Lecture 1 Basic Calculus

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Transcript of Lecture 1 Basic Calculus

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 1 Basic Calculus


    FIITJEE Limited

    Lecture Plan

    Lecture 1 Basic Calculus

    Concepts:Position, Displacement, Distance, Average Velocity, Average Speed, Instantaneous

    Velocity, Meaning of instantaneous, Derivative as Limit,Standard Differentiation Formulae, Differentiation Rules, Multiplied constant, Sum

    rule, Product rule, Quotient rule, !ain rule, Derivative as Slope of a urve, Maxima

    and Minima, Integration as reverse process of differentiation "Anti derivative#,

    Standard Integration Formulae, Integration of f"a$%' Definite Integration,

    Integration as Sum of small parts &et(een t!e integration limits, Integration as Area

    under t!e curve, Definite Integration'

    Differentiation Integration Differentiation Integration

    )n nd x nxdx



    nn xx dx C



    = +


    csc csc cotd

    x x xdx

    = csc cot cscx xdx x C= +

    ( ) *d


    =+Cdx Cx C = + )lnd x

    dx x=

    )lndx x C

    x= +

    ( )sin cosd

    x xdx

    = cos sinx dx x C= + cot cscd x xdx

    = csc cotxdx x C= +

    cos sind

    x xdx

    = sin cosxdx x C= + tan secd x xdx

    =sec tanxdx x C= +

    sec sec tand

    x x x


    = sec tan secx xdx x C= + x xd e edx

    = x xe dx e=

    Product Rule: Quotient Rule:

    ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )) ) )' ' 'd d d

    f x f x f x f x f x f xdx dx dx

    = + ( )

    ( )

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    ( ){ }

    ) ) )

    ' " #'d d

    f x f x f x f xf xd dx dx

    dx f x f x


    ( ) ( )(!ered d

    f ax b a f X X ax bdx dX

    + = = + ( ) ( ))

    (!eref ax b dx f X dX X ax ba

    + = = +


    Q1. )' Find t!e derivative of t- at t . )*'

    ' Find t!e derivative of //t at t . l**'

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 1 Basic Calculus


    0' Find t!e derivative of t at t . )'

    1' For some constants a and &, find t!e derivative of

    "i# "t 2a# "t2 "ii# "at% "iii# "t2a#3"t2

    4' Find t!e derivative of "tn2an#3"t2a#

    for some constant a'

    5' Find t!e derivative of

    "ii# "4t



    2)# "t2)#"iii# "t20# "4t0%0t# "iv# t4"0t25t2/#

    "v# "t21#"0t21t24# "vi#

    ) 0 )


    t t


    6' Find t!e derivative of t!e follo(ing functions7

    "i# sin t cos t "ii# sec t "iii# 4sec t % 1cos t

    "v# 0cot t % 4cosec t

    "vi# 4sint25cost%6 "vii# tan t 2 6sec t

    Q2. Differentiation &y c!ain rule7

    "i# sin "$% 4# "ii#' cos "sin $# 0"iii# sin "a$ %

    "iv# sec "tan " $ ## "v#'

    ( )

    ( )



    at b

    ct d


    "vi# cos"$0#sin"$4#


    ( ) cot t"viii#

    ( )cos t

    Q. "Derivative as rate of !ange#

    Find t!e rate of c!ange of t!e area of a circle per second (it! respect to its radius r

    (!en r . 4 cm and it is increasing at a rate of )cm3s'

    Ans7)*8 cm3s

    Q!. 9!e volume of a cu&e is increasing at a rate of / cu&ic centimetres per second' :o(

    fast is t!e surface area increasing (!en t!e lengt! of an edge is )* centimetres;


    Q". A stone is dropped into a

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 1 Basic Calculus
