Lecture4 art&culturalythology

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Transcript of Lecture4 art&culturalythology

ART 101: Introduction to Art

Art and Cultural Mythologies

James Greene | Visiting Assistant Professor | 1110 CAC | greenjam@gvsu.edu

Art & Cultural Mythology:

Parthenon reliefsculpture depicting

The battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs


477-438 BC

The myths we know today form a living link to the creation of the earth and the origins of humanity.

Some ancient myths still form the basis for living religions today, such as Hinduism.

Art & Cultural Mythology: Myths an Religion

The Creation of the Cosmic Oceans and the Elements, from The Shiva Purana, c. 1828

Mythic stories recur across more than one cultural tradition.

Art & Cultural Mythology: Recurring Themes

The story of the Great Flood appears in the Sumerian, Muslim and Christian myths.

ART 101: Introduction to Art

Paleolithic Art

James Greene | Visiting Assistant Professor | 1110 CAC | greenjam@gvsu.edu

Artist’s rendering of Earthduring the last Ice Age.

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Europe during the last Ice Age (reaching maximum coverage c. 18,000 BC and retreating fully ca. 9,000 BC)

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Detail of painted ceiling in Altamira Cave (Santander, Spain) c. 14,000-12,000 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Bison, Altamira Cave (detail) c. 14,000-12,000 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Dead bison, Altamira Cave (detail) c. 14,000-12,000 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Hall of the Bulls (left wall) Lascaux, France c. 15,000-13,000 BC

“Chinese Horse” detail of right wall of Axial Gallery, Lascaux, France c. 15,000-13,000 BC, approx. 4’ 8” long

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Venus of Willendorf (Austria) c. 28,000-23,000 BC, limestone, approx. 4 ¼ “ high

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

Venus of Willendorf (Austria) c. 28,000-23,000 BC, limestone, approx. 4 ¼ “ high

Art & Cultural Mythology: PALEOLITHIC ART

ART 101: Introduction to Art


James Greene | Visiting Assistant Professor | 1110 CAC | greenjam@gvsu.edu

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

Reconstruction of the sacred precinct of Ur, as it looked in 2100 BC.

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

Ziggurat, (southeastern facade with restored stairs), Ur, c. 2100 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

Ziggurat, (view from the north), Ur, c. 2100 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

U.S. Soldiers from the 17th Fires Brigade make their way up the reconstructed stairs of the Ziggurat of Ur, Iraq, near Contingency Operating Base Adder, May 18, 2010

Reconstruction of the city of Uruk, c. 4000 - 3100 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

Example of clay tablet with cuneiform impressions, Uruk, Sumeria c. 2000 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

Cuneiform tablet containing the story of Gilgamesh, Uruk, Sumeria c. 2500 BC

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

Art & Cultural Mythology: MESOPOTAMIA – Sumerian Art

Modern-day site of the ancient city of Uruk, near As-Samawah, Iraq.

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Reconstruction of Ashurbanipal’s throne room, Nineveh, Iraq c. 669-633 B.C

Lion Hunt Scenes, Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq, bas relief panel, limestone c. 669-633 B.C.

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Dying Lioness, Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq, bas relief panel, limestone c. 669-633 B.C.

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Lion Hunt Scenes, Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq, bas relief panel, limestone c. 669-633 B.C.

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Battle of Til-Tuba, Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq, bas relief panel, limestone c. 669-633 B.C.

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Battle of Til-Tuba, Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq, bas relief panel, limestone c. 669-633 B.C.

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

Battle of Til-Tuba, Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq, bas relief panel, limestone c. 669-633 B.C.

Art & Cultural Mythology: ASSYRIAN ART

After the Battle of Til-Tuba, Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq, bas relief panel, limestone c. 669-633 B.C.

ART 101: Introduction to Art

Ancient Egypt

James Greene | Visiting Assistant Professor | 1110 CAC | greenjam@gvsu.edu

Art & Cultural Mythology: ANCIENT EGYPT

Art & Cultural Mythology: ANCIENT EGYPT – Predynastic Period

Palette of King Narmer (front and back) Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt, c. 3000 BC, slate

Art & Cultural Mythology: ANCIENT EGYPT – Predynastic Period

Palette of King Narmer(front and back)

Hierakonpolis, Upper Egypt,

c. 3000 BC, slate