Learning Styles - UOP

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Learning Styles - UOP

Liz CastilloInstructional Technology Specialist

Kamehameha Schools

Learning StylesImpact on Teaching and Learning

What’s your style?

What’s your style?

1. When learning how to use my computer, I prefer to:

a) Read the manual first

b) Have someone explain how to do it first

c) Just start using the computer and get help if I need it

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

2. When getting directions to a new location, it is easier to:

a) Look at a map

b) Have someone tell me how to get there

c) Follow someone or have them take me there

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

3. For relaxation, I prefer to:

a) Read a book or look at a magazine

b) Listen to music

c) Go for a walk or do something physical

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

4. I am better at:

a) Reading

b) Talking

c) Physical Activities

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

5. I tend to be a:

a) Thinker

b) Talker

c) Doer

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

6. When I study for a test, it works best when I:

a) Read and picture the information in my head

b) Read and say the ideas out loud or silently

c) Highlight, write notes and outlines

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

7. It is easier for me to remember:

a) Faces

b) Names

c) Events

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

8. In a college class, it is most important to have:

a) A good textbook with pictures, graphs and diagrams

b) A good teacher with interesting lectures

c) Hands-on activities

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

9. When assembling a new toy or piece of furniture, I usually:

a) Read the instructions first

b) Talk myself through each step

c) Start putting it together and read the directions if I get stuck

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

What’s your style?

10. Which statement resonates with you the most:

a) A picture is worth a thousand words

b) Talk to me and I can understand

c) Just do it

Adapted From CollegeScope/College and Career Success by Dr. Marsha Fralick

More A’s = Visual Learner

More B’s = Auditory Learner

More C’s = Kinesthetic Learner

Total your A’s, B’s, & C’s


How do you learn best?

With a partner, share your preferred learning style and answer the following questions to share with the class:

•Which tools, resources or activities in a classroom would help your learning style?

•What type of classroom environment (i.e. noisy, quiet, groups, individual) would help your learning style?

Visual Learners

•learn by reading or seeing pictures•understand and remember things by sight•can picture what you are learning in your head•usually neat and clean•may have difficulty with spoken directions•may be easily distracted by sounds


Tips forVisual Learners

•Sit near the front of the classroom•Use flashcards to learn new words•Write down instructions•Color code•Draw pictures to explain new concepts


Auditory Learners

•learn best by hearing•store information by the way it sounds•often read out loud•hum or talk to yourself or others if you are bored•people may think you are not paying attention even if you have heard everything being said


Tips for Auditory Learners

•sit where you can hear•read stories, assignments, and directions out loud•have test questions read to you out loud•record yourself spelling words and then listen to the recording


Kinesthetic Learners

•learn by touching and doing•prefers to touch, move, build, or draw what you learn•needs to be active and take frequent breaks•speaks with hands or gestures•may have trouble sitting still


tips for Kinesthetic Learners

•participate in activities that involve touching, building, moving, or drawing•trace words with your fingers to learn spelling•take frequent breaks during reading or study periods•chew gum, walk around, rock in a chair while reading or studying



Vary Your Teaching Style


Differentiate for different styles of learning