their undertakings to not impose forced council mergers.

Dated J 0 !VJ 0'\ v 2::.?/ 7 7

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Primrose 170530 local council forced mergers.doc



Mr Shoebridge says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the Coalition Government is proposing 1 strip democratically elected local councils of their planning powers to elevatehndependent planning panels,

(b) this is a poor substitute for ensuring the integrity of local councils through a ban on property developers and real estate agents being elected to council,

(c) councillors are elected by their local community to make the tough decisions about their local area in a way that is transparent and accountable and fixing corruption starts at this elected level, and

(d) the proposed independent planning panels are yet another example of the Coalition Government stripping democratically elected councils of their decision­making and authority.

2. That this House calls on the Government to genuinely commit to restoring integrity to the New South Wales planning system by banning property developers and real estate agents from sitting on councils.

Signed __ /_/_/___::_~----#'--k_1 /

Dated ____...,.lo'-L..tA'--"-t;+-~-J )+L------7 I

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Shoebridge 170530 Local Councils and plaoning.doc




Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

I. That this House notes that:

(a) on Thursday 16 February 2017, the Tamil Arts and Culture Association with the support of Multicultural New South Wales hosted at the Parliament a celebratory cultural presentation to mark the Pongal Festival for 2017, celebrated world-wide by the Tamil community, attended by members and friends of the Tamil­Australian community, and

(b) those who attended as special guests included: (i) the Honourable Ray Williams MP, Minister for Multiculturalism and

Minister for Disability Services, (ii) Ms Sophie Cotsis MP, member for Canterbury, Shadow Minister for

Women, Ageing, Multiculturalism and Disability Services, (iii) Dr Geoff Lee MP, member for Parramatta, Parliamentary Secretary to the

Premier, Western Sydney and Multiculturalism, (iv) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice, (v) Ms Jody McKay MP, member for Strathfield, Shadow Minister for

Transport, Roads, Maritime and Freight, (vi) Mr Kevin Conolly MP, member for Riverstone, (vii) Dr Hugh McDermott MP, member for Prospect, (viii) Ms Julia Finn MP, member for Granville, (ix) representatives of various Tamil, Indian and other ethnic community


2. That this House congratulates and commends the Tamil Arts and Culture Association for its organisation of the celebratory cultural presentation held at the Parliament on Thursday 16February2017.

3. That this House commends those who contributed to musical and cultural items at the presentation.

4. That this House extends greetings to the Tarnil-Australian community on the occasion of the celebration of the Pongal Festival for 2017.

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170530 Pongal Festival. doc


Dated ----=-j_o-'-/_s;-~--'(/_7 __ _

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170530 Pongal Festival.doc



() The Honorable Daniel Mookhey MLC says -


Mister President:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House notes that:

1) As a result of the Federal Government's failure to honour the 2014 Gonski schools funding agreement, 41 govermnent schools in the electorate of Tamworth will lose a combined $9.8 million in 2018-2019;

2) The five most affected schools in Tamworth will each lose over $1 million in public education funding:

a) Hillvue Public School will lose $1.5 million or $5065 per student;

b) Gunnedah High School will lose $1.1 million or $2480 per student;

c) Peel High School will lose $1.7 million or $2474 per student;

d) Tamworth South Public School will lose $1.3 million or $1859 per student;

e) Tamworth High School will lose $1.2 million or $1809 per student;

3) This much needed money could uplift educational standards, including by reducing class sizes, paying for additional teacher training and upskilling, specialist support teachers for disadvantaged students, or drastically cutting maintenance backlogs.

Dated: :3o [ 5 1 \ l

Notice of Motion Justin Field MLC 30 May2017

2015 State and Territory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

1) That this House notes that:

a) Yesterday, the Federal Department of Environment and Energy released the State and Territory Greenhouse Gas Inventory with the latest data available for 2015

b) This data shows that NSW contributed 133.4 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in 2015, compared to 130.2 metric tonnes in 2014

c) An increase in greenhouse gas emissions at a time of climate emergency represents a significant failure of Government policy

d) NSW needs to immediately decarbonise its energy market, which contributed to 80 per cent of the states total emissions, mostly from coal fired power stations.

e) The Government has reduced funding for renewable energy in its 2017-2022 Climate Change Fund Strategic Plan with the removal of the Solar Bonus Scheme.

f) The Climate Change Fund is not sufficiently weighted towards climate mitigation which is essential to reduce overall state emissions.

2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to:

a) Take its own target of net zero emissions by 2050 seriously and direct sufficient funds to renewable energy to decarbonise the energy market in NSW

b) Legislate an emissions target with interim targets for NSW in each key emissions sector

c) Commit to a state-based renewable energy target.



Mr Franklin says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:



(a) the Back to School Program is run by the Northern Rivers Community Foundation in partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal,

(b) the Program provides financial support to 'grandcarers' in the Northern Rivers to help purchase school items such as school bags and clothing for their grandchildren,

(c) 'grandcarers' are the unsung heroes in our communities, who step up to parenting for a second time, and

(d) this year, over 520 'grandcarers' received support through the Program, the · highest number to date.

That this House thanks the community donors and supporters who help bring this Program to life each year.

That this House congratulates John Callanan, Maggie Brown, Emily Berry and the Northern Rivers Community Foundation team for all their work running the Back to School Program.

Dated __ J--1-o f_:,--1-f_t?~---

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 201 ?\General Notices\Franklin 170530 Back to schooLdoc



Mr Mosel mane says-

Mister President:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House -

1. Notes that Reconciliation Week began on Saturday the 2ih of May and will end this Saturday the 3'd of June;

2. Recognizes that both of these dates are significant as the 2ih of May is the 501

h anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, and the 3'd of June is the 251h

anniversary of the historic Mabo Decision;

3. Acknowledges the importance of educating the public as well as future generations on the importance of reconciliation.



L !



Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on Sunday 30 April 2017, the New South Wales Association of Jewish Ex­Servicemen and Women (NAJEX) held an ANZAC Day commemoration and wreath laying ceremony at the New South Wales Jewish War Memorial Darlinghurst attended by several hundred guests,

(b) following the ANZAC Day commemoration and wreath laying ceremony guests were given an introduction to and then a visit of the new temporary exhibition at Sydney's Jewish Museums Permanent Military Exhibition sponsored by the Jewish National Fund of Australia,

(c) the new temporary exhibition highlights the ANZAC trail and the history of the campaign of Australians in Palestine in World War I based on diaries kept by two Australian soldiers,

(d) those who attended the ceremony as guests included: (i) His Excellency, the Governor and Mrs Hurley, noting that His Excellency

is Patron ofNAJEX, (ii) Official Secretary of the Governor, Colonel Michael Miller and Mrs Miller, (iii) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice

representing the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian MP, Premier and the Honourable Ray Williams MP, Minister for Multiculturalism and Minister for Disability Services,

(iv) the Honourable Walt Secord MLC, Shadow Minister for Health, the Arts, the North Coast and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council also representing Mr Luke Foley MP, Leader of the Opposition,

(v) the Honourable Scott Farlow MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, and Leader of the House in the Legislative Council,

(vi) Councillor Sally Betts, Mayor of Waverly Council, (vii) Wesley Browne OAM, former President ofNAJEX, (viii) Brian Nebenzahl OAM RD, former President ofNAJEX,

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\C1arke 170530 Jewish Anzac day.doc

(xix) Peter Allen, National Coordinator of Centenary of the ANZAC Jewish Program,

(x) Mr Kevin Crombie, noted author of 'Gallipoli: The Road To Jerusalem' and guest speaker at the event,

(xi) senior representatives of the War Widows Guild and Sydney Legacy, Jewish communal leaders and rabbis, students from Jewish Schools and Jewish scouts, members of NAJEX, members and friends of the Jewish community,

(e) NAJEX was founded as a welfare organisation for Jewish ex-servicemen, and its members now include serving Jewish Servicemen and Women (both full-time and reserve) together with families and supporters both Jewish and non-Jewish,

(f) the mission ofNAJEX includes: (i) commemorating and educating about Jewish participation in the Australian

Defence Force and the forces of our allies, (ii) representing Jews in the Australian Defence Force, (iii) promoting service to Australia and the community, and

(g) the Board ofNAJEX comprises: (i) Roger Selby, President, (ii) Monica Kleinman, Vice-President, (iii) Norm Symon RFD ED, Vice-President, (iv) Jon Green, Secretary, ( v) Charles Aronson, immediate past President, (vi) Harvey Baden, Board member, (vii) Lesley Barold, Board member.

2. That this House commends NAJEX for its hosting of the New South Wales Jewish community's 2017 ANZAC Day commemoration and wreath laying ceremony held on Sunday 30 April2017.

3. That this House commends NAJEX for its ongoing service to the returned servicemen and women's community of New South Wales and to servil:lg members of the Australian Defence Force.

4. That this House commends NAJEX for its fine efforts in encouraging an understanding and appreciation of the 'ANZAC spirit' and in remembering those Australians who paid the supreme sacrifice in past wars and conflicts for our nation.


Dated __ "3=-0--'(,_s_,{'--17--'.'-----

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 20 17\General Notices\Ciarke 170530 Jewish Anzac day.doc


Jeremy Buckingham MLC Notice of Motion


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House congratulates a. the Lennox Head Community and the NoSkiJumpForLennox Residents

Group for their successful campaign against the inappropriate ski jump development proposed by the NSW Government for Lennox Head;

b. the member for Ballina, Tamara Smith, for providing funding and coordination assistance to the community campaign, including for the rally against the ski jump on 27 May 2017.

2. That house notes that: a. almost no community consultation was undertaken before the Minister

for Sport announced the development; b. the Honorable Ben Franklin told the Residents Group two days before the

scheduled rally against the ski jump on 27 May that the Minister had decided to take the project elsewhere;

c. the Honorable Ben Franklin swore the residents group to secrecy and insisted that the residents group still hold the rally just so that he could do a big public announcement about the backflip;

d. the Honorable Ben Franklin told the residents group that if the member for Ballina spoke at the rally then the deal was off.

3. That this House notes the interjections of people in the crowd who said "get off you grub" when Ben Franklin made the announcement.

4. That this house condemns Ben Franklin for treating the community with such contempt and prioritizing his own moment in the spotlight over the interests of the broader community.



Mr Mosel mane says -

Mister President:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House-

1. Notes that Friday the 261h of May was "National Sorry Day";

2. Recognizes that this day has been officially commemorated since 1998 on the first anniversary of the handing down of the "Bringing them Home Report" relating to the Stolen Generations.

3. Acknowledges the profound suffering and misery suffered by First Australians because of various Government policies;

4. Commits to ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, this Chamber will legislate to correct those injustices it has previously endorsed.




Mr Shoebridge says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House welcomes the fact that:

(a) more than 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders, leaders and activists met at Uluru at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention to discuss how to deliver justice to Australia's first peoples, and

(b) the 'Uluru Statement from the Heart' was delivered at the conclusion of that meeting in the following terms:


We, gathered at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention, coming from all points of the southern sky, make this statement from the heart:

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign Nations of the Australian continent and its adjacent islands, and possessed it under our own laws and customs.

This our ancestors did, according to the reckoning of our culture, from the Creation, according to the common law from "time immemorial", and according to science more than 60,000 years ago.

This sovereignty is a spiritual notion: the ancestral tie between the land, or 'mother nature', and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto, and must one day return thither to be united with our ancestors. This link is the basis of the ownership of the soil, or better, of sovereignty. It has never been ceded or extinguished, and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown.

How could it be otherwise? That peoples possessed a land for sixty millennia and this sacred link disappears from world history in merely the last two hundred years?

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Shoebridge 170530 Aboriginal justice.doc

With substantive constitutional change and structural reform, we believe this ancient sovereignty can shine through as a fuller expression of Australia's nationhood.

Proportionally, we are the most incarcerated people on the planet. We are not an innately criminal people. Our children are aliened from their families at unprecedented rates. This cannot be because we have no love for them. And our youth languish in detention in obscene numbers. They should be our hope for the future.

These dimensions of our crisis tell plainly the structural nature of our problem. This is the torment of our powerlessness.

We seek constitutional reforms to empower our people and take a rightful place in our own country. When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country.

We call for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.

Makarrata is the culmination of our agenda: the coming together after a struggle. It captures our aspirations for a fair and truthful relationship with the people of Australia and a better future for our children based on justice and self­determination.

We seek a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history.

In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard. We leave base camp and start our trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.'

2. That this House calls on all political parties in this Parliament to work in good faith with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to deliver on the promise of justice found in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Signed _ ___,_/---"-.J-'-.J----'-0-'------,-IL-k--/

~{] 1~1)7" Dated ___________ _

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs aud Notices 2017\General Notices\Shoebridge 170530 Aboriginal justice.doc


NOTICE OF MOTION Mr Farlow says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) St Florian's Day is an international day recognising the sacrifices firefighters make for their communities, and

(b) Fire and Rescue New South Wales celebrates St Florian's Day by hosting an annual ceremony to present honours and awards to staff and members of the public who have been nominated for their courageous actions.

2. That this House acknowledges that:

(a) the 2017 St Florian's Day honours and awards ceremony took place on Sunday 28 May 2016 at the City of Sydney Fire Station, and

(b) the honours and awards ceremony was attended by Commissioner Paul Baxter, Deputy Commissioner Field Operations, Jim Hamilton AFSM, Deputy Commissioner Strategic Capability, Graeme Finney, Area Commander Metro East, Rick Griffiths AFSM, Area Commander Metro South, Craig Brierley AFSM, Detective Superintendent, Paul Pisanos, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, the Honourable Scott Farlow MLC representing the Minister for Emergency Services the Honourable Troy Grant MP.

3. That this House congratulates:

(a) the recipients of the Unit Commendation for Courageous Action Rozelle explosion rescue, September 2014: (i) Senior Firefighter Christopher Lyons (City of Sydney Fire Station), (ii) Senior Firefighter Mark Thompson (City of Sydney), (iii) Senior Firefighter Warren Whillier (City of Sydney), (iv) Station Officer Bradley Giersch (Balmain), (v) Station Officer Adam Standfield (Glebe), (vi) Qualified Firefighter Dane Bastable (Glebe), (vii) Qualified Firefighter Adrian Child (Glebe), (viii) Senior Firefighter Stephen Koperberg (Glebe),

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Farlow 170530 St Florian's.doc

(ix) Inspector Craig Wright (Commissioner's Certificate of Appreciation), (x) From NSW Police- Commissioner's Commendation, (xi) Detective Inspector Ian McNab, (xii) Inspector Gary Coffee,

(b) the recipients of the Unit Commendation for Meritorious Service Villawood Apartment Fire, August 2016: (i) Inspector Kernin Lambert, (ii) Station Officer Matthew Ruse (Parramatta Fire Station), (iii) Senior Firefighter Damien Cartwright (Parramatta), (iv) Senior Firefighter Trent Goddard (Parramatta), (v) Senior Firefighter Patrick Kwong (Parramatta), (vi) Senior Firefighter David Attard "(Parramatta), (vii) Senior Firefighter Benjamin Forner (Parramatta), (viii) Station Officer Mark McKinnon (Guildford), (ix) Senior Firefighter Andrew Nagy (Guildford), (x) Qualified Firefighter Luke Jackson (Guildford), (xi) Qualified Firefighter Scott Lahiff (Guildford), (xii) Station Officer Christopher McAuliffe (Chester Hill), (xiii) Senior Firefighter Daren Mellor (Chester Hill), (xiv) Qualified Firefighter Adam Robinson (Chester Hill), (xv) Senior Firefighter David Weekes (Chester Hill), (xvi) Senior Firefighter Thomas Morris (Chester Hill), (xvii) Station Officer Geoffrey Wood (Yennora), (xviii) Senior Firefighter Daniel Cunningham (Y ennora), (xix) Senior Firefighter Peter Cooke (Yennora), (xx) Senior Firefighter Shane Stephens (Yennora), (xxi) Deputy Captain Craig Ferns (Merrylands), (xxii) Retained Firefighter Edmund Mather (Merrylands), (xxiii) Retained Firefighter Christopher McDermott (Merrylands), (xxiv) Retained Firefighter Mohammed Shobaki (Merry lands), (xxv) Qualified Firefighter Cameron Simpson (Chester Hill), and

(c) the recipients of the Unit Commendation for Meritorious Service Development and implementation of the Indigenous Fire and Rescue New South Wales Employment Strategy (IF ARES): (i) Chief Superintendent Craig Brierley, (ii) Superintendent Philip Lindsay, (iii) Station Officer William Spek, (iv) Station Officer Patrick Albany, (v) Senior Firefighter Dean Dobson, (vi) SusanMacDougall, (vii) from TAFE NSW - Commissioner's Commendation, David Roberts,

Karen Davies.

4. That this House commends not only the award recipients but all the brave firefighters and members of our community who put their lives on the line year in year out.

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\Far1ow 170530 St F1orian's.doc



Mr Mosel mane says-

Mister President:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House-

1. Notes that Saturday the zih of May was the 501h Anniversary of the 1967 referendum which granted the Federal Government power to make laws for Aboriginal people;

2. Recognizes that this was a profound moment in Australian history that has preceded every move towards equality and reconciliation;

3. Acknowledges that this work is ongoing, and that State and Federal governments both have an enduring responsibility to make reconciliation and true equality for our nation's first people a reality.

Signed: c/~ Dated: _:?_07/_l>_s·-r~ /_1....:._7-__

I 7


Notice of Motion Justin Field MLC 30 May 2017

North coast shark net trial failure

1) That this House notes that:

a) This week the Government announced the early end of the North Coast Shark Net trial.

b) The nets will be removed on the North Coast to avoid entanglement of whales migrating up the NSW coastline

c) This follows disastrous results from the trial which saw 244 non-target marine creatures, including endangered turtles and greynurse sharks, as well as dolphins, non-target sharks and many species of stingrays caught and killed in the nets over the last five months

d) Over the same period, SMART drum lines that were deployed on the North Coast caught 29 target sharks, with no by-catch and only one fatality reported

e) In response to these results, the Government has announced plans to increase the number of SMART drumlines on the North Coast

f) 51 beaches from Wollongong to Newcastle are netted between

September and April each year with similarly disastrous results as the North Coast trial, last summer catching 748 non-target marine species, including dolphins, non-target sharks, rays and turtles, with 364 fatalities.

2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to:

a) Commit to abandon the use of Shark Nets on the North Coast permanently.

b) Ensure that the targeted use of SMART drumlins continues to be supported with immediate response to ensure minimal impact of animals caught and maximum scientific value from their use.

c) Commit to ongoing monthly reporting of the results of the SMART drumline program

d) Support further non-lethal technologies across the NSW coastline like the Shark Watch program and the development of personal deterrent devices.

e) Consider tria ling the replacement of nets used in the existing Shark Meshing Program between Newcastle and Wollongong with SMART drumlins and other non-lethal technologies in the 2017/18 summer season.



Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on Friday 26 May 2017, the first 2017 recruit class of Fire and Rescue New South Wales graduated at the first Graduation and Ceremonial Day of Fire and Rescue New South Wales for 2017 at the Service's New South Wales State Training College Alexandria,

(b) those who attended included: (i) Fire and Rescue New South Wales Commissioner, Paul Baxter, (ii) Deputy Commissioner Strategic Capability, Graeme Finney OAM, (iii) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice

representing the Honourable Troy Grant MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services,

(iv) Assistant Commissioner, Regional Operations, Robert McNeil AFSM, (v) Assistant Commissioner, Education and Training, Janet Ruecroft, (vi) Ann Weldon, Board Member, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land

Council, (vii) Assistant Director, Training, Ken Murphy, (viii) Assistant Director, Recruitment and Staffmg, Wayne Phillips, (ix) Executive Director, Logistics; Emmanuel Varipatis, (x) Robert Hilditch, Executive Director IT, (xi) Bernard King, Acting Executive Director, People and Culture, (xii) Louise Clarke, Director, Professional Standards, (xiii) Rick Griffiths AFSM, Area Commander ME, (xiv) Craig Brierley AFSM, Area Commander MS, (xv) Greg Buckley, Area Commander RS, (xvi) Dave Felton AFSM, Chief of Staff, (xvii) Anne Hallard, Manager Training Capability, (xviii) Brendon Cox, Manager Operational Staffing, (xix) Sue McDougall, Manager Recruitment, (xx) Dawn Smith, Senior Chaplain, (xxi) Lindsay Smith, Senior Chaplain,

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\Genera1 Notices\C1arke 170530 Fire & Rescue Graduation.doc

(xxii) Sam Toohey, Acting Executive Director, Office of Emergency Management,

(xxiii) Superintendent Ian Krimmer, Operational Media Co-ordinator, (xxiv) Alan Morrison, Director Education, New South Wales Ambulance, (xxv) Leighton Drury, State Secretary, Fire Brigade Employees Union, (xxvi) family and friends of graduates,

(c) following the graduation ceremony the newly graduated class provided a program of display of skills,

(d) Fire and Rescue New South Wales and its predecessors under other names have an illustrious history of service to the people of New South Wales going back to the 1820s, a richly deserved worldwide reputation for bravery and professionalism and is currently the 4th largest service of its type in the world, and

(e) over the years its responsibilities have grown to include: (i) fire fighting and rescue work, (ii) attending to victims of car accidents, (iii) dealing with hazardous goods of a biological, chemical, inflanunable,

explosive or radioactive nature, (iv) working together with police, defence forces, the State Emergency Service

and all those involved in counter terrorism programs.

2. That this House congratulates and commends members of the first graduating class of 2017 on the occasion of their graduation namely Amy Andrews, Balmain Station,Anika Ballantine, City of Sydney Station, Ross Beeching, Cessnock Station, Maxwell Cottingham, Ashfield Station, Cern Dincer, City of Sydney Station, Kirsty Dodds, City of Sydney Station,Willii¥J1 Doyle, Redfern Station, Joshua English, Kellyville Station, Marianne Ferrari, City of Sydney Station, Karmell Frost, Seven Hills Station, Josh Griffiths, Darlinghurst Station,Grant Hardiman, City of Sydney Station, Hardiman, Marrickville Station, Joshua Hindle, Silverwater Station, Barton Hill, City of Sydney Station, Gabrielle Lee, City of Sydney Station, April Merlino, Huntingwood Station, Jennifer North, Baulkham Hills Station, Matilda Quist, City of Sydney Station, Jiya Reardon, Lane Cove Station, Jasmine Sarin, City of Sydney Station, Jaimee-Lee Starr, The Rocks Station, Jodie Wagner, Concord Station, Ashley Wilkins, Ashfield Station, and Scott Zucchetto, Pyrrnont Station.

3. That this House congratulates and commends the instructors to the graduating class namely Alexander Arthur, Senior Firefighter, Martin Carpenter, Senior Firefighter, Shane Day, Senior Firefighter, Nick Gaite, Senior Firefighter, Mark Lesslie, Senior Firefighter, Kerry Matthews, Senior Firefighter, Kristen Ross, Senior Firefighter, Adam Ryan, Senior Firefighter, Dan Sargent, Senior Firefighter, and Paula Wiseman, Senior Firefighter.

4. That this House congratulates and commends Fire and Rescue Services for its well­earned reputation for professionalism, bravery and service to the people of New South Wales.

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170530 Fire & Rescue Graduation.doc

Dated _ _::3~o-l-f__,s'+(..LrLz ___ _

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 20 17\General Notices\Clarke 170530 Fire & Rescue Graduation.doc



Mr Wong says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that on Monday 22 May 2017, a suicide bombing was carried out at Manchester Arena· in England, which claimed the lives of 23 innocent adults and children and injured 116 more, some critically.

2. That this House:

(a) offers its heartfelt condolences to the victims, families and friends of all those who died or were injured as a result of this senseless and cowardly act of evil that targeted a crowd of young people who had simply been enjoying a concert,

(b) . acknowledges the dedication and bravery of the emergency services personnel who responded to this tragedy with such professionalism and care, and expresses its admiration at the compassion and humanity displayed by the Manchester community and beyond,

(c) condemns all acts of terror and the hatred and evil these represent, and notes that the community will not give in to the fear and division that seeks to infiltrate it but will continue to stand united with people of all races and faiths, and

(d) continues to be mindful that terrorism is 'political' violence and not based on any religious doctrines or teachings, and ensure that anger and hatred are not randomly directed at the Islamic and Muslim communities.


Dated __ J v_(_f_/_2-_• ___,( f-7 __ I

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\ Wong 170530 Victims ofManchester.doc



Dr Faruqi says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) between 1 August 2015 and 31 July 2016, 58 racehorses died on track in New South Wales, more than in any other Australian state,

(b) this year, many horses have died on track in New South Wales following catastrophic injuries sustained mid-race, and that these include Almoonqith who was euthanised on 8 April, Pelerin who was euthanised on 2 April following injury on 1 April, and No When to Hold Em who was euthanised on 12 April 2017,

(c) research undertaken by the Australian Govermnent Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation suggests that incorporating adequate rest time into racehorse training, among other training strategies, can help prevent catastrophic fractures requiring euthanasia,

(d) Racing NSW, the regulatory body for New South Wales horseracing, does not adequately enforce any restrictions on total race starts or rest time for racehorses,

(e) Racing NSW does not publish aggregate figures on racehorse deaths, either in its annual report or in any other report on its website, and

(f) Racing NSW is currently responsible for both regulating and promoting the horse racing industry in New South Wales, which creates a conflict of interest regarding the reporting of racehorse deaths.

2. That this House calls on the Govermnent to put in place regulations to prevent catastrophic fractures to horses during racing.

I:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Faruqi 170530 Racehorse death and catastrophic injury in New South Wales.doc


Dated -----=cJ---'-o+-(_L_>;--J/-----'-N----'t_'7'---_

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Faruqi 170530 Racehorse death and catastrophic injury in New South Wales.doc



Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

I. That this House notes that:

(a) on Sunday 7 May 2017, a Solemn Mass presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches and celebrated by the Most Reverend Mar Arne! Sharnon Nona Chaldean Bishop of Australia and New Zealand, was held at St Thomas The Apostle Chaldean Catholic Cathedral Bossley Park, followed by a dinner at the Church Hall, attended by approximately one thousand members and friends of the Chaldean Catholic Church,

(b) guests who attended the event included: (i) His Eminence Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for

the Oriental Churches in the Roman Curia, (ii) His Excellency Bishop Dr Antoine-Charbel Tarabay, Maronite Catholic

Bishop for Australia, (iii) His Excellency Bishop Robert Rabbat, Melkite Catholic Bishop for

Australia and New Zealand, (iv) His Excellency Bishop Mar Malki Malki, Syriac Orthodox Bishop for

Australia and New Zealand, (v) His Excellency Archbishop Mar Basilius Jirjees Casmoussa, Patriarchal

Vicar for Syriac Catholics, (vi) His Excellency Archbishop Mar Yako Daniel, Archbishop of the Ancient

Church of the East in Australia and New Zealand, (vii) Monsignor Basil Sousanian, Patriarchal Vicar of the Armenian Catholic

Church in Australia, (viii) Reverend Fathers representing other Christian Churches, (ix) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice and

Mrs Marisa Clarke, (x) Dr Hugh McDermott MP, Member for Prospect, (xi) Mr Sarnir Yousif, President of the Chaldean League NSW and Mrs Yousif, (xii) Mr Rouwell Shammas, Vice-President of the Chaldean League NSW, (xiii) representatives of numerous Chaldean community organisations, and

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs aod Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170530 Solemn Mass aod dinner presided by Cardinal Saodri at Chaldeao Catholic Church.doc

(c) members of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Iraq and Syria are amongst those members of minority communities who have suffered extreme persecution including death and destruction of their property at the hands of ISIS and other terrorist organisations.

2. That this House welcomes and extends greetings to His Eminence Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches in the Roman Curia on the occasion of his visit to Australia.

3. That this House extends its condolences to members of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Australia and other communities, who are presently grieving due to the persecution of their members in the Middle East.

Dated 30 I s/17 )- '

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170530 Solemn Mass and dinner presided by Cardinal Sandri at Chaldean Catholic Church. doc



( ) The Honorable Daniel Mookhey MLC says -

( ) \

Mister President:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House notes that:

1) As a result of the Federal Government's failure to honour the 2014 Gonski schools funding agreement, 35 government schools in the electorate ofWagga Wagga will lose a combined $10.3 million in 2018-2019;

2) The worst affected schools in Wagga Wagga will lose thousands of dollars per student:

a) Tolland Public School will lose $3,256 per student, equivalent to 14 extra teachers;

b) Mount Austin Public School will lose $3,178 per student, equivalent to 12 extra teachers;

c) Mount Austin High School will lose $2,800 per student; equivalent to 24 extra teachers;

d) Ashmont Public School will lose $1,809 per student; equivalent to 12 extra teachers;

e) Kooringal High School will lose $1,566 per student; equivalent to 11 extra teachers;

3) This much needed money could uplift educational standards, including by reducing class sizes, paying for additional teacher training and upskilling, specialist support teachers for disadvantaged students, or drastically cutting maintenance backlogs.





Notice of Motion Justin Field MLC 30 May 2017

South Coast Youth Unemployment

1) That this House notes that:

a) Regional Labor Force Trends published by the NSW Parliamentary Research Service last week show youth unemployment in the Southern Highlands and the Shoalhaven is at 23.7 per cent compared to a statewide average of 11.9 per cent.

b) The reduction in total employed persons across the Southern Highlands and the Shoal haven region has been in part driven by a falling participation rate which is now down to 45.2 per cent compared to a statewide average of 63.5 per cent.

2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to:

a) Address youth unemployment in the Southern Highlands and the Shoalhaven in the 2017-18 State Budget with specific funds aimed at supporting local industries in the region, improving skills and qualifications suited to industries in the region and connecting young

people with 'O.;ii'' opportooltle>.

f/~;]s ,l





Mr Clarke says-


I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on Sunday 19 March 2017, the new Holocaust Exhibition at the Sydney Jewish Museum Darlinghurst was launched and attended by several hundred members and friends of Sydney's Jewish community,

(b) the new exhibition on the Holocaust is the result of five years of community consultations, research and creative development under the supervision of its Project Director Dr Avril Alba and is the first major redevelopment of the Holocaust display since the Sydney Jewish Museum opened in 1992, and

(c) those who attended as guests included: (i) the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull MP, Prime Minister of Australia, (ii) the Honourable David Clarke MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice

representing the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian MP Premier and the Honourable Ray Williams MP, Minister for Multiculturalism and Minister for Disability Services,

(iii) the Honourable Gabrielle Upton MP, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Local Government and Minister for Heritage,

(iv) the Honourable Walt Secord MLC, Shadow Minister for Health, Shadow Minister for the Arts, Shadow Minister for the North Coast and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council,

(v) Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission,

(vi) Mr Jeremy Spinak, President of the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies,

(vii) Mr Peter Wayne, President of the Association of Jewish Holocaust Survivors,

(viii) Mr Gus Lehrer FAA AM, President of the Sydney Jewish Museum, (ix) Mr David Gonski AC, (x) Dr Grant Lochlan, Senior Historian at the Australian War Memorial, (xi) His Excellency Mr Martin Pohl, Ambassador of the Czech Republic, (xii) Dr Stavros Kyrimis, Consul-General of Greece in Sydney,

I:ILC\House Papers\Loqs aud Notices 20 !?\General Notices\Clarke 170530 New Holocaust exhibition. doc


(xiii) Mr Karl Hartlieb, Consul-General of Austria in Sydney, (xiv) Mr Lothar Frieschlader, Consul-General of Germany in Sydney, (xv) Ms Hanna Flanderova, Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney, (xvi) Councillor Tony Kaye, Deputy-Mayor of Waverley Council, (xvii) Ms Sophie Greigoschewski, CEO of the Goethe Institute, (xviii) Professor Konrad Kwiet, historian and scholar of the Holocaust, (xix) Dr Avril Alba, Project Director at the Sydney Jewish Museum.

2. That this House conunends the research team who created the new Holocaust Exhibition recently launched at the Sydney Jewish Museum Darlinghurst, which will serve as a worthy tribute and testament to the memory of those who suffered or were murdered in the Holocaust.

3. That this House extends its special regards to the many Holocaust survivors who attended this event, many of whom are over 90 years of age and also commends them for their voluntary work at the Museum talking to and inspiring school groups who visit.

Dated __ )..:....o--'('-st-~--'-'t 7'------

1:\LC\House Papers\Loqs and Notices 2017\General Notices\Clarke 170530 New Holocaust exhibition. doc





() The Honorable Daniel Mookhey MLC says -

Mister President:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House notes that:

1) As a result of the Federal Government's failure to honour the 2014 Gonski schools funding agreement, 66 govermnent schools in the electorate ofBarwon will lose $13.2 million in 2018-2019;

2) This failure represents a cut of$1,316 per student and is equivalent to cutting 212 extra teachers from schools across Barwon;

3) Broken Hill's schools will lose $4 million in funding, equivalent to cutting 67 extra teachers;

4) Coonamble's schools will lose $2.2 million in funding, equivalent to cutting 35 extra teachers;

() 5) Narrabri's schools will lose $1.6 million in funding, equivalent to cutting 26 extra teachers;

6) Gilgandra's schools will lose $964 thousand in funding equivalent to cutting 15 extra teachers;

7) Coonabarabran's schools will lose $886 thousand in funding equivalent to cutting 14 extra teachers;

8) This much needed money could uplift educational standards, including by reducing class sizes, paying for additional teacher training and upskilling, specialist support teachers for disadvantaged students, or drastically cutting maintenance backlogs;

Signed: zzs; Dated:

' '


Notice of Motion Justin Field MLC 30 May 2017

Shellharbour Hospital Privatisation

1) That this House notes that:

a) Next Monday a community forum will be held at the Shellharbour Workers Club in regards to the privatisation of Shellharbour Hospital

b) The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association, Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation and Health Services Union are hosting the forum.

c) The hosting groups and the local community and have expressed strong concern over the Government's proposal to redevelop the hospital through a public private partnership

d) The aim of the forum is to ask the government how this change will affect hospital staff, the local community and health services, both in Shellharbour and the broader region

e) To date there has been no community consultation on the proposed privatisation of Shellharbour Hospital.

2) That this House calls on the NSW Government to:

a) Listen to the concerns of hospital staff and community members and make a commitment to keep Shellharbour Hospital in public hands.

\ 'll.l Make a commitment to maintain or improve nurse to patient ratios and staff skill mixes

(1 "'Q) Maintain transparencyand consult with the community on the Government's plans for the Shellharbour Hospital and hospitals in the

region. #/'¥()/ (j,·l (/ / J