Lecture 6 The Chinagro agricultural supply model at county level P.J. Albersen Presentation...

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Transcript of Lecture 6 The Chinagro agricultural supply model at county level P.J. Albersen Presentation...

Lecture 6

The Chinagro agricultural supply model

at county level

P.J. Albersen

Presentation available:www.sow.vu.nl/downloadables.htm


From the welfare model and the transportation analysis county specific prices and farm profits for the farm/land constraint activities can be calculated.

We seek for the farm decisions at county level a closed form .


We want to exploit site (county) specific information Due to the number of counties optimization is

'expensive' and cumbersome

Profit maximization problem

We distinguish between inputs (inflows) andoutputs (outflows) , of commodity k in county s, at given prices and , respectively. is the transformation function. are the local endowments.

ks ksk ks ks ks ks ksy ,y 0

s ks ks s

max p y p y

subject to

F ( y y ,e ) 0






Agricultural production relations


Biophysical and spatially explicit information Potential production: AEZ methodology based

on 5 x 5 Km grid and aggregated to county level (2300)


   No crop and land-use type specific inputs   No land-use type specific outputs

farmgate perspective

Revenue index for county s (index dropped):

is a CES - output index (requirements: CRTS, strictly quasiconvex increasing)

Profit maximizing supply of crop k:


jjk j j


( p )y ( p , y ) y


jkkj jkky 0

j j1 jK

( p ) max p y

subject to

h ( y ,..., y ) 1

j( p )



Aggregate output (1)

Three activities are distinguished at this level irrigated land use rainfed land use grazing

Two inputs are distinguished:1. fertilizer (irrigated and rainfed) or

locally available animal feed (grazing)2. operating capacity



Profit maximization for the aggregate output with respect to labor allocation and fertilizer demand is:

and are the prices and L is total labor

j j jf , 0 j j j j j f j j

j j j

max A y ( f , ) p A f

subject to

A L (p )

Aggregate output (2)






0 10 20 30


Mitscherlich-Baule function

Function is increasing asymptotic to the potential :

1 j 1 j j 2 j 2 j jmax( f , )j j j jy ( f , ) y (1 e )





No cropping

Single cropping

Limited double cropping

Double cropping

Double cropping with rice

Double rice cropping

Tripple cropping

Tripple rice cropping


Multiple cropping zones under irrigation conditions.


Not arable

< 1.2

1.2 - 2.4

2.4 - 3.6

3.6 - 4.8

4.8 - 6.0

6.0 - 7.2

7.2 - 8.4

8.4 - 9.6

9.6 -10.8

10.8 -12.0

12.0 -13.2

13.2 -14.4

14.4 -15.6

15.6 -16.8

> 16.8


Annual potential production (tons/ha), weighted average of irrigation and rain-fed potentials.

No resource wasted

In optimum no resource will be wasted and both input effects are equal.

Fertilizer can be written as a linear relation of labor:

For the optimal situation the production function can be expressed in the local resource operating capacity:

2 j 1 j 2 jj j

1 j 1 jf

2 j 2 j jj j jy ( ) y (1 e )

Problem (3) can now be restated as:

The first order conditions:

2 j 2 j j


2 j 1 j 2 jj

1 j 1 j

j j j j 0

j f j

j j j

max A y (1 e )

p A

subject to

A L (p )

Profit maximization for labor and fertilizer

2 j 2 j j 2 j2 j j j f

1 jy e p p


Labor demand and wage rate

Without iteration we can solve the labour demand:

and derive the wage rate:

in closed form.

j 2 j f 2 j j j2 j 2 j

1 1ln( p p ) ln( y )

jj jj 2 j 2 j j j

2 jf


2 j

AA ln( y ) L

p exp pA