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Transcript of Lecture06

Knowledge Representationin

Digital HumanitiesAntonio Jiménez Mavillard

Department of Modern Languages and LiteraturesWestern University

Lecture 6

Knowledge Representation in Digital HumanitiesAntonio Jiménez Mavillard

* Contents: 1. Why this lecture? 2. Discussion 3. Chapter 6 4. Assignment 5. Bibliography


Why this lecture?

Knowledge Representation in Digital HumanitiesAntonio Jiménez Mavillard

* This lecture... · formalizes the modelling of real-world domains · goes in depth into the representation of complex objects


Last assignment discussion

Knowledge Representation in Digital HumanitiesAntonio Jiménez Mavillard

* Time to... · consolidate ideas and concepts dealt in the readings · discuss issues arised in the specific solutions to the projects


Chapter 6Domain Modelling

andComplex Object Representation

in Python

1. More complex data types2. Object-oriented programming

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Chapter 6

1 More complex data types 1.1 Lists 1.2 Tuples 1.3 Dictionaries

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Chapter 6

2 Object-oriented programming 2.1 General ideas 2.2 Classes and objects 2.3 Attributes and methods 2.4 Modelling domains

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More complex data types

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* Debugging · Syntax errors + not closing [] · Logic errors + accessing to a non-existing element - index out of range

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* Debugging · Semantic errors + not accessing the first and/or last element + not considering the empty list, [] + modifying a list inside a function

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* list · Type for lists · Examples: [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 'abc', [], True] · A list is a sequence of values

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Lists* Indexes · Same index system as strings · Access: + A whole + One element at a time + A slice · Range: 0 .. list's length - 1 · The index [-1] accesses the last element

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* Indexes

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In [1]: l = [1, 'abc', [], True]

In [2]: lOut[2]: [1, 'abc', [], True]

In [3]: l[0]Out[3]: 1

In [4]: l[1:3]Out[4]: ['abc', []]

In [5]: 


* Mutability · Lists are mutable (can be modified)

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In [1]: l = [1, 'abc', [], True]

In [2]: lOut[2]: [1, 'abc', [], True]

In [3]: 


* Mutability

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In [3]: l[1] = 3.1416

In [4]: lOut[4]: [1, 3.1416, [], True]

In [5]: l[2:4] = [False, 'xyz']

In [6]: lOut[6]: [1, 3.1416, False, 'xyz']

In [7]: l.append(2)

In [8]: lOut[8]: [1, 3.1416, False, 'xyz', 2]


* Mutability

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In [9]: l.insert(2, [1, 2, 3])

In [10]: lOut[10]: [1, 3.1416, [1, 2, 3], False, 'xyz', 2]

In [11]: l.remove(False)

In [12]: lOut[12]: [1, 3.1416, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2]

In [13]: del l[1]

In [14]: lOut[14]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2]


* Mutability

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In [15]: l.extend([True, 7.3])

In [16]: lOut[16]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', 2, True, 7.3]

In [17]: x = l.pop(3)

In [18]: lOut[18]: [1, [1, 2, 3], 'xyz', True, 7.3]

In [19]: xOut[19]: 2

In [20]: 

Lists* Some functions and operators · index(x): returns the (first) index of the element x · count(x): returns the number of ocurrences of x · sort(): orders the elements of the list · reverse(): inverts the elemens of the list

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* Exercise 1 · Write a function called invert that returns the reverse of a list (do not use the function reverse of lists)

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* Exercise 1 (solution)

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def invert(l):    result = []    for elem in l:        result.insert(0, elem)    return result


* Some functions and operators · The function range generates a list of ordered integers

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In [1]: range(10)Out[1]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

In [2]: range(2, 8)Out[2]: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

In [3]: range(0, 10, 3)Out[3]: [0, 3, 6, 9]

In [4]:

Lists* Some functions and operators · +: concatenates lists · *: repeats a list a given number of times · [:]: slices a list - General syntax: l[n:m] - l[n:] ≡ l[n:len(l)] - l[:m] ≡ l[0:m] - l[:] ≡ l[0:len(l)] ≡ l

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* Some functions and operators

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In [1]: l1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']

In [2]: l2 = ['d', 'e', 'f']

In [3]: l3 = l1 + l2

In [4]: l3Out[4]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

In [5]: l4 = l1 * 3

In [5]: l4Out[5]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c']

In [6]: 


* Some functions and operators · The operator in checks if a value is contained in a list

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* Exercise 2 · Write a function called repeat that returns the result of repeating a list a number of times (do not use the operator * of lists)

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* Exercise 2 (solution)

(Consider the case n=0)

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def repeat(l, n):    result = []    i = 1    while i <= n:        result = result + l    return result


* Lists as arguments/parameters of functions · The parameter is a reference to the list · Modifying the paremeter (list inside the function) implies modifying the argument (list passed to the function) · To avoid this, make a copy of the list with [:]

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Lists* Lists vs strings · Lists are mutable · Strings are inmutable · A string is a sequence of characters · A list is a sequence of values · A list of characters is not a string · The function list converts a string to a list

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Downey, Allen. “Chapter 10: Lists.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.

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* tuple · Type for tuples · Examples: (1, 2, 3), ('a', 'b', 'c'), (1, 'abc', [], True) · A tuple is an inmutable list

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Dictionaries* Debugging · Syntax errors + not closing {} · Logic errors + accessing to a non-existing element - key not found · Semantic errors + modifying a dictionary inside a function

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Dictionaries* dict · Type for dictionaries · A dictionary is a kind of list that establishes a mapping between a set of indices (called keys) and a set of values · Keys can be any type (not exclusively integer) · Each pair key-value is called item

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* dict · Examples: {1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'}, {'one':'uno', 'two':'dos', 'three':'tres', 'four':'cuatro', 'five':'cinco', 'six':'seis', 'seven':'siete', 'eight':'ocho', 'nine':'nueve', 'ten':'diez',}

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* Access · As a whole - Example: d · Its values one at a time (lookup) - Syntax: dictionary[key] - Example: d[1]

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* Access · All items - Syntax: dictionary.items() - Example: d.items() - It returns a list of tuples

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* Access · Only (all) keys - Syntax: dictionary.keys() - Example: d.items() · Only (all) keys - Syntax: dictionary.keys() - Example: d.items()

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Dictionaries* Access

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In [1]: d = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}

In [2]: dOut[2]: {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}

In [3]: d[1]Out[3]: 'a'

In [4]: d.items()Out[4]: [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]

In [5]: d.keys()Out[5]: [1, 2, 3]

In [6]: d.values()Out[6]: ['a', 'b', 'c']


* Modifying dictionaries · Modifying existing item - Syntax: dictionary[key] = new_value - Example: d[1] = 'x' · Adding new item - Syntax: dictionary[new_key] = value - Example: d[4] = 'd'

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* Modifying dictionaries

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In [7]: d[1] = 'x'

In [8]: dOut[8]: {1: 'x', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}

In [9]: d[4] = 'd'

In [10]: dOut[10]: {1: 'x', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'}

In [11]: 

Dictionaries* Deleting items

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In [11]: x = d.popitem()

In [12]: xOut[12]: (1, 'x')

In [13]: dOut[13]: {2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'}

In [14]: y = d.pop(3)

In [15]: yOut[15]: 'c'

In [16]: dOut[16]: {2: 'b', 4: 'd'}


* Deleting items

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In [17]: del d[2]

In [18]: dOut[18]: {4: 'd'}

In [19]: 


* Some functions and operators · update(d): receives a dictionary d and - if d contains keys included in the dictionary, this function updates the values of the dictionary with the values of d

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* Some functions and operators · update(d): receives a dictionary d and - if d contains keys not included in the dictionary, the new items (pairs key-value) are added to the dictionary

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* Some functions and operators · The operator in checks if a key is contained in a dictionary

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* Exercise 3 · Write a function called histogram that receives a string and returns the frequency of each letter

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* Exercise 3 (solution)

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def histogram(word):    d = {}    for letter in word:        if letter in d:            d[letter] += 1        else:            d[letter] = 1    return d


* Exercise 4 · Write a function called invert_histogram that receives an histogram and returns the inverted histogram, where the keys are the frequencies and the values are lists of the letters that have that frequency

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* Exercise 4 · Example:

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* Exercise 4 (solution)

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def invert_histogram(h):    inverse = {}    for key in h:        value = h[key]        if value in inverted_h:            inverse[value].append(key)        else:            inverse[value] = [key]    return inverse


Downey, Allen. “Chapter 11: Dictionaries.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.

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Object-oriented programming

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General ideas

* Programs made up of object definitions and functions that operate on them* Objects correspond to concepts in the real world* Functions correspond to the ways real-world objects interact

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General ideas

* Debugging · Logic errors + accessing to a non-existing element - attribute not found - attribute not initialized - method not found

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Classes and objects* Classes · A class is the representation of an idea or a concept · A class is a user-defined type · Examples: Author, Book · Syntax: class ClassName(SuperclassNames): attributes and methods

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Classes and objects* Objects · An object is an instance of the class · An object is a concrete element that belongs to a class of objects · Examples: William Shakespeare (Author), Romeo and Juliet (Book) · Syntax: object_name = ClassName(arguments)

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Attributes and methods

* A class is defined by features that are common to all objects that belong to the class* Those features are: · Attributes · Methods

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Attributes and methods

* Attributes · Data · Syntax: object.attribute · Take specific values for each object · Examples: base, height (Rectangle)

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Attributes and methods

* Methods · Functions that operate with data · Syntax: object.method(arguments) · Get different results for each object · Examples: calculateArea()

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Modelling domains

* Exercise 5 · In Literature, authors write novels, poems, short stories... Let us call them books in general · Model the classes Author and Book (abstract relevant data in both cases)

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Modelling domains

* Exercise 5 · Write the method birthday for the class Author that increases by one the author's age

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Modelling domains

* Exercise 5 · Write the method write for the class Author that receives a title and a text and add a new Book with this author, title and text to his/her bibliography

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Modelling domains

* Exercise 5 · Write the method read for the class Author that receives a title, searches the book in his/her bibliography and prints its text · Add as many attributes as needed

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Modelling domains

* Exercise 5 (solution)

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class Author:    def __init__(self, name, age, bibliography={}):        self.name = name        self.age = age        self.bibliography = bibliography        def birthday(self):        self.age += 1        def write(self, title, text):        new_book = Book(title, self, text)        self.bibliography[title] = new_book

Modelling domains

* Exercise 5 (solution)

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    def read(self, title):        book = self.bibliography[title]        print book.text        def __repr__(self):        return self.name

Modelling domains

* Exercise 5 (solution)

Knowledge Representation in Digital HumanitiesAntonio Jiménez Mavillard65

class Book:    def __init__(self, title, author, text):        self.title = title        self.author = author        self.text = text        def __repr__(self):        return self.title


Downey, Allen. “Chapter 15: Classes and Objects.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.

Downey, Allen. “Chapter 16: Classes and Functions.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.

Downey, Allen. “Chapter 17: Classes and Methods.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.

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Assignment* Assignment 6: The library · Readings + Data Structure Selection (Think Python) + An Introduction to OOP Using Python (A Hands-On Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)

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* Assignment 6: The library · Project + Read the description of the library in the attached file

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* Assignment 6: The library · Project + Model the scenario described by defining classes and using suitable data types + Try the solution with the test provided

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Downey, Allen. “Chapter 13: Case Study: Data Structure Selection.” Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.

Lin, Johnny Wei-Bing. “Chapter 7: An Introduction to OOP Using Python: Part I—Basic Principles and Syntax.” A Hands-on

Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. San Francisco: Creative Commons, 2012.


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Downey, Allen. Think Python. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012. Print.

Lin, Johnny Wei-Bing. A Hands-on Introduction to Using Python in the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. San Francisco:

Creative Commons, 2012. Print.

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