Learnin disabilityttre

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Learnin disabilityttre

Learning with ExceptionalitiesAre students who need special help?

This category includes students with disabilities or an inability to perform a certain act., such as to hear or walk –as well as students with gifts and talents – abilities

Who require support beyond regular classroom instruction.

Special education refers to instruction designed to meet the needs of these students.

Students with learning problems:

Disorder ,disability and handicap are common terms used to describe physical or behavioral differences.

Educators prefer using the term children with disabilities than disabled children . Why

Types of disabilities : Mental retardation 10%Behavior disorder 8%Physical disabilities ( Hearing, visual ,

Orthopedic disabilities ) 14%Multiple Disabilities: 2% Communication Disorders 19%Learning disabilities 47%

Mental retardation :Mental retardation is a disability

shown both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual , social , and practical adaptive skills .( such as communication, self care, and social skills) This disability originates before the age of 18.

Students with mental retardation are likely to display some or all of the following characteristics :

1-Lack of general knowledge about the world

2-Difficulty with abstract ideas 3-Poor reading and language skills 4-Poorly developed learning and memory

strategies 5-Difficulty transferring ideas to new

situations 6-underdeveloped motor skills 7-immature interpersonal skills

Level of mental retardation: Educators describe mental retardation as

existing at four levels that relate to the amount of support needed

- Intermittent: ( mild )Support on an as- needed basis

-Limited: ( moderate )Support are intense and relatively consistent over time

-Extensive ( severe :)support regular (e.g.daily ) support required

- Pervasive : (profound) High intensity, potentially life-sustaining support required

Many mental retardation is caused either by genetic factors or brain damage to the fetus during pregnancy.

Programs for Students with Mental Retardation

Programs for students who have intermittent (mild) retardation focus on creating support systems to modify existing instruction. These students are often placed in regular classrooms where teaching is adapted to meet their special needs , and attempts are made to help them develop socially and academically

Causes : Down syndrome : which is genetically

transmitted with47 chromosomes . They have a round face , a flattened skull and an extra fold of skin over the eyelid and retardation of motor and mental abilities. They are likely to be mildly retarded

With early intervention and extensive support these children can grow into independent adults.

Fragile X syndrome . There is an abnormality on the X chromosome resulting in mild to severe mental retardation

Brain damage : This can result from many different infections and environmental hazards . Infections in the pregnant mother –to-be , such as rubella , syphills ,herpes and AIDs can cause retardation in the child.

Learning disabilities:Some students have average or

above –average intelligence but , despite their teachers' best efforts, struggle with learning. Students with learning disabilities (also called specific learning disabilities) encounter in

acquiring and using reading, writing , reasoning, listening , or mathematical abilities. Problems with reading , writing, and listening are most common , but math-related difficulties are also receiving attention. Learning disabilities are believed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction and may exist along with, but are not caused by, other

disabilities, such as sensory impairments or attention problems. Experts stress that the term Learning disability is broad and encompasses a range of learning problems

Students with learning disabilities are the largest group of learners with exceptionalities ,

making up 48 percent of the disabled student, and 4.4

percent of the total school –age population,.

Characteristics of students with learning Disabilities:

Students with learning disabilities often share a number of problems, which are outlined blow

General patterns Attention deficits Disorganization and tendency toward

distraction Lack of follow –through and completion of


Uneven performance ( e.g. capable in one area , extremely weak in others)

Lack of coordination and balance Academic Performance Reading : lacks reading fluency Reverses words ( e.g. saw for was) Frequency loses place

Writing : -Makes jerky and poorly formed

letters -Has difficulty staying on line- Is slow in completing work-Has difficulty in copying from



- Has difficulty remembering math facts

-Mixes columns (e.g. tens and ones) in computing

- Has trouble with story problems

The use of Classroom-based information for identification:

. Information from teacher-made assessments as well as teacher's direct observations are combined with standardized test scores

Often , a discrepancy model is then used to diagnose the problem .

The model looks for differences between

1-Intelligence and achievement test performance

2-intelligence test scores and classroom achievement

3-subtests on either intelligence or achievement tests

. Learning disability is a catchall term

for students who have learning problems. Part of this criticism results from the rapid growth of the category to the largest category of exceptionality at present.

Before using the learning disability label, teachers should examine their own instruction to ensure it meets the needs of different students. In addition, teachers should be cautious in their work with English language learners to avoid confusing difficulties in student's learning a second language with a learning disability.

Adaptive Instruction:Students with learning disabilities

require modified instruction and teacher support. Because learning disabilities have different causes, teachers must tailor strategies to meet each students needs.

These students managed their time carefully, used other students as resources, and sought feedback from instructors to modify their study strategies., they read in quiet environments, read aloud to themselves, and purchased previously highlighted books.

In writing, they used a dictionary, frequently substituted an easier word if they had trouble spelling one, and asked other people to proofread their papers. They Tape-recorded lectures to compensate for poor note taking and asked for extra time on tests. Students with leaning disabilities can succeed if they acquire and use effective study strategies.

Attention – Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: (

Attention – Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD) Is a learning problem characterized by difficulties in maintaining attention. Hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors are often connected with ADHD .

Attention – Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: (

Attention – Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD) Is a learning problem characterized by difficulties in maintaining attention. Hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors are often connected with ADHD .

ADHD has long been associated with learning disabilities;

Characteristics of ADHD include-hyperactivity-inattention, distractibility, difficulty

in concentrating , and failure to finish tasks

-impulsiveness (e.g. acting before thinking, frequent calling out in class, and difficulty awaiting turns.

-Forgetfulness and inordinate need for supervision.

Students with ADHD have difficulty controlling , monitoring and regulating their behavior

ADHD usually appears early ( at age 2 or 3) and , in at least 50 to 70 percent of the cases , persists into adolescence

The American Psychological association estimates that three to four times as many boys as girls are identified, although other experts estimate this ratio higher.

Treatments range from medication ( e.g. the controversial medication , Riatlin) to reinforcement programs and structured teaching environments

. Diagnosing and treatment of ADHD are usually done in consultation with medical and psychological experts.

To treat ADHD children teachers should examine their classroom environment to see if it meets their needs.

They may find a good idea to move a student to a quieter part of the room in order to eliminate distractions and help him focus on learning task. Teachers also can use behavioral techniques such as reinforcement and punishment for students with ADHD . In addition , experts recommend teaching students how to

break assignments into smaller components, and using flash cards and other drills to develop automatically and confidence.