Lecture 5 online advertising and social media revenue - final

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Transcript of Lecture 5 online advertising and social media revenue - final


2. Housekeeping Assignment 1 TurnItInform is now active on Blackboard Some study notes arenow available from Google docs (via Blackboard learning materials) Im considering leavingMarch 27th session as open: what are your thoughts 3. Plan Run through key questions from last weekThink more about advertising and media output as productsLecture: Advertising Pt 2Online advertising Pt 1Think more about your ideal readerMap Media consumption strategies against your modeled reader 4. Recap: Last week we thought about: Web 2.0The Advertising conundrum: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is I dont know which half. John WannamakerConsidered the dual nature of revenue streams: consumers and advertisersAdvertising rationalCelebrity endorsements (and what form that might take within the mediaCulturally relevant adsGlobal and local relevance: the challenges of glocal 5. Last weeks questions Investigate how a news website can makemoney from advertising (including ad rates, if possible) Investigate how social media platforms areturning advertising into revenue Investigate ways news sites are makingmoney without using advertising 6. Remember these: Cadbury Schweppes reported 5% revenue growth in 2007REDUCED ACCIDENTS BY 21% 7. Re-positioning How advertising can help: overcoming the Jeremy Clarkson affectSales increased by 21 times in 4 months 8. Affordances of paper 9. Time out Look through the magazines and newspapers : Choose what you feel to be a selection of good and badadverts/marketing (for both companies, and the publishers). During this process you may want to: Judge how effective they are based on market segmentation (you need to identify the market segments/demographics theyre targeting.)Remember that weve done this before Describe some of the psychographics you can identify as part of this process Articulate why paper/magazines are relevant for each advertiser Are there any conflicts between the ads and the editorial content? 10. and now the Newspapers Rate the newspapers and magazines asproducts Positives, negatives, experience, and demographics/psychographics 11. Mapping Ps: analysis 4 Ps Product Pricing 7 Ps Placement Product Promotion Prices Place Packaging Positioning People 12. Without slogans, wed be lost for words 13. Slogan and recognition game!! Finger lickin good Because youre worth it Hello Moto Just do it Once you pop, you cant stop Intel, inside ExSolo ad solem (and others) Im lovin itKFC LOreal Motorola Nike Pringles Intel UCLan McDonalds 14. Anti-matter/matter advertising 15. Combative advertising: BMW and Audis battle of the billboard 16. Humour 17. (Re)considering value Lets ignore Zymans focus on profit and loss, what other value metrics could media organisations look to measure? 18. Remember this diagram? It might be useful 19. Beyond (print) adverting Duedill and the Guardian "We were surprised that the Guardian would let us do it," explains DueDil's chief executive, Damian Kimmelman. "We got the 50,000 [of advertising space, the prize in the competition] and we were like: 'Oh crap, how are we going to spend this money?' We debated, and decided on Friday we were going to do something funny. We don't really need the advertising anymore, we get enough traffic as it is." "I personally thought that doge was hilarious. Damian Kimmelman, DueDil chief executive 20. Eeek Theory Time! Tapscott: Digital futures: Society and Business The Net Generation (otherwise known as digital natives) are increasingly affecting online behavioursThe concept of the prosumer, the wikiworkplace and peer production/mass collaborationHowdoes this affect your advertising opportunities? 21. Online: Beyond physical advertising 22. Online Advertising Search, Classifieds and Display advertising all showed healthy like for like growth in H1 2013Advertisers spent 1 billion on Online Performance Marketing in 2013; up 15% on 2012.UK digital advertising expenditure grows 17.5% to 3.041 billion in H1 2013Generates 14bn in sales, equals 14 for every 1 spent. 23. The anatomy of a web-page How a news site is arranged Click through rates Monetization Impact on editorial Impact on the reader Problems (click this link) 24. Issues with web-ads You are more likely to completeNAVY SEAL training than click a banner ad. (Source: Solve Media) 25. The average person is served over 1,700banner ads per month. Do you remember any? (Source: comScore) 26. About 50% of clicks on mobile ads areaccidental. (Source: GoldSpot Media) 27. Media contamination online video ads 28. Ad free solutions pay to remove or block 29. What now: Reader profile What we should already have Basic demographic informationContinue to create your reader. You might want to base your reader on a real person (remember the market research section we covered a few weeks ago. Consider the following: Values Leisure activities Daily routine (weekdays and weekends) What media they consume, and when 30. For Next week Think about market research Surveys Longform interviews Market analysis Other methods to gain intelligence 31. In coming weeks More online Mobile Social Media and advertising Data 32. Flickr Martin Deutsch The Internet Intersection Consulting Advertising vs PR The Rocketeer Advertising Dept Truck voteprime Comfort Inn Smalloy First Floor Plans jurvetson Google's Master Plan Toban B. Without Money Phil Roeder Navy Seals Laura Mary LostCharlie the Cheeky Monkey I'm freaking out, man