Leaven Spring 2008

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Spring 2008 Leaven is a 40-page color issue that includes an account by Reverend Mr. Bradley Greer about the pilgrimage to see Pope Benedict XVI. A five-page feature documents the Seminary's past decade of achievements. Paul Whiteside, the Director of Development, gives his take on where to turn during the declining economy. The Expanding the Vision Campaign comes to a close. Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B., gives a reflection on Father Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the United States of America in the Chancellor's Column. In the Chairman's Column, Dr. John C. Marous, Jr. discusses how the Seminary curriculum has strengthened. Father Justin M. Matro, O.S.B., talks about the Spiritual Formation in the Rector's Column. Saint Vincent College joins with the Seminary in order to perform Brother Elijah's Way of the Cross. Dr. Scott Hahn gives a lecture entitled, The Person and Prayer of Jesus: Reflections on Pope Benedict XVI's Biblical Christology.

Transcript of Leaven Spring 2008

Spring 2008, Volume 16, Number 2

Remember that what counts before the Lord is to dwell in his love and to make his love shine forth for others.

— Pope Benedict XVI

Photo by Seminarian Matthew Baum, Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown

Saint Vincent seminarians prepare to travel to see Pope Benedict XVI in New York.

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


By Rev. Mr. Bradley GreerDiocese of Steubenville

On Friday, April 18, I stood with 55 other seminarians and priests by a bus at noon awaiting our departure from Saint Vincent Seminary on a pilgrimage to see our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. Our rector, Father Justin Matro, O.S.B., stood before us, prayed, and blessed us as we boarded the bus bound for Saint Joseph Seminary in Yonkers, New York, under the leadership of our vice rector, Father David Brzoska. We were all filled with excitement that afternoon as we eagerly prepared to see the “sweet Christ on earth,” as Saint Catherine of Siena once called the Bishop of Rome. We had been watching news coverage of the Pope’s trip for three days, which had served to heighten that excitement.

On Saturday morning, we gathered outside the hotel as Father Maurus Mount, O.S.B., celebrated a special Mass for the third anniversary of Pope Benedict’s election to the Chair of Peter. After Mass, we boarded the bus for the trip to Yonkers. We parked at

PublisherArchabbot Douglas R.

Nowicki, O.S.B.

RectorVery Rev. Justin M.

Matro, O.S.B.

Vice Rector Dean of Human Formation

Director of Pastoral FormationRev. David T. Brzoska

Academic DeanDr. Kathleen Borres

Director of Spiritual FormationRev. Lester Knoll, O.F.M.


Director of Seminary Development

Paul R. Whiteside

Director of Seminary Public Relations

Kimberley A. Metzgar

Public Relations AssociateElizabeth Cousins

Alumni DirectorRev. Gilbert J. Burke, O.S.B.

Contributors to this issue:Matthew BaumKelly BridgesBradley GreerAnnette Hart

On the cover:

Pope Benedict XVI in New York. Saint Vincent seminar-ians were invited to attend. Photos of the Pope and New York trip by Matthew Baum.

300 Fraser Purchase RoadLatrobe, Pennsylvania

15650Phone: 724-537-4592

Fax: 724-532-5052www.saintvincentseminary.edu

the Yonkers Racetrack and rode shuttle buses to Saint Joseph Seminary. School buses were used to shuttle everyone to the seminary, and the police provided escorts to get the caravans of buses back and forth from Saint Joseph’s.

When we arrived at the seminary around 1:30 on a beautiful spring day, we had to find the entrance designated for seminarians. We were lucky enough to have “red tickets” that allowed us to be directly in front of the papal stage, and we had to enter the grounds through a special entrance. There were police officers and Secret Service agents everywhere. Once past the initial security, we crossed the campus to get to the area where the rally was being held. I had never been to Saint Joseph’s before and was impressed by the pleasant campus and buildings.

By the time we arrived at the field, there was already a massive crowd, with huge numbers still arriving. We had to cross the main field and work our way through the crowd to get to the entrance to the seminarian area. We had to once again show our tickets to gain entrance. There were no seats for the rally, so we prepared for a long afternoon of standing, as we awaited the Holy Father’s arrival. Fortunately, the organizers had prepared a very nice musical lineup to entertain us as we waited: Third Day, the Cardinal Spellman Choir, the Three Graces, the very popular Kelly Clarkson, and

Viva il Papa!

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

many others.We knew the Holy Father’s arrival was

becoming more imminent as we saw the stage being cleared of the musical acts’ equipment, more helicopters circling above, and more security guards appearing on rooftops. Finally, the large screens came to life and showed the Holy Father’s motorcade approaching the chapel at Saint Joseph’s where the Pope would meet and pray with children with disabilities. When the Pope stepped out of his car, a huge cheer went up from the audience. The assembled bishops stood and turned around to see the screens and even the dozen or so cardinals present left their seats beside the papal chair and moved out onto the stage so that they too could watch the Pope. Everyone wanted to see him. We watched as he entered the chapel and were moved by the touching scenes of the Holy Father’s warmth with these precious children and their families. When Pope Benedict left the chapel, the excitement became even more intense. After a few minutes, the screens showed him in the Popemobile driving to the stage around the perimeter of the outdoor arena. Finally, to the beauty of Bach’s PreludeinGMajor, the black curtains at the back of the stage parted and I caught sight of a white zucchetto stepping onto the stage. Peter was among us!

The man, slight in stature, clad in white, came onto the stage to the jubilant cheers of the crowd. The crowd expressed its love of the Pope with cheers such as “Viva il Papa,” “Benedetto,” and “Christ our Hope, Benedict

our Pope.” The Pope seemed moved by the affection shown him and gratefully acknowledged the crowd’s cheers with arms upraised and a smile on his face. After a short time, accompanied by his entourage, he moved to the right side of the stage and into the exhilarated crowd. He then crossed to the left side of the stage, close to where I was, repeating his actions. With people cheering and waving golden and white scarves (the papal colors), I was in awe in realizing that the very Vicar of Christ, the Successor of Peter, was standing some 10 feet from me.

The Pope eventually moved to his chair, and the program began. Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop of New York, welcomed the Pope after the audience finally calmed down and allowed him to speak. Various young persons, dressed in native costumes, presented the Pope with breads, rice, and maize, the food staples of the various cultural groups gathered there.

The Pope had celebrated his 81st birthday only three days before, so we then


Viva il Papa!

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

sang “Happy Birthday” to him in German, which seemed to please him greatly. After the birthday greetings, more young people from the Archdiocese of New York represented some of the Catholic heroes of the Archdiocese, including Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Francis Cabrini, Saint John Neumann, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Venerable Pierre Toussaint, and Servant of God Felix Varela. The Pope also greeted each of these young people. Then, we all joined together in singing “America the Beautiful” and then “Pan de Vida” in Spanish and English.

The Holy Father then greeted us. His first words, quoting the First Letter of Peter, were “Proclaim the Lord Christ…and always have your answer ready for people who ask the reason for the hope that is within you.” The theme of the Pope’s voyage to America, “Christ our Hope,” was clearly apparent. He delivered a profound address that spoke directly to the problems young people face in the contemporary world, including relativism, drug abuse, sexual immorality, and confusion. In a personal touch, the Holy Father noted that he too had grown up in a difficult time — when the Nazis were in the midst of their reign of terror in Europe. However, he stressed the point that in the midst of these difficulties, there is hope for joy if we look to Christ, who is the sure hope of all the world. In this vein, he exhorted us to always look to Christ and His saints in every aspect of our lives, and in Him we would find truth, joy, and hope. We too could become saints, and we were called to

do just that. He also implored us to take that hope which we have found to all others who are in need of it. Many people in our world are suffering, and they need us to bring Christ Jesus to them in both spiritual and material ways.

Near the end of his address, Pope Benedict spoke to seminarians and the need for every young person to ask God if He is calling us to a vocation as a priest, deacon, or member of a religious order. To the seminarians, the Pope said, “The People of God look to you to be holy priests, on a daily journey of conversion, inspiring in others the desire to enter more deeply into the ecclesial life of believers.”

As he concluded his address, the Holy Father imparted his Apostolic Blessing to us. After he finished, we witnessed a truly funny and warm moment. The Pope’s secretary, Monsignor Ganswein, came over to the Pope’s chair and spoke to him quietly. Then, the Pope, gesturing with his right hand, said that he had forgotten to read the Spanish part of his speech. So, smiling, he began speaking in Spanish, which was very touching to the native Spanish-speaking members of the audience. Following the singing of a special Litany of Saints and the Our Father, and Kelly Clarkson’s performance of AveMaria, the Pope blessed us and once again came out to meet the people at the edges of the stage.

During the Pope’s address, two thoughts came prominently to my mind. I was blessed that six college seminarians from our diocesan Holy Name House of Formation in Steubenville were able to join us for the weekend trip. We were all very happy to



Viva il Papa!

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

see Bishop Daniel Conlon, our diocesan shepherd, in New York for the Youth Rally, and we were glad to have had the opportunity to either wave at him or speak with him a moment as he arrived at the stage. There in this gathering were the Pope, the cardinals, the bishops, priests and deacons, my brother seminarians, members of religious orders, and young people from all over the country. It was the perfect image of the universality of the Church and the great blessing that it is to be a member of this One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Secondly, as the Pope approached the end of his speech, I was saddened because I knew that the end of the speech bespoke the end of his visit with us. I didn’t want him to leave, and I realized that it would have been a delight to sit by his feet and listen to his words of wisdom forever. I imagine this was how the disciples felt when they gathered around Jesus to listen to Him and learn from Him.

Finally, around 7 p.m., the Pope left

the stage and was driven away in the Popemobile. The crowd of over 25,000 people meandered slowly to the exits to take our leave, too. After an exhausting day of standing for hours and getting sunburned, we again boarded our bus for the nighttime return trip to Latrobe. We were tired and because of that, some of the excitement and exhilaration of the past two days had dissipated. In its place was a quiet and calm joy, a hope: Peter had spoken to us, told us that he prayed for us daily, and so we knew that we had been truly blessed that day. And even though we were driving through the darkness of the Pennsylvania night and the Pope was returning to Rome in a few hours, we recognized that our spiritual communion with him was stronger than ever even though there was again a physical distance. Peter had been in our midst, and he would stay with us in spirit and prayer. Saint Ambrose said that “where Peter is, there is the Church.” We felt that truth this day, and we also knew that where the Church is, there is Peter. VivailPapa!


Viva il Papa!

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


By Kim Metzgar

Former United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld once said “Never measure the height of a mountain until you reach the top.” For the past decade, Saint Vincent Seminary has been busy undertaking a growth and expansion of its infrastructure and programs like no other in its history. In this issue of Leaven, with our Annual Report included, we thought it might be a good opportunity to take a brief stop on our climb and enjoy the view, refl ecting on some of the changes and projects which have been completed since this expedition began.

1997After several years of planning and a

three-year fund raising period, construction was completed in the fall of 1997 for Saint Vincent Seminary’s major expansion project. The expansion was undertaken due to increased enrollment, with the roster of

Saint Vincent Seminary: A Decade’s Worth of Achievements

seminarians the highest it has been in over 30 years.

The completed projects included construction of a new chapel, which seats up to 120, and the addition and extensive renovation comprising the Elizabeth J. Roderick Center. The addition and renovation provided 21 additional student rooms, fi ve guest rooms and faculty and administrative offi ces. The center now contains 14,250 square feet on three fl oors, with a reception area, conference room and formation staff residence.

The dedication of the Chapel of Saint Gregory the Great and the Elizabeth J.

Roderick Center was held Tuesday, October 28, 2007, Seminary Alumni Day.

Major contributors to the project were The First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, which donated $1 million to the campaign, and Mr. David M. Roderick, Sr. The Elizabeth J. Roderick Center is named for his late wife.

The Preserving the Vision Campaign brought about the establishment of

a new, full-time Public Relations Director, Kim Metzgar, for Saint




Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Saint Vincent Seminary: A Decade’s Worth of Achievements

Vincent Seminary. The Leaven newsletter was re-established as a part of that effort.


John C. Marous, Jr., became Chairman of the Seminary Board of Regents at the February 10, 1998, meeting.


oftheBible, by Father Demetrius Dumm, O.S.B., was reprinted by Archabbey Publications.

Rev. Walter J. Burghardt, S.J., a senior fellow at the

Woodstock Theological Center and author of more than 17 books, received an honorary doctorate from Saint Vincent Seminary.

His Eminence Jozef Cardinal Tomko, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for

the Evangelization of Peoples and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifi cal Urban University, received an honorary doctorate from Saint Vincent Seminary September 29.

1999Frank V. Cahouet, retired Chairman,

President and Chief Executive Offi cer of Mellon Bank Corp., and James V. Maher, Jr., Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh, were named to the Saint Vincent Seminary Board of Regents.

The fi rst annual report was published in Leaven.

William P. Malloy was named the new Director of Development for Saint Vincent Seminary.

November 15, 1999, marked the launch of the Seminary’s fi rst web page.

2000Francis Cardinal Arinze,

President of the Pontifi cal Council for Interreligious Dialogue and a member of the Roman Curia, the Holy Father’s Direct Staff, visited the Seminary in April and received an honorary doctorate. He also dedicated the new steeples on the Archabbey Basilica.

Bishop Bernard W. Schmitt of Wheeling-Charleston was named to the Board of Regents. Msgr. Paul A. Lenz, who serves as executive director of the Black and Indian Home Mission Offi ce, returned to the Board of Regents. He previously served from 1984 to 1992.

The biographer of Pope John Paul II, George Weigel, received an honorary doctorate and spoke at the Seminary’s commencement. Mr. Weigel is a senior fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., and one of America’s leading commentators on religion and public life.

The Seminary launched a $6.1 million capital campaign to meet several needs resulting from years of enrollment growth and program enhancement. The Expanding the Vision campaign was divided into four components: construction, program development, student fi nancial assistance and the library.

Campaign components included construction and renovation of the current dormitory and structural improvements and implementation of technological enhancements for the seminary classroom building, including a center for Homiletics. The Hispanic Ministries program expansion was


oftheBibleFather Demetrius Dumm, O.S.B.,was reprinted by Archabbey Publications.

S.J., Woodstock Theological Center and author of

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


also begun and scholarship assistance to students was increased. Other goals were technology and collection enhancement at the Library.

Father Kurt Belsole, O.S.B., was named interim Rector of the Seminary upon completion of the term of Father Thomas Acklin, O.S.B., as Rector.

The Seminary’s newsletter became a full-color magazine with the publication of Leaven’s winter issue.


Cardinal George, O.M.I,

Archbishop of Chicago,

received an honorary doctorate

and served as commencement

speaker at the 155th annual

commencement ceremony. The seminary also honored Father

Augustine Di Noia, O.P., fi rst director of the Intercultural Forum, the scholarly branch of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, D.C.

Father Demetrius Dumm, O.S.B., wrote AMysticalPortraitofJesus—NewPerspectivesonJohn’sGospel,published by Liturgical

Press. After many

years of an informal partnership

whereby a number of Saint Paul

Seminary graduates from the Diocese of Pittsburgh went on to study at Saint Vincent Seminary,

the two institutions formally decided to share resources to promote their priestly

formation programs.Returning to the Seminary Board of

Regents were Msgr. Lawrence E. Brandt, at the time Chancellor of the Diocese of Erie

and later Bishop of Greensburg; and Msgr. Raymond G. East, pastor of Nativity Parish in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.

2002The Seminary

conferred an honorary doctorate on His Eminence Paul Cardinal Shan, Bishop of Koohsiung. Cardinal Shan is chairman of the board of trustees of Fu Jen

Catholic University in Taiwan.

His Eminence Adam Cardinal Maida was honored at the Alumni Day Mass and Banquet on October 1, 2002. He received an honorary doctorate and was honored at the banquet.

Most Rev. Roger Foys, Bishop of Covington, Kentucky; Hon. Maureen E. Lally-Green, judge of the Superior Court of Pennsylvania; Mr. Harry F. Murray, former chief fi nancial offi cer and vice president of fi nance at Westinghouse; and Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon, Bishop of Steubenville, joined the Board of Regents.

The Seminary launched its Pastoral Stewardship Program. With advisory board input from local bishops and clergy, members of the business community and the faculty of Saint Vincent College, the seminary faculty developed a program that, over four years, enhanced the pastoral preparation of seminarians by fostering leadership and management skills. The Seminary provides a structured forum for the presentation and discussion of practical realities of stewardship in light of the social teachings of the Church. Program lectures emphasize critical topics in managing human, physical, and fi nancial resources, and focus on ways to maximize the opportunities of the community, government, and corporate contexts in which the priest ministers.

Saint Vincent Seminary: A Decade’s Worth of Achievements

also begun and scholarship assistance to students was increased. Other goals were technology and collection enhancement at the Library.

interim Rector of the Seminary upon completion of the term of Acklin, O.S.B.,

full-color magazine with the publication of Leaven’s winter issue.

Cardinal George, O.M.I,

Archbishop of Chicago,

received an honorary doctorate

and served as commencement

speaker at the 155th annual

commencement ceremony. The seminary also honored

Augustine Di Noia, O.P.,Intercultural Forum, the scholarly branch of the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, D.C.

Father Demetrius Dumm, O.S.B.AMysticalPortraitofJesus—NewPerspectivesonJohn’sGospel,published by Liturgical

Press. After many

years of an informal partnership

whereby a number of Saint Paul

Seminary graduates from the Diocese of Pittsburgh went on to study at Saint Vincent Seminary,

the two institutions formally decided to share resources to promote their priestly

formation programs.Returning to the Seminary Board of

Regents were

Seminary graduates from the

Steubenville, joined the Board of Regents.

Stewardship Program. With advisory board input from local bishops and clergy, members of the business community and the faculty of Saint Vincent College, the seminary faculty developed a program that, over four years, enhanced the pastoral preparation of seminarians by fostering leadership and management skills. The Seminary provides a structured forum for the presentation and discussion of practical realities of stewardship in light of the social teachings of the Church.


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

2003Carl A. Anderson,

Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, received an honorary doctorate from Saint Vincent Seminary. He is chief executive offi cer and chairman of the board of the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with more than 1.6 million members.

The fourth book of Father Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B., PrayingtheScriptures,was published by Liturgical Press.

Prior to the start of the school year, the seminary residence hall rooms in Leander Hall received ceiling fans, new lighting, and new carpeting, as

part of the ongoing facility renovation taking placing during the Expanding the Vision Capital Campaign. All of the woodwork was refi nished on the third fl oor and all of the rooms were repainted.

2004Most Rev. Nicholas C. Dattilo, eighth

bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg, died on March 5, 2004. He was a graduate of Saint Vincent College and attended Saint Vincent Seminary before completing his studies at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. He played an active role on the Board of Regents and was vice chairman

of the Seminary’s capital campaign. The Seminary established a scholarship in honor of Bishop Dattilo and honored him at its fall alumni day Mass and banquet.

Brother Elliott Maloney, O.S.B., authored a book on Mark’s Gospel,Jesus’UrgentMessageforToday,published by Continuum Books.

Msgr. Robert J. Siffrin, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese of Youngstown, joined the Seminary Board of Regents.

Dr. Scott Hahn was appointed as the Inaugural Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation. He is founder and director of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology and has written numerous best sellng books on Catholicism.

Renovation of the Seminary classroom building was completed with dedication of the John and Annette Brownfi eld Center at the Alumni Day Banquet. The classrooms were all wired for technology, received new paint, air conditioning, wireless internet and a state of the art teaching chapel.

Long-time Seminary Academic Dean Sr. Cecilia Murphy, R.S.M., received an honorary doctorate and was honored at commencement. After serving as Academic Dean for more than 20 years she was elected Vice President of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Pittsburgh Regional Community.

Paul R. Whiteside was named Development Director for Saint Vincent Archabbey and Seminary.

Saint Vincent Seminary: A Decade’s Worth of Achievements

of Dumm, O.S.B.theScriptures,published by Liturgical Press.

the school year, the seminary residence hall rooms in Leander Hall received ceiling fans, new lighting, and new carpeting, as

Seminary Board of Regents.

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Jim Towey, director of the White House Offi ce of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and a deputy assistant to President George W. Bush, received an honorary doctorate and spoke at commencement. He also served as legal counsel with Blessed

Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

2005Four new members joined the Saint

Vincent Seminary Board of Regents. They include Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop of Atlanta; Most Rev. Michael J. Bransfi eld, Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston; Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Harrisburg and Rev. Edward M. Lohse, Vice Chancellor and Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Erie.

The Seminary honored Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt with an honorary doctorate at its annual commencement. Bishop Brandt was a member of the Board of Regents from 1991 to 2000 and rejoined the board in 2001.

2006The inaugural lecture of the Pope

Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation was given by Dr. Scott Hahn.

Five faculty books were published. Father Thomas Acklin, O.S.B., wrote ThePassionoftheLamb andTheUnchangingHeartofthePriesthood; Father Patrick Cronauer, O.S.B., authored TheStoriesAboutNaboththeJezreelite; Father Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B., wroteSoWeDoNotLoseHeart and Dr. Scott Hahn authored LetterandSpirit.

The 2005 Alumni Day Mass and Banquet paid tribute to the late Annette Brownfi eld, a long-time Seminary benefactor.

The fi rst conference for priests, deacons and seminarians was held in June of 2006. Reading Scripture from the Heart of the Church featured Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. William Bales and Dr. Brant Pitre.

An Apostolic Visitation took place in January, 2006. The visitators evaluated how well Saint Vincent Seminary is implementing human, spiritual, academic and pastoral formation programs.

Father Justin M. Matro, O.S.B., was named Rector upon completion of the term of Father Kurt Belsole, O.S.B.

The Seminary launched a new updated website, www.saintvincentseminary.edu.

Alumni Day 2006 paid tribute to Father Thomas Kram, long-time member of the Board of Regents, who died on July 28. Father Kram instituted the Development Offi ce of the Seminary.

Archbishop Pietro Sambi, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, received an honorary degree and spoke at the Seminary’s annual commencement.

A new book on the Seminary’s history was written by graduate

Saint Vincent Seminary: A Decade’s Worth of Achievements

Annette and John Brownfi eld


Vincent Seminary Board of Regents. They include Archbishop of Atlanta; Bransfi eld,Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades,Harrisburg and Chancellor and Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Erie.

E. Brandt honorary doctorate at its annual commencement. Bishop Brandt was a member of the Board of Regents from 1991 to 2000 and rejoined the board in 2001.

Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation Hahn.

Bishop Brandt was a member of the

Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Vincent Seminary Board of Regents. They Vincent Seminary Board of Regents. They include Archbishop of Atlanta;

Saint Vincent SeminaryAnnual Report 2007

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Chancellor’s Column “Make His Light Shine Forth”

Dear Friends,

This spring, our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI made his fi rst Papal Visit to the United States. His brief but powerful itinerary in our nation’s capital included meeting with the President of the United States at The White House; meeting with the Bishops of the United States at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception; an outdoor Mass at the Washington Nationals baseball stadium; a meeting with Catholic educators, presidents of Catholic colleges and universities and diocesan education leaders at The Catholic University of America and a meeting with interfaith leaders at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center.

In New York, he spoke to the United Nations General Assembly, met with ecumenical leaders, celebrated Mass for priests, deacons and members of religious orders at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral (on the third anniversary of his election to the papacy), visited Ground Zero, the World Trade Center site and celebrated Mass at Yankee Stadium. During the next-to-last day of his stay, he visited Saint Joseph’s Seminary in New York. While there he met with children with disabilities and also participated in a rally for young persons and seminarians.

His visit was hailed by many for its message of hope, unity and purpose. He said, “In this land of religious liberty, Catholics found freedom not only to practice their faith, but also to participate fully in civic life, bringing their deepest moral convictions to the public square and cooperating with their neighbors in shaping a vibrant, democratic society.”

In New York, he urged the faithful “to move forward with fi rm resolve to use wisely the blessings of freedom in order to build a future of hope for coming generations,” noting that freedom could not be divorced from responsibilities.

He also directly addressed seminarians: “The People of God look to you to be holy priests, on a daily journey of conversion, inspiring in others the desire to enter more deeply into the ecclesial life of believers. I urge you to deepen your friendship with Jesus the Good Shepherd. Talk heart to heart with him. Reject any temptation to ostentation, careerism, or conceit. Strive for a pattern of life truly marked by charity, chastity and humility, in imitation of Christ, the Eternal High Priest, of whom you are to become living icons.”

In the words of the Holy Father, “I pray for you daily. Remember that what counts before the Lord is to dwell in his love and to make his love shine forth for others.”

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Archabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B.



Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Dear Friends,In recent years, Saint Vincent Seminary has placed an emphasis on the development

of several programs and initiatives: Homiletics, Pastoral Stewardship and Hispanic Ministry. In the 2008 report to the Association of Theological Schools, some of the comments on the Homiletics Program included:

“Major efforts have been made by the Seminary to improve the quality of training for preaching…”

“Over the years this aspect of the curriculum has become even stronger. The relationship between coming to better know the Word of God and the mission to proclaim it to others in an effective way has received a great deal of the faculty’s emphasis.”

While we have received accolades for our programs, there remain several areas on which we must continue to provide focus. The Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation will soon be more completely integrated into the whole of our curriculum. We will also look for ways to integrate homiletics into the Pastoral Stewardship program. In this area of homiletics we will also begin to offer refresher courses to our Priest Alumni as well as to other priests in neighboring dioceses who may be interested in honing their skills.

The Seminary’s Pastoral Stewardship Program focuses on the practical pastoral issues discussed in our courses. Initiated by the Board of Regents in 2003, the program enhances the pastoral preparation of our seminarians by fostering skills in leadership and management. As we will be doing with Homiletics, the Seminary will also look for more ways to integrate the Pastoral Stewardship within our curriculum.

Our Hispanic Ministries Program has also been one of our major focal points of the past few years. Our work in this area helps foster an awareness of the contemporary Church in America and generates awareness of persons from other cultures. We will continue to develop more opportunities in the Seminary in Spanish, more programming in language and culture, as well as a more diverse program of worship in Spanish for all students.

I would like to sincerely thank all of the Faculty and Staff of the Seminary for their dedication and diligence to these critical programs. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all of the generous benefactors who have allowed us to hire the excellent personnel that we have so that these programs can be made possible. After all, we do not take our role lightly here; our Seminary is forming hundreds of future priests who will serve our Church for many years to come. It is an awesome responsibility, but one that we embrace whole-heartedly.


Dr. John C. Marous, Jr.

Chairman, Board of Regents

Chairman, Board of Regents Chairman, Board of Regents

Dr. John C. Marous, Jr.

Chairman’s ColumnSeminary Curriculum Has Become Even Stronger

Dr. John C. Marous, Jr.Most Rev. Lawrence E. BrandtMost Rev. R. Daniel ConlonMost Rev. Roger J. FoysMost Rev. Wilton D. GregoryMost Rev. Kevin C. RhoadesMost Rev. Donald W. WuerlMost Rev. David A. ZubikArchabbot Douglas R. Nowicki, O.S.B.Very Rev. Justin M. Matro, O.S.B.

Board of RegentsMs. Deborah L. AcklinMr. Frank V. CahouetRev, Msgr. George R. CoyneMr. George DormanRev. Msgr. Raymond G. EastHon. Maureen E. Lally-GreenRev. Msgr. Paul A. LenzRev. Edward M. LohseDr. James V. MaherRev. Msgr. Robert J. SiffrinMr. L. Richard Zappone

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Dear Friends of Saint Vincent Seminary,

Please accept my warmest wishes for the fullness of blessings In this Easter season! Very recently, the Seminary fi nished a self study report and the theme of our

approach to this work was “listening with the ear of the heart.” Interestingly, as members of our faculty and the administration adapted this concept to their task of evaluating our program, they found that what could be a tedious task, actually became spiritually enriching. In light of our experience, I would then like to share something of this idea of listening with the heart with you, our faithful alumni and friends.

What do we mean by focusing on the concept of “listening with the ear of the heart”? The phrase itself comes directly from the opening sentence of the HolyRule of Saint Benedict: “Listen carefully my son to the master’s instruction and attend to them with the ear of your heart.” What Saint Benedict urges here, and throughout his rule, is not just good advice for monks; it is a spirit of openness to the Lord in every element of life and, most especially, in every person that we meet. Essentially, if we calm down the pace of our hectic lives and attentively appreciate the wonders that surround us, we will fi nd that Christ is present and has been speaking to each of us in every situation and in every person we know.

Moreover, in his most recent encyclical, SpeSalvi, Pope Benedict XVI discusses another facet of listening with the heart, one from which we can derive immeasurable comfort: “When no one listens to me anymore, God listens to me.” According to the Holy Father such confi dence in God’s attentiveness to our needs and concerns is the very basis of hope. In other words, even as we are listening to His call to us in our day to day lives, our Lord is always attentive to us, indeed he knows our needs before we even are able to articulate them ourselves.

My wish for each of you in this Easter Season and throughout the year is that the comfort of knowing that even as our God bends near to hear our prayers, He in fact is speaking to each of our hearts in our daily lives and the people with whom we share each day.

May the peace and joy of the risen Lord be with you, and all those who share your lives!

Father Justin

Seminary Rector

Rector’s Column Spiritual Formation: The Heart of Priestly Formation



Ministry of Lector


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

The following list includes all Saint Vincent Seminary donors who made a gift or pledge payment for any purpose during 2007. All gifts received after December 31, 2007 will appear in the next annual report.

We have endeavored to accurately acknowledge all donors and apologize if we have made an error. Please telephone the Seminary Development Offi ce at 724-805-2552 if a correction is necessary.

We extend our sincere appreciation to all partners in our mission during 2007.

Saint Vincent Seminary 2007 Honor Roll of Donors


$25,000 OR MORE

Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions+Mrs. Marianne F. DeanFirst Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, National Headquarters+Rev. Joseph R. LempDr. and Mrs. John C. Marous, Jr.+Rev. Richard V. Paluse+Rev. E. Charles Patterson+Rev. Raymond A. Vollmer

SEMINARY FELLOW$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous+Rev. John J. CassellaMr. and Mrs. Amil A. DiPadovaMr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Donahue Mr. and Mrs. George C. DormanMr. and Mrs. Frederick EglerMr. and Mrs. Wilson J. FarmerieMrs. Orlie Ferretti+Rev. Thomas J. KramMrs. Maureen O’BrienMrs. Norma SchererMr. Charles SheedySaint Gregory the Great Church, Virginia Beach, VA

RECTOR’S CABINET$5,000 - $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gromek

Kate M. Kelley FoundationDr. and Mrs. Edward B. MurckoMs. Rita PalgutaRev. Michael J. VecchioMr. and Mrs. L. Richard Zappone

BOARD ASSOCIATES$2,500 - $4,999

Mr. Jerome A. BurgmanMr. and Mrs. Robert H. CaldwellRev. Msgr. William G. CharnokiMr. and Mrs. James A. CherubiniRev. Msgr. John A. CippelBishops and Priests of the Diocese of PittsburghRev. Charles R. Griffi nVery Rev. John R. HaneyMrs. Annette D. HartRev. Edward F. HigginsHoehn Scholarship Trust FundRev. Kenneth E. KezmarskyRev. Thomas M. KirbyRev. John Michael LavelleRev. Ronald P. LengwinRev. Msgr. Paul A. LenzRev. Martin D. McCamleyRev. Edward F. McSweeneyMr. and Mrs. Arthur MiltenbergerRev. Francis J. MurhammerRev. Msgr. William R. RathgebRev. Msgr. Robert J. ReillyRev. Lawrence R. RichardsMr. and Mrs. John A. Robertshaw, Jr.

Saint Vincent Basilica, Latrobe+Rev. Richard P. Scherer Monsignor John L. Conway —The Community Foundation of Westmoreland CountyRev. F. Raymond TranceMr. Andrew B. Williams

RECTOR’S COUNCIL$1,000 - $2,499

Rev. John M. BauerMr. and Mrs. Frank V. CahouetChrist the Divine Teacher SchoolMr. Russell R. CompanionMr. and Mrs. Anthony M. CorboMr. and Mrs. John L. CornettRev. Bernard B. CostelloRev. Stuart W. G. CrevcoureRev. Msgr. Leon S. Darkowski+Rev. Philip J. DonatelliRev. Eugene J. DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Patrick Dumm Mr. and Mrs. James D. FarrellRev. Michael P. FerrickMr. Francis H. FreidhoffRev. Msgr. J. Gerald GallagherMost Rev. Rene H. Gracida

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Ballash Ms. Janice G. Barone Ms. Linda Boxx Mr. T. William Boxx+Rev. John J. Cassella+Rev. John J. Charnoki Rev. Roy H. Conley Rev. Msgr. John L. Conway Rev. Msgr. Leon S. Darkowski+Mr. John A. Daum+Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Dravecky+Rev. Benedict W. Erkens+Rev. Edward R. Farina+Rev. Robert E. Feeney+Rev. Francis B. Filip+Rev. Francis H. Gallagher+Rev. Arthur L. Garbin+Rev. Hugh M. Gloninger Most Rev. Rene H. Gracida Rev. Joseph R. Grosko Very Rev. John R. Haney+Rev. John P. Hickey Rev. Edward F. Higgins+Rev. Edwin H. Hirt+Rev. Thomas J. Kram+Rev. George T. Leech+Rev. Joseph R. Lemp Rev. Msgr. Paul A. Lenz+Rev. Francis M. Lynch+Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Maher Dr. and Mrs. John C. Marous, Jr.+Rev. Msgr. Augustine Marzhauser+Rev. Francis G. Massung Rev. Msgr. J. Edward McCullough+Rev. John H. McMahon+Rev. Msgr. Alphonse G. Mihm Rev. Francis J. Murhammer Rev. Francis A. Nazimek+Rev. Fabian G. Oris+Rev. E. Charles Patterson+Rev. Richard V. Paluse+Rev. Msgr. Charles O. Rice

Rev. Msgr. John R. Sasway+Rev. Richard P. Scherer+Rev. Julius S. Stefurosky+Rev. Raymond A. Vollmer+Rev. Francis C. Wildgruber+Rev. Msgr. Aloysius L. Zwolinski

Anonymous (4) Ms. Evelyn Augustin+Mrs. Bernice R. Bauer Mrs. Rosemary Breindel Mr. and Mrs. David L. Brennan+Mrs. Annette C. Brownfi eld Mr. Vinh Bui Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cahouet Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Caldwell+Mrs. Anna M. Chase Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cherubini Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Chute Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Corbo+Ms. Dolores Daly+Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Demshock Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. DiCesare+Miss Mary C. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Amil A. DiPadova Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Donahue Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. George C. Dorman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Egler Mr. and Mrs. Wilson J. Farmerie Mrs. Orlie Ferretti Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Fish +Mrs. Jacquelyn Fish Mr. Donald W. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Franzi Mr. Francis H. Freidhoff+Dr. Harry Gerstbrein and Mrs. Mildred Gerstbrein Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Grefenstette+Mrs. Mary S. Griffi n Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gromek Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grotzinger+Mrs. Mary Jo Hammontree+Dr. Helena R. Hartshorne+Dr. Joseph F. Heisel, Jr. and Mrs. Henny Heisel

Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Hess+Mrs. Marie D. Kaul+Mrs. Kate M. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Clair J. Kirsch+Mr. Stephen P. Kosmo and Mrs. Angeline Kosmo+Mr. Norbert L. Kraus+Mr. James Lancas+Ms. Mary L. Lepkowski Dr. and Mrs. George Magovern, Sr. Mrs. Mary McCauslin Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. McClain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGarrity+Ms. Mildred Mladenick Sr. Barbara Ann Moravec, O.C.D. Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Murcko The Murrman Family Mrs. Maureen O’Brien Ms. Rita Palgula+Mr. E. Charles Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Pevarnik Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Pevarnik Mr. John S. Polickoski Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Queenan, Jr. Mrs. Mary Louise Redding+Miss Adeline E. Reeping+Dr. Frank E. Resnik Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Reuscher+Miss Philomena T. Rich Mr. and Mrs. John A. Robertshaw, Jr. Mr. David M. Roderick Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Rossin+Ms. Bertha Salter Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Sarni Mrs. Norma Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Schuchert Mr. Leo H. Selle Mr. Charles Sheedy+Ms. Norma A. Sirback Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sroka Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Stinson+Mr. Gilbert A. Strittmatter+ Dr. and Mrs George E. Sweeney+Mrs. Mary E. Tepe+Miss Mary Lou M. Trancone Ms. Rose Marie Volpe Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. L. Richard Zappone


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Mr. William B. HeubelMs. Pearl KarawskyRev. John J. KeaneKnights of Columbus, St. Benedict Council 9056Rev. Msgr. Donald W. KrausMs. Doris E. KrumenackerMrs. Emily LangScott Q. Little, DDSDr. and Mrs. James V. Maher, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. MaziarzDr. and Mrs. Edward J. McClain, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGarrityThe Mullane FoundationFrancis R. Murrman, Esq.The Murrman FamilyRev. Terrence P. O’ConnorMr. and Mrs. Joseph R. PevarnikMr. and Mrs. Paul M. PitstickMr. and Mrs. Albert A. PrechtlRev. Robert J. ReardonMr. and Mrs. Richard J. ReuscherMrs. Richard A. RoseSaint Louise de Marillac Church Saint Paul SeminarySaint Vincent DePaul ParishRev. Msgr. John R. SaswayMr. and Mrs. Eugene Scarberry+Rev. William J. ScholzMr. Dwayne ShingleMrs. Josephine M. SmartMr. and Mrs. C. M. SnavelyRev. Thomas A. SparacinoRev. Mr. and Mrs. John E. SrokaMr. Joseph StanishMr. and Mrs. Andrew G. UramRev. Mark N. Van AlstineVerizon FoundationRev. Robert J. VularMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. WalterRev. Ben WernerRev. Gregory B. WilsonRev. George A. WiltMost Rev. William J. WinterMr. and Mrs. Richard L. Wolfe


AnonymousMr. Donald G. BallishMs. Janice G. BaroneMrs. Barbara J. BaumMr. and Mrs. Richard F. BeyerThe BOC Group Most Rev. Anthony G. BoscoMr. and Mrs. David L. BrennanRev. Msgr. John T. CarterRev. Paul M. ClarkRev. Roy H. Conley

Rev. Terence A. CroneJames F. Curley, Ph.D. Very Rev. John J. DetischMr. and Mrs. J. Christopher DonahueMr. and Mrs. Frank F. DonnellyEat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.Rev. Steven W. FauserFBC Chemical Corp.First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 13Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. FishMr. and Mrs. Salvatore FranziMr. and Mrs. Daniel FrescuraMs. Elizabeth M. GallagherMr. and Mrs. Philip M. GallagherRev. David L. GaydosikGregory D. Grabiak, M.D.Mr. Ross GreenMrs. Henny HeiselRev. Robert W. HerrmannRev. Mark A. HoffmanMr. John W. HoltzHoly Name Society, Holy Trinity ChurchHoly Name Society, Sacred Heart ChurchRev. Hubert J. KealyRev. Msgr. James P. KellyKnights of Columbus, Council 7803Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse A. KriegMr. and Mrs. James LaffeyMrs. Lorraine LauxMr. John S. LezoRev. Thomas M. LukacDr. and Mrs. George J. Magovern, Sr.Mr. Melvin J. MattyMost Rev. John B. McDowellMr. and Mrs. William G. MerchantRev. Gerald S. MikonisMr. Richard J. MunschMrs. Elizabeth MurrayRev. Msgr. Joseph NealonDr. and Mrs. Joseph F. NovakRev. Barry P. O’LearyMiss Patricia O’RourkeRev. William F. O’TooleRev. John D. PetraruloRev. Peter R. PilarskiThe Ann S. Foster Fund of The Pittsburgh FoundationMr. and Mrs. Ronald N. RaimondoMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. RashMs. Elizabeth P. ResnikDr. Linda S. RockeyMr. and Mrs. Abelardo RuizSaint Sebastian Parish Serra Club of Cambria CountySerra Club, East AlleghenyMr. and Mrs. William W. Shearouse, Jr.Ms. Patricia A. SmiyMs. Elaine G. Stretavski

Ten Sent CorporationDr. and Mrs. Ronald VittoneMs. Rose Marie VolpeMr. and Mrs. James F. Will


AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. AponeMrs. Patricia B. BabcockRev. Francis P. BalestinoMr. and Mrs. Victor E. BallashMr. and Mrs. Lawrence BarbiauxMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. BargerMr. Henry A. BashourDr. and Mrs. Frank R. BeggMr. and Mrs. Michael R. BelsoleRev. William G. BerkeyMr. N. E. BerneburgMr. John H. BiedenbachMr. Edward BinkowskiMrs. Margaret R. BockRev. Andrew J. BolcarRev. William R. BovardMr. and Mrs. Edward H. BovichMrs. Rosemary BreindelMr. and Mrs. James BruggemanRev. Jon J. BrzekRev. Dennett H. BuettnerRev. James F. BumpMr. and Mrs. Carl D. BurlasMr. and Mrs. John CahirMrs. Dinna CampbellMr. and Mrs. Victor V. CapetsMr. and Mrs. James A. CarasellaCarmel of the AssumptionCavcon Construction Co.Rev. Martin CeluchMr. Harold CheatleMr. Lauro V. ChicoMr. and Mrs. Joseph CiampaDr. Joseph J. CioccaMr. and Mrs. Joseph C. CirelliMrs. Patricia M. Coghlan

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Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. ConteMr. and Mrs. George A. Conti, Jr.Rev. George R. CowanMrs. Marion CronauerMs. Kathleen M. CroninMr. and Mrs. William F. CroninM. Todd Crump, M.D.Mrs. Stella M. CudnikRev. Edward M. CzemerdaRev. Carmen A. D’AmicoMs. Cornelia DattiloMr. and Mrs. Terry L. DaughenbaughRev. Domenick A. DeBlasioMr. and Mrs. James F. DeCapriaMr. and Mrs. Eduardo E. DeLeonRev. Anthony G. DeLuca

Dr. and Mrs. Hugh M. DempseyMrs. Anita G. D’EramoDerry Construction Co., Inc.Mr. Joseph G. DiGiacomoMr. David DongilliMr. and Mrs. Paul A. DongilliRev. Garrett D. DorseyRev. Douglas E. DorulaRev. G. Ralph DuffyMr. and Mrs. Regis M. DuganMr. and Mrs. Clair J. DummMr. and Mrs. Donald DummEconomic Growth Connection of WestmorelandRabbi Jason EdelsteinRev. Craig R. EilermanElk County Catholic High SchoolMr. and Mrs. William J. EnglertMr. and Mrs. Kurt EngstromExcela Health Medical StaffMs. Mary Facchine-SpowartMrs. Mary Ann FacettiMr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fagan, IIIVery Rev. Philip N. FarrellMr. and Mrs. Frederick R. FavoVery Rev. William P. FeeneyMr. and Mrs. Richmond H. FergusonRev. Msgr. Joseph G. FindlanFirst Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 44First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 77First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Junior Branch 112First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Senior Branch 172First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 177First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association,

Branch 218First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Junior Branch 512First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 590First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 597Mr. Paul J. FitzgeraldRev. Msgr. Patrick V. FlemingMr. Eric D. FlemmMr. and Mrs. Samuel A. FolbyMr. and Mrs. William D. FoskiMr. James L. FriedmanRev. Msgr. Joseph A. FunaroMr. William T. GasperMiss Ann GavalerMiss Mary GavalerMr. and Mrs. Arthur R. GeislerKeith Gjebre, D.M.DRev. Mark W. GlasgowMr. and Mrs. Edward L. Graf, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John R. GraysonMr. John V. GrazianoRev. Robert J. GreccoGreensburg Central Catholic Field Hockey TeamRev. James R. GretzDr. Andrzej Groch and Mrs. Cynthia Maleski-GrochMr. and Mrs. Clement F. Gross, IIIRev. Mark F. X. Gruber, O.S.B.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond GutMrs. Anne V. GuzikRev. Robert W. HabeMr. and Mrs. Jack L. HadleyMr. and Mrs. Michael P. HaganMr. and Mrs. Edward P. HagerRev. Thomas F. Hamm, Jr.Rev. Deacon and Mrs. John M. HanchinRev. Bernard M. HarcarikRev. Edward T. HartelRev. John A. HarveyMr. Joseph V. HuberThe Honorable and Mrs. Joseph A. HudockRev. Richard A. InfanteMs. Judith L. JacobusMr. and Mrs. Philip J. JaworskiMrs. Janet M. JonesMr. Clement A. JuricaMr. A. Richard KacinLt. Col. Peter J. KarnoskiMrs. Joan F. KesslerRev. William J. KielMs. Sara J. KirkDr. and Mrs. William J. KirschRev. Joseph J. KleinstuberRev. Msgr. Thomas J. KlinzingKnights of Columbus, Belle Vernon


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Council 3026Knights of Columbus, South Hills Council 3084Ms. Edna M. KnorrMr. and Mrs. James D. KnorrJohn M. Kochik, Ph.D.Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. KoenigKonhaus-Robertson AgencyMr. Frank A. KorenMs. Carol A. KossRev. James B. KrahMr. Peter KramMr. and Mrs. Emerick A. KravecMrs. Dolores J. KrawecMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. KrebsRev. Thomas E. KredelRev. Gary W. KrummertRev. Joseph V. KurutzMr. and Mrs. David LambRev. Hugh J. LangMr. and Mrs. Dale P. LatimerRev. Eugene F. LauerMrs. Josephine LaurenziDr. and Mrs. Robert E. LeeRev. John B. LendvaiRev. Michael C. LetteerMr. and Mrs. Richard J. LewandowskiMr. and Mrs. Paul A. LiebDr. Ronald J. LiebMs. Theresa LiebMr. Donald E. LieberknechtRev. Edward S. LitavecRev. Edward M. LohseRev. James W. LongeMiss Marie LopsMr. and Mrs. Robert LuczakDr. and Mrs. James LynchMr. and Mrs. Myron C. LyonRev. James M. LyonsRev. Msgr. Thomas K. MabonRev. Richard E. MackiewiczRev. Aron M. MaghsoudiMr. and Mrs. Robert A. MaherRev. Daniel C. MahoneyRev. Thaddeus S. MaidaRev. Francis E. MaloneyRev. Thomas F. ManionMr. and Mrs. Charles G. Manoli, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. MartinMr. and Mrs. Richard A. MarusicDr. and Mrs. Philip X. MasciantonioRev. Msgr. Michael W. MatusakRev. Russell J. MaurerMr. and Mrs. Edward F. McCannRev. James P. McCormickRev. Hugh J. McCormleyMr. and Mrs. Gene E. McDonaldDr. and Mrs. Lloyd P. McGinnisMr. and Mrs. Donald T. McGuireMr. and Mrs. Francis L. McGuire

+Mr. Alexander J. McHughMr. Joseph R. McKeonMr. William T. McKeonMr. and Mrs. A. T. McLaughlin, Jr.Ms. Margaret A. McMahonMr. Joseph J. McNallyRev. Joseph M. MeleMs. Rose MelenyzerMellon Matching Gift ProgramMeyer, Darragh, Buckler, Bebenek & EckMr. Thomas C. MihailoffMr. and Mrs. John J. MikulaMr. John A. Miller, Jr.Terence E. Moore, M.D.Sr. Barbara Ann Moravec, O.C.D.Rev. Wayne E. MorrisDr. and Mrs. Joseph S. MossMr. and Mrs. Carl J. Motter, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. MuellerDr. and Mrs. Lawrence MulhernMulti-Metals Co., Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James L. MurdyMr. and Mrs. Eugene F. MurphyMs. Agnes M. NachmanRev. Dam D. NguyenDr. and Mrs. Robert F. NicelyMr. and Mrs. Albert J. Novak, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Marion J. NowickiMr. Paul E. Oberdorfer IIIOur Mother of Sorrows SchoolMr. and Mrs. Harold S. OverholtMr. and Mrs. Mike OverholtMr. and Mrs. Ron PacyMiss Ann M. PakosMr. and Mrs. David J. PaluselliMr. Nicholas J. ParrendoMr. and Mrs. Gilbert D. PastorMrs. Louise D. PaulDr. and Mrs. Joseph E. PecoshMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. PesaventoMrs. Agnes C. Peters

Rev. Harry F. PetrieMr. and Mrs. James L. PevarnikMr. and Mrs. Joseph C. PevarnikMr. Mark A. PevarnikMr. and Mrs. Matthew A. PevarnikMr. and Mrs. Stephen P. PevarnikRev. Anthony Hanh Si Pham, O.Cist.Rev. Leo J. PlebanRev. Kevin G. PoeckingRev. Michael J. PolakRev. Alan N. PolczynskiMs. Carol G. PollockMs. Margaret E. PontzerRev. Daniel F.X. PowellMr. and Mrs. Frank X. Purcell, Jr.Rev. Jerome J. Purta, O.S.B.Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Queenan, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. RanselMrs. Rita ReeseMiss Leona M. ReiserRevest PropertiesRichard B. Guskiewicz AssociatesMr. John E. RidillaMr. Randal RinierMr. David M. RoderickMr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. RoosMr. Salvatore RotoloDr. and Mrs. Joseph J. RubinoMr. and Mrs. John T. Ryan, IIIMr. Thomas M. RyanSaint Benedict Church, MargueriteSaint Irenaeus PTGSaint Joseph Church, Coraopolis Saint Susanna Church, Penn HillsRev. George E. SaladnaRev. Msgr. Robert J. SalyMrs. Edith SarnesoMr. and Mrs. Vincent A. SarniRev. Thomas A. ScalaMrs. Mary Lou SchutzRev. Michael J. SciberrasMr. Thomas E. Seidel

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Selective Insurance Company of AmericaSerra Club of Allegheny ValleyMr. Ronald J. SestiliMr. Joseph H. ShearerMr. Richard J. ShibenRev. Paul R. ShudaRev. Msgr. Robert J. SiffrinMr. and Mrs. Jay B. SimardRev. Joseph E. Sioli, C.OMr. and Mrs. Edward J. SmithMr. and Mrs. Herbert C. SmithDr. and Mrs. Perry C. SmithMr. Wayne E. Smith, Jr.Mr. Wayne J. SmithMr. and Mrs. Paul SmiyMrs. Betty C. SneeringerMr. and Mrs. Edward F. SobotaDr. and Mrs. Ferdinand L. SoissonMrs. Margaret SoskaMrs. Charlotte E. SpinoMs. Rose Marie StackMs. Ann Coghlan StoweMr. and Mrs. Frank SujanskyMs. Patricia E. SullivanMs. Irene E. SurmikRev. John P. SweeneyMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. SweeneyDr. and Mrs. William J. SwitalaRev. Henry A. Szarnicki+Rev. Zygmunt V. SzarnickiMr. Ralph M. TajakMr. Arthur TambucciMrs. Gertrudann Keddie TatananniMr. and Mrs. Robert TaylorRev. and Mrs. Andrew J. TibusMr. Robert J. TokarRev. Msgr. Samuel J. Tomaselli

Most Rev. Donald W. TrautmanMr. William Trueheart and Mrs. Carol WordRev. Joseph V. TrupkovichRev. Edward J. TrzeciakowskiMichael J. Tupta, D.D.S.Mr. and Mrs. David TurnerRev. Charles C. UgoMr. and Mrs. William L. Van AlstineMr. Joseph A. Vater, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. WagnerMr. and Mrs. William T. WalkerMr. and Mrs. John WandriscoRev. James A. WehnerMr. and Mrs. C. Philip WeigelRev. G. David WeikartRev. Mark E. WeissMr. Michael A. WesnerRev. Richard J. WesoloskiRev. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. WoodMs. Edith L. Worrell

Mr. Leo W. YochumRev. David J. YoungMrs. Jane Zitterbart


Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. AdamsMrs. Audrey AlepreteMrs. Thelma AllweinMr. and Mrs. Alfredo AlmeidaMr. William R. AmatucciMr. and Mrs. Edward C. AngelilliMr. and Mrs. Emmanuel J. AnswineMr. John AntinoriMr. Richard E. Armstrong, Jr.Mr. Howard J. ArtmanAuman’s GroceryMr. and Mrs. Jay BandieramonteRev. Martin F. BarkinMs. Dolores BaroliRev. William R. BarronMs. Florence BartkowskiMrs. Pamela Ann BassettMr. and Mrs. August J. BattagliaMs. Eva M. BattagliaMr. and Mrs. Celso BautistaMr. Thomas B. BayneMr. and Mrs. Robert J. BearerMr. and Mrs. Raymond BechtoldMs. Josephine A. BellMr. and Mrs. Gerald T. BelsoleMr. and Mrs. Gene E. BennettMr. and Mrs. Edward BenoitDavid Bernot and FamilyMr. John B. BideseVery Rev. Harry R. Bielewicz, Jr.Mrs. Helen BodziakRev. Dennis A. BoguszMr. Robert A. BonacchiAttorneys Eric and Michelle Bononi


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Very Rev. Robert J. BoyleMr. and Mrs. William BragleDr. and Mrs. Edward T. BrajdicMr. and Mrs. James BregenserVery Rev. Donald P. BreierMs. Yvonne BreslinMr. Charles A. BridgeMr. and Mrs. William T. BridgeMs. Carol C. BrownMr. James G. BrownMr. and Mrs. Larry BrownMs. Marlene M. BrunetMr. and Mrs. Carl R. BrunoMr. and Mrs. Bernard BrzoskaRev. David T. BrzoskaMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BucciMrs. Katherine BurchillMr. and Mrs. Regis E. BurgmanMs. Mary BurkeMrs. Mary C. BurkeMr. and Mrs. Shorty BurkettMr. and Mrs. Thomas C. BurlasMr. and Mrs. Warren J. BusscherMrs. Vianna V. ButalaMrs. Diane P. ButtsRev. Charles A. Byrd, Jr.C.H. & D. Enterprises, Inc.Ms. Carol Ann Cafi eroRev. James A. Caldwell, Jr.Mrs. June K. CampbellMs. Betty CampitelliMs. Stella J. CarignanMr. David J. CarusoKathleen Catalano, M.D.Ms. Michelle C. ChaidoChenet - Fretz Insurance AgencyRev. Michael J. ChonkoMr. and Mrs. Andrew ChurmanMs. Linda P. CobaughMs. Patricia C. CochranMr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Codori, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. James A. CollMr. and Mrs. Charles ComeRev. Chris ComerfordRev. Mr. and Mrs. John J. ConcannonRev. John B. CorbettMr. and Mrs. William R. CouchenourMr. and Mrs. Paul M. CoyneMr. and Mrs. Albert CramerMs. Marilyn J. CupecMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. CurranMr. and Mrs. Secondine W. DangeloRev. Joseph J. DascenzoMr. and Mrs. Guy J. DavisMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. DavisDBA Stoskel Insurance Assoc.Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. DeanMr. and Mrs. Ximena DeBroeckDr. and Mrs. Francis L. DeFaboMr. and Mrs. Raymond L. DeFazio

Mr. John DeGidioMr. and Mrs. Vincent J. DeLandroMr. Frank DelucaMr. and Mrs. Louis V. DeLucaMr. David M. DemangoneMs. Evelyn J. DeMarinesMr. and Mrs. Anthony DeMartino, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. DeMicheleMs. Susan A. DepalmaMs. Mary DePaoloMiss Rita C. DerekMr. and Mrs. Joseph DezzuttiMr. and Mrs. Frank DlugonskiMr. and Mrs. Stanley DobiesMr. and Mrs. Robert A. DomyanMr. Alexander DongilliMr. and Mrs. John F. DonlonMs. Grace E. DoughertyMr. and Mrs. David DragovichMr. David T. DragovichMr. Joseph W. DucheneMr. and Mrs. David DunhoffMrs. Loretta M. DurishanMr. Carl L. EckelsMr. William B. EddyMrs. Gertrude EngelMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. EnriquezErie Insurance GroupMr. and Mrs. James L. ErnyMr. and Mrs. Wayne ErskineMr. Jose Manuel EscalanteMr. and Mrs. Edward A. FalleckerMr. Jerome F. FatoraMrs. Jacqueline FedrykMr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fennell, Sr.Ms. Rosemary FerranteMs. Angelica L. FerrettiMrs. Josephine FerrettiMr. and Mrs. Louis Ferry

Rev. Eric R. FilmerMrs. Patricia H. FimianFirst Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 313First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Branch 424Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. FisherTerrence M. Flaherty, Ph.DMr. and Mrs. Conrad J. FlessnerMrs. Isabel M. FlyMr. and Mrs. Frank C. FodgeMr. and Mrs. Leonard D. FrostRev. Mario A. Fulgenzi, O.S.B.Mr. and Mrs. Robert FultonMr. and Mrs. Michael F. GablerMrs. Margaret GallardyMr. Ordice GallupsMr. and Mrs. Dominick A. GalluzzoMr. and Mrs. Nick GangoneRev. Msgr. Robert P. GarlandMr. and Mrs. John F. GattoMr. Kenneth A. GenglerMr. and Mrs. Donald W. Giffi nMs. Clareece GodtMrs. Anna GolofskiMr. Hugh GormanMrs. Helen G. Gorney

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Mr. Jerome Ronald GrattanMr. Dennis J. GreenMr. and Mrs. Alvin R. GregoMs. Rosemarie GregoryMr. and Mrs. William D. GregoryMr. Germaine GribowiczMr. Gustave Grieder, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John F. GritzerMr. and Mrs. James J. GrossiGuard Insurance Group, Inc.Mr. Gabriel L. GuerrieriMr. and Mrs. Gervase S. GumbitaMs. Lynda GuzikMr. and Mrs. Edward HaferMs. Ellen C. HallisseyMr. Joseph P. HamiltonMrs. Thomas F. Hamm, Sr.Mr. James W. HargenraderMr. Leonard HarrisMrs. Irene HaycisakMs. Mechelle D. HeathBr. Bruno J. Heisey, O.S.B.Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. HessMiss Carole HigginsRev. Eric J. HillMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. HillebrandMr. and Mrs. John Hilzendeger

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Himler, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John HinesMr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hobart, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William M. HoffmanJohn P. Hogan, Ph.D.Ms. Veronica S. HoldenHoward T. Moore Co. Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John J. HudockRev. Timothy J. HuffmanMr. and Mrs. Edward J. IezziMr. and Mrs. Paul L. ImbrognoIvrea Sisters ConventMr. Robert R. JackamonisMr. and Mrs. Francis X. JanesMrs. Lori L. JaniroMr. and Mrs. Edward F. JanoskoMs. Delores JeannetteMrs. Joy JensenMr. Chris JernsMr. Robert JernsMr. John F. JohnstonMr. and Mrs. Floyd G. JovenittiRev. Francis Z. JurewiczMr. Vincent C. Kadlubek, Sr.Sr. M. Gabriel Kane, I.H.M.Rev. Benedict E. KapaMrs. Dorothy KeddieMr. and Mrs. Regis KeddieMr. and Mrs. Ronald K. KeefeRev. Kenneth R. KeeneThe Kelly FamilyMr. and Mrs. John C. KernMr. James KinestMr. George G. KingMr. Michael A. KirkKlein InsuranceMs. Nancylee KleineMr. William J. KlucsaritsKnights of Columbus, Council 1222Knights of Columbus, Council 9776Knights of Columbus, Fr. W. D. Fries Council 956

Knights of Columbus, Kiski Valley Council 3174Knights of Columbus, Seton Assembly 914Knights of Columbus, Seton General Assembly 4th DegreeMr. and Mrs. William B. KnollMs. Ann KocianMr. and Mrs. William G. KotsenasMr. and Mrs. Daniel G. KovacMs. Kathleen KowachMrs. Theresa J. KralikMr. and Mrs. David KrauseMrs. Mary A. KrulyMrs. Frank KruseMr. Thomas D. KuhnRev. Edward J. KuncoMr. Jerome F. KurlandMr. Thomas J. KussMr. and Mrs. Mark C. LangMr. and Mrs. Eugene J. LepianeMrs. Lewis Lever and FamilyRev. Thomas J. LewandowskiMr. John S. LezoMrs. Agnes Loe LiMs. Joy LindoMs. Mary B. LintMs. Gina L. LisonMrs. Angie A. Loperfi toMrs. Jennie D. LostenMr. Charles L. LowellMr. and Mrs. Evan A. LowryMr. Ron LucasMr. Oswald LucciMrs. Regina Ann MaceyMs. Mary MagreyRev. Francis Xavier MankelMr. and Mrs. Abraham ManziMr. and Mrs. George A. MarcinkoMs. Lilly MarcoRev. Timothy D. MarcoeMr. and Mrs. John A. MarkovichMr. and Mrs. Joseph D. MarnellMr. and Mrs. John T. Marron, Jr.Ms. Evelyn R. MartinMs. Linda MatiasMr. Nicholas P. MatroMr. and Mrs. W. Paul MattyMrs. Violette McCallThe McCartney FamilyMs. Patricia McCloryMr. and Mrs. John McFeeleyRev. Donald W. McIlvaneMr. and Mrs. Ronald McKinleyMr. and Mrs. William G. McMahonMr. and Mrs. Cletus MeehanMr. Michael A. MessinaMr. and Mrs. James A. MeyerMr. Callistus W. MilanMr. and Mrs. Marlin Miller


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Miss Dorothy MinnickMr. and Mrs. Charles MoffRev. Walter J. Moll, Jr.Mrs. Virginia L. MorettoMrs. Elizabeth MorrisMs. Mary MucciMr. and Mrs. Patrick A. MulichMullen Refrigeration Service, Inc.Ms. Barbara MullinSr. Cecilia Murphy, R.S.M.Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MurphyMr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Murphy, Jr.Mr. James E. MurphyMr. James R. Musillo, Jr.Mrs. Filamena NaccaratoMs. Gloria NagyMr. Eugene V. NataleNativity of the Lord Jesus Catholic Church, Akron, OHRev. Ronald J. NaylorMr. Fred R. NeneMr. Jack NeubergerMs. Mary Ann NichollsRev. Guyma NoelMr. and Mrs. Donald R. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Regis J. ObringerMs. Margaret E. OesterlingMs. Sofi a OlkiewicziMrs. Catherine OlsonMs. Consetty OmeliteMs. Donna O’TooleOur Lady of the Valley Parish, DonoraMs. Mary PalomboMs. Juanita ParlettMrs. William ParsonRev. Msgr. Fred A. PasquinelliMr. Nicholas PasseroMr. and Mrs. Ronald F. PastorMr. and Mrs. Stanley C. PaviakDr. and Mrs. Gabriel S. PellathyMs. Bernadine M. PennMr. Pete and Mr. John PennesiMr. and Mrs. David A. Perry, Sr.Mrs. Trish Perry+Mrs. Frances L. PetrarcaPfi zer Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramMr. Robert PhillipsMrs. Stana PiazzaMrs. Joan Ellen PilatMs. Doris E. PiperDr. and Mrs. G. Frank PittmanMs. Bernadette PlantesMr. and Mrs. Joseph PolicastroMr. and Mrs. Fred W. PreikMrs. Sheila E. PtacinMr. and Mrs. John F. RankinMr. and Mrs. Michael L. RappMr. Ernest Rastelli

Reeves and RossMrs. Helen ReganMrs. Imogene ReidyMs. Karen Teresa ReidyRev. Dennis RiccitelliMr. Kevin M. RicoMs. Mary Jo RobinoMr. Herman R. Rocchi, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William M. RocheMrs. Lillian M. RockageMr. and Mrs. Elvin A. RodriguezMr. and Mrs. Allison M. RoeschMr. and Mrs. Roy RomanMr. Ralph E. RoosMr. and Mrs. Anthony F. RossiMr. Scott W. Rudy, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur RulloMr. and Mrs. Charles J. RuschRev. Theodore A. RutkowskiMr. and Mrs. James SackettMs. Lorraine J. SadowskiRev. John H. SalkoMr. and Mrs. David J. SandsMr. and Mrs. Louis SantiaMrs. Eleanor SargentMrs. Ann SaswayMr. Paul J. Sauer, Jr.Mrs. Barbara SauterMrs. Naomi SavinskiMs. Lois ScaglioneRev. David E. F. ScharfMr. Clement F. SchmittMr. and Mrs. Charles A. SchneiderMs. Judith E. SchneiderMr. Donald J. ScholikMr. and Mrs. Robert M. ScoccaSecular Carmelites of LatrobeMr. Edwin P. Seddon

Rev. John A. SedlakRev. Valentine G. SedlakMr. and Mrs. Frank J. SegriffMr. and Mrs. Julian J. SenkoMr. Joseph J. SerenMrs. Dorothy J. SheaMr. and Mrs. Jerome R. SiemerSignal Systems CorporationMs. Norma Jean SimmonsMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Dominick C. SistiRev. Charles D. SkinnerMr. Frank A. SkrjancMr. and Mrs. Steven SladkyMr. and Mrs. Jerry SlagleMr. and Mrs. Jaroslav J. SlezakMr. and Mrs. Harry SmithMr. Herman SmithMrs. Velma C. SmithMr. Edward SolochierMrs. Vera SoriceMr. Norbert SosinskiMrs. Agnes A. SpagnolMr. and Mrs. Joseph C. SpainMrs. Antonette SpinelliMrs. Viola R. SpringerDr. and Mrs. Robert N. StaffenMs. Laura StankoMr. Richard N. SteinerMr. and Mrs. Robert C. SteinmetzMr. Harold W. StewartMr. and Mrs. William StillwagonMs. Dot Krellner StraubMr. and Mrs. William F. StraubMr. George M. SzalewiczMr. John M. SzalewiczMr. Joseph SzalkayMr. Richard Szalkay

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. TakacsMr. and Mrs. Frederick B. TiboniMrs. Elizabeth H. ToddMrs. Mary Ann TompkinsMr. and Mrs. William J. TompkinsMs. Kristen M. Tompkins-SepeskyMs. Dona TrewMrs. Myra N. TrgovacMrs. Mary J. TroutMr. and Mrs. Benedict A. TroyMr. Paul TrunzoVery Rev. Thomas S. TrupkovichMr. and Mrs. Eric S. TurinRev. Christopher M. TurnerRichard J. Tushup, Ph.D.Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. UlishneyMr. Edward S. UngvarskyMrs. Stephanie UngvarskyMrs. Victoria ValeriaMs. Carmella M. VatralMr. and Mrs. Sylvester F. Verry, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George J. VinceMr. Stephen J. VitaMr. and Mrs. William F. VitaMr. Lawrence VittoneMrs. Elsie VularMr. and Mrs. Michael F. WagnerRev. Donald A. Walczak, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert WassonMrs. Jeanne M. WeaverMr. and Mrs. Walter C. WeaverRev. Jerome M. WeiksnerRev. Brian WeldingMr. Raymond W. WerthmanMiss Rita Anne WiesnerMr. Robert L. Winfi eldMr. Henry S. WinklerMr. and Mrs. Mark J. WomackMr. and Mrs. John D. WoodRev. Michael L. Yaksick

Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. YanityMr. John A. Yonko, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. YoungMr. and Mrs. Richard E. YoungMr. and Mrs. Jay R. YoungsMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. ZandierMiss Mary E. ZatkoMr. Michael ZavageMs. Mary Diane ZelenakMr. and Mrs. Nicholas ZelloMrs. Wanda Zuzack


The Altoona-Johnstown Seminarian ScholarshipVictor and Christina Ballash Memorial ScholarshipVictor E. And Joan B. Ballash Scholarship Monsignor Andrew J. Balok Endowment Fund The Benedict Endowment FundBenedictine Pastors FundRev. Matthew A. Benko, O.S.B., ScholarshipFrank J. and Joan Hoover Bonanno ScholarshipThe Paul and Rose Mary Breindel ScholarshipRev. Aloysius D. Carasella, O.S.B., ScholarshipAnna M. Chase ScholarshipJames and Mary Ann Cherubini ScholarshipBishop William G. Connare ScholarshipRev. J. David Crowley ScholarshipBishop Nicholas C. Dattilo Memorial Scholarship

Jane and Michael Demshock Memorial FundThe DiPadova Family Trust, James A. DiPadova ScholarshipDiocese of Pittsburgh Scholarship Archbishop Thomas A. Donnellan ScholarshipGeorge and Eileen Dorman FundRev. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B., Endowment in Biblical Studies Mario J. Ferretti Memorial ScholarshipAnn S. Foster Memorial ScholarshipWilliam Randolph Hearst ScholarshipGilbert J. and Dorothy Hoehn ScholarshipImmaculate Heart of Mary ScholarshipMarie Kaul ScholarshipThe B. P. Kenna ScholarshipAndrew and Amelia Kirsch ScholarshipStephen P. Kosmo Scholarship Theresa C. Kosmo and Pearl Szczygiel ScholarshipRev. Thomas J. Kram ScholarshipThomas J. and Margaret McKeon Munsch ScholarshipAlbert Murrman Memorial Fund for Hispanic MinistriesThe Murrman Family Fund for Intercultural MinistriesCardinal John O’Connor ScholarshipPope John Paul II Scholarship The Rachel Pevarnik ScholarshipRev. Adrian C. H. Pleus Leadership ScholarshipJames A. and Mary Louise Redding ScholarshipBenedict and Edna Reuscher ScholarshipMonsignor Charles Owen Rice Scholarship Saint Gregory The Great ScholarshipSaint Mary ScholarshipHonorable Bernard F. Scherer ScholarshipRev. Paulinus J. Selle, O.S.B., Endowment FundNorma A. Sirback ScholarshipSteckert Memorial ScholarshipThe Sväté Písmo I Katolícka Viera Education FundDr. George and Mrs. Clara Sweeney ScholarshipJohn V. Toner FundGrace and Anthony Trancone ScholarshipRev. Raymond A. Vollmer ScholarshipMonsignor Francis Wagner FundWall Memorial Fund

The members of the Guardian Society are loyal alumni and friends who have remembered Saint Vincent Seminary in their estate plan-ning through bequests, insurance policies, trusts or annuities. Their stewardship guarantees a quality education to the future spiritual leaders of the Church. If you have included Saint Vincent Seminary in your estate planning, or need information on becoming a Guardian Society member, please contact Paul Whiteside, our Director of Development, at (724) 532-6740.

Anonymous Rev. Francis P. Balestino Mr. and Mrs. August J. Battaglia Mr. James D. Bendel Rev. Daniel L. Blout Rev. Jon J. Brzek Rev. Thomas J. Burke Rev. Robert R. Byrnes Rev. Msgr. John T. Carter Rev. Msgr. William G. Charnoki Rev. John R. Cindric Rev. Msgr. John A. Cippel Rev. Matthew R. Cirilli Rev. James W. Clark Rev. Roy H. Conley Rev. Msgr. John L. Conway Rev. John B. Corbett Rev. Bernard B. Costello Rev. Stuart W. G. Crevcoure Rev. Edward M. Czemerda Mr. Robert E. Davis Rev. Anthony G. DeLuca Very Rev. John J. Detisch Rev. Anthony W. Ditto Rev. John P. Ellias Rev. Regis M. Farmer Very Rev. William P. Feeney Mr. Matthew J. Felice Rev. Donald C. Fisher Mr. Richard H. Foster Mr. Philip M. Gallagher Rev. Msgr. Robert P. Garland Rev. Carl J. Gentile Mr. John E. Haag Mr. Edward P. Hager Rev. Thomas F. Hamm, Jr. Very Rev. John R. Haney Mrs. Henny Heisel Rev. Robert W. Herrmann Miss Carole Higgins Rev. Edward F. Higgins Rev. Mark A. Hoffman Mr. Frank L. Jioio Rev. Richard P. Karenbauer Miss Pearl Karawsky Rev. Hubert J. Kealy Rev. Msgr. Lawrence R. Kiniry Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Klinzing Mr. and Mrs. William B. Knoll Mrs. Angeline Kosmo Ms. Doris E. Krumenacker Mr. Jerome F. Kurland Rev. Msgr. Raymond W. Kutner Rev. Msgr. Paul A. Lenz, D.D. Rev. Daniel C. Mahoney Rev. Thomas F. Manion Dr. and Mrs. John C. Marous, Jr.

Rev. Mark J. Mastrian Rev. Msgr. Michael W. Matusak Rev. James P. McCormick Rev. Msgr. J. Edward McCullough Rev. Lawrence J. McNeil Rev. Edward F. McSweeney Sr. Barbara Ann Moravec, O.C.D. Rev. Francis J. Murhammer Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. O’Brien Rev. Msgr. Maurice V. O’Connell Miss Ann M. Pakos Mr. William J. Peters Rev. John D. Petrarulo Rev. Alexander L. Pleban Rev. Adrian C. H. Pleus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Pontzer Rev. Philip P. Pribonic Dr. and Mrs. John D. Proe Rev. Msgr. William R. Rathgeb Rev. Robert J. Reardon Mrs. Mary Louise Redding Rev. Geno G. Rivi Rev. George E. Saladna Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Saly Rev. Msgr. John R. Sasway Rev. Thomas A. Scala Rev. David E. F. Scharf Mrs. Mary Lou Schutz Rev. Valentine G. Sedlak Mr. Leo H. Selle Rev. Stephen A. Sheetz Rev. Michael P. Sikon Rev. Charles D. Skinner Rev. Thomas E. Smith Ms. Donna L. Stankovich Rev. Carl T. Tancredi, D.Min. Rev. Richard G. Terdine Rev. F. Raymond Trance Rev. Gerard A. Trancone Mr. Nicholas P. Trunzo Rev. Thomas L. Tyler Rev. Michael J. Vecchio Rev. Thomas A. Wagner Rev. Msgr. Mauricio W. West Rev. George A. Wilt Rev. James G. Young

In Memoriam

+Dr. Carolyn Attneave+Rev. Msgr. Andrew J. Balok+Mrs. Bernice R. Bauer+Mrs. Mary Rose Carey+Rev. John J. Cassella+Rev. Thomas J. Cassidy+Mrs. Anna Chase+Most Rev. William G. Connare+Rev. Edward V. Curry+Mr. John A. Daum

+Mr. Michael F. Demshock+Rev. Ettore J. DeNapoli+Rev. Henry P. Dinicco+Rev. John A. Dompka+Rev. Philip J. Donatelli+Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Dravecky+Rev. Benedict W. Erkens+Rev. Edward R. Farina+Rev. Robert E. Feeney+Rev. Francis B. Filip+Rev. Charles M. Fink+Rev. John T. Flaherty +Mr. Walter Forney+Rev. Francis H. Gallagher+Rev. Cornelius E. Gildea+Mrs. Mary S. Griffin +Rev. Michael T. Gubanich+Mr. Andrew R. Gurecka+Mrs. Mary Jo Hammontree+Rev. Msgr. Henry F. Hanse+Mrs. Ethel C. Harvey+Dr. Joseph F. Heisel, Jr.+Rev. John P. Hickey+Mr. Raymond W. Hill+Rev. Msgr. John F. Hogan+Rev. Thomas W. Jackson+Rev. Patrick J. Jones+Rev. Stanislaus J. Jozwiak+Mr. Stephen P. Kosmo+Rev. Thomas J. Kram+Rev. George T. Leech+Rev. Joseph R. Lemp+Mrs. Grace Long+Rev. Francis M. Lynch+Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Maher+Rev. Joseph G. Malinak +Rev. Msgr. Augustine Marzhauser+Rev. John H. McMahon+Ms. Mildred Mladenick+Rev. Richard V. Paluse+Rev. E. Charles Patterson+Rev. Francis P. Plantes+Rev. John H. Reilly+Rev. Msgr. Charles O. Rice+Miss Philomena T. Rich+Rev. Thomas M. Rodgers+Rev. Richard P. Scherer+Ms. Norma A. Sirback+Rev. Julius Stefurosky+Mr. Gilbert A. Strittmatter+Dr. and Mrs. George E. Sweeney+Ms. Mary K. Tamasy+Mrs. Mary E. Tepe+Rev. Andrew J. Turlik+Rev. Msgr. Joseph L. Weidmann+Rev. Francis C. Wildgruber+Rev. Msgr. Aloysius L. Zwolinski

Guardian Society

Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Expanding the Vision Campaign Comes To CloseAt the most recent Seminary Board of Regents meeting, the Board voted to officially close our

successful “Expanding the Vision” Capital Campaign after raising over $8 million. Many of our readers were integral to this very special fundraising effort for Saint Vincent Seminary. For this, the Administration, Faculty, Staff, and especially Seminarians are extremely grateful.

At the outset of the Campaign in 2000, several significant and aggressive goals were set in order to improve programs and increase financial assistance for the Seminarians who study here. Listed below are those goals and accomplishments:

1. Thanks to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. John Donahue and Dr. and Mrs. George Magovern, Sr., Saint Vincent Seminary has established a Chair in Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation. Dr. Scott Hahn holds the position as Chair, and has done so for over 2 years. Dr. Hahn’s presence here, along with the expanded program in Homiletics have provided a nice boost to this aspect of our Pastoral and Academic Formation.

2. The main Seminary Classroom building has undergone a tremendous renovation. Now known as the “John and Annette Brownfield Center,” this building offers our Seminarians a state-of-the art place to experience the acquisition of knowledge required of them to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

3. The Seminary Scholarship Endowment was a direct beneficiary of the Campaign. Thanks to your generosity, Saint Vincent is able to offer scholarships to nearly every Seminarian who enrolls in our Formation Program. Through this endowment, we are able to offer significant financial help to our most needy students, as we can assist them and their respective dioceses and abbeys with their tuition obligations.

While the closing of the Campaign is a significant milestone in our growth, our work at the Seminary is never quite finished. We will continue to ask for your support and prayers as we continue on our journey of priestly formation. Thank you for all that you do!

Saint Vincent Seminary Statement of ActivitiesYear Ended June 30, 2007

Revenues, Gains, and Other Support:Tuition and Fees .....................................................................................................................................................................$943,328Contributions .....................................................................................................................................................................$1,139,375Investment Income .............................................................................................................................................................$138,592Net Realized Gains, (Losses) on Long-Term Investments ................................................................................................$224,664Net Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) ...................................................................................................................$928,883Auxiliary Enterprises (including Room and Board) ..........................................................................................................$376,382Net Assets Realized from Restrictions ...........................................................................................................................................$0Total Revenues, Gains and Other Support .....................................................................................................................$3,751,224

Expenditures:Instruction .............................................................................................................................................................................$537,188Library .....................................................................................................................................................................................$55,000 Academic Support ..............................................................................................................................................................$138,889Student Services ....................................................................................................................................................................$12,310Admissions ...........................................................................................................................................................................$102,734Institutional Support .............................................................................................................................................................$637,271Operation and Plant Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................$325,153Auxiliary Enterprises ............................................................................................................................................................$283,066

Total Expenditures ............................................................................................................................................................$2,091,611

Change in Net Assets .......................................................................................................................................................$1,659,613Net Assets, Beginning of Year .........................................................................................................................................$8,540,092Net Assets, End of Year ..................................................................................................................................................$10,199,705

The information presented in this report has been derived from the consolidated fi nancial statements audited by an independent accounting fi rm, Parente-Randolph, LLC and published separately. Copies of audited fi nancials are availableuponrequest.


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

The stock market is as uncertain as ever. Interest rates are approaching all-time lows. Some experts claim that a recession is near. Others say that we are already in its midst. We are continuously bombarded with bad news regarding Housing, Sub-Prime Lending, Unemployment, and even the Banking sector of the U.S. market.

As an investor, or even a net depositor of funds, what options do you have to ensure a safe, yet wise investment?

Have you considered a Charitable Gift Annuity? A CGA is not for everyone, however, depending on your age and your fi nancial situation, it may be one of the wisest investments that you can make. Let me explain.

When you invest in a CGA with Saint Vincent Seminary, you are guaranteed a fi xed return on your investment for the rest of your life! And the news gets even better — we can offer you above-market rates. In many cases we offer a higher return than you would receive, for example, on a Bank Certifi cate of Deposit. Rates will vary based on your age,

and also market conditions at the time of purchase.

In addition, when you invest in a CGA with Saint Vincent, you will receive an immediate tax benefi t that we will compute for you. In return for paying above-market rates to you, you agree that upon your passing, the remainder of the principal of your investment will become a gift to the Seminary—and will have your name and designation on the gift.

You can receive your dividend check monthly, quarterly or even annually. It will be the

same amount each time—independent of market conditions! If you would like to discuss the possibility of a CGA, or even get an idea of the rate you can receive, please do not hesitate to call or email me at paul.whiteside@email.stvincent.edu. I will be pleased to explain the process and answer any questions you may have.

A CGA is a wonderful way to make a gift to Saint Vincent Seminary, yet receive a guaranteed income during your lifetime. Is this the time for you to consider such a gift?

Investing in a Declining Economy: Where to Turn

Paul R. WhitesideDirector of Development


Yes, I am interested in helping support Saint Vincent Seminary’s Hispanic Ministries Program.

$25 $50 $75 $100

$250 $500 $1000 $5000

Name ________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________________________________________________

State ___________ Zip __________________ Phone _________________________________

Please send your contribution to Saint Vincent Seminary, Development Offi ce, 300 Fraser Purchase Road, Latrobe, PA 15650-2690, and note that it is for Hispanic Ministries. For more information call Paul R. Whiteside, Director of Development, 724-532-6740.


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Way of the Cross 2008


By Liz CousinsIn conjunction with Saint Vincent

College, the Seminary sponsored seven presentations of The Way of the Cross, a dramatic and musical presentation of the Stations of the Cross, in early March. Written by Brother Elijah Cirigliano, O.S.B., the

show was performed 19 times in New York and Connecticut, before making its Pennsylvania debut in February 2007.

Performances on Thursday and Friday, March 6 and 7, were aimed at school children from the Dioceses of Greensburg, Pittsburgh, and Altoona-Johnstown. Playing to capacity crowds each morning, the performers then sat down to talk to the young audiences.

“We wanted to give the younger

students a better understanding of what they had just seen,” said Andy Walz, seminary event coordinator. “Ximena DeBroeck, a student in the Master of Arts program, and different members of the cast spoke to the students, expanding on the themes of the performance, and how Marian devotion, the cross and the Eucharist can become a vital part of their everyday lives.”

Fr. Fred Byrne, O.S.B., director of vocations for Saint Vincent Archabbey, discussed vocations with the high school students, reminding them of the wide range of vocation opportunities that exist. All proceeds from the performances go to support vocation programs at Saint Vincent.

According to an article by (ContinuedonPage�1)


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

By Kelly BridgesDr. Scott Hahn talked about Pope

Benedict XVI’s book, JesusofNazareth, during his lecture, “The Person and Prayer of Jesus: Refl ections on Pope Benedict XVI’s Biblical Christology”. The talk was held on December 5 at the Robert S. Carey Performing Arts Center on Saint Vincent College’s campus in Latrobe. It was also the third annual lecture of the Pope Benedict Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation at Saint Vincent Seminary.

A native of Pittsburgh, Dr. Hahn served as a visiting professor at Saint Vincent Seminary in 2000, before joining the faculty in 2005. He has served as a Professor of Theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990. He is also the founder and president of the Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology, as well as an author. His most recent publication is ReasonstoBelieve—HowtoUnderstand,Explain,andDefendtheCatholicFaith.

Following introductions from Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, O.S.B, and Rector of the Seminary, Father Justin Matro, O.S.B, Dr. Scott Hahn started his lecture by “seeking comparative patterns” between Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessor Pope John Paul II. Dr. Hahn notes Pope John Paul II’s series of lectures known as “The Theology of the Body” has taken years to be accepted into the mainstream but has greatly impacted the Church since then. Dr. Hahn said, “I only

bring it up as a point of comparison because I believe that Pope Benedict may also be setting a ‘theological time bomb’.”

The “theological time bomb” Dr. Hahn referred to is Pope Benedict XVI’s book JesusofNazareth. Among other points, Hahn notes, Pope Benedict addresses the recent crisis within Christology regarding attempts to look beyond “everything supernatural, everything pertaining to the mystery of God that surrounded Jesus.” Dr. Hahn believes this attempt to fi nd a shortcut to the historical Jesus is futile because “apart from a hermeneutic of faith, nurtured in the Church, apart from the Church’s own confession of Jesus as the Christ, Jesus himself becomes vague and indistinct.”

Dr. Scott Hahn discussed Pope Benedict XVI’s method of returning to the historical Jesus of Nazareth with scripture and prayer as relevant to the ongoing Christological dialogue. One of the most important of the Pope’s theses, Hahn said, is that of the “divine sonship of Jesus, before all else, before priest, prophet, king, Lord, and even Christ.”

Dr. Hahn concluded the lecture with a story about the Caribbean as an analogy for the accessibility of Pope Benedict’s writing. “I’ve been to the Caribbean on these glass bottom boats,” Dr. Hahn said. “As they were describing this beauty that we could see out of the glass bottom boat, you could almost reach out and touch it. And then more than halfway through the tour, they told us that what we were seeing was thirty to fi fty feet deep. Something so deep is seldom so clear, and I would propose that that’s what Pope Benedict writes like. It is so deep and yet is so clear.”

Dr. Hahn also noted Pope Benedict XVI’s link between Scripture study and prayer. “When scripture study is done properly, Pope Benedict argues, it enhances prayer and prayer turns around and deepens study. That is what I think JesusofNazarethis destined to do. It’s going to retrieve how the church has always read the Bible and how we should always be reading the Bible from the heart of the church.”

Refl ections On Pope Benedict XVI’s Biblical Christology




Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Father Thomas Acklin, O.S.B., gave retreats for the priests of the dioceses of Savannah, Georgia and Gaylord,

Michigan, for the bishops of regions IV and XIV, for the pre-theologians of Franciscan University of Steubenville, for the Community of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and

the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Hopedale, Ohio, for the permanent deacons and their wives of the diocese of Birmingham, Alabama, for the Knights and Dames of Malta, and he has also offered a directed retreat for priests at the Guest House at Saint Emma’s Retreat House in Greensburg.

He has also done days of recollection for the priests of the diocese of Cleveland, the archdiocese of Atlanta, the pre-seminary affi liates of the diocese of Steubenville, and the Franciscans of Saint Francis Friary in Loretto. Father Tom gave a talk on celibate sexuality at the General Chapter of the American Cassinese Congregation and conducted the Priests’ Convocation for the priests of the diocese of Providence, Rhode Island. He offered a Lenten evening refl ection at Saint Peter’s in Pittsburgh, and spent three weeks over Christmas break helping at São Bento monastery in Brazil.

Father Tom appeared with Scott Hahn, Father Michael Scanlon and Regis Martin of FranciscanUniversityPresents on EWTN discussing his book, ThePassionoftheLamb, and has been a regular guest and occasional host of TheInnerLife on Relevant Radio.

* * * * *Last November Dr. Michel P.

Therrien, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology, gave a presentation on the sacramentality of conjugal love to a group of lay people in Texas. He presented a three-day all-parish retreat in Akron, Ohio in February, 2008.

Dr. Mary Ann Boyarski, Adjunct Lecturer, Catechetics, was presented

the Blessed John XXIII Award for Continuing Education of Priests by the National Organization of Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy in recognition of “outstanding contribution to

the continuing education of Roman Catholic clergy,” February 2007. For the past several years she has directed a workshop for new directors of continuing education/formation of priests at the organization’s annual convention.

She was presented with the 2007 Frederick F. Noel Distinguished Educator Award by the Diocese of Harrisburg’s Secretariat for Education in recognition of “her outstanding contribution to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Harrisburg.”

* * * * *A graduate introduction to the life

and writings of the Great Saint Paul is a fi rst effort by Brother Elliott Maloney, O.S.B., to present a distance learning graduate course that is the equivalent of the one he teaches at the Seminary. The course was prepared for seminarians at

the Dominican Institute (Seminary) in Ibadan, Nigeria in collaboration with staff members of Saint Vincent Seminary, To do this the Seminary’s Public Relations Department recorded a DVD of Brother Elliott’s entire set of course lectures, given to his Seminary class of Spring 2007. These lectures were edited by Father Andrew Campbell, O.S.B., to integrate Brother Elliott’s multimedia presentations, handouts, maps,documents, and other aesthetic graphics to create a DVD presentation of “Saint Paul Online” for sixteen theology graduate students enrolled at the Dominican Institute in Nigeria during the spring, 2008 semester. Brother Elliott monitored the

class online, corresponded with the students through BlackBoard’s email program, received assignments in the “Digital Drop Box,” and fostered dialogue among all students on the “Discussion Board.” He will travel to Nigeria in May to complete the course in person, correct the term papers, and administer and correct the fi nal exam during a three-week stay.

Brother Elliott gave a student conference for Catholic chaplains at Emory University: “The Kingdom of God in Jesus’ Teaching,” in the fall of 2007.

He conducted a Retreat Day for the entire staff of Saint Benedict’s High School, Cleveland, “High School Life in the Kingdom of God,” in the fall of 2007.

He spoke at the Continuing Education Program for priests of the Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh at Saint John’s Cathedral Center in Pittsburgh: “Saint Paul and Preaching” on November 29, 2007.

Brother Elliott gave an adult study at Saint Mark’s, Virginia Beach, “The Real Meaning of Christmas: The Coming of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God,” December 9, 2007.

He conducted a four-evening Lenten series at Saint Louise de Marillac Parish, Pittsburgh, “The Kingdom of God and the Christian Life.”

* * * * *Dr. Kathleen

Borres, Academic Dean, had two articles published in TheLivingPulpit. One was entitled, “How Do We Read the Scriptures When the Word of God Is Alive” (October-December 2007). The other was entitled “On A Mission” (July-September 2007).

Dr, Borres also had two dictionary articles published in TheEncyclopediaofLove, “Nature in Christianity” and “Death in Christianity.” The encyclopedia was published in October 2007.

* * * * *

Faculty News


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Brother Bruno Heisey, O.S.B., of Saint Vincent Archabbey, in honor of the Seminary’s 150th anniversary.

George C. Dorman, retired vice president of Westinghouse was named to the Board of Regents.

2007Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl of

Washington, D.C., and former Bishop of Pittsburgh, was honored at commencement

A Decade’s Worth of Achievementswith an honorary doctorate. Bishop Wuerl remains on the Board of Regents.

Seminarians participated in a campaign to raise money for new furniture in Leander Hall.

The second annual summer conference for priests, deacons and seminarians we held, once again with Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr.

Ministry of Acolyte ElevenseminariansatSaintVincentSeminarywereinstalledintheMinistryofAcolyteonNovember19byTheMost


MaryAnn Gogniat Eidemiller in The LatrobeBulletin, this year’s performance had a little something different. “Mostly through the years, we had classical instruments and it was classical instrumentation,” Br. Elijah was quoted in the Bulletin. “I added drums, bass and guitar to make the score more contemporary sounding.”

Prior to joining the Benedictine community at Saint Vincent, Brother Elijah worked as a Musical Director at Saint Mary Parish in Katonah, New York. The pastor there encouraged Brother Elijah to write a musical piece that became TheWayoftheCross.

“When I was writing this, I was discerning the priesthood and religious life,” Brother Elijah continued in the Bulletin article.

TheWayoftheCross is a contemporary Broadway-style musical with “infl uences from all sorts of different things.” For the most part, there’s the infl uence of Brother Elijah’s classical background, but he doesn’t call it a classical composition. “It’s sort of an oratorical musical,” he said, adding that sounds more like Broadway, only more contemporary.

Both a CD and a DVD of the performance are available for sale. To place an order, visit www.stvincentstore.com.


Way of the Cross 2008(ContinuedfromPage28)

William Bales and Dr. Brant Pitre.

There is an old Tibetan saying: “when you get to the summit of the mountain, keep climbing.” Certainly, Saint Vincent Seminary will continue to grow and thrive.


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

Mardis Gras Event HeldThe Seminary hosted its fi rst-ever Mardi Gras

Celebration on Saturday, January 26. With Father Justin Matro, O.S.B., as head chef, seminarians assisted with cooking the dinner, served the food to a crowd of eager partygoers, and provided the evening’s entertainment. (Photos, clockwise from top) Daniel Langa, Diocese of Pittsburgh, and Michael Gossett, Diocese of Steubenville, provided dinner music. Ryan Stichweh, Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, and Nicholas Passero, Diocese of Savannah, assist with the cooking. Cong Nguyen and Dominic Tran, Archdiocese of Atlanta, take a break from volunteering. Check the next issue of Leaven for more information about the 2009 Mardi Gras.


Admitted To Candidacy

Memorial, Tribute Gifts

To give a tribute or memorial gift please make a donation to Saint Vincent Seminary in honor of a friend, colleague or family member. Dona-tions should be mailed to Mr. Paul R. Whiteside in the Seminary Development Office, 300 Fraser Purchase Road, Latrobe, Pa., 15650-2690, tele-phone 724-532-6740. Donors from October 11, 2007, to March 31, 2008, are included below.


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barbiaux Ms. Clareece Godt Scott Q. Little, DDS

BROTHER JOSEPH M. ADAMS, O.S.B. Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Adams

MR. NEIL A. LINDO Ms. Joy Lindo

REV. MATTHIAS MARTINEZ, O.S.B. Carl and Charlotte Burlas

REV. NATHAN J. MUNSCH, O.S.B. Ms. Kathleen M. Cronin

MRS. BERNIE PEVARNIK Mr. Joseph C. Pevarnik

MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH C. PEVARNIK Sr. Cecilia Murphy, R.S.M. Mr. Mark A. Pevarnik Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Pevarnik Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Pevarnik

RANKIN FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rankin

JUSTIN TONER Mr. Dennis J. Papciak


Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel J. Answine +REV. ALBERT C. BICKERSTAFF, O.S.B.

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shearouse, Jr. +REGIS BURLAS

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Burlas +REV. ANTHONY J. BURLAS, O.S.B.

Mr. and Mrs. Clement F. Gross, III +HAROLD T. CRONAUER, SR.

Mrs. Marion Cronauer +REV. J. DAVID CROWLEY

Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Grefenstette Mr. Charles E. Hutchison Mrs. Dolores J. Krawec Jay and Michele Simard Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Simeone Mr. Michael Summa Joan and Bill Summa and Family

+FRANK CUDNIK Mrs. Stella M. Cudnik

+MARTHA DEMKO Mr. Francis H. Freidhoff

+REV. JOACHIM R. FATORA, O.S.B. Gervase and Ann Gumbita

+MARIO J. FERRETTI Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel J. Answine John and Ceil Antinori Ms. Eva M. Battaglia Debbie, Bill, Aimee, and Alison Bragle Edward and Barbara Brajdic Shorty and Anita Burkett Ms. Betty Campitelli Ms. Linda P. Cobaugh Bernadette and Albert Cramer

Secondine and Marie D’Angelo Terry and Cristine Daughenbaugh Dr. Francis and Lynn DeFabo Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Degli Mr. Frank Deluca Lou and Marian DeLuca Stan and Linda Dobies Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland Ms. Angelica L. Ferretti Mr. Eric D. Flemm Sam and Mary Folby Gregory D. Grabiak, M.D. Mr. John V. Graziano Ed and Bonnie Hafer Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Imbrogno Mr. A. Richard Kacin Kattan-Ferretti Insurance Agency Ann, Carol, and Bob Kocian Konhaus-Robertson Agency Evan and Laureen Lowry Mr. Ron Lucas Mary and Cathy Magrey Gloria Manzi Ms. Lilly Marco John and Ann Markovich Mr. Nicholas P. Matro The McCartney Family John and Rita McFeeley Charlie and Mary Moff Mary and Lana Mucci Ms. Margaret E. Oesterling Pete and John Pennesi Doris E. Piper and Family Joe and Pam Policastro Dwayne Ross and the Staff of Reeves and Ross Ms. Mary Jo Robino Mrs. Naomi Savinski Ms. Lois Scaglione Selective Insurance Company of America Mr. Edward Solochier Dr. Robert and Mrs. Dottie Staffen Bill and Carol Stillwagon Mr. Robert J. Tokar The Turin Family The Ulishney Family Doris and John Wood Mr. Ken Wregget

+JOHN ANTHONY FLARA, JR. Mrs. Jo Ann Mapleton

+DAVID GOLOFSKI Mrs. Anna Golofski


+MRS. VIRGINIA JACKAMONIS Mr. Robert R. Jackamonis

+SIMON KRALIK Mrs. Theresa J. Kralik

+REV. THOMAS J. KRAM Mrs. Patricia M. Coghlan Mr. and Mrs. James F. DeCapria Ms. Ann Coghlan Stowe

+TED KUBIAK, SR. Jimmy and Cindee Knorr


+EUGENE J. LEPIANE Mrs. Mary Lepiane

+REV. JOSEPH L. LONERGAN Mr. and Mrs. William R. Couchenour


THE MEEHAN AND KOZAK FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Meehan


+JOHN J. NEWMEYER Ms. Kathie F. Grevemeyer Staff of Arnot Ogden Medical Center Long Term Care Unit Mr. Melvin J. Matty Paul and Alice McGee Mrs. Pauline T. Newmeyer Mr. Robert S. Novak Mr. Edward J. Riley

+ALBERT PARLETT Ms. Juanita Parlett

+RICHARD PASQUARELLI Mr. Robert J. Pasquarelli

+DR. THOMAS A. PITTERLE Gregory D. Grabiak, M.D.

+JOHN (BUD) RODGERS Mrs. Lois Rodgers

+JOSEPH AND EVELYN SCHMIDT Rhonda and William Schmidt

+WILLIAM W. SHEAROUSE, SR. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Shearouse, Jr.

+JOHN SHEEDY Mrs. Maureen O’Brien

+MR. DALE G. SNEERINGER Mrs. Betty C. Sneeringer

+ETHEL SOSINSKI Mr. Norbert Sosinski


+DR. GEORGE E. SWEENEY Excela Health Medical Staff

+JEAN URLAKIS Mr. Donald J. Fennell

+FELIX E. VITTONE Excela Health Medical Staff Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Folby

+JESSIE VITTONE Ms. Dolores Baroli Kathleen Catalano, M.D. Terence, Beverly, and Doris Cernuto Albert Chenet and Family Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Conte George and Kate Conti Excela Health Medical Staff Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fallecker Loretta and Richmond Ferguson Gregory D. Grabiak, M.D. Richard B. Guskiewicz Associates Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Overholt Sandra and Vincent Sarni Velma and Harry Smith Ms. Isabel Terrini The Office of Dr. Ronald Vittone Lawrence, Diane, and Tony Vittone Judy and Phil Weigel

+JESSIE AND FELIX VITTONE Ms. Yvonne Breslin Dr. and Mrs. James Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Gene E. McDonald Marie and Arthur Miltenberger

+REV. PAUL F. WEISSMAN Terence E. Moore, M.D.

+ARTHUR ZITTERBART, JR. Mrs. Jane Zitterbart


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2


Rev. John Ayoob, C 62, S 65 on the death of his mother Frieda Ayoob on February 1, 2008.

Rev. Harold E. Baily, P’60, S’69 on the death of his mother Helen Ida Baily on February 11, 2008.

Rev. Donald R. Bischof, S’83, on the death of his mother Cecelia M. Bischof on March 29, 2008.

Rev. Athanasius C. Cherry, O.S.B., C’64, S’68, on the death of his father Clarence C. Cherry on December 26, 2007.




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The Abbatial Blessing of Abbot Isaac Camacho, O.S.B., S’01, of Saint Leo Abbey,

Florida, was held on Dec. 1 in the Church of the Holy Cross, Saint Leo. The

Benedictine Monks of Saint Leo Abbey, Saint Leo, Florida, elected Father Isaac Camacho, O.S.B. as the Sixth Abbot of their Monastic Community on October 27, 2007.

Principal Celebrant at the ceremony was Most Rev. Robert

Lynch, D.D., Bishop of Saint Petersburg, Florida.

Concelebrants included Right Rev. Timothy Kelly, O.S.B., Saint John’s Abbey,

Collegeville, Minn., President of the American Cassinese Congregation; Right Rev. Notker Wolf, O.S.B., Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Order, Sant’ Anselmo Abbey, Rome, Italy; Right Rev. Douglas R. Nowicki O.S.B., Archabbot of Saint Vincent Archabbey; Right Rev. Placid Solari O.S.B., Abbot of Mary Help of Christians Abbey, Belmont, N.C.

The election of Abbot Isaac brings to an end an eleven-year absence of an Abbot at Saint Leo. During that period three administrators shared the leadership of the Abbey and its ministries, most recently the Very Rev. Robert Velten, O.S.B. of Saint Leo.

Abbot Isaac has been a Benedictine monk since 1988, having previously served as monk at Tepeyac Abbey, Mexico. He was ordained to the priesthood at Saint Leo Abbey, December 22, 2001. Most recently he has served as parochial vicar at Saint Mark’s Catholic Church, North Tampa, Florida. He was born in Mexico City, Mexico, where his family still resides.

* * * * *Brother Bruno D. Heisey, O.S.B., S’04,

instructor of history at Saint Vincent Seminary, gave one in a series of monthly classes to Benedictine Oblates on the topic of Benedictine spirituality recently. His topic was “Silence in Benedictine Spirituality.”

Brother Bruno’s article, “Medievalists for Breakfast: Charles Homer Haskins Meets Henry Adams,” was published in MedievalAcademyNews (Winter, 2007). The publication is the newsletter of the Medieval Academy of America.

A publisher in Madrid, Spain, has translated into Spanish a classic work of medieval studies, including the foreword by Brother Bruno. EdicionesSiruela of Madrid has issued a Spanish translation of Erwin Panofsky’s GothicArchitectureandScholasticism, fi rst published by Archabbey Publications in 1951. In 2005 Archabbey Publications published a new edition, with a foreword by Brother Bruno. Panofsky’s book was originally the 1948 Wimmer Memorial Lecture at Saint Vincent, and it has been translated into most of the languages of Europe. It was last translated into Spanish in 1959 in Argentina. The Madrid version, released in 2007, is entitled Laarquitecturagóticaylaescolástica and is Number 17 in Siruela’s LaBibliotecaAzul series.

* * * * *In the Diocese of Youngstown, Rev.

G. David Weikart, S’02, has been named pastor of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, Lowellville. He is chaplain of the Serra Club of Mahoning County, which promotes vocations to the priesthood, and is a member of the Priests Personnel Board.

* * * * *Saint Vincent College Campus Ministry

introduced a new program on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The monthly series debuted on Jan. 29, at Falbo’s Restaurant, Latrobe with a 20-minute presentation on ‘The Universal Call to Prayer’ by Father Justin Matro, O.S.B., Seminary Rector.

* * * * *Jose Manuel Escalante, a seminarian

from El Salvador, currently studying for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, was featured in a recent edition of TheCatholicSpirit. In the article entitled “Answering God’s Call,” he was one of several diocesan seminarians interviewed, noting that “every ministry that I have done is about Jesus, about love. ... I love people, I just want to be with them.”

Since 1984 he has served in a variety of positions ranging from his work with young


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

people via the Salesians to working with the Franciscans at missions in Costa Rica and Panama.

“This is not just my job,” he said. “It is me. ... I am just responding to God’s call.”

Kevin Kayda, another seminarian, and Stephen McGinnis, who will be ordained this summer, were also pictured in the edition.

* * * * *Saint Vincent

Seminary welcomed new student Edwin Rodrigo Rojas Florian for the spring, 2008 semester. He is studying for the Diocese of Savannah.

A native of Bogota, Colombia, he is the son of Luis Alberto Rojas and Maria del Carmen Florian of Bogota.

He is a 2001 graduate of Colegio Parroquial San Andres in Bogota and studied at Seminario Mayor de Bogota from 2002 to 2005.

* * * * *In the Diocese of Pittsburgh:Very Rev. Harry R. Bielewicz, V.F., S’86,

has been named administrator of Saint Wendelin Parish, Carbon Center. He maintains his responsibilities as pastor of Saint Paul Parish, Butler, and dean of the Butler County deanery.

Rev. Steven V. Neff, S’04, has been named parochial vicar of Saint Paul Parish, Butler, and Saint Wendelin Parish, Carbon Center. He previously served as parochial vicar of Saint Alexis Parish, Wexford.

Rev. F. Raymond Trance, S’93, has been named parochial vicar of Saint Bonaventure Parish, Glenshaw. He previously served at Saint Paul Parish, Butler.

Rev. Sean M. Francis, S’03, is part-time chaplain at Mount Alvernia High School, while maintaining his responsibilities as parochial vicar at Saint Alphonsus Parish, Wexford.

Rev. William R. Bovard, S’63, has begun

people via the Salesians to working with the people via the Salesians to working with the



ary News & N



retirement. He most recently served as pastor of Saint John Neumann Parish. He is residing at Saint John Vianney Manor.

Rev. Terry O’Connor. S’03, was installed as pastor of Saint John the Baptist in Baden and Good Samaritan in Ambridge. He most recently was parochial vicar of Saint Alphonsus in Wexford.

Rev. John E. Forbidussi, S’94, was named pastor of Saint Agnes Parish, Richeyville for a six-year term.

Rev. J. Francis Frazer, S’75, was named pastor of Saint Thomas Parish, Clarksville, for a six-year term.

Rev. Kenneth E. Kezmarsky, S’86, was named pastor of Saint John Parish, Coylesville, for a six-year term.

Rev. James B. Krah, C’70, S’71, was named pastor of Saint Rose of Lima Parish, Darlington, for a six-year term.

Rev. Michael J. Stumpf, S’00, was named pastor of Saint Mary of the Mount Parish, Mount Washington, for a six-year term.

Rev. Gary W. Krummert, S’01, was named pastor of Ave Maria Parish, Bentleyville/Ellsworth, for a six-year term.

Rev. Thomas A. Wagner, S’83, was named pastor of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Parish, Natrona Heights, and pastor, Saint Joseph Parish, Natrona, for a six-year term.

Rev. Edward L. Yuhas, S’96, has been named master of ceremonies to the diocesan bishop, with residence at Saint Paul Seminary. He maintains responsibilities as director of the Department for Worship.

Rev. Kenneth A. Sparks, S’93, has been named pastor of Saint Alphonsus Parish, McDonald, and pastor, Saint Patrick Parish, North Fayette Township/Oakdale, for a six-year term.

Rev. James R. Gretz, S’94, has been named pastor of Saint John Neumann Parish, Franklin Park, for a six-year term.

Rev. John A. Harvey, C’62, S’65, has begun retirement.

Very Rev. James G. Young, V.F., has been named administrator pro tem of Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Homestead/Munhall, while maintaining responsibilities as pastor of Saint Therese of Lisieux Parish, Munhall and dean of the Steel Valley Deanery.

Rev. Paul J. Savage, C53, S57, has begun retirement.

Rev. Gary W. Oehmler, S’83, has been named pastor, Holy Trinity Parish, Robinson Township. He had previously served as pastor, Saint Wendelin Parish, Carrick.

Rev. Charles J. Baptiste, S’96, has been relieved of his responsibilities as parochial


Bruce W.J. Chuff, S’96, on the death of his mother Helen T. Chuff on January 1, 2008.

Condolences to Rev. Msgr. John L. Conway, C’53, S’56 on the death of his sister Agnes O’Lear on November 17, 2007.

Rev. Dennis J. Crowley, S’89, on the death of his mother Grace L. Crowley on March 17, 2008.

Rev. Regis M. Farmer, C’68. S’73, on the death of his father Edward W. Farmer on December 31, 2007.

Rev. David R. Griffi n, O.S.B., C’71, S’76 on the death of his mother Margaret Griffi n on November 19, 2007.

Rev. Msgr. Lawrence R. Kiniry, S’65, on the death of his brother Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Kiniry, S’50, on March 30, 2008.

His Eminence Adam J. Maida, C’53, S 56, D’02 and Rev. Thaddeus S. Maida, C’56, S 59, on the death of their mother Sophie Maida on January 30 2008.

Rev. Nicholas M. Mastrangelo, C 60, S 64, on the death of his uncle, Rev. Joseph A. Mastrangelo, S’40, on January 23, 2008.

Rev. Ernest J. Strzelinski, S’65, on the death of his sister Regina M. Strelinski on March 21, 2008.


Leaven Spring2008,Volume16,Number2

vicar at St. Bernadette Parish, Monroeville, and part-time chaplain at Serra Catholic

High School. He received permission to accept a priestly assignment

in the Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica, for a one-year period.

* * * * *Cistercian Father Anthony

Pham, S’04, a graduate of Saint Vincent Seminary, was mentioned in aCatholicAccent

feature article on missions. Father Anthony, of the Vietnamese

Cistercian Foundation, discussed his community’s plans to build a monastery

and retreat center in the desert in San Bernardino, California during a “Celebrate an Evening with the Missions” night.

* * * * *In the Diocese of Greensburg:Rev. Peter Augustine Pierjok, O.S.B., S’88,

was offi cially installed as administrator of Saint Cecilia Parish, Whitney, by Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt, this past fall. He is also pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Youngstown.

Rev. Daniel L. Blout, S’86, was named administrator of Saint Joseph Parish, New Kensington.

Rev. Larry J. Kulick, S’92, was named Director of Clerrgy Vocations and Episcopal Minister of Ceremonies, with residence at Our Lady of Grace Parish, Greensburg.

Rev. Robert T. Lubic, S’95, was named chaplain and instructor of religion at Geibel Catholic Middle-High School, Connellsville, while continuing as pastor of Saint John the Baptist Parish, Perryopolis.

Rev. Timothy J. Kruthaupt, S’07, was named chaplain of the Diocesan Saint Thomas More Society while continuing as parochial vicar of Holy Family Parish, Latrobe, with part-time duties at the chancery, Greensburg.

Rev. Alan N. Polczynski, S’05, was named assistant episcopal master of ceremonies as well as chaplain and instructor of religion at Greensburg Centeral Catholic High School, while continuing as parochial vicar, Saint Bruno Parish, Greensburg.

Rev. Msgr. James T. Gaston, C’67, S’71, has been named Vicar Forane of Deanery 1, while continuing as pastor of Saint Margaret Mary Parish, Lower Burrell.

Very Rev. Paul A. Lisik, S’81, has been named Vicar Forane of Deanery 2, while continuing as pastor of Church of the Resurrection Parish, Clymer.

Rev. Msgr. Richard G. Curci, C’68, S’72, has been named Vicar Forane of Deanery 3, while continuing as pastor of Mother of

Sorrows Parish, Murrysville.Rev. Msgr. William G. Charnoki, C’61,

S’65, has been named Vicar Forane of Deanery 4, while continuing as pastor of Holy Trinity Parish, Ligonier.

Very Rev. Kenneth G. Zaccagnini, C’78, S’82, has been named Vicar Forane of Deanery 5, while continuing as pastor of Saint Therese, Little Flower of Jesus Parish, Uniontown.

* * * * *In the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston:Rev. John Rice, S”02, was named

administrator of Immaculate Conception Parish in Montgomery and its mission of the Shrine of Saint Anthony in Boomer.

* * * * *In the Diocese of Covington, Matthew

Cushing and Lawrence Schaeper were ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop Roger Foys on March 15.

In a feature appearing inTheMessenger,Cushing said he looks forward to his ordination to the priesthood in 2009. “This is what I have been striving for—the vocation is set, there is no turning back, no more deciding—that sense of completion.” He has a degree in computer technology, and has a sister, Patricia Jean Cushing, who is a Sister of Saint Joseph the Worker, serving in the diocese. Her presence in the diocese, he noted, carried great weight in his decision to study for the diocese. Schaeper says he has been discerning God’s call to the priesthood for a decade. “Saint Vincent is a wonderful seminary with its Benedictine spirituality, emphasis on Eucharistic adoration and a lot of time for prayer,” he noted.

* * * * *Rev. Michael C. Letteer, S’96, was named

chaplain at Bucknell University.* * * * *

Brother Elliott Maloney’s book on the Kingdom of God in Mark’s Gospel has been translated into Portuguese and published in São Paulo by Paulinas publishers as MensagemurgentedeJesusparahoje. Br. Elliott is very pleased with the translation by Barbara Theoto Lambert and with its very reasonable price. Coincidentally, in the very same week, his 1981 doctoral dissertation, SemiticInterferenceinMarcanSyntax,has been reprinted by the Society of Biblical Literature’s prestigious Dissertation Series.

Brother Elliott, C’68, S72, is beginning research for a new book on Saint Paul, and will be traveling to the Candler School of Theology Library at Emory University and then to the Pontifi cal Biblical Institute in Rome in September and October.

vicar at St. Bernadette Parish, Monroeville, vicar at St. Bernadette Parish, Monroeville, and part-time chaplain at Serra Catholic and part-time chaplain at Serra Catholic

High School. He received permission High School. He received permission to accept a priestly assignment to accept a priestly assignment

in the Diocese of Mandeville, in the Diocese of Mandeville,

feature article on missions. Father feature article on missions. Father Anthony, of the Vietnamese Anthony, of the Vietnamese



ary News & N




The following deaths were reported:

Rev. Hugh M. Gloninger, C’53, S’56, on November 22, 2007.

Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Kiniry, S’50, on March 30, 2008.

Rev. Joseph A. Mastrangelo, S’40, died January 23, 2008.

Rev. Paul P. Onufer, C’56, S’59, on December 5, 2007.

Rev. Richard P. Scherer, P’42, C’47, S’49, on December 21, 2007.

Rev. Simon J. Toth, O.S.B., C’55, S’59 on April 10, 2008.

Third AnnualConference for Priests, Deacons and Seminarians

The Splendor of the Church Reading the Bible from the Heart of the Churc

Saint Vincent SeminaryJune 16-20, 2008

Latrobe, Pennsylvania

Dr. Scott Hahn

Dr. Scott HahnBest selling author Dr. Scott Hahn is

the Pope Benedict XVI Chair of Biblical Theology and Liturgical Proclamation at Saint Vincent Seminary. A native of Pittsburgh, Dr. Hahn served as a visiting professor at Saint Vincent Seminary in 2000. He has also served as a Professor of Theology and Scripture at Francis-can University of Steubenville since 1990. He is the founder and president of The Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. His latest book is Reasonsto Believe:HowtoUnderstand,Explain,andDefendtheCatholicFaith (Doubleday, 2007).Previous works include Letter&Spirit: FromWrittenText toLivingWord in theLit-urgy(200�); SweartoGod:ThePromiseandPoweroftheSacraments, (Doubleday, 2004). Other books from Dr. Hahn include ScriptureMatters:EssaysonReadingtheBiblefromtheHeartoftheChurch (Emmaus Road, 2003); Lord,HaveMercy:TheHealingPowerofConfession (Doubleday, 2003); FirstComesLove:FindingYourFamilyintheChurchandtheTrinity (Doubleday, 2002); HailHolyQueen:TheMotherofGodintheWordofGod (Doubleday, 2001); TheLamb’sSupper:TheMassasHeavenonEarth (1999); AFatherWhoKeepsHisPromises (Servant Publications, 1997). In addition, he served as co- author (along with his wife, Kimberly) of RomeSweetHome:OurJourneytoCatholicism(Ignatius Press, 1993).

Priests, deacons and seminarians are invited to spend four days reflecting on “The Splendor of the Church,” with noted theologian Dr. Scott Hahn, June 16-20, 2008 on the grounds of Saint Vincent Archabbey and Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Hahn will be joined by other noted scholars, including Dr. Brant Pitre of Our Lady of Holy Cross College and Dr. John Bergsma of Franciscan University of Steubenville. Dr. Hahn will address the Church in the Pauline writings. Dr. Pitre will speak on the Church in the Synoptic Gospels. Dr. Bergsma will address the Church in the Johannine writings.

The days will be fi lled with discovery, in a leisurely, but stimulating environment. It’s an opportunity for clergy to contemplate the Scriptures more deeply—for prayer, for preaching, and for understanding.

Dr. John BergsmaDr. John Bergsma, a Senior Fellow of The Saint Paul

Center for Biblical Theology, is Assistant Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steuebenville.

Dr. Bergsma holds a B.A. in Classical Languages, an M.Div., and a Th.M. in Old Testament from Calvin College and Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He earned his Ph.D. in Theology with a focus on Scripture (primarily Old Testament) at the University of Notre Dame.

A member of the Society for Biblical Literature (SBL) and the Catholic Biblical Association, he has published scholarly articles in Biblica, the JournalofBiblicalLiterature,VetusTestamentum,SacredArchitecture, and theCalvinTheological Journal, in addition to presenting papers at the Midwest and Eastern Great Lakes regional SBL conferences.

Dr. Brant Pitre Donum Dei Professor of Word and

Sacrament at Our Lady of Holy Cross College in New Orleans, Dr. Pitre previously taught theology at Loyola Institute for Ministry at Loyola University of New Orleans. He is also a Senior Fellow of The Saint Paul Center for Biblical Theology. He has a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Notre

Dame with a specialization in the study of the New Testament and Second Temple Judaism. He holds an M.T.S. degree in biblical studies and theology from Vanderbilt Divinity School. His book is Jesus,theTribulation,andtheEndoftheExile.

The Splendor of the ChurchA Conference for Priests, Deacons, and Seminarians

ScheduleMONDAY, JUNE 16, 2008

2:00-7:00 Registration (Carey Student Center)5:00-6:00 Dinner7:45 Welcome Conference Social to follow

TUESDAY-THURSDAY, JUNE 17-19, 2008Morning Session

7:30-8:30 Breakfast8:30 Morning Prayer8:45-9:45 Conference (Session I)9:45-10:15 Coffee Break10:15-11:15 Conference (Session II)11:45 Mass (Archabbey Basilica)12:45-1:30 Lunch

Afternoon Session3:00 Holy Hour: Scriptural Reflection, Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction5:00 Evening Prayer5:30 Dinner

Evening Session7:15 Conference (Session III) Social to follow

FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 20087:30-8:30 Breakfast





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I have enclosed:

Full registration fee, $525 (includes meals, lodging)*

Seminarian rate is $250 with student ID.

Non-refundable deposit, $75

(Balance due by May 25, 2008)

I wish to pay in full by credit card

Cardholder Number:

Expiration Date:

Contact Michel Therrien for more information: michel.therrien@email.stvincent.edu, 724-805-2818.

Special needs requests:

Wheelchair-accessible room



For special needs or reservation questions, please contact Kathleen Pantalone, Events and Conference Services, kathleen.pantalone@email.stvincent.edu, Phone: 724-532-5030. Airport shuttle available from Arnold Palmer Regional Airport, Latrobe ($10) or from Pittsburgh ($30). Please call Events and Conference Services with flight information.

Please mail reservations to:Events and Conference Services

Saint Vincent College300 Fraser Purchase Road

Latrobe, PA 15650-2690Phone: 724-532-6600

Registration Deadline May 25, 2008Registration is on a first come, first served basis.

I cannot attend, but please inform me of future

events. Email:

Previous Participants: •“Theconferenceisablessing.EspeciallyScripture

beingtaughtinafaithfulCatholicwayforwhichIhavebeenthirstingduringmystudiesandformationintheseminary.ThefaithandloveforGodwasreadilyevidentintheinstructorsandwasnotonlyrefreshing,butalsoinspiring. My first real taste of instruction on Scripture in liturgy.”

•“Theinformationandnewinsightspresentedduringtheconferences Icannow incorporate intomySundayhomilies.”




Saint Vincent Seminary300 Fraser Purchase Road

Latrobe, Pennsylvania 15650-2690

Address Service Requested




Saint Vincent CampusNestled in the foothills of Chestnut Ridge near Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Saint

Vincent Archabbey, College, Parish and Seminary are shaped by the 1,500-year-old Benedictine heritage of liturgical prayer, study, hospitality and community. The fourth oldest Roman Catholic Seminary in the United States, Saint Vincent has prepared over 2,500 diocesan and religious priests for the service of God and His Church. The Archabbey was founded by Bavarian monk Boniface Wimmer, who established Benedictine monasticism in America in 1846. In addition to a library housing more than 100,000 theological volumes, the campus features the 100-year-old Rheinish Romanesque Basilica designed by William Schickel, facilities for swimming, a fi tness center and walking trail as well as a number of chapels and gardens for quiet meditation.

Saint Vincent is within convenient driving distance of two airports. The Arnold Palmer Regional Airport, located in Latrobe, is about one-fourth mile east of the campus on U.S. Route 30 and provides scheduled commuter air service throughout the day to Detroit Metropolitan Airport via Northwest Airlines. The Greater Pittsburgh International Airport is located 60 miles west of campus.

The Splendor of the ChurchJune 16-20, 2008 • Saint Vincent Seminary • Latrobe, Pennsylvania

Third Annual Conference for Priests, Deacons and SeminariansReading the Bible from the Heart of the Church:

Above: 2007 Conference Attendees